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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of November, 2000.
Excuse me?! What is this site supposed to mean? I mean, you say at the top of this very page that you do not believe that the Holocaust was related to Jews and all this stuff like if they saw the people in front of them biend MURDERED, why didnt they turn back?! Well, hmm lets think about this...Do you think that if the saw them and turned back, they would? Yes! But could they, NO! How hard is that?! And I can not believe, and do not understand how you have this many suporters, maybe I misunderstood something, I dont know, but this site was intended for me to get information on the Holocause and did 0% of helping me. THANKS!!! Brandon
The more I read and hear about the Hollycaust, the less I believe it. If they were rounding up all these jews to kill them, why did they tattoo numbers on their arms? If these jews were being gassed everyday, why were there thousands of emaciated inmates that had been living in the camps for months or even years when the camps were liberated? If these jews saw other jews being marched into ovens and coming out dead, why did they keep marching into the ovens? And by the way, how many jews died fighting for America in the War? I've never heard.
Ok, umm this site showed m nothing I founf nothing on what I wanted thanks for nothing you jews now I know why they kciked your ass in WRII you faggets
Nothing but good things can be said about this site. It has been very well done. I take off my hat to whomever put this ingenious piece of work together. It has given me a great piece for my project. Thank you so much.
This is an incredible site. I'm doing a project on the Holocaust for school, and I found this extremely useful. Thank you so much. As for the jerks who right in to insult the page author or spread their "yay hitler" message, what is WRONG with you people? Get a life. Sincerely, Maddalyn
I will be teaching a course, at the Community College level, called Literature of the Holocaust, and discovered your site while net-surfing. I intend to refer my students to it as a reference, so they can better understand the references in many of our texts. Although I lost no relatives in the Holocaust--my relatives were either already in the US or tucked away in Russia--I grew up around survivors. It is easy to assume that the Holocaust was a "Jewish" situation. In fact, a total of eleven million people were exterminated, six million of whom were Jewish. To speak of the Holocaust without acknowledging the others is disrespectful. They may not have been Jewish, but they are every bit as dead. Three years ago, on a visit to Eastern Europe, my husband and I toured Auschwitz. The really sad part is that Hitler's "final solution" came damned close to succeeding. Thank you for a wonderful reference source. P.S. David Irving and his Revisionists are a bunch of peabrained jerks.
I don't anything about but i will love to know about it.
I don't give a #$@^ about the jews so stick this page up your #&^$ing @*$
I shall tell you one thing aboutthis page its sucks you need to upgrade it
I like your page cause it was very useful to me
I am doing a project for my Reading class and its due tomorrow. When I started this project, I thought nothing of it. But as I began to get more in depth to the project, I became to realize that this is a tragic time in history. I began to sympathize for these people and I now understand better about the Holocaust. Thank you.
I like this place. My ancestry has given me a reason to appreciate this sad period in history.
I am a social studies teacher and my presentation is on the Holocaust. Speaking as an African-American female, I completely empathize and believe that the Holocaust occured. I am only 30 years old and I am teaching this to 16 and 17 year olds. To them it is ancient history. This is recent, something that happened in my parents lifetime. Thanks for the information and the photographs. I want young people to realize that the world has not been perfect and it is up to them to make our world a better place.
i think it's a good thing you are doing that is the fact that you let people know about the horrors that happened in the german concentration camps people should know about it keep up the good work cora
Thank you for the information!
I am a 15 year old student in Canada. My Gifted Class recently did a project on the holocaust, and I found your site to be a great source of information. Thank you.
This page is really cool I have learn a lot about Holocaust, BUT PLEASE, put in the guestbook more experience, is very necesary to me I really need this information is not necesary to put your name only real histories or examples of it. Is that Im going to a contest Im going to be against nazis, so please I need a little bit of more information THANKS TO THE PEOPLE THAT WILL HELP ME, Im a child so I dont know to much about it I need to know expiriences to understand how the situation Was
I think they should have a time line THE END
i love this home page.
Mike Hunt you are the sickest kid. I can't believe that after reading what those peple went through that you could laugh. i'm German and while I am proud of my heritage, I disgusted about what the Nazis did to the Jews.
