Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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Acknowledgments |
I received valuable assistance from many libraries and
archival collections. In the United States: Yale University and Columbia
University libraries, New York Public Library at 42nd Street, and the Library
of the New York Academy of Medicine; the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
(Dina Abramowicz, librarian), the Jewish Labor Bund archives (Hillel
Kempinski), and the National Archives (Robert Wolfe). In Germany: The Institut
für Zeitgeschichte in Munich; the Ludwigsburg Zentralstelle der
Landesjustizverwaltungen; and the Berlin Document Center (Diana K. Kendall and
Daniel P. Simon). In Austria: the Dokumentationszentrum des Widerstandes,
Vienna (Erwin Steiner, director). In Israel: the Yad Vashem Holocaust Research
Center (Yitzhak Arad, Livia Rothkirchen, Hadassah Modlinger, and Danuta
Dabrowska); and the Haifa Institute of Documentation for the Investigation of
Nazi War Crimes (Tuvia Friedman, director). In, Poland: the Main Committee for
the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland (Czeslaw Pilichowski, director); and
the Auschwitz Museum (which provided valuable original Auschwitz documents
Kasamierz Smolen, director, and Tadeusz Iwaszko). In London: the Wiener Library
(Gita Johnson).
Lily B. Finn, my assistant at Yale for twenty-two
years, did more coordinate the various strands of the research than I or she
can possibly recall, and then typed the entire manuscript, put it on a word
processor, and saw through the revisions to the end. Lucy M. Silva, my new
assistant at John Jay College/City University, did a very great deal to enable
me to complete the work.
John J. Simon made the initial phone call that
set the project in motion, and was a partner in dialogue during the early
stages of the research. Jane Isay, with rare brilliance and generosity, edited
and helped shape the original manuscript. Jo Ann Miller provided editorial
advice, and she and Martin Kessler made possible the extraordinary support for
the entererprise by Basic Books. Phoebe Hoss provided later manuscript editing
remarkable in being as imaginative as it was meticulous. Linda Carbone
sensitively guided the manuscript through production.
This study has
not been easy on my family. My wife, Betty Jean Lifton, has struggled with it
no less than I have, provided balance with her work on a good doctor,
Janusz Korczak, all the while infusing me with the needed combinations of love
and courage. Our children, Natasha and Kenneth Jay, have endured the pain of
the project and at the same time made clear to their father that they
understand its necessity and meaning.
This work was made possible
through the assistance of a research grant from the National Endowment for the
Humanities, supplemented by grants from the Humanities Division of The
Rockefeller Foundation, the New-Land Foundation, the Foundations Fund for
Research in Psychiatry, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, the Holocaust Survivors Memorial Foundation, and
the May W. Wise Philanthropic Fund. |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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