- Francizek Piper, "Gas Chambers and Crematoria"
in Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death
Camp (Bloomington: 1994), p. 177, fn. 18.
- Lucy Dawidowicz, The Holocaust and the
Historians (NY:1981), pp. 176, 177, fn. 1.
- Mark Weber, "My Role in the Zundel Trial," 9
Journal of Historical Review No. 4 (Winter 1989/1990), p. 405.
- Jerusalem Post, August 17,
1986, p. 1.
- Jerusalem Post, August 21, 1986,
p. 10. See also the Nizkor file
- The area of victim and perpetrator testimony in light
of corroborating evidence in the Holocaust will be thoroughly examined in John
C. Zimmerman, Holocaust Denial: Demographics, Testimonies and
Ideologies, Chapters 5 and 6. Forthcoming.
- Miklos Nyiszli, Auschwitz: A Doctor's
Eyewitness Account (NY:1993), p. 41.
- Danuta Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle
(NY:1990), p. 699.
- Rudolf Hoss, Death Dealer: The Memoirs of
the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz (NY:1992). Edited by Steven Paskuly and
translated by Andrew Pollinger. Citations to this source will appear in the text
smaller and in a different face, e.g.:
- See the source cited in
note 6 above.
- Rupert Butler, Legions of Death
(Feltham:1983), pp. 237, 238.
- Text of Pery Broad's "The Reminiscences of Pery
Broad," in Jadwiga Bezwinska and Danuta Czech, Eds., K L Auschwitz Seen by
the SS (NY:1984). Abridged text in Bernd Naumann, Auschwitz
(NY:1966), pp. 162-183.
- Text of Kremer's diary and his explanations of the
entries in Bezwinska and Czech, ibid pp. 214-231. For a comprehensive analysis of
Kremer's diary entries and denier portrayal of those entries see Chapter 4 of the source
in note 6 above.
- Text of this testimony is in David Fyfe, The
Belsen Trial of Joseph Kramer and Forty Four Others (London: 1949).
- For an analysis of all the testimony at the Auschwitz
trials in the mid 1960s see Bernd Naumann, Auschwitz (NY:1966).
was a journalist who covered the trial. This is the only comprehensive analysis of the
in English. The transcripts of the hearings were published in Hermann Langbein,
Auschwitz Prozess: eine Dokumentation (Wien:1965) 2 vols.
- On page 30 Hoss gives the impression that this was
the only gassing in Block 11, but later on
he suggests that there was
gassing at this block.
- Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle, 121.
- The Auschwitz Death Books are
discussed in Chapters 4 and 10 of the source cited in
note 6 above.
They will also be
discussed in a future study intended for this site entitled "Body Disposal at Auschwitz:
End of Holocaust Denial."
- Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle, pp. 102, 112,
120, 131.
- See denier Carlo Mattogno, "The First Gassing at
Auschwitz: The Genesis of a Myth," 9 Journal of Historical Review No.
(Summer 1989), pp. 212-213. Mattogno actually provides a great deal of useful
information to
show that the gassing occurred, something that appears to have escaped Mattogno and
JHR. He argued that the first gassing did not occur because of
contradictions in
the eyewitness testimonies as to the date of the first gassing in the Fall of 1941.
However, in
light of the findings of the Cracow Institute, discussed below, the actual date is not as
important as the event itself. Also, there may have been some confusion as to the first
because there could have been two gassings in Block 11 as suggested by Hoss
- The report appeared in the Polish journal Z
Zagadnien Sqdowych. z XXX 1994, pp. 17-27. An English translation appears at
http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/polish/institute-for-forensic-research/. I have received written permission from the Institute to
reproduce the
study in an appendix in the source cited in
note 6 above.
- David Irving, "The Suppressed Eichmann and
Goebbels Papers," 13 Journal of Historical Review No. 2 (March/April
1993), p. 22.
- David Irving, Hitler's War
(NY:1977), p. 330.
- NO-365 dated October 25, 1941. Translation in
Gerald Fleming, Hitler and the Final Solution (Berkeley:1982), pp. 70-71.
thanks to the National Archives for providing me with a photocopy of the original
- The texts of both of these reports are in PS-501 in
Office of the Special Counsel, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression
D.C. 1947), Vol. 3, pp. 418-422.
- Photocopy of the original German with an English
translation in Eugen Kogon, Hermann Langbein and Adalbert Ruckerl, Nazi
Murder: A Documentary History of the Use of Poison Gas (Yale:1993), pp. 228-235.
- Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique
and Operation of the Gas Chambers (NY:1989), p. 429. Photocopy of the list on
p. 430.
- Original text with English translation in ibid.,
p. 231.
- Text in ibid., p. 211. The German word
"Vergasungskeller," gassing cellar, is underlined in the original report. The "gassing
was Corpse Cellar I. See ibid., p. 212.
