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The Holocaust History Project.

������������������������Technique and Operation
����������������������������of the Gas Chambers �
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� � �

of the Auschwitz main camp:

Present state of the premises�
Rendement pratique du cr�matoire I donn� par la Baulleitung dans une lettre du 28 juin 1943: 340 corps en 24 heures /
Practical throughput of Krematorium I according to a Bauleitung letter of 28th June 1943: 340 bodies in 24 hours. �
CHEMINEE (troisi�me edification)/ CHIMNEY (third version)�
Portes: Porte pleine � trois panneaux de bois �
��������������Porte vitr�e dans sa partie sup�rieure
��������������Porte pr�sent�e comme “�tanche au gaz” /
Doors: � Solid door of three wooden panels
���������������Door with window in upper part
���������������Door described as “gas tight”
Trou circulaire d'un emplacement de ventilateur /
Circular hole: emplacement of extractor fan�
Emplacement des restes du FOUR 3, nouveau mod�le Topf au rendement am�lior� par l'adjonction d'une soufflerie d'air puls� [four non reconstruit] /
Emplacement of FURNACE 3, a new Topf model made more efficient by the addition of a pulsed air blower [furnace not rebuilt]�
Chariot d'introduction des corps retrouv� au camp � la Lib�ration. /
Corpse charging trolley found in the camp after the Liberation�
FOUR 1 [Mod�le Topf � deux creusets incin�rateurs, plan no 57253 du 10.6.40] /
FURNACE 1 [Topf model with two cremation muffles: drwg 57253 of 10/6/40]�
Ancienne cokerie renferment des parties m�talliques restantes du four d'incin�ration du cr�matoire IV et trios fen�tres de versement du Zyklon B ayant appartenu au cr�matoire IV ou V. /
Former coke store now containing the remaining metal parts of the cremation furnace of Krematorium IV and three Zyklon-B introduction shutters from Krematorium IV or V�
Plaque tournante / Turntable�
Rails de guidage de la plaque tournante / Turntable guide rails�
(les fours 1 et 2 furent reconstitu�s apr�s la Lib�ration selon les souvenirs des anciens d�tenus) /
(Furnaces 1 and 2 were reconstructed from prisoners’ memory after the Liberation)�
Entr�e principale / Main entrance �
Acc�s � l'ancien d�positaire, puis salle d'op�ration du bunker de protection a�rienne renfermant actuellement l'ancien four d'incin�ration de l’Arbeitslager TRZEBINIA /
Access to the former laying out room, subsequently the operating theatre of the air raid shelter and now housing the former cremation furnace of the TRZEBINIA labour camp�
Acc�s � la salle des fours / Access to the furnace room�
Rails de guidage des chanots / Trolley guide rails�
Fosse d’alimentation des deux foyers du four /
Stoking pit for the two hearths of the furnace�
Ancienne salle des urnes / Former urn room �
Four � huile lourde / Oil fired furnace �
Ancienne salle de lavage des corps, incluse maintenant dans la chambre � gaz /
Former corpse washing room, now forming part of the gas chamber�
Emplacement du mur s�parant la salle de lavage de la morgue chambre � gaz /
Emplacement of wall separating the washing room from the morgue / gas chamber �
Emplacement de la porte de communication entre la salle des fours et l’ancienne morgue / Original emplacement of the door between the furnace room and the former morgue�
Porte perc�e apr�s la Liberation / Door installed after the Liberation�
Chemin�e d’a�ration suppos�e du bunker de protection a�rienne /
Ventilation chimney presumed to be for the air raid shelter �
Chambre � gaz (ancienne morgue) / Gas chamber (former morgue)�
2�me sas d'acc�s au bunker / Second bomb shelter air lock�
Entr�e du second sas du bunker, actuellement dite des victims /
Second entrance to the bomb shelter, now called the victims’ entrance�
Orifice de versement du Zyklon B am�nag� apr�s la Liberation /
Zyklon B introduction orifice installed after the Liberation�
Superficie de la chambre � gaz / Floor area of the gas chamber:
����- present: 98m� 4m� (air lock) = 94m�
����- original: 17.00m x 4.60m =782m� �
Technique and operation
of the gas chambers

Jean-Claude Pressac
� 1989, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Last modified: August 15, 2004
Technical/administrative contact: [email protected]