Why? I ask myself. Why would any civilization in the histroy of mand kind want to do such a thing? It's inhumane. Why did they do it? It makes no sense at all.
these men were not monsters, but men, and that is the most frightening aspect of the holocaust. Never let us forget.
Nice site...I think it's really important to inform the world today about the mistakes that we as people have made in the past so that they are not repeated. Once again, good job.
This Holocaust is soo terrible 2 even read-think what it would B like 2 live through it?? U no how this could all B avoided?? Anarchy!! Hoo needs authority?? They just come in & fuck things up!!! All u teenagers out there - fight back!! AnarchyYouth.com See 4 yourself
Hey Hey Hey this page is the BEST. Big problem though. Need 411 on the non-Jewish victims. Only found 1 site. 10 min speech due Mon.
Hi, Sixty years ago, I was a little girl when the war started. My family and myself was persecuted. We were in hiding at a number of families who risted there own lives trying to save us. This lasted many years. My sister Jeannette was taken and sent to Auswitch, we never heard from her, she was only 17 years old. The horrible memories of those years have left a deep scar into my soul. After all those years, the pain remains as when I was the scared little girl. I wish I could forget but I just cannot. I have been wondering ever since what was God doing while my sister was being tortured and millions others. It is the first time I have been able to express myself to strangers but I did it in memory of Jeannette.
I am very sorry for what happened. All of those souls lost because of evil saddens me. My heart goes out to the peolple who, lost their lives, their family, and who suffered at the hands of The Nazis.
Wow... I was absolutly mortified by every bit of information on your site. It is full of information. I was just baffaled and the photos and the documents. How could people be so cruel. I am Jewish myself and I can't beleive people would do these things to my ansesters.
Hey! ya this was a pretty site! But ya, that was to bad about what happened to those Jews and stuff!
Hiya, I'm an highschool senior and for my senior project i choose to do a research paper on *Women in The Holocaust*. So I really didn't think it would be to hard considering the vast information on the internet (hates books) about the holocaust. Oh my, was I wrong! I want to base my paper on the camp Ravensbruck, the women concentration camp. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find any worthy information on this camp is? I have been doin internet searches for .. seems like forever and all that I can really find are slight mentions of Ravensbruck nothing established enough to get worthy research matieral. Is there any way you can lead me in a direction that might prove profitable? It would be greatly apprecaited, thnx you~*Jackie*~
was up?
This site is interesting. I found it to be a good site to do my project on world war two on.
Hi I'm an eleventh grader and I have to do a term paper on the Holocaust. I don't really understand most of what happened those many years ago but I've learned some things about the Holocaust recently much of what I learned came from your site. I think it is wonderful that you have made this site to educate the people whom are uneducated about this subject. I still have many more pages to write and if anyone has any information about the Holocaust that you believe would help me than i would be very grateful. I need to know more about how the Germans treated the Jewish people and their punishments when they weren't at concentration camps. Thankz! ~Sarah Jane~ [email protected]
I just found in one site that they know that my husband's grandpa had a watch and a chain. He died in in the concentration camp. Who should I contact?? Please help me this is very important for my husband and for his dad. Thank you.
A well presented site. I think there would be some benefit to including links (or at least listing) the many other terrible things that have happened around the world. Including those that still happen.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that this page is one of the best i have ever seen about the holocaust. I feel that this page helps us all realize that there was and will never always be only good in this world. There where and will continue to be times such as these when we will all need to realy on eachother to help this world stay in one piece. I feel that if we want to be one world, we have to accept and maybe not forget but forgive what has happened to those innocent Jewsih people. They did no wrong they were wrongly persecuted on the bases of there religion. Much love to those who had family, or those who died in the holocaust.
Hey! ya this was a pretty site! But ya, that was to bad about what happened to those Jews and stuff!
this is a good site to check out history
Cool Site!
I am a 24 year old girl and for some reason,I am very interrasted in everything that has to do with concentration camps. For the last ten years I spent all of my spare time reading everything I can find about this. My first holliday last year I went to see auswitch on my own. Next januari I will go back there with my husband, because the camp was liberated on the 27th of januari and that is my birthday. The one thing I wish for is that I can speak with a surviver. I realy hope that there is somebody that wants to talk to me. I feel like it is my duty to do everything that I can to prevent this from ever happen again!!!!
