The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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This manner of speaking was but a convention of
language, as nearly all of the extermination was being carried on from this
time in the areas under the jurisdiction of Globocnik and Hoess.
Heydrich in his exposé envisaged the application of the "final
solution" to eleven million (according to his statistics) European Jews. He
added, however, that the
"solution adopted was only a temporary
solution (Ausweichmoeglichkeit), but in the course of which would already be
gathered practical experience of great importance in view of the final solution
of the Jewish question." Whatever the means, the goal indicated by
Heydrich, despite its nebulous presentation, already remained fixed: physical
suppression of the existence of the Jews. Heydrich resumed the itinerary of the
deportation as follows:
"The Jews evacuated will be first of all
transported without interruption (Zug um Zug) into what one calls transit
ghettos, to be transported from there farther east." He had first
indicated that the Jews fit to work (the fate ot [sic] those unsuited is not
evoked) were to be be [sic] led into the regions of the East, with separation
of the sexes, and working at the building of roads, a process during which most
them would be eliminated "by natural diminution." As for those who remained,
they would constitute the dangerous part as the most biologically resistant and
who, liberated, would constitute the embryo of a Jewish renaissance. It would
therefore be necessary to "treat them in an appropriate manner."
stages were imagined: first, deportation to the regions of the East close to
the Reich, displacement accompanied by work ("construction of roads"); after,
for the survivors, suppression "farther east" in the "zones of operation.".
Heydrich at the Conference of Wannsee treated at length the question of
persons of mixed Jewish blood or those involved in mixed marriages. He
specified that the Chief of the Chancellery of the Reich (Lammers) had written
to him in respect to this subject. In the measures to be applied to this
category of Jews (Germans), the effect that these measures would produce on the
German kinship of the parties to the mixed marriage would have to be taken into
Heydrich added that the beginning of the great evacuations
would depend on the "military evolution" (militaerische Entwicklung). The
Secretary of State for the Four-Year Plan (Neumann) declared that it was not
possible to evacuate from the Reich the Jews employed in enterprises important
for war production. Heydrich had to respect this directive coming from the
Four-Year Plan. It is possible that the restriction thus imposed by Neumann on
the deportation from the Reich of Jews fit to work stimulated Himmler in the
summer of 1942 to undertake, without excessive delay, the deportation to the
East of Jews from the countries subjugated in the West. The deportation of the
Jews was to serve for the "final solution" and for their exploitation as
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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