The ‘Disappearance’ of
SS-Hauptscharführer Lorenz Hackenholt
A Report on the 1959-63 West German Police Search for Lorenz Hackenholt,
the Gas Chamber Expert of the Aktion Reinhard Extermination Camps ©
Michael Tregenza
(Page 4)
the first Nazi extermination installation, was
to dispose of over 10,000 mentally ill patients. They were killed by pure
carbon monoxide (CO) gas released from cylinders into the hermetically-sealed
coach shed. [9] From the beginning of 1940 when Grafeneck
became operational until the summer of 1941 when the gassings were stopped on
Hitler's orders, Lorenz Hackenholt served in all six killing centres, both as a
bus driver and as a so-called 'disinfector/burner' unloading the corpses from
the gas chambers and cremating them. He also acted for a time as the driver for
SS-Untersturmführer Dr. August Becker, the chemist employed by the
Foundation to procure and deliver the gas cylinders to the killing centres.
It was Dr. Becker's file at the Berlin Document
Center that gave the first indication of Hackenholt's character. In January
1941, a charge of assault and battery (tatlicher Beleidigung) was
brought against both Becker and Hackenholt in Plauen by Albin Wunderlich, the
owner of a bar in the town. The two SS-men had left the bar at 5 o'clock in the
morning, considerably drunk and in the company of two prostitutes. In the
street, the plaintiff continuously insulted Hackenholt and then attacked him -
a foolhardy act as Hackenholt was a well-built man over two metres tall. In
self-defence, Hackenholt struck the plaintiff and knocked out two of his teeth,
whereupon the plaintiff called the police. All three men were taken to the
police station where Becker and Hackenholt refused to divulge to the police the
nature of their work or the reason for their presence in Plauen. The police
referred the criminal charges to the SS who began disciplinary proceedings
against the pair, which resulted in a delay in promotion for Becker. After much
bureaucratic wrangling, however, the SS disciplinary proceedings against Becker
and Hackenholt were dropped. [10]
After the termination of the T4 gassings,
Hackenholt, together with a small group of SS-NCOs from the Foundation, was
transferred in the autumn of 1941 to the authority of SS-Brigadeführer
Odilo Globocnik, the SS-und Polizeiführer of the Lublin District in
south-east Poland. But shortly after arriving in Lublin, Hackenholt was allowed
home leave to marry his Berlin neighbor 29-year-old Ilse Zillmer at the
Registry Office in Berlin-Schmargendorf. After the wedding and a brief
honeymoon, Hackenholt returned to duty in Lublin. From there he was sent to
Belzec, a remote and isolated village in the far south-eastern corner of
Poland, on the railway line between Lublin and Lemberg (Lvov). On a sand hill
four hundred metres south-east of the railway station an experimental
extermination camp intended for the mass gassing of Jews was under
construction. The first three zinc-lined gas chambers were located in a wooden
shed constructed with double walls, the intevening space was filled with sand
to render the
[9] For a short history of Grafeneck and its extermination installation see: Karl Morlok, Wo bringt ihr uns hin? Geheime Reichssache Grafeneck (Stuttgart, Quel Verlag 1986).
[10] BKBZ personal file August Becker. Disziplinar-Sache Becker/Hackenholt (Tatlicher Beleidigung).
[11] ZStL 208 AR-Z 252/59: The Case Against Josef Oberhauser et al (Belzec Case), pp. 1495-1502. SK III/a Report on the Interrogation of Ilse Hackenholt, 30.10.1961 in Sonthofen.
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