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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of March, 2000. The visit at Auschwitz/Birkenau memorial was a horrific experience, this is what was left in my heart and mind (being a poet): "Blind Injustice" The sheer injustice of it all! A minority of innocent people discriminated and mutilated, without any reason. Bodies stripped of their respect, emotions strangled by barbed wire. Dignity suffocated beneath concrete, incomprehensible scenes of destruction. Their belongings plundered greedily, every item denoting personal wealth. Exploiting each existing fibre of life of those sent unholy to their deathbed. Victims of blind hate in a raging inhuman warfare. A thorough mechanisation of death, implemented by godless creatures. Deeds from the past, severe and grotesque, inexcusable and unforgivable forever. Hanging heavy-laden in the bitter air of a 'camp' haunted by millions of forlorn voices.
This is a fantastic help to anyone wanting to study this period in history. Keep it going!
i think ever one should learn about the Holocaust.I think this is a very important subject!we are learing about the Holocaust in class and i am very interested in the Holocaust since i have to write a report on it i have already found a lot of stuff about it!
How anyone could disbelieve the holocaust is beyond me, my late father and two of his brothers happened to be among "Patton's 3rd Army" in 1945 He stepped into another hell that day that would haunt him the rest of his life. My father's life was affected by the sights, smells and other horrors of that Conncentration Camp. They the GI's could smell the death several miles off, yet the townsfolk of a near by town would say that there was nothing wrong. "Nothing Wrong?" " Cann't you smell it?" "Smell what was the answer,we have not smelled anything but burnning Jew's since 1940-41!" Try and help n old man whose most vivid memories are of Death,Not other Combatants the G.I.'s had seen and dealt with that since 06,June,1944. But not of those who were unable to fight!!! I cannot go on;all I can say is "Never Again ,but still it happens." Sincerely Yours, Paul C. Peterman
this page SUCKS!!!
Excellent site- very informative. Invaluable both as an educational aid, and as a means of acquiring more personal knowledge on a subject so horrifying and brutal. Maybe work such as this can help to promote rightful equality within our respective societies; raising awareness of the harshest of realities and bringing them closer to home is the only way to engender mutual respect and toleration. Keep up the good work E
This is a great site! Keep up the good work
Hi, I am currently investigation the Holocaust. It has already become apparant to me that the Holocaust, and the figures used to portry the dead are indeed a makeup of Jewish/Zionist propoganda to help strenghten their cause to destroy Palestein. This has become very clear. I looked at the figure of Jews under Nazi controll, this was 3 000 000. The truth will be explained
This is a very good page to find information about the Holocaust. I had to do a research paper on Treblinka the death camp in order to pass my junior year. I got a lot of inforamtion on here......Thanks a million!
I am program coordinator at Central Washington University's Diversity Education Center and I am doing a display on Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoa). I appreciate all the info I gathered and wish I could do more to increase awareness. Thank you...
Your page is a wonderfull sorce of information about these horrifing times when i think about if i was there i would not have my best friend and i do not see why for we are only diffrent by religon and that is no reson to hert someon also we are learning about this in class and is helping me understand more about what happend dureing though terriffing days and i recomend all of you read the book NIGHT by Elie Wiesel for it is as good as the Diry of Ann Frank
Hey evertone! This is a great site dedicated to a time most people wished never happend. Anyway, it helped me a lot on my report. Thanks again!
Being Irish,I find it difficult to listen to people who regard our struggle against an empire as being heroic,without quietening them with a few tales from WW2. Only the strongest of spiritual bonds could survive such a catastrophe.
this priod in time is something i will never forget...let us all hope that we never grow to hate each other no matter race, religion and sex. thanx to all who put this site together it really helps to know that people DO care about the past....there is a saying my mother always told me--"Ann Marie, you can't live in the past. " Let's hope she is right:-)
Thanx for the website.
Thanx alot for this site,it has been very informative, not about the nazi crimes only, but about the purpose for this site just like others.... it is very important to seek the truth from history,,we need it to learn not to make the same mistakes again. The jewish people had suffred in WW2 and before,on the other hand they learned to hate the world and to make others pay for their suffring. I am not against the jewish people, i am not also against them telling the world about their sacrifices i am against them hiding the truth of our (palestinians) right to live in our land free from any occupation....free from any racial discrimination...religious hatred.. and moor of all ethnic clinsing....why dont jewish people also talk about the masacar of deer yaseen or the latest one in hebron.....their attacks on our Al-Aqsa mosque... their obvious plan of emptying jerusalem from arabs and muslems... Why they don't talk about shooting thousands of children and youth who fight for freedom ....i can write a thousand pages...but all i want to say for any one reading my article.. DONT TELL ME A STORY IN THE HISTORY BECAUSE I NEED TO HEAR THE WHOLE STORY OF HISTORY AND THE PRESENT...
