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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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census of 1939. Before the annexation of the Sudetenland into the Reich the Jewish population was approximately 30 000, who rapidly moved to the Protectorate without crossing a national border and without loss of property.
The newly acquired Eastern Territories (except for Danzig) are not included in the statistics. These figures cannot be calculated. There are, however, various estimates of Jewish population at the time of the annexation into the Reich which indicate a figure of approximately 630 000. In addition there are approximately 160 000 Jews in the district of Bialystok and there were approximately 1,3 million Jews in the General Government when it was set up (without the district of Lemberg with a Jewish population of approximately 700 000). That would give us a total Jewish population of about 2,5 million for the entire Greater German Territory (without the occupied Eastern Territories), the greater part of which are in the new East.

On Jan. 1, 1943 the Jewish population of the Reich without the new Eastern Territories, without the Ghetto for the Aged in Theresienstsdt and without the Jews working in the programs of the Schmelt organization is only 74 979. Of these 51 327 in Altreich, 8 102 in Ostmark and 15 550 in the Protectorate. In the Altreich with the Sudetenland only 9,2% of the Jewish population at the time of the seizure of power now remain. On Jan.30, 1943 the Jewish population was only 48 242 or 8,6%. On Feb.22, 1943 only 44 589 or 7,9%. Berlin, which comprised 1/8 of the Jewish population of Germany in 1880, over 1/4 in 1910 and almost 1/3 in 1933, had not less than 32 999 Jews on Jan. 1 1943 or 64,3% of the total Jewish population of the Altreich, on Jan.3 0, 1943 only 30 121 and on Feb. 28, 1943 only 27 281. In Ostmark it is only Vienna that accounts for any Jewish population at all.

Of the 51 327 Jews of the Altreich 23 197 are men and 28 130 women. 40 351 are religious Jews, 10 976 non practiseing [sic] Jews. 16 760 live in mixed marriages, in Ostmark 4 803 (of 8 102), in the Protectorate 6 211 (of 15 550).

The Jewish population of Germany shows an extraordinarily high excess of deaths which is not only due to the high mortality rate of the Jews but also to the very low birth rate. Thus the natural population change in the Altreich with the Sudetenland from 1933 to 1942 developed as follows (according to the estimates and data of the Reich Jewish Union of Germany since the figures based on religious Jews are much more complicated and less reliable):


The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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