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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of March, 1999. Hi,I'm DEW and I think the HOLOCAUST never should have happened. Thank You, DEW
I could not beleve peolpe could do this stuff, I mean all I did was sit here and read and cryed to think my grandparent left befor this could happen to them I thank god they did and I thank god that the people that survived did and hope that nothing like this ever happens agian. Thank u for letting me say a couple of words here thank u
I have recently entered your website, I found it very factual. I am at the moment studing the Holocaust in a class here at school it is terrible what happened we must NEVER forget it. I am currently studing Dr. Josef Mengele of Auswitz, if possible could you enter some more info on this person, PLEASE!!!!!
It's great to see such a provocative, realistic web-site. The nazi's should be payed for their treachery and people who are against War Crimes Trials going on in Europe should visit this web-site. Thanks for helping me.
Very factual
I think that it is really inportion for people to know what happen so in my thesis class that is what I am doing .I am letting people know what happen in the death camps . So if you have any infomation please send it to me . Thank you
I am 14 and presently studying the Holocaust, Ilooked it up on the internet and found this site. I think it's very important that people know what happened in the Holocaust. I have found lots of useful information on this site and regrete that people don't know the extent of the suffereing which took place. However I think that we need, although it was a long time ago, to hold respect for the people who died in the Holocaust!
Never forget, never forgive, never again. Thank you.
powerful and moving...
I really appreciated this web-site, it helped me in completing my project for school! Thank yoy!
If the true purpose of the web is to inform, then I doubt there is a more valid website than this one. Excellently constructed, provocative and indispensable. Never forgotten, Never forgiven, Never again.
I'm really interested in this subjest, and this was a great web page!!
Please email me with any info about the holocaust, we are studing it in school! I am 12 years old. Email me any time I could use the info. specialy if you have anything about Aushwitz! Thanks alot and good luck on your research!!! This site has been a great help to my research! See ya later:)
Our love to those ancestors lost to you. Out of that human fire, and others, maybe we can teach most of our children to plant trees to remember our humanity.
I am 13 years old and i just learned about the holocaust in my history class. I never knew how bad it was for all those jews. i am intersted in the holocaust now and your website has answered a lot of my questions. I think a lot more people should be aware of the holocaust because it just might happen again.
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Never Forget.
I am 17 years old and have been interested in what happened during the Holocaust since my junior high history class. I have found as much information as I could, including all of the books in my school and the public libraries in my town. I know it was a terrible thing that happened. Alot of people like to forget it ever happened, but as soon as we let everyone forget, something like that would happen again. So I think education is the best thing we can do to remember and prevent something like this from happening again.
My name is Kyndel and I am 15 years old. I recently visited the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. My Choir, EPCC, of Evansville, Indiana sang a song outside of the museum. By the end of the song some of us were crying and thought that we had just done something that we didn't deserve to do. I also watched the movie Schindler's List on TV. We also watched in our school. Although some teens and adults do not understand why this was such a terrible thing, I understand that what was done was wrong and we as humans have the responsibility to make sure that a mass murder of this sort never happens again. I do not know anyone personally who lived during the Holocaust but I wish apon everyone who did that they rest in peace and God bless them all.
You have put together a great piece of work...So many memories are being shared.. what had happened was WRONG..6 million people is only an estimation of how many people died..let's all pray that something like this NEVER happens again.... Let us join together and remember who gave their everything just to stand up for what they believed in... Thank you
Thanks for a great website! Last time I visited it, there wasn't much there. I forgot about it until today while searching for something. The deniers are really sickening and I appreciate all your efforts to deal with their rhetoric. I have read about the Stroop Report before, and await your English translation. Also the essay on Dachau was well done and precise. Am still reading the rest :-).
This web page touched my heart so deeply. I am at a loss for words. All I can say is God Bless the Jewish people. I hope and pray that as members of the human race, we never let anything like this happen to anyone again.
