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The Holocaust History Project.
The Holocaust History Project.

The Holocaust History Project.

These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of February, 2003.

hy ppl..........this site is very good......but it does not have the information i was looking for.........i wanted to know how and why were the jews persecuated in nazi german from 1920-1945......if any one knows then please email me the answer........i have searched all over the web and have not found the answer yet. thank you

Minaxi Parmar
February 28, 2003

Hello: I am doing an essay on "Trying mens souls". I turned to this guest book and read all of your opinions on the Holocost. Great works. If I was starving in the 1930's, I probably would of done the same as he who followed "Hitler". I would not continue following. I would survive the unknown encounters of he who did not survive. Today and tomorrow I would do the same, "survival". Although, perhaps my way of survival is not the same as those in history. Good luck to all.

Susan Burdine
February 28, 2003

February 28, 2003


I'm currently working on a music project inspired by the Holocaust and I happened to stop by this site while doing a bit of research.

Just wanted to say hello. :)

King Virtue
February 28, 2003

I cant believe that there is soooo much history on the Holocaust!!In my 5th grade class,my teacher,Mrs.Robinson taught us about Hitler and the Holocaust,and I am 14 now and I am still looking up stuff on the Holocaust!!!I love the stories on Anne Frank and Corrie Ten Boom!(JUST TO NAME A FEW!!!!)I love learning stuff about the Holocaust!!Every time I read something about the Holocaust,I alwayz cry about something about what I read!All the stuff that happened in the Holocaust is touching!!But I would just like to thank my 5th grade teacher,Mrs.Robinson for teaching such a GREAT lesson on the Holocaust!!I hope that you all keep reading on the Holocaust!!

February 27, 2003

I think that this web-page of the Holocaust is very interesting and educational. At first i was being made to do a report on it but during this time i found that it is was very sad and a real life event. so while i am writing i would like to thank those who put the effort into this web-site.

Skyler Tulley
February 27, 2003

Great Site

Thomas D. Tellez
February 27, 2003

Hallo, GREAT webpage you got. im doing a project about Hitler�s life and second world war (big project) and your webpage has given me some ideas, so


good luck with your webpage in the future. From Nichlas in Denmark

Nichlas Larsen
February 26, 2003

Great website very good work and nice design Thank you very much for this useful site where people can share their opinions!

Istanbul Hotel
February 26, 2003

Hello. In my english class we had to do a 1000 word report. Someone in my class did theirs on the holocaust. I remember reading a book called the "Cage". I am part german so I have learned a lot of this information from my dad. My parents didn't wan't to tell me a lot of information because they thought I was too young. It alwyas brings tears to my eyes to think that people can actually be so discriminate. This is a really good site for people to go to if they want to learn about the holocaust

February 25, 2003

Great site

Charlotte Decoster
February 25, 2003

I thought thought u did a great job! This site helped me a lot on a research paper i am doing for English.

Joseph Michaels from Westport
February 25, 2003

February 25, 2003

Reading this was so amazing! I can't believe that there could be such an web site its so COOL! Just reading the holocaust project brought tears to my eyes. I truelly think that everyone should read this its so touching and beautiful. Me just been a sophomore you could learn alot.

February 24, 2003

THIS WAS WONDERFUL AND GREAT....I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE VERY SMART


Robert and Alex
February 24, 2003

I thank you for this web-site, as a student at the University of Central Arkansas, I am doing my reserarch paper on the Holocaust, and was wondering, if you could send me some pictures. I tried to print some off, but they wouldn't come out to clear. I would like to include them in my paper, so people could see what the holocaust done to innocent people. Thank you Carla Post 393 Shannon Circle Conway, AR 72032

Carla Post
February 24, 2003

I think hitler was a very smart man he knew what he wanted to do an he hid it he went from nothing ta a very powerful man. I wish he had used it in a beter way like for sciance to invent somthing great

I nead to know abowt the atempt on his life coa you help me.

February 24, 2003

I cannot find words to write after going through part of this. I've seen the whole movie but this is more personal in some way.

