Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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Notes to Pages 38-46 |
(The numbers in brackets refer to the
original, complete citation of a particular reference in each chapter. The
dates in brackets denote original publication of a
title.) |
55. JAMA 107 (1936):979-80. On Laughlin, see Kevles,
Eugenics [1], pp. 102-4, 118. For Kennedy’s views, see “The
Problem of Social Control of the Congenital Defective: Education,
Sterilization, Euthanasia,” American Journal of Psychiatry, 99
(1942): 13-16. |
56. JAMA 110 (1938): 298. |
57. Kater, “Medizinische Fakultäten” [33]
pp. 94-104; Leo Alexander, “The Medical School Curriculum in War-Time
Germany,” Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, Item 24
(Medical), File No. XXVII-71. |
58. Karl Saller, Die Rassenlehre des Nationalsozialismus
im Wissenschaft und Propaganda (Darmstadt: Progress-Verlag, 1961);
JAMA 104 (1935): 2010. |
59. Richard Hanser, A Noble Treason: Students Against
Hitler (New York: Putnam, 1970), pp. 187, 22, 117, respectively. |
60. JAMA 112 (1939): 1982. |
61. JAMA 106 (1936): 1214-15; 113 (1939):
2163 |
62. On the “nature movement,” see Cocks,
Psychotherapy [48], pp. 138-43; Kater, “Medizinische
Fakultäten” [33] pp. 91-93; JAMA 103(1934): 1164-65
(“house of health”); 112 (1939):1740. |
63. Stephan Leibfried and Florian Tennstedt,
Berufsverbote und Sozialpolitik, 1933: Die Auswirkungen der
nationalsozialistischen Machtergreifung auf die Krankenkassenverwaltung und die
Kassenärzte (Bremen: Universität Bremen, 1981) pp. 67-76, 210-13;
Cocks, Psychotherapy [48], pp. 87-89. |
64. Dr. M Stämmler, “Das Judentum in der
Medizin” Arteblatt für Vorddeutschland (1938), quoted in
Leibfried and Tennstedt Berufsverbote [63] pp 307-12. |
65. Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick, quoted in JAMA
105 (1935):1998; see 106 (1936): 136. |
66. Kater, Nazi Party [41], pp. 112-14, 134-37;
JAMA 106 (1936):1214-15. On the Nuremberg laws and related legislation,
see Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (Chicago
Quadrangle 1967 [1961]) pp 42-53, and Helmut Krausnick, “The Persecution
of the Jews,” in Krausnick et al. Anatomy of the SS State (Chicago
Walker, 1968 [1965]) pp 23-43. |
67. Jan Sehn, “Carl Claubergs verbrecherische
Unfruchtbarmachungs-Versuche an Häftlings-Frauen in den
Nazi-Konzentrationslagern,” Hefte von Auschwitz 2
(1959):3-31. |
68. Larry V. Thompson, “Lebensborn and the
Eugenics Policy of the Reichsführer-SS,” Central European
History 4 (1971): 55. |
69. Marc Hillel and Clarissa Henry, Of Pure Blood
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976 [1975]), pp. 55, 116-26, 191-203. |
70. Alexander Mitscherlich and Fred Mielke, The Death
Doctors (London: Elek Books, 1949) p 17. |
71. Ernst Mann [Gerhard Hoffmann] Die Erlosung der
Menschheit vom Elend (Weimar F. Fink, 1922), p. 39. |
Chapter 2
“Euthanasia”: Direct Medical Killing |
1. See Foster Kennedy, “The Problem of Social Control
of the Congenital Defective Education Sterilization Euthanasia,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 99 (1942):13-16. Kennedy was rebutted by
Leo Kanner, the leading American child psychiatrist of the time who did,
however, favor sterilization. “Exoneration of the Feebleminded,”
American Journal of Psychiatry 99 (1942):17-22. |
2. Adolf Jost, Das Recht auf den Tod: Sociale Studie
(Göttingen: Dieterich’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1895); Klaus
Dörner, “Nationalsozialismus und Lebensvernichtung,”
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 15 (1967):123-24. On the
intellectual background, see Amnon Amir, “Euthanasia in Nazi Germany”
(unpublished dissertation, State University of New York, Albany,
1977). |
3. Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche, Die Freigabe der
Vernichtung lebebsunwerten Lebens: Ihr Mass und ihre Form (Leipzig F.
Meiner, 1920). On Binding and Hoche see Ernst Klee, “Euthana
[…sie] |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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