Thank you so much for this web site! My Grandfather was in WWII and he would tell us stories(not until we got old enough) about all the horrible things that happened. He also showed us pictures. Every time he would do this, he would begin to cry and very few times was he able to finish a story. This web site has answered many of my questions that he left unanswered. I have read many books on the holocaust and am very interested in what went on. I don't think i would be if it weren't for my granfather though. He put that piece of history into me and now it won't leave. I have chosen the holocaust as my topic for my Freshman English course, and it was because of the horrifing stories my grandfather told me that I did so. Thank you so much.
i feel so sorry for all of the torture that went on during this period i am only 13 going on 14 and just finished reading the diary of Anne Frank i finde this subject facinating and yet devastating. if you could sned me some pictures of the chambers or bunks or something so that i could use theese as a sorce for my report i would be very thankful. sharon if you read this your mother inspires me =-) i feel sorry for her. was she in a camp? megan
I think this is suh a tragic thing that happened, but I have been interested in it since I was little..This is such a good site! Thanks
I want to thank-you for all your effort and information on the Holocaust. For the past 5 years I have been going over to Europe and to the camps. Mostly back to Auschwitz (Biirkenau). Each time I go is as if it was the first. It is so hard to understand the why and even how one could do all of this. How does one say Iam sorry? Yet how does one turn your back on all that had happened? So many have and do. I wish to keep in contact with others who have worked on the study of the Holocaust. I to have collected much on the people and the times. If you would like to talk about this e-mail me. Thank you for this service and for carring and not forgetting.
I have learned many things on the Holocaust. I am very interested in the Holocaust and enjoy learning about it. I have been learning about it since I was in 6th grade and now I am in 9th. I hope that in the future many people from the next generation learn things about it and become interested in it as I have. The Holocaust is a very sad thing and very many people remember it and I hope that it lives on and never happens again.
that stuff is evil. good information though.
Hello, My mother is a survivor. She was interviewed by the Shoah Foundation people a couple of years ago. I have the tapes. It was very enlightening to my sister,myself, and our husbands. It is amazing how much you can learn when someone like Steven Speilberg puts together this foundation. I want to personally thank Steven and all that have helped him to put all of this together. May we never forget. Thank you.
I'm so glad I found this website. I think it will help me very much on my sociology project for school.
I'm forty three's years old and your site has answered many question's. My G'pa was a military policeman during the war. At the end they were tasked to go to "camps" looking for the administrators and staff, he brought back many pictures. He has since passed, leaving me those pictures. Many with little explanation, however your site has answered many of those questions. I can place with your pic's of the ovens along with the pics I have the SS guards, which I have many. Don't let the past die...we must beware of human capabilities.......
I really feel bad for all those Jews who had to suffer for nothing.They didn't do anything to the Nazi's so I think the Nazi's shouldn't have did all those cruel thins to innocent people.Hitler was a very bad person and had to have a cold heart for doing those things
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I am doing an paper on the holocaust and one of my papers is on Denial, this is a great site, but if anyone can help me find more, that would be great! thank you
Hi, I really enjoyed your site. Even though it's aweful what they did to the jewish. Well, It also helped me a lot for my hitstory project. Thank you for such a wonderful site. Kels
Hello this site is helpful for me in writing a reasearch paper it has got me interested in the holocaust.thanks
I was born on 12/27/43. This is part of the living history I lived then. Those, such as the WWII generation who fought the war, lived the suffering and endured the deprivation, passed it on to me. It was not for a history grade and it wasn't "cool". It was real people,real places and real and incredible suffering. it was about the same intolerence that caused the Roman Empire to kill millions of Christians. It was the same intolerance that Pol Pot used against his own people in Vietnam. It was about Stalin and what he did to the once USSR( his own country) I bet they don't tell you about that in history class. It wasn't about a cutsey computer game you can close down when you are called to supper in your warm home, or play because you are bored, or you go do something to make someone's life a little more difficult and think is " cool". It wasn't about going to a theater to see " Shindler's List" with your bag of popcorn and soft drink. It wasn't about making a good grade in history class!!!!!!!!!! It was the real thing, in real time about real people commiting unspeakable atrocities against each other. It was about real grown up men coming back from the War in 1945 and 1946 and breaking down and crying because they did not know how to help huge crowds of " walking copses" starved, dirty, broken,smelly, diseased, tattoed,toothless,naked, butchered by " doctors" with out benefit of painkillers, WONDERING WHERE THE WORLD WAS AND WHEN IT WOULD ALL STOP?????!!!!!! more difficult they don't tell you about that in history class. It is about any time in history when we see" mankind's inhumanity against humanity". It is not about a cutsey computer game where you can just close down the computer when you get tired or hungry or bored.
