Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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[the children] from finding out about their future fate of
being gassed. But the larger point was always that, as long as a man
acted in accordance with the morass of Auschwitz we cannot judge him negatively
now: |
One must be aware that in the Auschwitz milieu
where thousands were being killed continuously, such a thing [Mengeles
killing a few twins] was nothing at all extraordinary. Absolutely nothing that
might be particularly noticed or come especially to his or anyone else's mind.
But as an outsider one cannot understand this. |
Further, Dr. B. rejected evidence of Mengele's cruelty:
I can't believe that
. It would be contrary to
the personal
impression I have of him
because through work I had only
professional contact with him In slight qualification, B. admitted that he
could not observe Mengele in all situations, so that concerning how he
behaved in his own camp and
concerning the selections
I can say
nothing. But B.s general message was: What I saw was commendable
and collegial. What I did not see I cannot comment on. If people say he did bad
things, they are exaggerating or fantasizing and I cannot believe them. Mengele
was merely acting consistently with Auschwitz principles, whatever he did. And,
no one who has not himself experienced Auschwitz can understand or judge these
In his overall attempt to restore Mengeles good
name Dr. Bs organizing principle was integrity. Mengele behaved
according to his convictions. Mengele also did valuable scientific work.
Perhaps there was a certain loss of humanity (Dr. B. admitted under my
prodding), but if somebody is as convinced as he was that the Jews had to
be exterminated
then one can imagine how this restraint [associated with
ordinary humanity] does not exist and always, again, has to
be seen under Auschwitz conditions.
Mengele was no hypocrite,
that is, and showed initiative and a sense of responsibility in several ways.
As an example, Dr. B. told how Mengele was the only one among the SS doctors
who concerned himself with the practical [aspects] of gassing the overburdened
facilities and technical
mistakes made the whole process
even more inhuman, so that as perverse as it may sound, he
took the trouble to look into these matters
for humanitarian
Contrasting Mengeles constructive energies with
the usual Auschwitz attitude of that's not my business, Dr. B. on
several occasions told how, at the time of the evacuation of Auschwitz toward
the end of the war, when everyone was preoccupied with personal problems, only
Mengele had the presence of mind and sense of responsibility to organize the
dynamiting of the gas chambers. The task was really under the
jurisdiction of the commandant, not the SS doctor, but the commandant
would have been willing to leave the whole stinking mess [Sauerei,
slang |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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