Bill Lockhart
February 23, 2003

This web site is very helpful,I needed to do a speech so {since I am so interested in the Holocaust}I picked the Holocaust as my topic.=)=0

February 23, 2003

After looking at a page on Dachau for only a few minutes, I became sick to my stomach. It wasn't until then that I think I truly realized the reality and insanity of the death camps. Anyway, it wasn't until that exact moment that the whole "Death Camp" idea really hit home and I would just like to send out my condulences to anyone who has lost someone due to this tragedy. Second, I just want to say that I have a cousin who had her "tubes tied" by Josef Mengele...and I have never met this cousin. If you can read this somehow Rosie, I love you.

Jesse Aaron Ballard
February 23, 2003

My friends,

The Holocaust is truly an indescribable horrific event in history. May the memory of those killed, hurt, or affected in any way live on forever, so that we never forget.

But I challenge everyone who reads this site to concentrate on WHY this happened... a madman comes to power in a time when most of his country is starving (height of the Great Depression). He offers them food, wealth, happiness. He convinces them that through him, they will no longer want.

I hate this part of me, but something deep inside me feels that if I were a starving German in the 1930s, I would buy into Hitler's rhetoric - and I would follow the man who gives my family bread to the end. Bit by bit, I truly think I would accept his lies, and I think I would submit to his hatred. In a situation where I could not get what I needed to keep my children alive, I honestly believe that I would close my eyes and follow anyone who gave me food and stood up before me and said all I have to do to get that food to my children, is to hate Jews and homosexuals and this and that... with time, and a little bread to prove it, I think I would strap a Nazi band to my arm.

I know what I just wrote will upset many people. That's not my intention. I am not a Nazi or a skinhead or anything. I am a realist, who thinks that - given the right conditions - the holocaust could happen again and again.

And I truly hope that anyone out there who reads this recognizes that, stands up for their beliefs, and challenges the politicians who stand up in front of the TV and claim XYZ. Really ask yourself what the end-results of their rhetoric is.

What kind of world do you want to live in?


February 21, 2003

i am just a cerious mind and trying to educate my self for my own quest to beter understand and y people hate thank you for reading my letter

charles thornhill
February 21, 2003

We are working on the holocaust in my ELA classess. I was asked to look up information about Hungary and your site was one of the best that gave me alot of information. Thanks for all the help... -Kelsey from Ms. Haughtons 8th grade class LOMS

February 21, 2003

awesomee site. loved it.

February 21, 2003

I love your page . me only being the 8th grade i LOVE the holocaust!!!! it's a grat project when I first learned about the holocaust I couldn't get over the facts that the nazis did that to not only the jews , but the russians, handy capped,polish,and homosexuals. it's a very sad project but me knowing so much about it I tell every oneI know about it.

thank you,


February 21, 2003

I really appreciate all of the information and feelings that are shown on this website. The holocaust truly was one of if not the worst events in this world's history. I first looked at this website only for a school project, but then found myself so sad and that I could not find out enough information. I am very upset and saddened by the fact that we are about to go off to war again. I think that if only the world would look at our past mistakes than things would become much more peaceful. Thank you for a wonderful website.

Ryan Pinkston
February 20, 2003

Hi. My coworker just introduced me to your site and I can't wait to delve in to it. I've a masters in holocaust studies from a seminary in Ohio. My project was putting together a unit for teaching the holocaust in school or church settings. I regret that I have not found an avenue for being involved in keeping the paramount message of the holocaust alive but I've had to support my husband and I since 1989 so I've been pretty busy.

It's great to see that you are concerned enough about keeping this important message alive to put together this site. Thanks.

Patti Brown
February 20, 2003

Deborah Lipstadt has concluded, as well as most historians, that there were NO homicidal gas-chambers at Dachau for executing prisoners. Please "update" your history. Let's stick to the facts, shall we?

February 20, 2003

This web homepage has failed to give me the appropriate information needed to complete my ELA assignment. I will never visit this page again.

Goody Robins
February 20, 2003

i love your page,

i would like to see more about the story of the schindlers list story. nazi's and the jews

kieran casey
February 19, 2003


brenda jordan
February 19, 2003

this site inspired me somehow im not sure yet but it did! thanx for makin this web site it helped me on my project and for people who are readin this i hope you agree w/ me when i say "HITLER WAS THE CRULEST MAN EVER"im pritty sure that most off you agree w/ me but jus checkin!