We are searching for the appropriate person/organization re: some material we have pertinent to the Holocaust. We are uncertain as to where/how to begin looking. Could you help us via contacting us through our Email site? Thank you.
thanks for making this web page, people and especially the young ones need to see how cruel and horrifying this world can be. By looking at these pictures and reading these essays I think that a person can also teach a young person to live their life the best that they know how, so later in life they can look back and say that they lived a good life, because they decided to look for the good things in life and not the bad things.
This website helped me with my project.
I have a culture short storie on the holocaust. and this web-site has been a lot of help THANXS Emily at Cornerstone Academy
I wish there were more photos.
This site is one of the best sites you can find on the net. I hope that no more of these sort of sites will need to be set up again.
I finally visited your excellent website. Congratulations. My e-mail is the same. But decided not to post it here. Keep up the good work. NEVER AGAIN. Murat
God bless them all. no one deserves to be treated like these people were treated.
I have a girl in my class who Thought the holocaust is a big joke. Im hoping to show her this page so she might change here mind.
The more you read about this tragedy the worse it gets. May this never happen again. We must ever be on guard, asit is happening at this very moment in time. How do we stop it? Only God knows,
Thank you so much your web site has been very helpful! I can't believe that someone could have so much hate inside them to do anything of this sort! I hope that this world learns that we are all the same no matter what our race, color, sex, or any other difference we have! We are all people and we all have feelings just like one another. Please learn to love one another and not hate eachother. Let there be peace! Thanks
Right on!
I have a project due on the Holocaust and I think that this website will help me a lot!
Thank you for your work. It is very important to document the history of the holocaust for future generations in memory of all those who died.
My 17 year old son asked me the other day why learning history is so important, isn't it the future that really matters? I immediately brought him to your site to explain my answer to his question. It did not take long for him to be able to answer his own question. He then understood that what he saw and read could be the future if we choose to ignore the lessons of the past. I feel blessed to have been born in an age where technology is empowered to give the average person the ability to investigate for himself the lessons that our history has to teach us. In an age where the music and media has desensitized our children to violence, where mosh pits are all the rage, where the site of a corpse is considered "cool", it is even more imperative that the information you provide be spread throughout our society. The children must hear the stories behind the photos, and we as parents must teach them.
We discovered this site today during History Class. We appreciate all the information you have gathered. St. Paul's International College, Moss Vale NSW AUSTRALIA 2577
this website is very nice
Thank you for the information on your sites. I have visited Auschwitz Birkenau with a Holocaust survivor as part of an Anti Nazi League delegation from Britain. The Denial 'arguments' are too awful to comprehend except when properly laid out and broken down like you have done. It arms the rest of us. I have been looking up the BBC news reports on the war crimes trial in Britain and thats where I found your site. Thank you again.
The holocaust will always be seen as a time of great suffering, not only for the Jews but also for many other groups. This page highlights the suffering, but not in a gruesome way that makes you want to look away. It is intriguing and makes you so angry that you wish you could take these awful memories away. Lets just hope that this teaches the children of the future to be tolerant and loving of everyone, irrespective of differences.
I thought that this is a cool web site. Its sad thinking about how many kids had to die. I makes me think about how they could have done that. If anyone has any good webs please e-mail me. I'm doing a project on the children in the holocaust. If you have any suggestions e-mail me A.S.A.P. I hope that nothing like this every happens again because thats really sad and depressing. I think that it is really gross that the kids would hide in the outhouses so they didn't have to work or die.Thats grose!
No one deserves to be treated like this
* Hi * My name is Summer and I'm doing a project for my school.I got alot of info from your website. Thanks. Thank you, Summer Dawn
Thank you very much for putting up this page! It really helped me with my homework! I am really interested in the holocaust. If anyone has other info on the holocaust please e_mail me, or give me other web addys! Thanx, Erin Deyman
Your site is the most comprehensive site regarding the holocaust. I have just begun to read up about the holocaust, not because I have to but because I want to. I come from a country (India) that has suffered from communalism and continues to suffer even today. My grandmother was a great lover of the jews, and I even had the opportunity to work with a holocaust survivor in New York, he was 94, he had come away to New York in the early 40's but still had nightmares about his experience, I feel that its good that such sights exist so that we could teach the coming generations about the evils of hatred. On a departing note, I would like to state some facts about my own country, India. Surprisingly India is the only country in the worls where Jews were not persecuted, there is still a rich tradition of Jewish life in the state of "Kerela". And I being an Indian, pride myself on that fact. Thank you.