Hi! Thank you for putting up this website! Its important for us all to know what really happened during the Holocaust so that we can prevent it from ever happening again.
this really helped me with a school project
I dont know what to say except Thank You. Thank you for taking the time to do this. You are a very caring person and if more people were like you this would be a better world. ~Jared
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We are One World, One Vision, Inc. www.oneworld-onevision.org would like to link up with your site to keep the turth alive
THanx so much for all the information that you gave me! this was such a bad part of our history and this website really lets people know what was going on!!! It's absloutely great. I never would have known so much about the Holocaust if it wasn't for my teacher Miss Busch... THANX
Thanks so much. I am doing a big report for school and i picked Hitler for it. I could't get through this without this site. My project will be a A+ for sure! Thanks Again:-) Always, Anne Biebighauser
A very informative and necessary site. These photos and documents should be required schooling for our worlds children, so that the Nazi German ideals should never again appear in the pages of history.
Let us never forget!!! This is a great recource page. Thank God for those who suffered trying to protect the Jewish people from the nazi's.
Having lived in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and working in the garment center, I have enjoyed the sacredness for life radiated by many of the Jewish people and friends I have come to know. No one can totally understand the birth of a child, fighting in a war, or losing a son or daughter unless they have gone through the same experience. For many of us, the persecution and consequences of the Holocaust are abstractions, perceptions. I pray the world will never witness such horror again.
It helped me with my project. Thanks!
I've really enjoyed this web page and Im surprised to see a person go into such depth for a web page. thanks for your time and patience, Jennifer Daniels
I would like to say that this site is truly an eyeopener. I visited Dachau in '95 and was horrified. In the camp itself I felt a presence, to this day the memory of dachau is still very much alive. I think everybody should try to visit the camp. IT IS PROOF OF THE DARKEST DAYS IN HISTORY.This site is a great site.
Hello, I am currently learning much about the Holocaust and your webpage was very informative. I think people really need to research it to understand how completely awful it really was. It is repeatedly described as "the darkest chapters in human history", and what better way to state it? Just today I went to a seminar where a Holocaust surviver spoke, Nesse Godin (I'm not accurate on her last name, though). Her story was so moving, and hearing it from a real-life surviver really makes you realize how terrible it was. People ruthlessly killing other people, and for what? Just because of religion and social standings. Awful...
This was a helpfull site
This was one of the most informative websites on the Holocaust I have come across. The articles were extremely helpful for my college research paper on revisionism. Thank you. Leslie
I teach a 7th grade Jewish Ethics class at Temple Beth Jacob in Concord, NH. I'm thinking about giving a project to my students dealing with the following: * Could the Allies have liberated the concentration camps sooner? If so, how? * Was the use of nuclear weapons against Japan necessary? What were some of the alternatives? Obviously, it will be geared to 7th graders, not college graduate students. :-) I'm especially looking for sources for those who believe the Allies deliberately ignored the plight of those in the camps in order to achieve other war aims. Any assistance is appreciated. Mark
I am only viewing this site because I am in History class and we are doing our Semester project on the Holocaust. I am, however, impressed with your site. You have done some great things here and I encourage you to keep up the good work.
I began my exploration of the hollocaust solely because I had to write a research paper on it for a University class. I felt somewhat desensitized to the horrific events in an era that seems so long ago for me. Untill this moment the full impact of the atrocities had not hit me. I sat reading all these books 5 inches thick, learning hundreds of names of German soldiers, SS, and order police and felt safe in the comfort of my room. Then the pictures from Auschwitz....the piles of corpses....the starving people.....and I thought of the individuals...they were all sons or daughters....husbands and wives...Mothers and Fathers....and I wept....and wondered how this could happen in a modern society? Why did this happen? and more importantly why wasnt anything done to help these people??? I now look at todays world, the slaughter and ethnic cleansing in places like Sarejvo and Kosovo which again seem so distant to me and I wonder why this is happening..... This comments may seem Niave to some of you but I cant, as a human being sit silently and not express my outrage and sheer horror at these events...and send an apology to the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide....I wish i could have helped you, your deaths were in vain but will not be forgotten, this I promise you.
