and Operation
the Gas Chambers © | |
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Two clothing delousing gas chambers operated in the main camp on
the first floor of Block 3 in 1941-42. The photographs show what
still remains of the internal [Photos 7 to 9] and external
[Photos 5, 6, 10 and 11) equipment of this installation,
comprising two gas chambers separated by the south-west access
staircase of Block 3 [Document 3]. Two big rooms were
converted into gas chambers by simply putting an extractor fan in
each room. Neither the access doors (two for each room), nor the
double windows were made gas-tight. Gas-tightness was achieved by
sticking strips of paper over the gaps.
The plan
[Document 3] of the first floor of Block three was annexed to
the deposition [Document 4] of an eyewitness, Andrzej Rablin, who
worked in these gas chambers. [His deposition as presented here was
translated from Polish to French by the author, with the help of the
archivist. It is not a literal translation, but each detail has been
carefully verified.]
The drawing and account provide
important information. They show that an ordinary room can easily be
transformed into a gas chamber by simply installing an extractor
fan, the "safety regulations" being reduced to their absolute
minimum, the wearing of gas mask by the operators. It may appear
surprising that the witness did not wear any clothes, this being
highly dangerous in an atmosphere containing 2% by volume of
hydrocyanic acid, since a subject exposed to such a concentration of
the gas can lose consciousness after ten minutes by absorption
through the skin, even when wearing a gas mask. However, about 5
1.5kg cans of Zyklon-B would be necessary in ONE of the gas chambers
in Block 3, to obtain this concentration (24g/m³). The witness does
not specify the number of cans used, but states that "the chisel,
the hammer and THE can of Zyklon-B)" were put ready in advance. In
normal disinfestation, a hydrocyanic acid concentration by volume of
approximately 0.1 to 0.05% is generally used, which in this
particular case would mean only a 200 or 500g can of Zyklon-B,
without danger for the operator, even naked. The best proof that the
witness was not subjected to very high concentrations of hydrocyanic
acid – 2% per cent actually being lethal in 30 seconds if no mask is
worn – is that he was still alive in 1961 and was able to give this
account. | |
Document 3 |
Document 3: Translation of
inscriptions on the plan:
| |
• |
1er étage / 1st floor
• |
ENTRÉE (nord-ouest) /
(Northwest) entrance |
• |
Fan |
• |
GAZ / Gas |
• |
• |
DETENTUS / Prisoners |
• |
MAGAZIN / Store |
• |
COULOIR / Corridor |
• |
chamber |
• |
Chamber |
• |
ENTRÉE (sud-ouest) / (Southwest)
entrance | |
Document 4
made on 2nd February 1961 by Andrzcje Rablin, born 1st January 1914 in
Cracow Prisoner number 1410 |
"... In these rooms there were wooden frames with hooks on which we
hung the clothes. The windows were sealed by strips of paper along the
joints, as was the ventilator. We received the Zyklon-B from Capo Mau, a
German, who was the only one to have the key of the store. Bezucha,
another prisoner, and I did the gassing. We put on our gas masks and went
in the room naked or wearing underpants. We did that because of the lice.
There were very many lice in the clothes. Sometimes, filling the gas
chamber with clothes took as much as two days. The lice fell on the floor
and formed a layer about 50cm across under the clothes. When we went in to
spread the, the lice jumped on us and the layers disappeared very fast.
The cans were opened with a kind of chisel with a ring of teeth that we
hit with a hammer. It produced a ring of holes in the can. Since we were
afraid of being bitten by the lice, we put the chisel, the hammer and the
can of Zyklon-B ready in advance, opened it quickly and threw the
substance on the floor. Despite the speed of this operation the lice
jumped on our legs and to protect ourselves we spread a little Zyklon-B
around our feet. Immediately, I could feel the lice drop off, dead.
Sometimes at the moment when the gas evaporated, I tried to feel it by
handling the crystals. They felt like velvet and were cool and damp. After
throwing the crystals we went out, closed the door and stuck strips of
paper over the gaps. Twenty-four hours later, we put our gas masks on
again, the extractor fans were switched on and we opened the windows. The
ventilation continued for two hours. The gas was very dangerous for us.
Before we closed the door and sealed it with strips of paper, a little of
the gas would escape into the corridor. Apart from us two who were
protected by gas masks, the rest did not have any and the entire floor was
affected by gas.
Once I was slightly gassed because the mask I was
wearing was not fully gas-tight. I felt nothing at the time but two hours
afterwards I had a bad headache, a pain in the meninges and a burning pain
in the lungs. At first did not go to the KB [Krankenbau / hospital block]
but went out of the block into the birch alley [between Block 3 and the
protective wall of the Stammlager] to breath deeply while doing some knee
bends. The headache went away fairly quickly, but when I coughed a little
blood came up. Doctor Wasilewski diagnosed inflammation and dehydration of
the throat. After being hospitalised, I was cured in two months..."
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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