Your website is rather well put together. Your presentations are brilliantly thought out, and beautifully engineered for their intended effect: deceiving the vast majority of your visitors who don't appreciate the complicated nature of this issue, or what would be a stake for your bosses if the truth were ever widely understood. Shame on you. -Mela
I could have never survived that terrible tragedy. I don't know how a man could do such a thing.
Hello to all !!! I found this web site by mistake but its good to sell at people still care about what happened years ago. I was reasently doing a project on the Israeli palestine conflict and i would like to belive that it all started with the Holocaust. I belive this problem could of been solved if it wasn't for Hittler and his ways. Thakx lindsay
My name is charlotte and i am ashaimed of my heritage.
Can anybody help me? can someone answer this question please? How important was the Holocaust to Jewish/Palastinian relations?
I am in the 8th grade and doing a project on the Holocaust. My mother and sister went to Dachau this last summer and brought home pictures. It is hard to believe a place like this really happened. thank you for you hard work. My prayers to those who died.
I think that this was wrong that a crazy fool like hitler would do such awful things.
I was stationed in Augsburg Germany from 1962-1965 while serving in the US Army. I visited Dachau during my tour of duty and the photos brought back many vivid memories of what I "saw". I have photos of my own of the visit. For all of you yelling "hoax", please reassess your beliefs.
Thanks for providing such a useful site. The atrocities committed against the European Jewry continue to move many of us. Do not underestimate the power of history as a tool to educate, enlighten and to provent the mistakes of the past being repeated again.
I feel sorry 4 what happen.....................
This site had all the info I needed for my report on Josef Mengele. Thank you.
First, I need to define myself: I am a Greek immigrant raised in Germany. I returned to my home country young enough. Whilst I lived in Germany, I had a German senior as a neighbor. I called this man my "grandfather" and loved him very much. When it occured to me that he might had fought in WWII I started researching it, in order to remove guilt from this old man and to be able to look him in the eyes again. Yes, the holocaust happened. Yes, Hitler invaded Europe in order to conquer it. Yes, attrocities happened. Now that we have that clear, let me push it a bit further: how come it was justifiable for the USA to bomb Kossovo? how come it was justifiable for the USA to stop the invation in Kuwait, but it was also okay to leave Cyprus be invaded by the Turks? How come it was okay for the Turks to have committed genocide three times, among which one time was to my own people, and still consider them as allies? How come it is okay to let Israelis invade the Palestinians territories? I believe it is rather hypocritic to set judgement upon others, when we ourselfs as nations kill, plunder, bomb, interfer, at free will and choice, and whenever it is convenient to us. Please consider this, all citizens of the world: injustice did not occur only to the Jews in WWII. It happens every day in different parts of the undeveloped world. And the choice of the United Nations interference has little to do with setting the record straight. It has mostly to do with the one thing that rules the world today: money! So when president Clinton, the leader of the free world, orders bombings next time, consider what makes it his right to interefer in other peoples disputes and what the real reasons might be other than the obvious. Open up your eyes and realize this: Hitler has done harm to the world, by exposing it to the danger of enhiliation of civilization, but he had the power and will to built up a destroyed nation in only 4 years. You must give him that: he was a genius as a leader. And he did not differ that much from other great, as we call them, leaders (the examples set by another reader of this page were very good: Alexander the Great, Julius Ceaser, etc.).
