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name of the person who had signed them or even of the
man who bad written them, but did carry the writer's initials at the upper left
hand corner. To identify Lischka's initials, all we had to do was to look in
the spot where he usually put them the space generally marked "For your
information" on documents addressed to him. We could thus assign to Lischka
documents catalogued under "signature illegible" or attributed to Dannecker,
his immediate subordinate in the handling of Jewish matters in Berlin and
Paris, who had prepared the directives Lischka signed.
The Paris
Gestapo was Lischka. The interrogations at the rue des Saussaies were Lischka.
The great round-ups of Jews were Lischka.
The entire German police
apparatus in France was in the hands of Kurt Lischka. To these already powerful
positions he added the national directorship of the S.D.-Security Police's
Division II, which was responsible for police and judicial matters. Among the
duties of that extremely important division: the overall supervision of the
French police, control of French legislation, personnel demands by the French
police, concentration camp police, general measures of internment and
detention, the writing and dissemination of ordinances on police matters, and,
lastly, reprisal measures.
Lischka was responsible for the men who were
shot at Romainville and at Mont-Valerien. More than once when S.S.-General
Oberg decided on reprisals, it was Lischka's Gestapo that named the hostages
who were to be executed. Lischka, therefore, had the last say on whether
hostages were to be shot, on the choice of hostages, and on the execution
At Nuremberg, on June 3, 1946, Knochen confirmed what these
documents reveal: "It was my deputy's specific assignment to take charge of
On September 23, 1942, Lischka ordered the following
50 coffins to be added to the present
supply 150 handcuffs requested by the RSHA thick curtains for vans
taking persons to execution 2,000 liters of fuel oil for burning the
corpses of the executed in the Père-Lachaise crematory refreshments
(whiskey, wine, snacks) for the execution squads, preferably to be served in
their barracks
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