The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Eichmann Trial," on pages 80, 116 and 223-228, then
in "The Drama of the European Jews" on pages 58, 65, 67 71, 78, 106, 107, 108.
This time, Rassinier accumulated all of the "proofs" of the evident machination
concerning Gerstein and his report. These "proofs" are of diverse nature.
First of all, there is the heavy mystery regarding a series of
circumstances, a mystery which is extremely eloquent, according to Rassinier;
for it hides disquieting enigmas. It is thus, Rassinier tells us, that neither
the date on which the French troops entered Rottweil, nor the conditions in
which Gerstein found himself in relation with the two Anglo-American officers,
nor the prison in which he was incarcerated in Paris, nor the date of his
suicide, nor the means by which he took his life, nor what became of his corpse
are known. Rassinier attaches a very great importance to the knowledge of the
details enumerated, information which he does not find in the diverse authors
who have written on the Gerstein report, which "seems to me to explain many
things," he insinuates in his usual manner. And he began to write a real
thriller in five pages by advancing four possible hypotheses to explain the
guilty silences concerning the death of Gerstein. Among them "the most likely"
would be the following: "Suppose, for example, that the two minus habens armed
to the teeth and of whom it is said that they proceeded to the interrogation of
Kurt Gerstein" forced him to say what is contained in this document (...), they
would have then, themselves, proceeded to the drawing up of the French text
which they would have then submitted to Kurt Gerstein for signature and
inviting him to write a few lines himself at the bottom of the last page to
make the authenticity indisputable." To obtain this result, "the two
instructors of the affair would have submitted him to the treatment usual in
those cases. Exaggerating, however, which is again very likely..." Then in the
same way the German text was obtained; it did not, however, bear the signature
of Gerstein, and this leads to Rassinier's conviction: "Suppose, finally, that
Kurt Gerstein was so properly interrogated that he fell unconscious or in a
coma then died before having gotten to the formula and signing..." (41, pp. 67-68).
The reader will find
the account of Rassinier's other hypotheses in the next part of the analyzed
text, but all are of the same inspiration.
And all of this incredible
story because, claims Rassinier, the obviously unacknowledgable circumstances
of the meeting between Gerstein and the two officers and those of his death are
not given by any writer. Beyond any doubt it is an outrageous contrivance by
ace forgers and which is easily brought to light by the perspicacious
It does not dawn on this intrepid hunter of historical truth
that it is necessary to seek out the information to which one attaches
importance not in the writings of authors who perhaps do not find the same
interest in them, but rather in applying to the source, for example to the
French Military Justice, the first competent in the case of Gerstein. Rassinier
did not do this, and this "seems to me to explain many things," to use his own
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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