I think this is an excellent website. People need to stop hating on it. My class is doing a project and I have to be Heirich Himmler,and it gave me all the information I needed. Thanks so much!
No words for what I have seen or read.
this website sucks
This Is A good site I like It very much. I have not hade the chance to go through it all but i will!!!!
Hi I am an 8th grade student and I am doing a report on the Holocaust.... I think this a really cool site to get the information I need... and there are also some sweet pictures also.. Well hope to here from ya soon peace.....
This page is so boring and there is NO!!!! information get a life and get with the 90's this page needs a lot more info. it SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I checked out this site this place is the best place for me to find information about the holocaust and the Nazis.As the result of this site i got a good grade and a good visual aid in my history fair and that puts me in the 2nd place winner in class.
My father was a P.O.W. used as slave labour in lead mines near Danzig,...... BUT HE CAME HOME! I pray that the Holocaust be the deterrant for any future evil mankind may wish to perpetrate.
This is a great site. It helped me a lot with my visual project on Jews In Concentration Camps. I hope more people come and learn about the Holocaust through reading about it.
This is an excellent site for those seeking information about the Holocaust. Unfortunately, too many people find the Holocaust "interesting". I find absolutely nothing about the Holocaust and the 6 million plus Jewish lives (not to mention all the others!) lost interesting. I feel ashamed to have German heritage.
As a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau,Buna-Monovitz and Buchenwald I appreciate and admire all the work that went into your website. I am on a one-man quest to understand how and why the Holocaust happened and to fill in gaps in my knowledge of history during the war due to censorship 1939-1943 and 1944-1945 while being a "GUEST" of the third Reich. I am also searching for a list of Auschwitz numbers (with associated names) for the period of May 1945-October 1945 if such a list does exists ? Thanks Paul N Kassy
I read with interest about how cruelly brutal Hitler was in his reign of revenge over Europe. It makes me sad. And I find it very important to remember ALL of the victims of the Holocaust as well as the Jews. It has been estimated that as many as 26 million people perished in this worst of crimes against humanity. We must never allow such a thing to ever happen again. I thank God that Hitler was defeated.
I was doing a report on the Holocaust in 8th grade, and i visited this site through Altavista. i learned everything i ever needed. i am signing this 3/16/00 at 10:27 est. Thanks for all the info. Groovy. I learned about WWII for the past two weeks and it is, well, atrocious to consider how many people were killed and brutally murdered. From my knowledge, 11 million to be exact. Thanks for all the information again. Signed Jeremy Bottum
Although on the computer, it was still so powerful and moving that a friend of mine wept and referred it to me. It is so eye-opening and in its simplistic style it gives off emotion and power like the Bible.
We should never forget, nor allow this to diminish in the eyes and hearts of the human race. It is abhorrant and evil. Let us study and learn to try to understand this tragedy, and constantly remind ourselves "Lest We Forget"
I am doing a project on Joeseph Mengele, but I need to integrate math in it. I you have any ideas or datat I can work with, that would be great. Any other ideas on how to do a project would be great too, because I'm in a bit of a bind here. It can't be a research paper either, it needs to be a visual or other kind of project. Thanks a hundred and one times!!!!!
I think this is a super duper website....it helped me a lot in reading
Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959)was the Polish-Jewish legal scholar who coined the word "genocide" in 1943. He coined the word to describe what he saw as Nazi Germany's "war on peoples" being conducted alonside the "war of armies" in Europe. The new word "genocide" appeared in his book "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe" in Nov. 1944, in the Indictment of the Nazi War Criminals in Oct. 18, 1945, in a U.N. Resolution passed on Dec. 11, 1946 and in the "U.N. Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" approved on December 9, 1948. Long before the war, at a Conference in Madrid in October 1933, Lemkin had proposed that a multilateral convention be created to outlaw the extermination of human groups, but the proposal was ignored. Lemkin's parents and many of his relatives died in Poland during the Holocaust. Lemkin himself escaped to Sweden and later treveled to the United States in 1941. He devoted the remainder of his life to establishing genocide as an international crime. The one hundredth anniversary of Raphael Lemkin's birth will be on June 26, 2000. To read some of Lemkin's writings on genocide in English, French, German and Spanish go to: www.preventgenocide.org/lemkin/
I am also another 8th graqders looking for some help on their holocast report. This so far has been great help.
iwant pics about the holocaust. and i want to know more about hitler.
