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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of April, 2003. Heh, we did a holocaust balloon release, today... We wrote poems. It was cool. You should of been there.
Hey nice website!
i'm doin a projet on why did or didnt the holocaust happen and i need facts on why the holocaust didnt happen
I am looking for information on the use of asbestos in either the work camps (Monowitz or other) or as insulation in the ovens. Otto Ambros (convicted of mass murder & slavery) was used a consultant by DOW, WR Grace and others. This consultant relationship, in part, involved asbestos and substitutes for asbestos. It has always been my position that is was poor practice to used convicted Nazi war criminlas as health and safety consultants. Some US corporations disagree. If I can get some of this information US juries may get an oppotunity to opine on this issue.
What strikes me most odd is the fact that through out all of this terror. Hitler believed he was doing the best for his country. WHen asked close friends of Hitlers they responded that Hitler was actually a very good man with a good sense of humour. So where does all this hate come from? Is it because of ones Nationalist values that 2 million people must be sacraficed. I think the Germans should be ashamed of themselves. they have brought more shame upon themselves in World WaR II than was ever brought upon them in World War I. ANd thats where the whole rise of Hitler started. -Eve, 17, Australia
good web site, very informitive, I will log on again sometime....
we are studying the holocaust at school, and we have to make a booklet for keystage 2 pupils to understand! we wanted some ideas on how to write it without making boring but making it interesting for them! thanx,jod and smegan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Last modified: August 20, 2003