and Operation
the Gas Chambers © | |
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they were thirsty, and the
magnanimous SS ordered water to be brought for them. The fiction had
to be maintained right to the end, so that order could be
Everybody undressed in the yard. The doors of the
Krematorium opened and they entered the big room which served as an
undressing room in winter. Squashed together like sardines, they
realised that they had entered a trap from which they could no
longer escape. They still had some hope, however, for a normal brain
could not imagine the terrible death awaiting them.
The red
cross ambulance arrived. Dr Klein, Obersturmführer, got out,
bringing the cans of gas. A supreme insult to a profession and an
emblem that certain international bodies today want to use to cover
up the accomplices of similar crimes.
At last everything was
ready. The doors of the undressing room opened and an indescribable
chaos commenced.
The first to enter the gas chamber
(20) recoiled from it, sensing the death that awaited
With their rifle buts, smashing the heads of distraught
women convulsivly clutching their children in their arms, the SS
stopped this human ebb and flow.
The solid oak double
doors (21) were closed. For two interminable minutes we could
hear banging on the walls and cries that no longer had anything
human about them. And then nothing. My head was spinning and I
thought I had gone mad. What abominable crimes could these women and
children have commited to deserve such a cruel death?
minutes later, the doors were opened. Like an avalanche, the bodies,
heaped together and contorted, fell out. Some were so entangled with
others that they were very difficult to extract. Covered with blood,
they gave the impression of having fought desperately against death.
Anyone who has once seen a gas chamber can never forget it.
The still-warm bodies passed through the hands of the
barber, who shaved off the hair, and the dentist who tore out the
gold teeth. Systematic recovery of anything of use by a band of
assassins who left nothing to chance. And now an unbelievably
hellish scene commenced These Sonderkommando men, like the learned
lawyer from Salonika or the Budapest engineer that I knew so well,
became completely inhuman, veritable devils. Under blows from the SS
rifles and whips, they ran as if possessed, trying to rid themselves
as quickly as possible of the load attached to their
A thick, black smoke (23) rose from
the ditches.
Everything happened so quickly and seemed so
unbelievable that I thought I was dreaming. Dante’s inferno appeared
to me then to be just an old and simple allegory.
An hour
later, everything was calm, and the men were removing and piling up
ashes from the pits.
Another convoy had just passed through
Krematorium 4.
And that contiued day and night. For all the
Krematorien and cremation pits together, the horrendous figure of
twenty-five thousand bodies burned in 24 hours (24) was once
At the time of the mass deportation of Jews from
Hungary, in the space of two and a half months (May-June) four
hundred thousand (25) met this fate.
The Nazis often,
both in propaganda and in official speeches, expressed their
contempt for gold, but this did not prevent them from recovering
from their victims, between the coming into service of the
Krematorien and the month of November 1944,(26) the the month
in which they ceased to operate, seventeen tons of the precious
yellow metal.(27)
A shameful rape by a regime that so
well lived up to its aspiration to be the “Master Race”. |
Dr Paul(28) BENDEL, 167.460
Comments on Doctor
Bendel's account |
[1] |
The Mauthausen and Dachau gas
chambers: |
There was a 13.3 m²
gas chamber at Mauthausen, operated by preheating the chamber before
introducing Zyklon-B, which thus expanded as it vaporized. While
3455 victims were killed here according to the tribunals, it has
been impossible to prove historically that what is thought to have
been a gas chamber in the Dachau crematorium was ever actually
brought into service. [Ref: “Les chambers à gaz. Secret
d'Etat”, Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1984]
[2] |
Long months: |
About a year according
to another deposition by Dr Bendel. |
[3] |
Krematorien: |
This witness has used the
“normal” numbering. The official equivalents are as follows:
Krematorium 1 = Krematorium II Krematorium 2 =
Krematorium III Krematorium 3 = Krematorium IV Krematorium
4 = Krematorium V The Bunker = Bunker
2/V |
[4] |
Camouflaged: |
The Krematorien were
never camouflaged, except numbers IV and V as from summer 1944,
because of the proximity of Kanada II in the case of Krematorium IV
and to prevent people seeing the incineration pits dug alongside
Krematorium V, a palliative measure when its 8-muffle furnace was
put out of service. |
[5] |
Museum: |
Certain anatomical
specimens may have been kept in the dissecting room, but there was
no room set aside as a museum. |
[6] |
March 1942: |
Incorrect. Work began
at the end of August 1942 on Krematorien II and III. Krematorium IV
was actually started in November 1942, but real work began at the
same time as that on Krematorium V, in early January 1943.
[7] |
Thousands of
prisoners: |
Pure invention. On
each of the four Krematorien or “BW 30” work sites (30, 30a. 30b and
30c) there was a group of only about one hundred prisoners helping
civilian bricklayers and other building tradesmen.
[8] |
January 1943: |
This date is too
early. The five 3-muffle furnaces of Krematorium II were tested at
the end of January 1943 and its gas chamber began operations in
mid-March 1943.