I am a middle school teacher. Occasionally in my history class I get questions as to whether or not the holocaust actually happened. I am always looking for information to prove that it did to my questioning students.
After reading exensively about the Holocaust, with the intention of writing a novel in reply to the Denyers, I've managed, so far, nothing but a short story. If you would like a copy, possibly to post it, let me know. Jerry N
I think the holocaust is a tragic thing and I feel bad for jewish people!
Hi. I found this site while I was doing research for an essay. The thesis is the difference between the intentionalist and functionalist points of view on the Holocaust. I have found your site very helpful. Thanks.
This is very helpful for research!
Good morning. Thank you for your website. Continuous constructive dialogue among cultures is the only preventative measure of this level of hatred. Plausibly the Holocaust theory *and reality* should be a required study in itself in the realms of social and public education. Thank you Lane Williams
A very well presented site with excellent, concise essays. Very well done
I have to find out Who Arturo Tosacanini is and if you know could and would you please contanct me please........
Ummmmmm, i was all like doing a report on the white rose movement, and i got a lot of good info, but i couldn't use any of it because it didn't say who wrote the paper, next time can you please label who who wrote it more clearly so you can be more of a help. RANCID RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reading about the atrocities that occurred during the nazi regime makes me sick to the stomach, although i am an agnostic, i still cannot believe how human beings could do the things the nazis did to other human beings--- we must not forget those poor unfortunate people EVER !!.I have two children myself and they have been told about the death camps and, one hopes they will also impart that to their children also.
Unfortunately, German intolerance has not changed very much. With sites like yours it may continue to make it plain the reality of the barbaric attitudes and actions once all prevalent. Thank God this site is on the net. Jen
Hi, i am an 8th grade student doing a project on the Holocaust. Although it hasn't helped me with my current project i think it is a great site and plan on looking into it more in the future. I think it would be helpful though to include more pictures and symbols. Like art from the inmates and stuff. Great job! Keep up the good work! ~Lauren~
This is a great website to learn about the Holocaust. It offered a lot of information I needed for a report I'am doing!!! thanx!
This is a cool site.
Gentlemen It unfortunately does not increase your trustworthiness in the eyes of everyone if there can be found the following two contradictory pieces of information on your web site at least since October 1999 (when these pages were last modified). On the page with header TECHNICAL DISCUSSION: REFUTATION OF "HOLOCAUST REVISIONIST" CLAIMS CONCERNING CREMATION (http://www.holocaust-history.org/~dkeren/cremation/discussion.shtml) Daniel Keren writes "As for burning corpses in pits - it is certainly possible; as a matter of fact, it was practiced many years ago, when a Belgian officer, colonel Creteur, was ordered to dispose of the corpses at the site of the Sedan battle field." (the battle of Sedan was fought on Sept. 1, 1870, in France) and, behind the link from "Sedan battle field", a quotation from source: Erichsen, Hugo. Cremation of the Dead. Detroit, 1887, p. 137-138, and a note "This information was provided by John C. Zimmerman, an associate professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is presently completing a major work on Holocaust denial." But when professor Zimmerman himself tells about the incident in his article "Body Disposal at Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust-Denial" (http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/body-disposal/) we may read: "In 1887 Dr. Hugo Erichsen, one the world's leading experts in body disposal in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, wrote of the Belgian government's efforts along these lines in a battle in 1814. The individual charged with body disposal was named Creteur." and "It stands to reason that if the Belgians could do this in 1814, Germany certainly had the capability to improve on the process 130 years later. Deniers like Mattogno would have people believe that the Germans of World War II were incapable of replicating the achievements of an early 19th century European country." (There is also a discrepancy with another web site "History of Belgium", http://www.visitbelgium.com/bxhis05.htm, where we can read: "On 20 January, 1831, after centuries of external rule, Belgium was recognized as an independent nation.") Sincerely Heikki Jokipii
Great site, perfect for my school project.Great content
the holocaust was terriabe
After reading Elie Wiesel's Night in high school, I developed a great interest in the Holocaust, and I am now studying it as a semester-long project for my college speechwriting class. This site has more scholarly information than any other I have visited, and the images only reinforce that the event DID occur. I know deniers exist, and frankly, I find that thought a frightening one. God forbid such a tragedy should ever reoccur because of ignorance. Please continue to keep the memories alive of those who are not.
Why. Why the jews.
I hope you all realize that Auschwitz was a great thing.