*little 8th grader me!*

February 19, 2003

Great site and very informative.

Istanbul Accommodation
February 19, 2003

I am a Canadian man , born 5 years after the end of World War 11 .I grew up with many Jewish friends , and have had , all my life , Jewish friends ; not acquaintences , but real friends .It wasn't until I was an adult , however , that I began to realize that a few short years before my birth , and in another location in the world , my friends and their families could have been exterminated .In 2000 , I took my first trip to Europe , and visited Amsterdam , a place that holds importance to my family , as it's one of the locations my father was staioned with the Canadian Army , during the war .

There , I toured the Anne Frank Museum .It was one of the most chilling experiences of my life .

I wish to express my admiration for , and appreciation of , the work you do , in keeping the world informed of the most horrible crime in human history .

Hugh (Bart) Vincelette
February 19, 2003

The German intransigence at the removal of Saddam Hussein to this day is ample proof that the leopard cannot channge its spots as the prophet stated. The European Common Market will unite against Irael once again as spoken of by the prophet Daniel with only the United States left to defend Israel. The U.S. will eventually be weakened and have no stomach for defending Israel. Israel belongs to Israel and just because they have been gone for 2700 years does not change one thing. God gave them that land in an everlasting covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and only after the coming "time of Jacob's trouble" will the ungodly nations be vanquished and The Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ, sit on the throne of David and rule and reign for 1000 years. Read Isaiah Chapter 53 for a clear picture of the suffering Savior Who was The perfect Lamb of God (He was God, come in the flesh). Israel missed her Messiah the first time around nearly 2000 years ago but God will reveal Himself to her the second time around and as Zechariah said in chapter 12 verse 10, Israel will look upon Him who they have pierced and mourn as one mourneth for his only son. Dark days of tribulation loom for Israel.

For you reading this, today is the day of salvation! Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Trust The Lord Jesus as your Saviour Today. You will be glad you did. As the Psalmist said, "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

Steve Panther
February 18, 2003

Sad, but it's real history. Such a shame...

Andrzej Mroczek
February 18, 2003

Hi! I like this page verey mutch

Jon Prosell
February 18, 2003

This was truly a touching article. I hope these pictures can educate and teach our generation of the horrid acts dictators such as Hitler did to Jews and other scapegoats. If you have any rude remarks to make to this webpage than I think that you are sick. The Holocaust was a tragic event that should never have happened.

February 17, 2003

Wonderful site

Samantha Williams
February 14, 2003

I am the Senior Administrator for Social Studies for the Wake County Public School System of Wake County, North Carolina. We have 105,000 students in our system. I am recommending your website to 100 teachers who have signed up for a Holocaust in North Carolina Curriculum workshop on April 7. Thank you for this website.

Melinda C.M. Stephani
February 14, 2003

Casie henry
February 14, 2003

A very informative and interesting piece. I am currently studying British Militay history and this helped me with a large piece of coursework. To the mentally challenged twat that wrote the message below on 'HITLER FOREVER', I notice you left no name or email address,a coward, who hid behind a curtain and took his own life when the going got tough

Big D (England)
February 14, 2003

Leuchter ruined his life by stating a falsehood. He should have done more research before commiting himself!

James Schurr
February 12, 2003

this was very depressing

February 12, 2003

Two days ago I visited the Holocaust Exhibition in London, I was extremely moved by this. I decided to visit your website to learn more about this terrible time in history. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more and to try to comprehend.


Alan J Lee
February 11, 2003

I'm studing about the Holocaust and one thing that I was interested in to learn more about it was the Holocaust how the jewish people suffered a lot during the war. I hpoe t gain more information about it.

Sindi Godinez
February 11, 2003

This site has been very helpful to me when I have to do research on the Holocaust and espescially when I have to do a project it has helped me more than I ever thought that one site could do.

February 11, 2003

I dont understand this i cant find n e thing. i need pictures and information that i can understand

-Helpless Freshman

February 10, 2003

Good work.

