Le Mémorial
des Enfants Juifs Déportés de France
I would like to express heartfelt thanks
to the individuals who freely gave so much of their time and expertise to the
research and preparation of this children's memorial volume. Especially to:
Trudy Baer, who card-indexed the names of the more than 3,500 children
who passed through the camps of Beaune-la-Rolande and Pithiviers. She checked
each of these names against the deportation lists of 1942, to deter- mine
identifying information and the last known addresses for these children. She
combed the registers of daily entries to Drancy for 1943 and 1944, and, by
comparing names, was able to determine the assembly as centers from which many
of the children had been sent to Drancy.
Annette Zaidman, Secretary
General of the Sons and Daughters of the Jews Deported from France (FFDJF),
helped research the photographs and was responsible for the layout of selected
passages of the Calendrier de la Persécution des Juifs de France
for use in this volume's convoy histories and history of the persecution of
children during the Occupation. She also helped Régine and Maurice Lippe
in their time-consuming work in the Bagneux and Pantin cemeteries, where they
searched for pictures of deported children. Maurice is a remarkable
photographer responsible for all of the tombstone pictures, and I am very
grateful to both of the Lippes. My thanks also go to my sister, Georgette
Klarsfeld, who was responsible for transcription of the photo captions and the
convoy histories; and to Laurence Rosengart, for helping to draw up many lists
of deported children.
And to those who took an active part in
collecting the photographs for this endeavor: Léon Tsetvery, Berthe
Ertel, Renée Laurent, also Serge Ejnes, Jérôme Scorin,
Félicie Barbanel, Jean Laloum, Madame Weisberg, Eliane Rawitz, Jean
Lévy, Caroline Hellman, Peter Hellman, Génia Markon, Cynthia
Haft, well as the photography department of the Holocaust Memorial in
Washington, D.C., and Sarah Mimoun and Vidar Jacobsen, archivists at the Centre
de Documentation Juive Contemporaine.
This book has been made possible
thanks to the generous support of our friends Dr. Felix and Ruta Zandman, Cary
and Sharon Koplin, and Richard and Carol Eisner.
Serge Klarsfeld Paris, October 1994, March 1995
CHILDREN OF THE HOLOCAUST A memorial Serge Klarsfeld
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