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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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possibilities of emigration had become infinitesimal, the IV B4 was reduced to working by itself while waiting for a solution to be found. the Austrian and Czech territories, the two Zentralstellen, that of Vienna created by Eichmann and that of Prague (for the Protectorate: Bohemia, Moravia) created in 1939 also by Eichmann, continued to function. During the early months of the war, Eichmann devoted himself to these two bureaux [sic]. They were dependent on the Sipo-SD of their region but in fact acted on their own initiative without interference from Lischka, Chief of the IV B4.

During these first months, the IV B4 in a way remained outside of the principal circuit of the anti-Jewish activity, which began to develop in a new direction. The conquest of the vast Polish territories and the fall of Polish Judaism into the hands of the Hitlerian power opened up new perspectives for the manipulation of the Jewish populations in general. The objective was to liquidate their presence from the German vital space.

The division of Poland into a part annexed to the Reich (Wartegau, Upper Silesia) and a region placed under the regime of the General Government coincided with the intention to evacuate the Jews from the first part and also from the Reich and the Protectorate into the General Government, a region of the latter to be used as a temporary reserve for Jews. That is what Heydrich on September 21, 1939, explained to the mobile killing units (Einsatzgruppen) of the Sipo-SD in invaded Poland (PS-3363) at a time when the General Government was not yet proclaimed as such (62). Heydrich added that it was a question of the "final goal" kept secret and which would be attained after a rather long period by the "totality of the measures" (Gesamtmassnahmen). He stated that these measures themselves were to be soon announced. A certain zone in the region of Lublin seems to have been planned for the concentration of the Jews, who were first brought by stages into the cities of the General Government.

One wonders what Heydrich was thinking as he evoked "the final goal" about which he refused to say anything whatever. It was certainly not a question of the very principle of the creation of a Jewish reserve in the General Government. This project was not in fact hidden from public opinion nor was that of a Jewish reserve in Madagascar. Thus a direct evocation of the Jewish reserve in the region of Lublin and a rather allusive evocation of a reserve in Madagascar are to be found in a short treatise which the publishing house of the NSDAP put out in 1941 (63):
"For a certain period of time, a region of settlement in the districts of Lublin was considered a sort of reserve for the Jews... But it was also unthinkable that the Jewish reserve near Lublin be a definitive solution. This solution can only be obtained on the basis of the recognition of the principle that the Jew has not to be part of the world and territories where white men are settled, but rather those of colour. It is therefore in the region of the latter that the future territory for Jewish settlement must be sought."

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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