Click on the cover to read the book |
Wherever They May Be! Beate
Klarsfeld ©1972 as Partout où Ils Seront Translated
from the French by Monroe Stearns and Natalie Gerardi ISBN
0-8149-0748-2 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 74-81808 |
HONORABLE GOLDA MEIR: Courage, Conviction, Compassion, Decency,
Justice, and Self-Sacrifice to the point of personal danger these are
the words that come to mind when one hears the name Beate Klarsfeld.
Israel and the Jewish people, Mrs. Klarsfeld is a Woman of Valor a title
that has no peer in Jewish Tradition. |
TELFORD TAYOR Former Chief U.S. Prosecutor at the Nuremberg
Trials. Wherever They May Be! is especially valuable because it
explores and illuminates the continuing impact of Nazism on those too young to
have experienced it during the Hitler period. |
Click on the cover to read the book |
AUSCHWITZ: Technique and operation of the
gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac ©1989, The Beate
Klarsfeld Foundation |
WIKIPEDIA, the free encyclopedia: "Pressac was originally a Holocaust
denier who, with Robert Faurisson, attempted to disprove what he considered
historically inaccurate depictions of the concentration camps Auschwitz and
Birkenau as extermination camps. Upon visiting Auschwitz, however, Pressac was
able to view first-hand the extensive archive of construction documents which
had survived due to being located in the construction office rather than the
administrative offices. These convinced him that his former views were in
error, an event he describes in the postface of Auschwitz: Technique and
operation of the gas chambers," |
VIDAL-NAQUET The Jews: History, Memory, and the Present A technical
expert of this (somewhat sinister) kind of archaeology exists. His name is
Jean-Claude Pressac, and his major work was published in New York" |
STUDY: "An interesting, if disturbing, resource Auschwitz: Technique
and Operation of the Gas Chamber (1989) was written by Jean-Claude Pressac
a Holocaust doubter who wanted to prove to himself and the world that the
concentration and death camps really existed. It is a "scientific rebuttal of
those who deny the gas chambers." |
Click on the cover to read the book |
The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi
Mythomania Serge Klarsfeld (Editor) ©1978 The Beate
Klarsfeld Foundation - New York Translated from the Original French by
Barbara Rucci |
REVIEW by DR. PHILIP ROSEN Febuary 22, 1979 The
Holocaust and Neo-Nazi Mythomania is a documentary work. It consists of two
studies "The Launching of the Final Solution of the Jewish Question" and
"Reply to the Neo-Nazi Falsification of Historical Facts Concerning the
Holocaust." Sandwiched in between are extensive footnotes, letters and a
bibliography relating to the genocide. Appended is a coup, a "first," the
unabridged publication of two "Korherr Reports" in German and
English. |
Click on the cover to read the book |
Construction) |
THE AUSCHWITZ ALBUM Serge Klarsfeld (Editor)
© 1980 The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation - New York |
York Times By JO THOMAS August 14, 1980 Special to The New York
Times MIAMI, Aug. 13 It is an album filled with photographs of people
on the edge of death, the new Jewish arrivals at Auschwitz in 1944. A young
survivor found the album and, in it, her own photograph and those of her
parents, grandparents and little brothers, now all dead. She kept the album for
36 years. It was not until three weeks ago that Serge Klarsfeld, a
Nazi hunter, found Lili Jacob, now Mrs. Eric Meier, a waitress in Miami Beach,
and told her the album was, in his words, "a holy document" containing all but
three of the known photographs of the Jews at Auschwitz." |
GUTMAN Historiam It has been said that there will never be
people as innocent as the victims on the threshold of the gas
chambers. |
Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), March, 2006
"The Auschwitz album: story of a death factory": Hitler's
"final solution of the Jewish question" sent millions to extermination in this
installation's gas chambers and crematoriums. |
Click on the cover to read the book |
A Memorial
Klarsfeld © 1996 New York University Press ISBN
heart-wrenching depiction of the cruel treatment that the Nazis inflicted on
innocent French Children. The names, pictures and convoy numbers for over
11,000 French children, many still in arms, who were deportedto the Nazi
death camps where they were murdered in the gas chambers. |
Click on the cover to read the book |
THE STRUTHOF ALBUM Study of the Gassing at
Natzweiler-Struthof of 86 Jews Whose Bodies Were to Constitute a
Collection of Skeletons: A Photographic Document Presented and
Commented by Jean Claude Pressac Serge Klarsfeld (Editor) ©
1985 The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation Translated from the French by Jan
Green-Krotki |
WARNING! This book contains extremely graphic images that are not appropriate
for young or sensitive readers. |
Copied from: STRUTHOF'S
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: In 1985 Jean-Claude Pressac published a book in
the United States that revived the Jewish memory, and that of the medical
experiments. The Struthof Album explained, with backing by documents, for the
first time exactly how the Struthof gas chamber operated. The French
translation, LAlbum du Struthof : étude du gazage au Struthof de
86 juifs destinés à la constitution dune collection de
squelettes, appeared shortly afterwards. |
PATRICK WECHSLER Dissertation La Faculté
de Medecine de la Reichsuniversität Straßburg
(1941-1945) a l'heure nationale-socialiste Nous avions
également à notre disposition pour réaliser ce travail
quelques excellents ouvrages d'ordre général, à savoir
entre autre des études de U.D.Adam sur les universités allemandes
pendant le national-socialisme, de L.Kettenacker sur la politique nazie en
Alsace, de M.H.Kater sur l'Ahnenerbe, de E.Klee sur l'euthanasie, de
A.Mitscherlich sur le procès des médecins nazis, de J.C.Pressac
et S.Klarsfeld sur The Struthof album, et de J.Ziegler sur ce même
camp. Un atlas sur le troisième Reich de C.Zentner et F.Bedürftig
nous a particulièrement aidé à nous orienter dans le
dédale des administrations et des organisations nazies. |