Milice, who more and more knew their war was lost.
However, despite the OSE report, at least one home remained open – in the
isolated Rhône Valley village of Izieu – and it became the scene of
one of the most tragic and cruel SS actions against Jewish children. Forty-four
children were arrested and deported to Auschwitz. None survived. (The Izieu
story is told in the April 6, 1944, entry in the History and Chronology
Even after the Allied D-Day landings in France. on June 6,
there were savage executions of hostages and, throughout the country, frenzied
hunts for Jews and members of the underground. With the landings and the spread
of fighting in France, OSE halted clandestine smuggling of children into
Switzerland. More than 1,000 children had been spirited across the Swiss border
to safety by the time OSE disbanded its secret network.
CHILDREN OF THE HOLOCAUST A memorial Serge Klarsfeld
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