The official completion dates are as
follows: |
Krematorium II [1] :31st March 1943 Krematorium
III [2] : 24th or 25th June 1943 Krematorium IV [3] : 22nd
March 1943 Krematorium V [4] : 4th April
1943 |
[9] |
Himmler: |
The presence of
high-ranking SS is certain. That of Himmler is imaginary and
dreamt-up. |
[10] |
The convoy... these
unfortunates: |
The route followed by
the victims is correct, from the stairs giving access to the
undressing room, to the TWO gas chambers. Why two, when Krematorium
II was built with only ONE. This detail always appeared unlikely,
but it is now confirmed as true. TWO gas chambers were obtained by
subdividing Leichenkeller 1, considered by the SS to be of too large
an area, and so that they could gas small groups of “unfit for work”
in the second chamber. According to the testimony of 24th May 1945
by Henryk Tauber, this transformation was carried out at the end of
1943, BEFORE Dr Bendel's visit to Krematorium II. The “two mesh
tubes with external valves” were in fact hollow square columns of
heavy wire grid with a trap above through which the Zyklon-B was
poured. The gas chamber had four such columns before being divided
in two. Once the dividing wall was built, only two remained visible.
On the other hand, there were no double doors of solid oak al the
entrance to the gas chamber. The witness must have confused the gas
chamber door with that opening from the undressing room to the
corridor leading to the gas chamber. In the furnace room of the “Old
Krematorium”, [Kr I] it is still possible to see a real gas-tight
door from a desinfestation or homicidal gas chamber. It is made of
rough planks of inferior timber. |
[11] |
furnaces: |
Fifteen in fact.
Krematorien II and III each had five 3-muffle furnaces, or a total
of fifteen incineration muffles. |
[12] |
2000 bodies in 24 hours:
1440 for Krematorium
II according to a letter of 28th June 1943 (correspondence register
no. 31550/Ja Ne) signed by Jährling [PMO file BW 30/42, page 2]. a
purely calculated Figure, the practical “throughput” being closer to
1000. |
[13] |
The twin Krematorien 3 and 4
... in a day: |
According to the
above-mentioned letter, the throughput of a type IV/V Krematorium
was 768. a figure derived mathematically by dividing the theoretical
throughput of Krematorium II, 1440, by 15 to obtain the throughput
per muffle. then multiplying by 8, the number of muffles in
Krematorien of type IV/V: |
1440/15 x 8 = 768 |
The true capacity was
about 500 in 24 hours. |
[14] |
Deemed insufficient:
Not the true reason.
The pits were dug to compensate for the closing down of the big
furnace of Krematorium V, that of Krematorium IV already being out
of service. |
[15] |
One thousand:
Materially impossible
to verify. |
[16] |
Conduit ... recovery
pit: |
Technique described
and confirmed by Filip Müller in “Trois ans ...”
[17] |
One day in June 1944:
Bendel states that he
worked at Birkenau from 1st January 1944 to 18th January 1945, and
was the Sonderkommando doctor. He was in fact Doctor Epstein’s
assistant, and they both carried out medical experiments in
participation with and under the direct control of Dr Mengele in a
research laboratory installed in one of the huts of the Gypsy Camp
(B.IIe). Such was his situation al the end of May and beginning of
June 1944, according to Dr Nyiszli [“Auschwitz: a doctor’s
eye-witness account”, page 35], who himself also claims to
have been the doctor for the whole of the Krematorium personnel, in
addition to his functions as pathologist. It would appear that
Nyiszli really did occupy this post. Bendel’s account is a series of
“snapshots” and his lack of overall knowledge of the Krematorien is
then understandable, for he never actually lived there. A further
possible explanation for Bendel’s late initiation into the gassings
is put forward by Paul Rassinier in “Le véritable procès
Eichmann” [The true Eichmann trial) (La Vieille Taupe, 1983)
in a passage from the Kasztner document (page 234), where he states
that the Birkenau gas chambers and Krematorien had been out of use
from Autumn 1943 to May 1944. |
[18] |
While smoke: |
Correct observation,
proven by photograph 184 in “L’Album, d’Auschwitz” by
Serge Klarsfeld and by two of the “Polish Resistance”
photographs [PMO neg. nos 280 and 281]. |
[19] |
thousand: |
Probably an
exaggerated figure, although identical to that given by Dr Nyiszli.
Impossible to verify without a precise date. |
[20] |
The gas
chamber: |
In Krematorium V,
there were three, later four, gas chambers with a total area of 240
m². |
[21] |
The double doors:
Incorrect. This
passage had only ONE gas-tight door. Assimilation with the
description already given of the entrance to the gas chamber of
Krematorium II. |
[22] |
The still.warm bodies ...
load attached to their wrist: |
The gas chambers of
Krematorium V were emptied towards the north and west where the
cremation pits were. Two photographs [PMO neg. nos 280 and 281]
taken from the northern gas chamber of Krematorium V and known as
the “Polish Resistance” photographs, have recorded a
similar scene. The technique of transporting the corpses by dragging
them along by means of a thong around the wrist had spread to all
the Birkenau Krematorien. |
[23] |
Thick black smoke:
Incorrect and smacking
of literary effect. See earlier comment. |
[24] |
25,000 ... in 24 hours:
Incorrect. On one
occasion when delays had caused several convoys to arrive together,
a little over 9,000 people were cremated in 24 hours.
[25] |
400,000: |
Exaggerated figure. In
fact closer to 200,000. |
[26] |
The month of November 1944:
The 26th to be
precise. |
[27] |
17 tons of the precious
yellow metal |
Manifestly false
figure. See Bendel’s deposition before the Court for the trial of
Bruno Tesch (below). |
[28] |
Paul: |
Paul OR Charles
Sigismund? Which is or are the real name(s)? What are we to think of
the variation in the given name in the light of his account and
| |
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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