This website is reaaly goog for my history project. I'm writing an essay and doing a 3 minute presentation on hitler.
i am
Your documents, photos ect. Are very good. The documents were sxtrodinary and I wll recommend this to everybody.
I needed to write a paper describing the differences between different religions for a class that I'm taking and the biggest thing that I found to be a big difference was the Holocaust. Although I know a lot about it from school I had know idea what it was like and I still don't but I do understand what went on a lot better after doing all of this research on it.
I have just finished watching "The Holocaust" from the History Channel. It broke my heart and yet made me realize again once more just how supernaturally special the Jewish people are. As a Christian, I feel a great love for the Jews; they are God's unique people and He is not done with them by any stretch of the imagination. Even though those were dark terrible times, it makes me wish I could have been there to do something, anything to help them. God is an awesome God and He is bringing His people back to their land. Their truly great day is coming!
We so fortunate shall never forget those who suffered and died in the most tragic circumstances.Our prayers and thoughts forever. Phil & Gerlinde
My 14 year old daughter came home yesterday and told me that she had to do a report on the Holocaust. I told her that I would help her do the report and hoped that it would be much more than a "paper with a grade" after we were done. I knew that she was going to read things that she would find very disheartening, I knew that we both would. I hope that she will have a new take on life and know what it means to be free and to be able to love without bias. To be able to look at others and see similarities before differences. I know that she NEEDS to know about the Holocaust, I just hope that I am a good enough person to teach her about it. I want her to know that not only could things like this happen...that it DID! I feel that your web sight will help me. Thank you for allowing us to learn from your work. Robin and Lange
This webpage is a great help. At my school we are learning about the Holocaust. It is sad to read about the things that happpened. Though I did not live in that time, i hope that nothing like that ever happens again.
please continue to infor the world of ability to hate one another. we always look at the present and future as utopia and the past as barbaric. the average german citizen in 1933 must have feel the same way. Always beware of the government.
keep educating and reminding the young about the discrimination of others. truth will set us free.
When I was very small my mother told us about the killing of the jews. I was horrified and saddened that there could so much pain and hate. I pray everything day that this will never happen again among any race.I'm so sorry and feel the pain still for those victims and their families who still live on and carry those memories. My peace to you all.
Hello i would like to ask anyone if they have any good sites for the holocaust to send them to me because i am doing a 10 pg research project on it and i would really appricoated it. and if your a holocaust survivor i would love to hear your story thank you please email me: lucky.23@usa.net
In 1945 I sat on my mother's lap as she opened what I believe was LIFE magazine. There were pictures; pictures which revealed a mountain of naked bodies, men and women. I never forgot. Years later while working on a research project, I walked through the stacks of a small town library. I found myself standing before an entire section devoted to the Holocaust. I was lost in the literature written secretly in the camps or following the end of World War II. In 1993 while studying in Washington D.C., I was invited to go on a tour of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. That same day I was taken to a neighborhood theatre near the Washing National Cathedral to see Schindler's List. The sights and sounds grieved my heart. My soul was filled with sadness. May God somehow help us face the tragedy of indifference. May the millions who died not have died in vain. In their memory let us be witnesses to the horror of the Holocaust. Let us honor the survivors as we applaud their truimph of the human spirit.
Hi. I have been learning about the Holocaust for several weeks now and it's really upsetting to know that something so horrible like that happened. We just finished reading the Night at my high school. Now that I have a better look at what happened I was to know more. This web page helped a great deal! Thanks!
I thought this page was very interesting. I hope and pray to God that there will be no WWIII, and especially no mass slaughter of any religion.
The Holocaust web page is great,I was able to find a lot of useful items for my speech. thanks for a great web page!
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I think this is a constant reminder of what hatred is. This reminds non-believers of the Holocaust really did happen and is not a made up thing. If you don't believe this you have a denial feeling. I feel sorry for those people because everytime somthing happens they will denie it. That is all I have to say. my class is studying the holocaustand just finished the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel. the holocaust was a horrible time and very dusturbing thanks for haveing a web sit for us to get info from!!
I am searching for informatiom about holocost servivers from Hungary and general information about the nazis activity in Hungary. I have a very good friend in Israel who survived the holocost. I do not want to ask him too much as I do not care to cause him painful memories . I do not wish to be controversial, however I would like to mention this. In Genesis 12:3, God told Abraham concerning the great nation he would make of him,"....I will bless them that bless thee and I will curse them that curse thee....". This could be what happened to Britain. after all, she was blessed and the sun never set on her empire. Then one day it was all gone.The price paid for betraying Israel? You have a wonderful web site. I have not explored it all yet. Thank you.
