Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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Notes to Pages 136-147 |
(The numbers in brackets refer to the
original, complete citation of a particular reference in each chapter. The
dates in brackets denote original publication of a
title.) |
9. Heyde Trial, pp. 646-48; Klee,
Euthanasie [6], p. 348, reproduces one of these photos with
handwritten diagnosis. |
10. Klaus Dörner, Nationaisozialismus und
Lebensvernichtung, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 15
(1967):145. |
11 . Seraphim, Special Treatment [3];
Heyde Trial, pp. 604-9. |
12. Seraphim, Special Treatment [3].
13. Heyde Trial, pp. 603-12. |
14. Amir, Euthanasia [2], pp. 305-307.
15. Seraphim, Special Treatment [3]. |
16. Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz (Vienna:
Europaverlag, 1972), p. 114. |
17. Klee Euthanasie [6], pp. 352-55;
Kogon, Massentötungen [4], pp. 77-78. |
18. Amir, Euthanasie [2], p.
305. |
19. See, for example, Mennecke's letter of 2 November 1941
in Heyde Trial p. 623. Menneckes letters to his wife are found in Heyde
Trial, pp.. 613-46, and are published in Hermann Langbein, Wir haben es
getan: Selbstporträts in Tagebüchern und Briefen, 1939-1945
(Vienna: Europaverlag, 1964), pp 24-30. |
20. Morgen's 1944 report on camp corruption, quoted in
Seraphim, Special Treatment [3]. |
21. Kogon, Massentötungen [4] pp. 76-77; Klee,
Euthanasie[6], pp. 354-55. |
22. SS documents, especially Lebenslauf
(autobiography), 13 June 1937 (BDC: Mennecke). |
23. Klee, Euthanasie [6], pp. 120-21.
24. Mennecke to investigative judge, 2 November 1946, in
Langbein, Wir haben [19], p. 19. |
25. The photo, without Steinmeyer, is reprinted in Klee,
Euthanasie [6], p. 226. Mennecke to Director of Lohr
hospital, 20 October 1940, in Langbein, Wir haben [19], p.
20. |
26. Langbein Wir haben [19] pp 38-39. |
27. Klee, Euthanasie [6], pp. 340-41,
355; Lothar Gruchmann, Euthanasie und Justiz im Dritten Reich
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 20 (1972): 244. |
28. Florian Zehethofer, Das Euthanasieproblem im
Dritten Reich am Beispiel Schloss Hartheim (1938-1945)
Oberösterreichische Heimatsblatter 32 (1978): 58-60. |
29. Klee Euthanasie [6] pp 372-73.
30. On the transition from T4 to mass killing in the East
see Zehethofer, Hartheim [28] pp 55-56; Christopher R. Browning,
Fateful Months: Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution (New York:
Holmes & Meier, 1985), chaps. 1 and 3; Gitta Sereny, Into That Darkness:
From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder (New York: McGraw Hill, 1974) Adalbert
Rücken, NS-Vernichtungslager im Spiegel deutscher Strafprozesse
(Munich: DTV, 1977); Raul Hilberg The Destruction of the European
Jews, rev. and definitive ed. (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985), vol.
III, pp. 872-73, 894-95; and the studies by Yves Ternon and Socrate Helman,
Le Massacre des aliénes: Des théoriciens nazis aux
praticiéns SS (Paris: Casterman, 1971); Les Médicins
allemands et le national-socialisme (Paris: Casterman, 1973), and
Histoire médicin SS (Paris: Casterman, 1970). |
31. Konrad Lorenz, Durch Domestikation verursachte
Störungen arteigenen Verhaltens, in Zeitschrzft für
angewandte Psychologie und Charakterkunde (Journal of Applied Psychology
and the Science of Character) 59 (1940): 66, 71. |
32. Discussions with Raul Hilberg and Yehuda Bauer have
greatly contributed to my understanding of this evolving mentality. |
Introduction to Part
II |
1. Diary entry (5 September 1942) and testimony (Krakow,
18 August 1947), in Kremers Tagebuch, Hefte von Auschwitz 13
(1971): 42, 107n.36. English in KL Auschwitz Seen by the SS (New York:
Fertig, 1984), p. 215. |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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