Q Anon: “Learn to Read the Map”
A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees
Article updated several times on January 9, 2018, now with over 100 new resources, a good number of them very large and high resolution.
If you have additions for this collection,
please get them to the New Earth Memes Facebook group.
The material presented below has been collected the old-fashioned way: Google. Aside from Dylan Louis Monroe’s remarkably detailed “Q Web,” nothing is new that the the Alt Media crowd hasn’t had access to, so “Q Anon” didn’t drop any of this. This is a collection of notes and diagrams from a few bloggers and memeologists, that’s it. We are not affiliated with Q Anon nor any organization. All of this information is intended to be shared and reposted, including this article in its entirety.
This is a dynamic article with more maps and diagrams being added and Dylan has and will continue to provide updates, revisions, and a number of additional products. We have begun to add videos that use this article as a resource and would welcome links to videos that do so. If you have additions for this collection, please get them to the New Earth Memes Facebook group.
Many of the images are high resolution. Clicking on most images will expand them to their full-resolution so you can zoom in on them and read them easier. Images where a high resolution source has not been found are not linked but may still be viewed by right-clicking and selecting “Open in new tab.”
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Thanks to all the nameless, faceless contributors to our collective knowledge base, especially for that which is available on the interwebs.
Introductory Overview Viedos
There are several dozen highly detailed images below, and navigating through them may seem quite overwhelming. There’s an army of Alternative Media Reporters and Vloggers who are providing excellent analyses that provide a number of alternative narratives that might be closer to the truth than the official narrative pushed by Mainstream Media (MSM). At the top of this post appear a number of videos that provide overviews of the collection of maps before you go diving into the collection. At the bottom of the article are other video reports referencing this article. If you create a video, please send the link to someone at New Earth Memes .
The SGT Report does a great overview starting at 3:05 and is covered through the rest of the video.
XtremeRealityCheck has done a great job providing an introduction to our collection of dozens of maps, diagrams, org charts, and family trees:
YouTube vlogger kinninigan of RagingReptilian.com has also produced a good introduction, with different insights than XtremeRealityCheck.
Natasha Nothing But Truth vlogging as Trump News, Truth Natasha provides a quick three and a half minute overview.
Q Web by Dylan Louis Monroe
The source for this first, remarkably detailed, high resolution, and very current map is Dylan Louis Monroe, who has provided some direction on how to read it. Chronologically it runs from top to bottom.
Download Original High Resolution Maps:
Version 1.7 posted January 7, 2018
8.5×11” (LETTER) 5MB
18×24” 12MB
Internet Version (beige background)
KEY to the Q-web (link to the Key that appears below this image)
KEY to the Q-web
(click on the link to the image for an expanded high res view of the key)
“The World Government”
Bureau d’Etudes Source Frontiers of Solitude Brian Holmes
These next two “blue maps” are from the Bureau d’Etudes, which sounds like an Ashton Kutcher movie to me. With a name like “Bureau d’Etudes” I imagine some stodgy Euro dudes in their late 50’s with thin mustaches and smoking cigarettes, I don’t see some guy sitting in front of Illustrator or Photoshop (and they certainly wouldn’t be on freeware Paint.net like this memeologist). So who knows how ALL this stuff got on there, and there is no telling whether the dots that are connected here are really connected, unless you start validating it yourself.
This is the world of Alternative Resources. Like “tells” in poker, EVERYTHING has value, it’s just a matter of determining how to get the highest and best use out of something and when to just cut bait. Looking at it for more than a few minutes, it does seem like most connections jibe with the plethora of information available to us. If something seems NQR (Not Quite Right), then look it up, it very well might not be. If you find that something is wrong, you can just walk away from the resource. OR, you can use that information as an breadcrumb for you to figure out WHY you were being misled. Several of these breadbrumbs together will show you a PATTERN of what “they” WANT YOU TO BELIEVE, which is clearly not “what is true.” This is called developing your discernment and is a part of the alchemical process of learning how to turn lead into gold.
Click on the image below to be taken to a very large, high resolution file that you can zoom in to. The first diagram is stunning on its own, while the second allows you to expand even further out, maintaining a remarkable level of detail.
The Conspiracy to Rule the World 2.0 (2014)
The Committee of 300
Click here for source and updated list for the Committee of 300
The Global Pyramid Scheme
Skull and Bones Secret Society
George W. Bush (1968) and John Kerry (1966) Skull and Bones Members
Wikipedia on Skull and Bones Secret Society at Yale
Wikipedia List of Skull and Bones members
Wikipedia List of 1960’s Graduates from Skull and Bones Secret Society at Yale
The CIA and Hollywood – Season 1 and 2
Bloodline Family Networks –
Illuminati, 13 Families, Council of 300
The Conspiracy to Rule the World –
The Order of the Illuminati

Freemasons / Masonic
Bilderberg Network of Global Corportocracy
United States Government Treasonous Conspiracy Webs
Sean Hannity Connects the Dots
Sean Hannity connects the dots on the Imploding Deep State centered on the Obama Administration, especially the Department of Justice and the FBI
Fetullah Gulen and the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist Network in the United States of America
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia –
The House of Saud
The Vatican
The Three Rouges: Satan, Lucifer, and Moloch
This next one should not be referred to as a “map” if you are looking to have walnut sauce on your pasta.
High-resolution original found at https://imgur.com/a/6hqrZ
Videos Referencing and Linking to This Article
Each one of the Alt Media Reporters and Vloggers provides their own insight, focusing on their favorite areas of the compendium. If you’re into this kind of stuff, each one is worth the watch.
Has the illegal Russian adoptions into Lawrence MA, and the babies supplied to Andover; transferred to the Catholic Church in Southy for death I.e, Spotlight documentary been stopped yet?
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Reblogged this on The GoldFish Report Blog.
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Thank you very much.
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Have been researching this stuf for many years,this evil empire is coming down ,I can,t believe my eyes….very very well put together…wow…wow…wow…..THE HOUSE OF CARDS ARE CRUMBLING……YEEEE HAAAA……SIGNED…STAR SEED.
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Thank you. Dylan Louis Monroe did the “Q Web” map from scratch… truly amazing, and I’m glad the map has connected us now. 🙂 There are a number of map in the collection where I go “Wow, amazing they were able to pull it all together and connect all those dots RIGHT THERE for us.” Thank goodness for the interwebs and human ingenuity to use Google/Search Engines against Big Brother himself.
Bravo Q, outstanding work! The only thing that sticks out on this map is an obvious distraction from godless Satanic Rothschild’s Israel completely ignored other than its fraud birth in 1948. Zionist Jews has a lot to do with what’s happening today who the U.S. Media and most all other industries. This map makes it entirely extinct from examination while focusing on Jesuits and Catholics. I think the fake Jews in Israel are a major issue in America and the planet who are ushering in Antichrist. Still, thanks for your work Q.
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This is awesome – absolutely amazing job
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Thank you!
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