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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of February, 2001. CAN YOU PLEASE SEND ME HOLOCAUST PICTURES I AM DOING A FIFTH GRADE REPORT AND I NEED INFO + PICTURES LOTS OF PICTURES!!
Hey. I'm in SCOPE~some of you might not know what that is~but it's a progam for "gifted" peeps. Anyway, I was lookin' at this site, cuz I need help with a project I'm doing in SCOPE with one of my friends. I have a suggestion. Make a page where peoplez can find sometin' or info or pictures on some of your "mini" facts. "GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PAGE."
Norman, OK Alcott Middle School holocaust report thanks this site helped me out a lot
I'm 14 from tx! This website has really helped me learn about the holocaust~ thanks.
I have visited this site on numerous occasions for new information and I always visit the guestbook. This time when I visited the site I found two comments that really are distubing to me. First of all, all people are the same do we not all bleed the same have many of the same health problems. Skinheads & Klans men are nothing but a bunch of redneck idots that do not know how to accept people & things that look different from them. As far as the holocaust never happening come on & wake up it did happen & it is now the job of everyone that believes it to educate our children of the horrors that happened so that we may be able to prevent it from happening in the future. Come do you non believers think all of these awful stories of torture & families lost could be made up? You need to take a strong look at yourself & your beliefs. Think about how you would feel if someone came into your home & took your family away from you along with all of you family traditions & memories. How would you feel being put into a labor camp knowing that you may be killed at any moment because of your beliefs? Think about what these people had to go through many of whom lost young children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and grandparents never knowing what actually happened to their family members only hearing second hand information from what the Nazis didn't destory. Think about how you would feel if in the next moment everything that you hold dear was taken from you. It really is time for you to open your eyes.
I am a senior at a small Lutheran University, and I'm currently taking Historiography this final semester. Tomorrow, I'll be taking my mid-term and one of the subjects covered was pseudohistory and Holocaust denial. Irving was featured, as well as the IHR. Whether I ace this test is uncertain, but I am confident that there are way too many convergences of history for anyone to deny the Holocaust. The sections helped me greatly, and I thank you for doing this service.
I am ding a historical creative writing project. I am supposed to be a Jew living in germany at the time of WWII.... I am trying to find out information on the concentration Camps.... I am being graded on historical accuracy and I wanted to know if anyone has ever discovered a holocusts victims diary that has entries from the camps, i also wish to know if they were allowed to take any possecions with them. Please reply at the email address that follows..... all subjects should be entitled HOLOCUST INFORMATION
Dear author, I am 14 years old and I am looking for information on this suject. Your web site has helped me so much. Thank you for providing this. Erika IL
Hello, I'm doing research, like all of you, on the holocaust. In my opinion, this is a very devastating period of time for a 14 year old to understand, but i understand it clearly. I can't even begin imagine the pain, sorrow, hatred that the Jews Homosexuals Blacks ect. went through during this time. I mean we are all created equal, who would think of doing somthing like that. But anyways, I've learned many things by doing this report and I am glad my teacher assigned it to us. If anyone had any further information on hitler and his doings, please email me. Thanks for reading this... - Abz
Hey i am doing a report on the Holocaust and i need some help and i was wondering if anyone had any web sites or any info on this subject. If any one knows anyone that was in the war and is still alive please email me at alyshalovessos@yahoo.com it would be a great help. Thanks
This is a terrible thing that happened. I feel for the ones that had to endure the pain and agony of being in a concentration camp. I went to Dachau two years ago, and I am going back this summer. I'm sorry that this had to happen. You're in my prayers.
hay how is it going guys i am doing a report on the holocost and i was just wanted to know if any one had any info about the subject i would be happy if someone would do that for me Zach zach_5@hotmail.com
iwould like to ask information about my lost family in auschwits birkenhau bergenbelsen we were alot of brathers and sisters can you help me please?
I am glad to finally see a project about the Holocaust. I am half German, and I am sure that some of my family members were involved in Hitler's army in some way. I am not at all proud of this fact. What happened under Hitler horrifies me. Thank you for organizing this project. We must never forget.
