Photo 15: |
BW 5b autoclave (south-west
part). |
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Photo16: Photo 16: |
"One louse, your death",
slogan on the wall of the BW 5b undressing room. Other
warnings are also to be found there: "Sauber sein ist Deine
Pflicht! / It's your duty to be clean" and
"Verhalte dich ruhig! / Behave properly"
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Photo 17: |
Part of a hot air blower found in
the northern undressing corridor of BW 5a. |
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Photo 18: |
Interior of the northern part of the west wall of B W
5a. This wall is still the silent witness to the operation of a
delousing chamber using hydrocyanic acid (Blausäure / "blue acid" in
German) before its transformation and the installation of hot air
chambers | |