The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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] -ling the Jewish question needed the
inspiration of the non-governmental authority of the SS of which the SD was an
emanation. In the trimestrial report of March 1, 1939, Hagen, writing of the
"Action of November against Jewry (Judenschaft)" (a reference to the "Night of
Crystal": reprisals for the attack committed by Grinzpan [sic] in Paris against
the person of the German diplomat Von [sic] Rath), specified that "the
principal bureau (of the SD) and all its main and regional branches
participated in part in the execution of the action and in part in the putting
under safe cover of the material of Jewish archives and libraries." (36) At that time Eichmann was occupied in
Vienna, and it was Hagen and Dannecker who had to cope with all this activity
directed by Lischka. The last part of it saw the brutal internment of 30,000
Jews as a means of pressure to stimulate the willingness of the Jews to
emigrate from the Reich.
A few weeks after having received the
responsibility for the II-112, Hagen drew up the regulations for his section
which were summed up in a note of December 21, 1937
(37). The accent was put on the necessity
to study works devoted to Judaism, to make résumés of them and to
discuss them. These regulations formed a supplement to those given by the II-1,
that is to say by Six. They were thus due to Hagen personally. It is true that
on this subject the reports note that due to lack of time, the cultural work
never got off the ground. Let us recall, however, that Eichmann affirmed that
he had read enormously on the question. In addition, a thick report on French
Judaism made by Dannecker at the time of his activity in Paris (XXVI-1) shows
that he was very familiar with the structures of Jewish organizations in
general. It is certain that the education which Hagen, Eichmann and Dannecker
acquired by assiduous study made them competent specialists of the Jewish
The work which was being accomplished in the II-112 carried
the obligation of letting at least a chosen public outside of the SD take
advantage of it. Hagen, Eichmann and Dannecker gave lectures on the Jewish
question for the preparatory courses of the SD but also for classes organized
by the Police, by the "People's Tribunals" and above all by the Party. This
teaching activity was very intense from January to June 1938. During this
period when, precisely, the solution to the Jewish question was suddenly
brought up before public opinion as having to be resolved without delay, the
principal activity was due above all to Hagen and Dannecker and very little to
Eichmann, who was occupied in Vienna forcing the Austrian Jews to emigrate. One
notes in the report of October 1936 to February 1937 (CDXXXVII-16) four
lectures; in that concerning July to December 1937 six lectures of which there
were delivered by Hagen, (CDXXXVII-22), two by Eichmann, one by Dannecker. But
from January to June 1938 twenty-nine lectures were given, including eighteen
by Hagen, four by Dannecker and one by Eichmann. Afterwards, in the report
covering July to December 1938 (CDXXXVII-23), one notes two lectures by Hagen,
in August. In the report of January to June 1938, Hagen wrote:
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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