Hey! I'm Holly and I'm 13 years old. I live in Commerce, Ga. I have to complete a project on how the Holocaust affected childrens lives. I really enjoyed your web site even though it was really sad. Holly
i found that looking through these essay and looking at the photo that i have not seen before opened my eyes more to the way that all of this happened.
The Jewish Foundation of Palm Springs has an essay about the holocaust, question being: What does the Holocaust remind you of. Our world cultures teacher made it a required assignment, leading to my essay on revisionism and the problems it creates. Your site's immense documentation of material as well as links and other information has been an immense help. The service provided will hopefully prevent an epic tragedy of this scale from ever occuring again. Thank you.
Hi, I am 13 years old Autumn .I am studing the holocaust in my 8th grade language arts class .I have done allot of research on the holocaust and the madness of hitler.I was wondering if it would be possible for any survivors and speakers to speak at my school about what they feel about what has happened.So if any one can plase contact me back at my email address ...petitdanser@aol.com thank you so very much and i will certainly be looking forward to your reply !
Yes, the history of the holocaust is about germans. It happened in Germany. Yet one shouldn't think of antisemitism as a german problem. Hitler didn't invent antisemitism. All over the world, for hundreds of years, the jews were discriminated or killed for their believes (same thing happened to hugenots, christians ....). Although antisemitism reached a sad climax in the 1920s and 30s in Germany, it was there long before. All over the world. And it still is. So - for your own sake - don't think of it as a typical german problem. Because you might feel too safe to recognize that discrimination and hate is everywhere, and that one should be watchful to defend liberty.
The very page is very interesting to know that people or Germans could be so cruel. I'm doing a report on the homosexuals in the Holocaust and I was wondering if you or anybody could provide information for me at my email address. Thank you.
I am a 14 yr old Freshman and your site helped me out a lot. You see, I am part German. And I am now just learning of the horrible things that the Germans put the Jews through. Even some of my relatives (now long dead) were a part of the torture and murders of thousands of Jews. To learn all of this is a realy eye openner to how the world then is similar to the world we live in now. It's actually pretty scary once you think about it for a while. I may not have a whole lot of German blood in me, but I do have some. And all the videos, pictures, and story's that I have read make me feel ashamed of that part of me. I can never really understand what the Jews went through unless it happend to me, but I still cry when I read all the stories. And hear about how the ones that didn't survive were tortured then killed. It is aweful. And for all you people that think like Hitler and are planning to repeat history........well, I've got news for ya. As long as there are people like me around, you don't stand a chance. Thank you for listening to what I had to say. Melissa
This is a GREAT page. Do you have anything about the Krautwirths family? Isaac? Wolfgang? Channa? Please put it on your site if you do! Thanks!
The web site is touching. I enjoyed the documents and quotes that were displayed. I have been studying WWII and the Holocaust for about three years and no matter what I read or watch I am touched in many ways. I will be teaching in a high school and someday a college/university and plan to never let them forget...
Thank you so much for providing this valuable site. I am especially impressed with your use of original documents (for example, the Stroop Report). Reading the translated report in it's entirety and viewing the accompanying photographs was heartbreaking and chilling. With the passing of the years, most of the witnesses are leaving us and your information is more important than ever. As a mother, I try to ensure that my children know about the terrible period we call the Holocaust so that, as they inherit the running of our world, they can do everything within their power to make sure it never happens again. Thank you for helping me accomplish that. Becca Thompson
What about the things they do in Israel? And what about the land they have stolen from the people in pl�stina? I dont wanna say that it was right what has happen to jewish people in germany, but i say that they dont lern! and because of what they do i also dont lern from it!
Your site is cool you need to get the part where they gas chambers.
We can never forget. It lives today.
I have a question?? Does anyone know why Hitler was so hatefull of the Jews?
Great page love the info. It's helpful for my project that I'm doing in English right now.
