The Holocaust History Project provides a number of "Who is" pamphlets
on one aspect of Holocaust-denial, with, we hope, more work on more topics to follow.
These pamphlets quote the exact words used by Holocaust deniers to promote
their ideas. Permission is granted to any party to reproduce in print, in any
quantity, on the conditions:
- that no major changes be made without consulting the author;
- that, whatever the changes, the Holocaust History Project URL be
unmodified, as the online copy with more detail is considered part of
the pamphlet itself;
- and that the author be notified by email at least 24 hours before
the pamphlets are used.
These pamphlets are:
- Who is David Irving?
by Jamie McCarthy.
- This pamphlet was written in 1998, and was singled out for attack by David
Irving himself. A complete explanation accompanies the pamphlet:
- Who is David Irving: Annotated Brochure (3500 words).
For those who wish to print the trifold brochure, two versions are
available. The PDF version will print nicely with the free
The original ClarisWorks (AppleWorks) version is presented for those
with that software.
- Who is David Irving: Adobe Acrobat PDF
Who is David Irving: Mac ClarisWorks 4 (BinHex)
- Who is David Irving?
by Sara Salzman.
- This updated version of Mr. McCarthy's original pamphlet addresses some of the
new issues, including the recent Irving vs. Lipstadt trial.
- Who is David Irving: Adobe Acrobat PDF
Who is Ernst Zundel?
by Sara Salzman and Yale Edeiken.
This pamphlet explains some of the issues regarding Mr. Zundels's current situation,
and why he is currently residing in a Canadian prison.
Who is Ernst Zundel: Adobe Acrobat PDF.