- Jean Claude Pressac, Les Crématoires d'
Auschwitz: La Machinerie du Meurtre De Masse (Paris: 1993), p. 107, fn. 256.
discovered this document in the Auschwitz Archives in Moscow. The eyewitness
is reproduced in Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas
Chambers, pp. 161, 164, 171, 181.
- Text of the report in Jeremy Noakes and G Pridham,
Nazism 1919-1945 (Exeter:1988), Vol. 3, p. 1184. Registration data in
Auschwitz Chronicle, p. 347.
- Text in Kogon, Langbein and Ruckerl, Nazi
Mass Murder, p. 160.
- "Aktenvermerk Betr: Stromversorgung und Installation
des KL und KGL" in Auschwitz Archives From Moscow, File 502-1-26
Reel 20. My thanks to Aaron Kornblum of the United States Holocaust Museum for
providing me with this and other documents from the archives.
- Text in Raul Hilberg, Documents of
Destruction (NY:1971), pp. 220-221. Photocopy of the original in Death
From Auschwitz: Remnants (London:1995), Vol. 1, Appendix, p. 144.
- Source cited in note 21 herein.
- Chapter 10 of the source cited in
note 6
herein and a
forthcoming study for this site entitled "Body Disposal at Auschwitz: the End of
- New York Times, November 25,
1942, p. 10.
- Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle, p. 357. The
date was March 22, 1944.
- Pressac, Les Crematoires d' Auschwitz,
pp. 79-80, citing a letter from the Auschwitz Archives in Moscow dated June 9, 1943.
- Dino Brugioni, "Auschwitz-Birkenau,"
Military Intelligence(January-March, 1983), p. 53.
- Michael Shermer, Why People Believe Weird
Things (NY:1997), p. 236. The photo analyst is Dr. Nevin Bryant.
- Pressac,
Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, p. 422. The
background of this photo is consistent with Crematorium V. Many photos of the
Crematoriums, including Crematorium V, were published by Pressac. See also the
reproduced in Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle. The photo may be found
online at
- Dino Brugioni and Michael Poirier, The
Holocaust Revisited: A Retrospective Analysis of the Auschwitz-Birkenau
Complex (CIA:1979), p. 6.
- Piper, "Gas Chambers and Crematoria," p. 175.
- Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle, pp. 633,
636, 641, 642, 643, 647, 648, 650, 655, 661, 666, 671, 673, 686.
- Letter dated July 11, 1944 from Edmund
Veesenmayer, Germany's Plenipotentiary to Hungary, NG 5615 in Randolph Braham,
The Destruction of Hungarian Jewry: A Documentary Account
Vol. 2, p. 443.
- NOKW 266, in Nuremberg Military Tribunal,
Trials of War Criminals (Washington D.C. 1947), Vol. 2, p. 557.
- Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the
European Jews (NY: 1985), Vol. 3, p. 935.
- Franciszek Piper, "Estimating the Number of
Deportees to and Victims of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp", 21 Yad Vashem
Studies (1991), pp. 97-99 for a summary of the data appearing earlier in the study.
has done a more comprehensive work on this subject in German. See his Die Zahl
Opfer von Auschwitz: Aufgrund der Quellen der Etrage der Forschung, 1945-1990
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Atlas of the Holocaust (NY:1996), p. 97.
- Piper, "Estimating the Number of Victims", pp. 53, 54, 58,
59. Text of USSR-008 in German appears in International Military Tribunal,
Trials of
Major War Criminals (Washington D.C., 1947), Vol. 39, pp. 241-261. Four
reference on p. 260.
- Photocopy of the original in Henry Friedlander and
Sybil Milton, eds, Archives of the Holocaust (NY:1989), Vol. 11, Part 2.
Docs. 405 and 406, p. 300.
- D-728. Text in Nazi Conspiracy and
Aggression, Vol. 7, p. 175. My thanks to the National Archives for providing me
a photocopy of the original document.
- See Richard Breitman, The Architect of
Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution (NY:1991), p. 7, for the destruction of
documents which incriminated Himmler.
- Speech of October 4, 1943. Relevant
excerpts in Yitzhak Arad, et.
al, Eds. Documents on the Holocaust (Jerusalem:1981), pp. 344-345;
Lucy Dawidowicz, ed. A Holocaust Reader (West Orange:1976), p. 133;
Michael Berenbaum, Witness to the Holocaust (NY:1997), p. 178.
German text in International Military Tribunal, Trials of Major War
(Washington D.C. 1947), Vol. 29, p. 145. Mitchell Jones, an independent researcher,
obtained a
recording of the speech from the National Archives. See his comments on the denier
claim that
Himmler did not mean physical killing of the Jews. Mitchell Jones,
The Leuchter Report: A Dissection (Cedar Park: 1992), p. 62.
- New York Times, January 21, 1998, p.
A4. The notation is
from December 18, 1941. A scan may be found on the web at
A similar entry in Goebbels diary for December 12, 1941 has
been discovered
in the archives. See Gord McFee, "When Did Hitler Decide on the Final Solution?"
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