I think that the Holocaust was the worst thing that has ever happened in all mans history and i pray to God that this will never happen again. i wish that the United States had gotten involved in WWII earlier and maybe we could have stopped it but we shall never know. But whne i grow up and have children i will teach them to respect everybody no matter what race or religion. Bye bye ^_^
I really thought that this page was a bunch better than what it was. It could use some interviews from some of the Holocaust survivors. I have some at my school. We are doing the Holocaust as a project in my Language Arts class. Please add more information to this site.
We the people of the earth can not let this happen again.
Thanks to all the people who put there reports and pictures on this page!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi just i would drop by and say something , that im learing about the holocaust right now as i type and it is a vey stomic upsetting thing its a totall nightmare.
Thank you for the opportunity to learn of the ignorance and suffering that prowled the Earth during the Holocaust.
i really like your page its a big part of history and it also shows humans how mean they really can be i hope that that holocost dont happen agian i think it was really mean thank you agian
I really enjoyed this web site. I work at a juvenile detention center and all the staff members are required to give educational activities throughout the week. We usually give the kids an article to read and then test them on it and they then earn points that they can use to call home and other things. After reading this site I chose to do my test on the Holocaust using information I received from this site and others. Thank you for putting together such a useful resource.
I liked this web page. It hepled me on a project that I,m doing in Language Arts. Its do tomorrow and I got all my information from your web site. I hope I get an A.
To me the Holocaust was the most sad, unbearable things I have ever heard of and I am so sorry that these things happened. One of the most horrible things was all of the people that were killed. I think that this site is a wounderful idea and I am definantly more informed about the holocaust. I was hopeing for some pictures though, so maybe you could give that a thought.I am really happy we still remember all who died
I thank you for the help you have given me so that I may understand the holocaust in more detail.
I've read some of the pages and I find them really interesting! My class have jusy been to the Holocaust museam in Nottingham which was a great experience. We are also doing a project about it at themoment in our R.E. lessons.
I really thought this page was very usefull It acully was dumb!!
a great page-though a few photograghs would be excellent if possible and not too gruesome the suffering of the jews has become more apparent to me thanks!
I think the holocaust is something that everyone should remember.People died during this period just because who they were. For an example women with baby were killed I judt think that people should remember this and be glad that they weren't living back then.So just stop and think just how lucky you are.
I've always admired every single person that has gone through the Holocaust. Everyone must have been very brave. I've even done English reports on it. It was such a tragic ordeal, it makes me absolutely sick to know that any person can do such tragedy to an entire race of people.
I would love to know more information on the holocaust for a school project....this is very fasnating information that you have.
This is the best web page on the holocaust I have ever read. It was so helpful for me and my studies at school....cheers1
I really enjoy reading about the Holocaust, so I chose this subject for my research paper. I am a Junior at Illini Bluffs High School, and I want to thank you very much for your great site. It has helped me a great deal. Thanks!
I do not understand why there is a quote from goebbles at the start of this web page. Should it not be something more uplifting and positive? The quote scares me is that the response you want? I would like to know. God Bless us all, Manya
i think what the officers did 2 the jews is horrid and iam happy i didnt live then and i pray for those people and hope all the soldiers that participated went to hell and suffer
Thank You to all the people who wrote those essays! This is a great website!
Both my parents were Holocaust Survivors. They are not here to tell my children(12 and 9) what they lived through. I am glad that these web sites are here to show my children what their grandparents went through because they were Jewish.
I really enjoyed learning about the Holocaust. I was doing a report for school and seemed to find all that I needed right here. I will be spreading the word about this incredible web-site and will be telling others how facinating it really is. -God Bless
The holocaust breaks my heart, and I am so sorry for the suffering it caused.
i was watching THE HIDING PLACE and got really interested in that subject...so i found this site and it is great
The Holocaust was probably the world's most tragic event in History. To think that "Human Beings" are capable of such horrendous acts is is quite saddening. This site is an eye opener and because of this memorial, I hope that this information becomes the light of day. They say that History repeats itself, let us hope that this or anything close to this will NEVER, NEVER happen again.
Last night I watched Schindler's List for the first time. It's hard to describe what an impact it's had on me. Thank you for providing this resource which helps us to remember these atrocities that happened so few years ago. I hope the world never experiences anything like it again.
