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The Holocaust History Project.

                        Technique and Operation
                            of the Gas Chambers ©
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Photos 14 to 21 were taken by the author in the "reserve stocks" of the PMO 
Photo 14 Photo 15
Photo 14:
200 gram can of Zyklon-B supplied by Degesch, exclusively produced for and used in disinfestation chambers of 10m³ built by the Boos firm (concentration achieved: 20g/m³). Nineteen of these disinfestation chambers were installed in the reception building of the Auschwitz main camp. Presenting this type of can as proof of homicide gassing, as has been common practice, is incorrect. 
 Photo 15:
Reverse side of the same can indicating the HCN
content "Cyangehalt 200g" and its origin, Degesch.
Photo 16:

Can of Zyklon-B of 1500g (visible in the center of the extreme right of the label) distributed by Tesch und Stabenow (Testa flag visible in the centre of the extreme left of the label). The cardboard cover served to protect the cans during their transport from the factory in wooden crates. Four of these cans (6kg) was enough to kill 1000 to 2000 people in the Leichenkeller I of Krematorien II and III.   
Photo 16
 Photo 17:

500kg can of Zyklon-B from Tesla. of the type probably used both in the disinfestation chamber of Block 3 and those of BW 5a and 5b and also for homicidal gassing. The label indicating distribution by Tesla is in three distinct parts. this photograph showing the first.
Photo 17
Photo 18:

Second part of the previous label indicating the manufacturer, Degesch and the content. 500 grams.
Photo 19:

Third part of the label, indicating distribution by Testa, Hamburg and the territorial area of its distribution monopoly. the area of the Reich to the east of the Elbe including the Sudeten "Grau" the (Gouvernement General (what remained of occupied Poland) the Reich Commissariat for Ostland and for Denmark. Finland and Norway.  
Photo 19
Photo 20:

500 grams can of Zyklon-B. without its label, containing small bluish pellets of porous silica, known as Erco, which absorbed the hydrocyanic acid together with 5% of a lachrymogenic and sternutatory warning agent. These are the "crystals" of Zyklon-B. Other fixing agents were also used. either a reddish brown granulous mass (Diagriess), or disks of ligneous fibre (Photo 8 which Eichmann knew, probably because he had seen them used in the disinfestation of the Auschwitz main camp blocks before or at the time of his deciding with Hoess on their homicidal use.
Photo 20
Photo 21:

Two of the distinctive yellow labels with red printing
1. Above : from a 1000g can distributed by Testa.
2. Below from a 1600g can, reduced to 1500g. from Degesch.  
Photo 21
Technique and operation
of the gas chambers

Jean-Claude Pressac
© 1989, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Last modified: March 9, 2005
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