I'm a Jewis student at C.L.Phelps Middle School in Ishpeming, Michigan and my 7th grade class is doing a holocaust museum and i need all the info i can get so if you have any thang like photo's any thang like that pleas get it to me by March 21st by my e-mail thanx lori beth cohen
i think this is a great website im in yr 11 and studying germeny the wold wears and it has really helped me understand the persucution the jews went through and the extent of hitlers reign thanks
Being a history major, the Holocaust has been a part of my studies in the past semester. The idea of such a devestation to a group in society has left a deep sorrow and pain in my heart. Words can not sum my fealings of such an act by mankind. I think Hitler was satan himself. My prayers are with those who keep the legacy alive for all the Jewish and others who perished, and those that still live today affected by the Holocaust. As a teacher, I will teach my students about the Holocaust, and see that our future generations will never forget this atrocity to humanbeings, just because of their beliefs and culture. God be with You.
Very interesting page. Thank You. Everyone should know...
The holoco$t is the gretest lie ever told.Quit missleading the children.You have been con artist's for more then 2000yrs and I don't expect you will quit now but I will do my best to make others aware or your lies !!!
your web page is grate. it is really said. you no what all happedned in the Holocuast.
This site helped me and my classmates understand the Holocaust and get a better view what it was like. The pictures were great even though it was a little frightening to look at
I would like to thank you for your most informative site. The fools who would "revise" history to exclude the holocaust, are the worse kind of fools. The holocaust must NEVER be forgotten. The blatant disregard for the right to have freedom to think, worship and live as one choses, cannot be ignored.That anyone could believe they held the power to decide what a "perfect" race consisted of, is incomprehensible. It is a case of lying to one's self, lying to others, them lying to themselves, and spreading the lie over and over again, until to the madmen ,the lie becomes the truth. That the holocaust happened saddens me, angers me, hurts me. To know what horrible deaths met the men, women and children makes me weep. Let those idiots who have eyes, but will not see, and ears, but will not hear, go their own way.
Hello wsssaup i am doing a holocaust project haha please respond fast
Thank you so much for this awesome website, it really makes you think ya know, some people dont understand how hard the holocaust was on so many people i just wanted to thank you for creating a great site like this oneand i wanted to tell everyone they are lucky they did not have to got hrought that pain and suffering as many people did :)
I just wanted to say that this site really has helped me with my GCSE course work and i will reccommend it to others thanks for the help!
I wish that this web site would have had more on the death camp Treblinka. But other than that I liked it!
god rest there soles rip
very imformative. I like it.
While in High School, I was assigned my first paper on the Holocaust. After this first assignment, my interest in this period of history stuck with me. I became so facinated with it, I felt like I had to read everything I could about it. I even took a class in college about the Holocaust. I wear my REMEMBER badge on my coat to remind people to never let this happen again. Still, I can never truly understand the Holocaust and the pain it caused. All my life I have known everyone in my family, I have had security in my home and I have never had to worry that a Hitler was going to take everything away from me. I feel it is our responsibility to be aware that this could happen again. People can easily be swayed into believing things when a group is pushing it. Individuals need to be strong in their own beliefs to never let this happen again. I do want to extend my sympathy to all those who lost everything, but I also want to send my thanks to those who fought and did not let Hitler win. You struggled, survived and beat Hitler. You lived to let others know what took place. Thank you for being strong and much respect is given to you. This site is excellent. Keep up the good work.
This book is really great, and very interesting!!!!
This site is AMAZING!!!!!!! I has helped me better understand what happened tot he Jewish and Polish people. I think it is a travisty on them. I am not Jewish, but I am Polish. I think from the other details, that what happened was TERRIBLE!!!!!! Thank you very much for allowing me to view your well crafted, organized, helpful, amazing site. PLEASE keep up the work!!!
I really love your book, it was very good,good
Can you please give me some information on 'trains-cattle trucks' transports in 1943 for the Holocaust? Please
My heart is aching for the unfortunate victims that had to withstand such torture and inhumane treatment. I pray that we all will learn from this horrible tragedy and be accepting of all people regardless of religion or race. We are all God's children. He loves us and wants us to love each other! Thank you for the information provided on this web site. May we all forgive but never forget!