As a little girl my mother told me of the holocaust and the horrible things people of the jewish faith were put through. She told me these things to teach that just because a person believes differently doesn't make them wrong and therefore should not be punished. Since that day I have tried to educate myself as best I could about the attrosities that occured then and this is the first chance I've had to really read and see for my self. Today was the beginning of my new learning lesson. I look forward to learning more and I will encourage my 3 year old niece to do the same. Let us never forget.
Question! What information do you have on Jehovah's Witnesses in the concentration camps during this time?
it is a good page i like all of the documents and essays
The holocaust is so interesting to me, becuase it reminds me that some people are so cruel. If sites like these were not here, then people that do not know a lot about the holocaust couldn't find out anything. These sites remind me to remeber the people who were there and surivived and also those who didn't. These sites also symbol a fight so that something like the holocaust will never happen again.
i am glad to see that people recognize the need to educate our children on the memories of this terrible event in this century
I think that this was a great site and should be known world wide.The Holocaust was a terrible thing that went on...it is great that this site is out...it could help prevent these cruel intentions from happening again someday.Keep up the good work!!!:)
I am a black woman who happened to be in Augsburg Germany a couple of years ago. I was bored and decided to take a day trip to Dachau. I was left speechless. You hear about the holocaust in school and on TV. But to actually see the gas chanmbers, the dormitories, the pictures and film of what happened there. I couldn't eat the rest of that day. I felt guilty. I kept a rock from the gas chamber just to remember.
Thank you for this wonderful site, education is the only way to prevent history from repeating itself. Thank you for your work to make this horrible event never happen again.
This is such an extensive web site that it adds much to the understanding and teaching of the Holocaust. I am about to begin my masters and there are many essays and soyrces which will be invaluable for my course an Jewish history and culture. thanks.
Great site. Lots of textual information, I wish there were more pictures and video's. If anyone knows of any sites with lots of videos especially, but any other multimedia too, please email me...
As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I appreciate the efforts in putting together such a comprehensive web site that will further the understanding of what happened only a short time ago.
This sie is very help full! I enjoyed it in my english class we are reading a story called "Night" its a great book and I wanted to learn more about the Holocost I can't believe how much info you have! THANKS A BUNCH
i was born in 1942 i saw the trial of eichman and my mind reels at the images and the words with one question My God Why? thank you for keeping this history alive so future generations may see, and strive to make sure it never repeats anywhere at any time at any level
Thank you for providing this site. As a public school administrator, I am always looking for information to share, particularly with middle school teachers. This type of info is needed to ensure that actual history is taught to all students.
We still are simply Apes. Just to close to our animals parents. your web site is really great to remind us that. we still have to much animal violence with us, that this is not going to be the end.May be from a few centuries on someone will read these pages as horrofied as we do now with hienas and tigers.
This sight has taught me a lot
This page really helped me write my report for school. The documents make this site different from the others. Please keep this site running, for all the students who use it for their enlightenment.
I greatly appriciate the information you have supplied me with. Your thoughts are truly a statement of fact. I have been assigned a report on your subject and have found your information meets the needs of my requesting knowledge. I praise you for a job well don in informing myself as well as future on lookers. ThankYou
This page has helped me. I just wish that they had a place where you can specifically find something about the Holocaust. If anyone can find a page like this that I missed, please send the address to me.Thanks
This site was perfect for completing my history project on Auschwitz. You have so much info., it's perfect! Well done on a Wicked site!! Aoife, Ireland
there is too much information in this webpage!!!
Thank you for the information. It was really helpful to me because I am doing a research project on the holocaust.
Hi! We are doing research for school and came to your web site to find some things on the Holocaust. We found a whole lot of stuff, and just wanted to tell you that we really enjoyed it. In fact this has been the most helpfull site all day! Well, we just wanted you to know that you have a really good site with lots of info! THANX!!!!!!!!!
does anyone know any really good web sites on the concentration camps if so can i have the adress? ta very much
We think that this site is pretty cool. We think they could have more basic information on it though, they should also include more pictures. But apart from that we found your site really helpful for our holocaust project. Cheers HP Sauce, Brighton, England,a
Thank you for this interesting and informative website. I am 23 years old, and in the last 3 years, I have begun to develop an interest this subject. I picture it as the ultimate evil, and I have decided to study the history of it and the methods used by the Nazi's, with the goal of becoming able to identify those techniques in today's society. I hope others of my peer group will do the same, so that we can prevent this from happening again if others should try.