I had to do a essay on the Holocaust and this was the perfect web site. I love Puff Daddy!
What happened on October 14 1943?
I think that the Holocloust was a really mean thing to do to the Jews.And then the way the Natzis tricked the Jews in to the oven,that was a really really mean way to do that to them.In school we are learning about the Holocoust untill the end of the year.And we have to do a project on it and I am doing a book report.So far what we learned is really sad and I think that the Natzis were really mean to the Jews.And if the Jews weren't perfect they got killed or "choosen".It was a really mean way to do that to the Jews.
It's a really good site that helped in my research.
i've been here before. we say never again,but is that really so? maybe not in the scope or size of the true hohocaust,but on a smaller scale is not out of the question.eternal vigilence is the price of liberty. let us bbe truly vigilent. lest we forget that this was going on along time before we did anything about it & then is was too late for millions of people. we just didn't believe any one or group of so called humans could possibly be this cruel. we know better now so let us not relax that vigil. god help us if we do. god don't let us.
I'm a 13 years old and I decided to search some information about the Holocaust because I'm really interested in it,and this site was perfect for me to understand even more about it.
Just a question. what does sighet have to do with the holocaust?
Your site rulz big giant hiney bo!!! I love it!!
I cannot believe that any intelligent person could read the volumes of 1st person accounts, interviews and documented sources and argue that the holocaust didn't happen. Argue about specific numbers if you want but don't pretend that the totality of the experience didn't happen. May God, whoever or whatever he is look with pity on those who refuse to see the obvious.
Your web page is A-OK~Good!!!
I originally entered your site as part of an assignment for a liberal arts college class. I've only started reading Viktor Frankl's book which tries to focus only on the psychological aspect of the experience, rather than the details of the horror, but I'm still amazed that one could live through the experience. My mother was raised in Nazi Germany by her grandmother, but never spoke of her experiences. She has passed now, and I wish I would have spent more time and effort to get her to talk, and perhaps heal. I currently have a very close relationship with a lady of Jewish heritage and it pains me to hear her speak of the demeaning comments she is subjected to in her workplace, even today. Thank-you for your work on the site. I'm sure I'll visit it many times in the near future.
I am looking for information on the web for my students about holocoust.
I now have it verified by US government agents that American soldiers in uniform sent to Poland in 1919 attacked, mutilated and, in some instances, murdered unarmed Jews on a rabidly anti-Semitic platform. The long-serving District Attorney in Manhattan, Robert Morgenthau, graciously gave me a copy of a report/diary compiled by an assistant to his grandfather, Henry Morgenthau, Sr. to Poland at the request of President Wilson to determine the extent of the anti-Jewish violence there after world war 1. It clearly reveals, as asides, that General Haller's notoriously anti-Semitic army sent from France to Poland by the Allied Command was made up of US citizens, regular American youngsters, angry that they could not see the latest Mary Pickford movie. They viciously cut away at helpless Jews and made themselves the first, in fact, to cut off the beards and sidecurls of the religious Jews in south Poland.The issue is, are Americans great enough to own up to this disgraceful display by volunteer US soldiers ultimately subject to the orders of our President or is this constant criticism of the Germans for each and all anti-Jewish outrages an exercise in hypocrisy?
I am a college student working on an elec. date and studying the Holocaust in prep for writing an essay. As I have had an interest in this subject for many years, I will return and read more information provided.
you need more stuff on the holocaust
Hello, i�m 19 years old and i began to be interested in nationalsocialism.I don�t knew that it was violence in those Magnitude.But now I know it. I�m ashamed to be a german. p.s sorry my bad english.
your site is amazing and informitive. i looked it up because i'm doing my senior paper on america and the holocaust and your site was of great help. thanks so much and keep up the excellent work!
From one who lost one.
I am assistimg my 8th grade daughter with an essay/speech assignment, combining history, english and speech. I can tell by conversations with her classmates that the study of the Holocaust has deeply moved them. I am so saddened to see these lovely kids have to come to grips with such horror; I would be more saddened, however, if they were not made aware. Thank you for your most helpful site.
Cheers,great site it realy helped me wiht my G.C.S.E final solution course work
You must be horrified at the truths comming out of the David Irving trial. Think of all the money you will be losing when people know the truth and refuse to patronize the establishments or make donations in the name of the "one and only poor suffering people".
Two questions: 1. What is the mission statement or stated purpose for the site 2. Who is responsible for the web site?
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Last modified: May 15, 2000