It has been some time since I have visited the Holocaust History project. I wonder how many ignorant and offensive messages have been posted such as the ones I have been reading over the past hour. The same two INANE and BORING "intelligent questions" keep arising: where are the photos of the gas chambers/crematoria in operation; and, which "intelligent" person could possibly believe that "millions" died in the Holocaust. For those "intelligent" people who continue to offend me and everyone else who value this site so much, I have the answers. They are remarkably simple and incontestable. There are numerous "covert" photos taken by prisoners of the death camps of Jews (and all other victims of the Nazis genocidal policies) being unloaded at the Ramps. Of these same souls going into the gas chambers. Of the same souls being hauled OUT OF THE GAS CHAMBERS DEAD! Of the same souls be STUFFED INTO CREMATORIA! Need I go on... The second question. To those highly "intelligent" people out there who continue in their blissful, offensive stupidity, I would like to inform them of something known as a National Census. A major part of the Marshall Plan (do we know what the Marshall Plan was?) was to undertake the implementing of bureaucratic structures which would enable the resumption of one of the most basic functions of the public services. How many peole do we govern, and who are they. Now when 1947/48 the United Nations, Red Cross etc. began to have a substantial colation of information, it was discovered that Europe (East and, in particular, the East) had a substantially reduced population as compared to 1939/40. Not thousands, not tens of thousands, not millions. TENS OF MILLIONS WERE NO LONGER THERE. Where had they gone? INTO THE GROUND!!! And before these "intelligent" people get smart on me, emigration accounted for barely 3-4% of the figure missing. Now please go away and leave us stupid untermenschen alone.
Thank You so much for your website!!! my grandfather survived a branch of Dachau durring the war. I hope people realize that this is NOT a cry for pity from the Jewish people!!!
im mesrceen name rblast
This is an excellent site containing detail I haven't found before. There is one thing that needs to be added though. That thing involves the atrocities of the Ustacha! Some say that the atrocities committed by the Ustaschi exceed those of the SS. That SS men were horrifed upon entering the Ustacha death camps in Croatia. It is my opinion that these atrocities also be displayed here on this site. too few are even aware of what the Ustacha was- they should be informed. That is especially true in light of what transpires presently in the Balkan States.
i love israel and judaism very much thankyou
This was a bad time for Jews , the only differents in this then in slavery is that the Jews don't commplain that they are being treated un fair , or blaming us for something that happened so long ago .We didn't in slave the blakes and we didn't hurt ,well kill the Jews annsesters did and they are all dead , are really old . thanks p.s I have more to say but not know cause I'm doing a project
thousands of Florida elderly jews swear that their votes were "stolen" when they supposedly mistakenly voted for Pat Buchanan.Pat had better watch out- they may turn around and "swear" they spotted him up on a guard tower in Treblinka.I hope he has plenty of alibis--for the evil ones certainly have no shortage of liars. chez
i woz ere- 10/11/00. Doin' my RE holocaust project!
Holocaust: Big HOAx
It was truely incredible.
Now that Jamie McCarthy has "debunked" Pat Buchanan's article and, in the process, the defense of "Ivan the Terrible," I wonder what ever happened to John Demjanjuk?
Good and useful site. I'm a dutch librarian and interested in the sad history of the jewish in World War 2, I'm struggling with the simple question: why??
Congratulations on superb brainwash, called Holacaust.
I personally thought that the story of all this was very sad ! did adolf have areson for any of this ? revenge? rasism?
Great site!
Thank you,I will send many here.
Other readers, haven't you noticed the dream of Hitlor's is working?? I have read several books on him, and found out his dream was to have war keep going. I have also research on wars and there going on and on and on. Yugoslavia!!! I have a boy in my class that was born in Yugoslavia. Think how that must of been. I also know a girl from Hungry. Brazil, France, Yugoslavia, Hungry, England, and China. They all have different problems in country. War, death, everything in betweenwould you like to live in peace or war???? When you dream about this, you'll know how these people must feel. Thinking about their country, in war!!!!! As I must say people have no respect for these people. Lost you probaly are, but read this over and over until this is gone. War, hatred, and everyone is safe all around the world. Thank Yu for your time. Don't forget to tell your family, friends, and other people online. I am ashamed of saying this even to my best friend, I have never seen such unmature people. If you understand me, write me back as fast as your brain can get you to!!!!!!!! Your distributer, Katelyn J. Quast
Why would the Nazis use DIESEL exhaust (at Treblinka) and louse disinfestant (at Auschwitz) to exterminate Jews? Certainly the German scientists had more efficient, safe, cleaner, practical methods. How about driving the train into a tunnel and allow the fumes from the coal-fired train to exterminate the whole trainload? Or, route the exhaust from the crematoria into the adjacent gas chamber? Or, extract the air from the chamber and suffocate everyone. (This method was outlawed by the Humane Society for killing animals.) Zyklon-B was extremely messy and dangerous. Diesel exhaust has almost no carbon monoxide. Diesel engines aren't even tested at our motorvehicle inspection stations for carbon monoxide but for particulates... you couldn't asphyxiate yourself (commit suicide) with diesel exhaust. How come there are no photographs of the alleged atrocities? (I admit the Nazis executed thousands of partisans in pits and thousands died of disease in the camps but why no photos of the gas chambers in operation?!)
a very thought provoking article
i think that this site is very well put together and i like all of the information that all of you are letting the people know!