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I did not know much about the holocaust until my teacher made the class read two books on it and i found them so interesting i kept going to the library to get more books to read on the Holocaust, and now i am very interested in what the books tell me.
I really enjoyed your website. It helped me with a project that I am doing and I wanted to let you know to keep up the good work and give more information. Thanks, Brandi Smith
This is a valuable historical project. Thank you for keeping the flame burning.
I feel that the holocaust is a very important issue and these web sites bring to life the message of how tragic it was. Many thanks Pip P and Sarah H
There is nothing that can be said in the space provided to truly express the depths of sorrow and resentment that the Holocaust must inspire in any sane human being.
This is an awsome site! It really educates people who visit it.
This site sucks, There is nothing here on what I am looking for
This site was extremely helpful for my project. I'm doing a research project on the Holocaust and I've gotten lots of information from here. Thanks!
My great-grandfather immigrated to the United States in the 1920's with the intent, I feel, to avoid any involvement in the heinous event known as the Holocaust. I am of pure German descent and find the events of the Holocaust as a need to know subject. I am now doing my term paper on the Holocaust and what actually occurred and find this site to be very imformative. Thanks!
i found the list of other books to read very useful.
I am researching mail from Poland to Jewis people in Amsterdam. Using Martin Gilberts Atlas of the holocaust to help me trace the population and its ultimate destination. Having some dificulty with translation as some of the Polish words are not in the dictionary.
These pictures really helped in our school pictures poster. Thanks!!! Luv ya Bye!!!
I have not studied your information well enough to comment on it, but I will do so soon. I have visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D. C. It is awesome and should be required viewing for each and every person in the world. I was a glider pilot in WW2, and made combat landings in Normandy[D- DAY],Holland[ Bridge too far], And across the Rhine river at Wessel, Germany; I feel I had a very small part in defeating the madman Hitler. GOD bless and keep you all who do the Oh! so important work of making sure we never forget!Gale R. Ammerman
i think this page has a lot of information but it has no pictures which is actually all i needed! i'm doing a project on the holocaust and this page didn't help me a bit because it was kinda bad ya know? so please improve it or somthing could happen.....thanks- megan
This is a fantastic web site, with the combination of essays, translated documents and picture. Great dedication to keeping the memory of such a horrible crime against humanity alive to learn from. In truth, while the Western world may be reading, I despair that for so many other countries (think North Korea etc) would not even feel that the activities in Hitler's reign ot terror were uncalled for. One can only hope that each of us can apply some learning from this body of evidence to combat something like Hitler's holocaust from ever happening in the Western world again.
This website has been an unbelievable help in getting together information for my history paper. I am required to answer the question "Was the holocaust a help or hinderance to the war efforts of Hitler?" Althogh this site didn't provide me with the answer it gave me some great information through which I can make my own conclusions and a worthwhile paper. Thanks!!!
All I can say is that if this were to ever happen again, I would give my life to stop it.
shma israel noa
My daughter Victoria is doing a school project on the Holocaust and the Teacher, it seems has used your web site to obtain the neccessary material for her class. To help her complete her project I searched and found your website and it has been very helpful. The only problem that we had was trying to get pictures that were needed to go along with the oral presentation she had to give on "Kristallnacht" several of the titiles say there are photos but we could not find them. The text and facts were of a great help, although we really wished we could have gotten some photos from either before or after November 9/10, 1938. Thank You for a very informative and easily accessable website. Teresa Chavez and Victoria Chavez 8th grade.
It is welcoming to see that people are still reaching and researching one of this centuries greatest crimes against humanity. I am a researcher as well and have choosen to focus my work on the children of the holocaust and how they have survived the years following the holocaust. I hope sites like yours continue to enlighten those whose doubts about the exsistance of the holocaust continue.
I really enjoyed learning and seeing more about the holocaust. We are having a unit about the holocaust at school. They are giving some people the chance to see what it would be like to be treated differently just because of what you look like. Learning about the holocaust is very important for children. Your site is very educational and has great information. I hope many people will venture your page and find out more about the horrible events that have taken place in our past. I hope we all learn from this awful tradgedy and nothing like this ever happens again. Thank you for sharing what you know with the people on the web.