This site totally rocks! It helped me find EVERYTHING I need!
Hi!!! I'm cailin. i am 12 years old and i have to do a research paper on any time in history and i picked the holocaust cause it has a lot of info on it that it think people should know about. i have already learn alot from the holocaust and ww2. anyways that as much as i can say it hnk the holocaust can explain its self for now. -cailin PS: if have AOL Instant messenger my screen name is: spit firechick79
This is a cool web page but it needs more info ! It's good for small detail reports , but not much more !
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Good site and well informed, A++
This site has helped me with a great deal of understanding of the Holocaust. I hope it can help more people to come. But I guess I don't need to say I hope because it already helps so many people. I just visited this site for the first time yesterday and already there are more people signed in to the guest book. I guess people really like this site. I can see why because it's a very good site. The pictures are a little scary and gruesome though. It's so very sad, what these people went through and what people are still going through today. I originally came here to this site to get information for a school project. It seems a lot of people come here for that reason. But after getting my info yesterday, I was still interested in learning more, so I decided to come back. I was very interested in the Dachau Gas Chambers. That was a very sad story to read. I wish more people I know from my U.S. History class would come to this site. I'll bet some of them probably have though. I think I'm gonna tell Mr. Mast about this site and he can recomend that all his students in the years to come will see this site. It's very informative. Thank you for creating this site. With love, Jade
great site!!! i've always bene interested in teh holocaust... the pictures are great!!!....but i'm grossed out....it's very disgusting and unbelieveable....i think i'm too scared to look at the pictures any long...lol kepe up the great work!!!
I don't like this site.
This is a response to Richard Green: You said "The crimes of Stalinism are not to be underestimated. That the Stalinist regime committed crimes of unprecedented magnitude and inhumanity is beyond reasonable debate." This troubles me. You should be very careful not to lie down with your enemies in attacking others who are not your enemies. I visit a lot of sites on the internet and it seems you use the same sources and arguments against the Bolsheviks and Stalin that antisemite and hate groups do. I recommend getting both sides of a story and checking your facts before comdemning those who fought and died by the millions against the Nazis as being virtually the same thing. Yes, Nazi sympathizers have spread the lie that Communist are the real Nazis for some time but why would you believe them? For example: the "truce" between Stalin and the Nazis only came after Stalin had attempted to gain the support of the US, France, and England. All of which refused to aid in any type of armed struggle. After all of the wars the Soviet Union had just gone through Russia could not survive a war with Germany on it's own (as your article points out Germany had been aware of Russia's military weakness). Also there is no proof that Trotsky was killed as a result of an order from Stalin. There are many more points to be made but this obviously isn't the forum. Otherwise this is an excellent site. My concern is for those who want to rewrite history you weaken the truth on this site about the holocaust by allowing distortions of another part of history to be told as if they are fact. Thank-you for listening. I don't expect my comments to be listed. I felt the need to set the record straight. We shouldn't allow Nazis to demonize or single out any person or group.
This Internet sites hleped me to understand about the holocast.
This site really helped me with a school project! Thanks for your help! And Effort!!!!
The pictures are amazing. i am grossed out
You're site is fascinating!!!
I am sitting here in tears. I have read several books on the holocaust and I still can't understand how one human can treat another human so cruel. History always seems to repeat itself but this is one that should never br repeated or forgotten.
Thank you so much for making such an interesting and informational website on all the horrors of the holocaust. I am 13 and in 8th grade and for my History class, I have to do a project on the Holocaust. I am glad I found your website because I have found a lot of information to help me now. Thank you again KRISTINE kristyhopf@hotmail.com
The documents, photographs and studies presented here eloquently demonstrate the unique horror of the Holocaust. Acceptance of the efforts of others to gain support for their causes by equating their historical experiences, or those of their ancestors, with the Holocaust, or interpreting them to make it appear that they were the same as the Holocaust, in fact cheapens its story and helps those who dare to deny that it ever happened.
