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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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apparatus of the "final solution." Such was clearly the case of the Gestapo and the SD, but also of a large number of German diplomats, particularly those who had to deal with the questions of the deportations f the Jews of the Reich and of the countries under its yoke. The activity of all these agents of the Hitlerian power pointed uniquely towards the goal that the propaganda mysteriously designated by proclaiming the disappearance of the Jewish masses from the German vital space. This nebulous vision forced the attention of these agents. At the very most, they could endeavour to distract themselves with it, to the extent that their functions did not directly confront them with the procedure of extermination. But no matter how great was their effort to not think of it, they must always have had in mind that their task aimed at making all of the Jews, German or foreign, disappear from the German vital space before the end of the war.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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