I think this is a wonderful site and it's a shame that not everyone who studies History is aware of this site. It has been a great help in my coursework and contains excellent textual knowledge.
we will not forget, but will strive to insure that they did not die in vain.......may the memory of them make us strive for better times, when all human life is valued.
I really appreciate your effort to reveal the truth and facts. I am Korean and when Japan occupied my country 50 years ago, they did the same thing to us. Thank you.
I find this site a great idea. I am only 14 years old but have been studing the Holocaust for many years. I think it is a very interesting subject knowing that only years ago I had family suffering in this horrible occurance. I think that the world should be informed about this. I find that in school we are not taught enough about this subject. I mean we hear about Anne Frank but that seems to be the only thing about the Holocaust that is introduced to us, and I feel that it is repeated year after year. I know it is a horrible subject but so was alot of other things like wars. I feel that the schooling should provide better education about the Holocaust and how it effected peoples lives. I think this web site is a great idea and it was helpful for my essay on the Holocaust for my passing 8th grade grade. The web site is very well done.
I think that that was the most horrible thing in the history of the world and i hope that people read and learn from this and never try this. Hitler was an awful man. Thank you for this website to teach people about this horrble thing of the past.
I found a lot of good information for a research paper. What a fabulous site. I think your guests might be interested in an installations art project to commerate the Nazi book burning of may 10, 1933. the web site for information is www.writers-block.org. the art is my daughter and I am helping her with research on the books that were burned and the authors. I have press kits to mail to those who could distribute the information. The installation will open on Bebelplatz, Berlin, Germany on May 10, 1999.
This is undoubtedly the best web site I have ever been in. It expresses the reality of the Holocaust and the fact that it was the one of most influential things man will ever see. Thank you to all the people who wrote an essy you are truly great writers.
This was the worst time in history. I am glad that all of you got together and made this wedsite. Thanks.
I have been interested in the Holocaust and Jewish culture for a long time. Your site holds a wealth of information that is of great help to those seeking well-researched essays, whether for school projects or personal research. A book I have had for years and reread regularly is Lucy Dawidowicz's "The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945". I recommend it highly for it's insights and excellent research. I hope the young people visiting this site are developing a sense of outrage for the crimes that were committed against an innocent people. I hope and pray they are learning how to accept, even embrace differences in others so that this tragic commentary will not be repeated.
Former SS Major Wernher von Braun received a distingiushed service medal for his contributions to NASA in 1969. During WWII he was in charge of V-2 rocket production at Mittlebau-Dora. In truth, we have not learned . . .
This page is great, keep up the good work. Roll another fat one Jon Dave Pearce In Ya Fashe
Thank-you for this site. I have a big project that I need to do on the Holocaust at school and this really helped me.
Thank you all so much for setting up a cite with soooooo much info I am very gratefull Micky
I would like to recommend a book that has just been published and is receiving much praise. AFTER LONG SILENCE by Helen Fremont, is a beautifully written and touching memoir. Ms. Fremont was raised a Roman Catholic only to discover in adulthood that her parents were Jews who had survived the Holocaust. AFTER LONG SILENCE is a moving, suspenseful and loving account of this family's coming to terms with their guarded past and reclaiming their Jewish faith.
I would like some information on teens of the Holocaust for a research paper. Thank you very much for your time H.Friz
I would like somemore info on the holocaust. I would like for the information to mainly be on the specific documents that reveal insight on concentration camps.thank you
thanks for the information. if anyone has any additional info don't be afraid to contact me at : Wild_Flower_99@hotmail.com
May we never for get what the dak side of the humans can do and never let it happen again
I am doing a major history project and have found no other site with as much to offer as yours. Thank you for your information.
Thanks for all the research effort. This helped in providing information for a student.
I've been researching Heinrich Himmler for a holocaust paper I have to do for my honors american studies class, this site held alot of important information that I included and remarked about to others. Thanks alot!
I am a history student. I am 43 years old and have always found world history fasinating. I specialize in the study of Jewish Oppression and the mass genocide that has been committed. It apears through my studies that from the begininng of time the Jewish Nation has been a target for being escape goats for anything wrong with the world. I am interested in receiving information regarding Mengele. If you could give me some web sites and reading material suggestions for my term paper. I would be much obliged for any help you can give me. Also I am looking for a website to the Shoah Foundation set up by Steven Spielberg. It has been suggested that in my geneology I may have jewish blood. I would also like to know how to find out. sincerely Susan J McClung Rodriguez Perez
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Last modified: April 10, 1999