Are you a real survivor? I was wondering if you might be able to help me. I am Sarah Moore, I live in Toppenish Washington. I have an assignment to find out more about the Holocaust. I can completely understand if you do not want to talk about it. I cannot tell you that if I was you that I would...because I doubt that I would have the strength to do so. Please know that I am not only interested in this for myself and my paper, but to let my fellow students know that this happened, to spread awareness and, to do my best to keep this from happening ever again. Please don't think that I do not know that even at this moment that there are people being persecuted for their religious beliefs. But, I am asking, with your help, to try to stop a wheel of hatred and cruelty that was started so long ago. To stop it from the pain it has caused you and your family. A family of 6 million and growing. If you can please help me. Sincerely & respectfully, Sarah Moore If you have chosen to write back you may do so at this address: SmoozinSam@AOL.com Thank-you for reading!!
this website was really helpfull with my reasearch on the paper i'm writing!!thanx
hey i think this web site is a good learning tool for thoses who want to learn more bout hitler and other things, my thanks go's out to who ever thought of this........
I just want to say that my respects go to all the people who died in this disgusting massacre. RIP
hey!!! i like your site!!!!!!
Thank you for providing us with so much valuable information. The prejudice and persecution directed towards Jews was horrific, and we will always remember those who died and those who fought for the right reason.
This site is good and all but chill with the graphics.
Thank you for this information I am 12 years old and I an from Poland.
Whoever thinks the Holocaust didn't happen, you are insane. You are oblivious to the fact of all the pictures and records left behind the by the Nazi's. You need to get in touch with reality.
its good
hitler was no doubt in anybodys mind a evil man.he was a genius also.the way he chose to use his genius is a crime non the less. the way he brought the german from a third world country to a first world nation had never even been attemted.some were appaulled most supported. in the end though he paid his well deserved price...death.
Thank you for this resource. Soon, I will be involved in a production of "I Never Saw Another Butterfly". This website has been extremely helpful as I do research for my part.
hey i'm doing a holocaust project and some people wrote some really nice messages down there, NOT HARDLY!! you think other people would be more considerate of other people and saying that jews are dirty i bet that kid has any place to say anything ok well the teacher is coming. peace out. ~*~WORD~*~ ~~Nance DawG~~
Thank you. I was stationed by the US Army at Dachau from January 1972 to approximately August of that same year. I was 17 and lived in the old SS barracks next to the camp. It opened my eyes as a young man to the horrendous acts employed toward humanity. In September of 1972 they demonstrated their less than human quality again at the Israeli Village during the Olympics in Munich only a few kilometers away. Don't people have a concious or ever learn...
Hi, when I found this site, I was scared and heart broken. I never knew that this was the condition of Jews during the era of the holocaust. I'm glad I knew the truth behind it. Thank you.
Hi my name is Emma I am in year 9 and I am doing a project on the holocast and I have found this webite very helpful. I will recommend it to my friends,teachers and family. Thanks alot. from Emma
I have a girlfriend who swore that never in her lifetime would a camp exist. It is hard to see a result overseas for individual efforts but in following her ideal I must react to the situation in my own country and I am collecting material for a protest here. Thankyou for your help. Yours horrified, Geoff
I am very sorry for the terrible injustice the Jewish race has had to endure at the hands of cowards and misinformed idiots.
I have a major research paper that I am doing and it is for the rest of the school year. I chose to do the Holocaust as my topic. From this site I learned a lot already, and I'm glad that I decided to learn more about the Holocaust. Keep up the good work!
I have been study'ing the holocaust for years its unbelivable what this man Hitler has done, and i still cant believe that there are people who deni that all this is made up. I would definately recomend this web page for those who are stupid enough to not believe.These type of people need to get a life and come back to the real world. MaRi
Last year I was working on research asigment and my topic was Dachau. I had the honour to do an interview with a former internee and he told me a lot about life in Dachau. I think your website can really show Dachau for what it was-a killing machine. I think that is really sad that this kind of things are still happening today, for example Bosnia.
i hate war i hate what hittler did he was a wuss and killed himself
We are studying a book in our Yr 12 English class and we needed to understand it more. I will recommed this site to my teacher and hopefully we can understand it more.