February 10, 2003

This site helped me with my descriptive essy..........:)

thanks buh bye

February 9, 2003

I had a essay to do on the Holocaust and this site provided me with everything I needed. Thanks to this site, i got a 100% on my essay. I thank you all that created this site and i hope you create even more for other subjects (hint hint). Thank you very much and please continue the good work.

Anthony White
what is this?
February 8, 2003

I love your site it is great

Anastasia & Bridgett
February 8, 2003

This site helped me alot with my 5 page research project. It also helped me understand about the Holocaust alot better than before. God Bless those families who had to go through so much horror and saddness, and Bless those who are still alive today, that can still remember the killings, and screams of the concentration camps.

Heather Menarcheck
February 8, 2003

im doing about chynderls list

not telling
February 8, 2003

Hiya, i couldn't find wat i want though everything i did look at was brilliant! Thank-you! Lots of love and hugz to all (mainly thoughs badly effcted by the holoaust)

Laura xxxxxxx

February 8, 2003

guys thanks for making us realize how much these people suffered and thi webpage that you all displayed really touched me and i hope one day those people that did so much wrong will pay for it in hell. thanks!!!!

Sara Hernandez
February 7, 2003

I have really touched here Thank you

February 7, 2003

this is a god site to help someone on a project- like me. well done

February 7, 2003

i will pluck up the courage one day to read something from this site. how very brave of all of you to compile everything. the world must be kept aware of what happened to one race, perhaps it can stop the same happening to another.

February 7, 2003

This website really healped me out with my research paper. But i Still need more info on Joseph Goebbels Thak You

Veronica Garcia
February 6, 2003

I was really touch, may God bless all who had to go through this.

Curtis White
February 6, 2003

it was good

February 6, 2003

this is a great web site. it helped with my project alot.

jack vannaman
February 6, 2003

I thoroughly enjoyed this site and hope that further updates will be made to the site.

I also wish to send out best wishes to those who died during the holocaust and their families.

February 6, 2003

I think this is a very good web page. It gives you a lot of insight as to what happened during the horrible days of the Holocaust. Thank you for thi web site.

Tabby Cat
February 5, 2003

Thank you for being here. I understand some things now that I didn't before. I wonder if people will 'ever' learn.

Candace Sams
February 5, 2003

I was really moved

February 4, 2003

thankyou so much for your very well documented site, it helped me so much with my research homework. i am 13 years old and we are studying the holocaust and i found this site of great help to me.

February 4, 2003

This is a GREAT WEBSITE AND A GREAT HELP ON MY REPORT!! Thanks a lot!!!!! I hope Anne Frank knows how much people are gri eved over her fight with the nazis.

Sherry Eaton
February 4, 2003

My name is Fabio Cahn. I living in Brasil. I looking for, my family. Descendents of the Aron Kahn and Celine Kahn, please, write me. Tanks.

Fabio Cahn
February 4, 2003

Thank you for your beautiful site. How shameful it is that we must 'prove' facts of history as some people still do not want to accept them. It is a great site, just a shame that there is still such a need for it. Mankind is simply not as intelligent or as 'kind' as we like to think. If there is a God up there may He or She bless your efforts.

February 3, 2003

Great site for the holocaust

Tyler Allen
February 3, 2003

I am truly touched by the information that you have posted on your website. Everything from concentration camps to torture chambers, it's all so presice. 'your website has allowed me to see what the real holocaust was actually like.

Brittany V.
February 2, 2003

i find it so very difficult to comprehend what these people went through. I am a father of two beautiful children, and to imagine myself in their postion, unable to protect their children just horifies me. I think its so important that we educate our children of the horrors of the holocaust, and do all we can to make sure this kind of thing never happens again.

nick wyer
February 2, 2003

Thank you for publishing these pages in internet. It is now easier to understand why the civilized world has to make a choice between Verdun and Dachau. To-day and tomorrow.

Kai Laurila
February 2, 2003

current guest book entries...


Last modified: August 20, 2003
Technical/administrative contact: webmaster@holocaust-history.org