I really needed pictures for a school project @ sdss in delta.
I am extremely happy to see people caring enough about this horrible murder spree that took place from 1939-1945. People were harshly punished, were burned alive, were gased in showers and shot in the head, just for being Jewish or a "lesser race" according to hilter. I am happily polish and have a grand-mother who survived the holocaust and am greatly thankful she did. I heard that people in Germany still think what hitler did was right, wether or not they do its great to see we can learn and remember the poor souls who lost there lifes and the people whos memories are destroyed by this horrible account. Thanks for the wonderful site!
I am glad I was doing a report on the Holocaust. I am happy I found this web site because it is full of information. This webstie has many pictures i needed. This website is the best for getting information on the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a hard time for many people. I am sad to see many Jews lost their lives. This website showd mme that their lives were lost but they were inneosant. Thanx Jeri
HI, my name is Shalev El-tar. I'm a 17 years old student. I would like to get some information or URL's about youth's groups in the Holocaust (I'm doing a school work on this subject). Thank you, Shalev. e-mail: [email protected]
I found this site extremely informative. I think that it is really important never to forget what happened. As the rising generation, we have the responsibility to pass on information of the holocaust to our children. I just thank God for the strength he gave to the Jewish people who went through it and survived. God is a great God who loves his people. Thank you so much for everyone that put this site together. It's important that we never forget. God Bless you all.
What a great informational webpage.
This really is a very good web site, it really helped with my Holocaust project at school. Someone has really put a lot of effort into this website. The photo's are excellent and really show what it was like for the jews to suffer in the holocaust. An excellent website
Very useful site. Thanks a lot! PEACE
Its a really good website which helped me in my project on anti-semitism for my school!
I think your site is really awesome. People should know exactly what all went on during the Holocaust, and your site proves it all.
The Holocaust should never had occured. It was waste of precious time, and lives, and never again shall it or will it happen again.
it was a wonderful peace of work
I understand that there was a program of extermination of the jews that was set into motion with the direct supervison of Heinrich Himmler. However, I do not understand how intelligent people can believe that 5,445,900 jews were murdered. That number is obsurd and the jew's game of "pity us" is being propogated by your web site. Consider removing it. Thank you.
each torch shines a new light toward understanding and tolerance thank you for usefull information
Thank you ever so much for your site. The historical revisionists have long since "spun" their tales with pseudo-scientific detail, with the main opposition being the horror and revulsion most people feel when someone attempts to convince them the Holocaust did not occur. Yet, until now, attempts to counter their "science" with scientific fact has been a difficult proposition at best if one were not already familiar with which documents existed and where to find them. Here then is somewhat of a clearing house, or at least a starting point from which the revisionists can be shown to be what they are on the basis of scientific rather than purely emotional arguments...
I would like to state that the information presented here is extremely informational and educational. I would wish that everyone could understand that there are those in this world that simply do not appreciate the human resourcefulness of survival against extreme odds. My best wishes to those that survived and are still surviving, it means that the spirit of the human soul is eternal. My warmest hugs from the heart go out to those that are oppressed by anyone/or anything, keep the faith. Everything happens for a reason, and the heart goes on.
A very interesting and useful guide. However, I think more is needed on other aspects. For example, the role of Vichy France, and the reactions of both German jews and Non German jews to the Nazi anti-semitic policies. On the whole though,V.good. Thanks.
I am thankful so many young people visit this site. I served in the United States Army and was stationed in Munich. I have been to Dachau and there I felt a sadness as I toured the site; there's a saying- "Never Again" - It is with the young that must not let this happen again. Remember the past and learn. It is a sad and tragic period of History - for all men.
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Last modified: December 9, 2000