The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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We have taken the initiative not only for the
conception of this book, its edition and publication, but also for its
distribution. Our objective is to provide people of good faith with the precise
facts which incontestably refute the lies of the Neo-Nazi propaganda relevant
to the Holocaust.
Those propagandists who seek to rehabilitate Nazism
are perfectly aware that what marks it indelibly is the infamous genocide of
the Jewish people. They take advantage of the credibility of the public and the
more or less unconscious desire of the latter that this nightmarish mass murder
had never take place. That is why the Neo-Nazis have during recent years
launched an offensive which has had a certain success. Their principal themes
are the following: that Hitler was not responsible for the "final solution",
that the gas chambers as a mean of exterminating the Jews never existed, that
the number of Jewish victims has been very considerably exaggerated.
This propaganda is internationally co-ordinated, and the most virulent
of these Neo-Nazi publications appear in the major languages. In the following
pages, we shall give striking examples of this propaganda which seeks to weaken
the cause of the Jews in general as well as that of Israel.
At our own
risk, we have been leading the combat throughout the world and on the spot to
challenge the impunity of the Nazi criminals and the development of Neo-Nazism.
We have also decided to make publicly known the unequivocal refutations of this
propaganda and to bridge certain obvious gaps regarding the history of the
Holocaust. In addition our publications are distributed free of charges to
research centers on the Holocaust and to sources of information every-where:
major university and public libraries, the mass media.
We may cite as
an example our "Memorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France", in
which we reproduced official Nazi data (last names, first names, places and
dates of birth, nationalities) concerning the 80,000 Jews who were victims of
the "final solution" in France, as well as the description of each convoy. This
work has put an end to the propagande [sic] which claimed that the Jews in
France have been spared.
As for the collections of documents that we
have published and our documentary files, their importance as aids to research
is evident. They have also just permitted the indictment in Cologne of the
former SS Chiefs, Kurst Lischka and Herbert Hagen, who before operating in
France were in Berlin respectively Chief of the Anti-Jewish Service of the
Gestapo and Chief of the Anti-Jewish Service of the SD.
"The Holocaust
and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania" is based on irrefutable German documents. Of
particular interest is the report drawn up for Himmler by the Inspector of
Statistics of the SS, Richard Korherr. The latted added up with great precision
the Jewish losses (as of December 31, 1942 and as of March 31, 1943). An
appendix contains the totality of the reports in German accompanied by an
English translation. They are publicly printed for the first time in an
unabridged version. Moreover, we have succeeded in locating the infinitely
valuable Korherr himself in Lower Saxony, where we were able to speak with him
and take his photograph. The Neo-Nazis will therefore be unable to claim that
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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