For three weeks, our middle school is studying the Hollocaust. We have each recieved an identification card, and are currently working on writing an essay on a vocabulary word, such as (the S.S., or the Aryan Race) and you're page has earned me an A on my essay, i just want to say thanks a bunch, and keep it up! Never again, Mallory
Hi, My name is Ashley- and I just moved from Germany to Alabama. I enjoy learning about the Holocaust because I think that it teaches me how lucky I am. Could you please send me via-email newsletters so that I can find out more and more of the Holocaust?? Thank you!
I am currently working on my Term Paper for my sophmore english class (High School) and I encompassed the negativity of Holocaust Denial. This page is one of my sources that I am going to be citing and I just had to say that I think whoever made it did an outstanding job. If you were my kids, I'd be proud of you!
Hi! Thanx for a very useful site! I'm not doing a priject or anything, but I'm very interested in history, and particulary the things that happened during the regime of Adolf Hitler. (screw that asshole) and for those idiots, that said "who cares about the jews?" fuck you!!! i'd like to see you burn like they did! I recently toured Dachau. I am wordless to describe the somber feeling this horrible place imparts on a person. The barracks, the block, the gas chamber, the ovens..., it is terrible what happened at this place. Without the museum, it could be possible to pass the walls, fences, and buildings of Dachau without recognizing camp for what it was. I am glad that there have been efforts to preserve and restore the site to educate future generations. Everone should remember and learn from the horror and tragedy of the holocaust. I am baffled by man's mistreatment of one another.
I think it is time to let this hate go. World War II was a very rough event. Many people suffered. Jewish people suffered, Russian people (most casualties in WW II) suffered, Chinese people suffered (rape of Nanking), Eastern Europeans suffered, Germans suffered (Dresden, Hamburg mass bombings by Allies). It is not healthy to dwell on hateful events of the past, not healthy to promote hatred of Germans, hatred of Arabs, hatred of Christians, hatred of Gentiles. Time to let this go.
I pray that something like this never happens again.
Thanx very much 4 helping me wiv my hmwk, i was just wonderin whether u could send more info 2 the address above. Thanx in advance Franki
Nothing to say. I just want to thank the many contributors to this site. Memory shall not die.
I teach a Holocaust Unit to English 9Honors and I am pleased to be able to recommend this site. Thank you.
Thank-you for your site it has brought the true horrors of the holocaust to light. I particularly liked the essay on Joseph Mengel I wonder how anyone could be so cruel. Why did Hitler want to be so cruel the jews were people the same as us, only of a different religion. Anyway great site.
I'm doing a history day project on the Holocaust. This site is one of the best I've seen for a long time. I will continue to use this site for more information. It is so useful.
are 15 years old and are doing reports on The Holocaust. We always knew what happened there was bad, but throughtout our researching, we have discovered just how horrible it really was. there is no word to describe what happened there, there's no word horrible enough. we all need to just thank the lord it's over, and praise him for saving the survivors.
This is a great site for information on the Holocaust, thank you. I am a college student taking a class on Hitler and Nazi Germany. I would like to write a paper about companies that helped the nazi's during the Holocaust. Any help would greatly appreciated thank you.
Hi! I couldn't really find anything but its kool n-e way!
YOu need more info. okay?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I am from the Isle of Wight in England and am 17 years old. I am a keen Historian and have just visited the site. I find it very useful for my reearch that I am currently conducting. If someone, preferably Gordan Mcfee whose work I find stimulating, could perhaps answer a jovial question that has been set for me as a volountary essay by one of my teachers. I have fount the question and the essay I myself conducted as un-inspiring and lacking pinache, maybe you could add some flavour to it. "How did Hitler exert his power 1933 to 1945, where did he suceed, and where did he fail? His ministers, the constitution etc......"
good research, where gypsies??????
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Last modified: April 8, 2001