Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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Notes to Pages 16-28 |
(The numbers in brackets refer to the
original, complete citation of a particular reference in each chapter. The
dates in brackets denote original publication of a
title.) |
15. Mosse, German Ideology [5], p. 103. |
16. Himmler, quoted in Krausnick, Persecution,
[12], p. 14. |
17. George L. Mosse, Toward the Final Solution: A
History of European Racism (New York: Fertig, 1978), p. 77. |
18. Hitler, Mein Kampf [l0], pp. 397-98. |
19. Nuremberg Medical Case, especially vol. I, pp.
8-17 (the
indictment) and 27-74 (opening statement by Chief Prosecutor Telford
Taylor, 9 December 1946); personal interview with James M. McHaney, prosecutor
of the Medical Case. |
Chapter 1.
Sterilization and the Nazi Biomedical Vision |
1. Fritz Lenz, Menschliche Auslese und
Rassenhygiene, vol. II of Erwin Bauer, Eugen Fischer, and Lenz,
Grundriss der menschlichen Erblichheitsiehre und Rassenhygiene (Munich:
J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1923), p. 147. See the expanded version of this joint
work's third (1927) edition, especially for American readers: Human
Heredity (New York: Macmillan, 1931). On Davenport and Cold Spring Harbor,
see Daniel J. Kevles, In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of
Human Heredity (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985), pp. 44-56. |
2. George L. Mosse, Toward the Final Solution: A History
of European Racism (New York: Harper & Row, 1978), p. 81. |
3. Albert Edward Wiggam, New Decalogue of Science
(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1923), pp. 25-26. |
4. J[acob] P. Landman, Human Sterilization: The History
of the Sexual Sterilization Movement (New York: Macmillan, 1932), pp.
4-5. |
5. Helmut Krausnick, "The Persecution of the Jews" in
Krausnick et al., Anatomy of the SS State (New York: Walker, 1968
[1965]), pp. 16-17. |
6. Human Sterilization in Germany and the United
States, JAMA 102 (1934):1501-2; see Kevles, Eugenics [1], pp.
113-17. |
7. Kevles, Eugenics [1], p. 116 |
8. Ibid., p. 117. |
9. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Boston: Houghton Muffin, 1943
[1925-26]), pp. 403-4, 257, respectively. |
10. JAMA 101 (1933):866.-67; 102 (1934):630-31,
1501; 103 (1934):849-50. W. W. Peter Germanys Sterilization
Program, American Journal of Public Health 24 (1934):
187. |
11. JAMA 105 (1935):1999. |
12. JAMA 104 (1935):2109 (Wagner); 101 (1933):867;
106 (1936):1582. |
13. JAMA 106 (1936):1582. |
14. JAMA 103 (1934):766-67, 850; 106 (1936): 58,
308-9. |
15.JAMA 104 (1935):2110. |
16. JAMA 102 (1934):57; 103 (1934):1164; 104
(1935):2110. |
17. JAMA 104 (1935):1183. |
18. JAMA 105 (1935):1051. |
19. W[alter] von Baeyer, Die Bestätigung der
NS-Ideologie in der Medizin unter besonderer Berücksichtgung der
Euthanasie, Universitätstage 5 (1966):64; Ernst Klee,
Euthanasie im NS-Staat: Die Vernichtung lebensunwerten
Lebens (Frankfurt/M.: S. Fischer, 1983), p. 86. Much of my manuscript
had been completed when this important book appeared, but I have used it to
confirm and supplement information from other sources. Another important recent
study is Gisela Bock, Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany: Motherhood,
Compulsory Sterilization and the State, in When Biology Became
Destiny: Women in Weimar and Nazi Germany, Renate Bridenthal, Atina
Grossmann, and Marion Kaplan, eds. (New York: Monthly Review, 1985), pp.
271-96. |
20. JAMA 105 (1935):1052-53 21. |
Ernst Rüdin, Zehn Jahre nationalsozialistischer
Staat, Archivefur Rassen- und Gesellschaftsbiologie 36 (1942):321.
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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