The Journal of History     Spring 2003     TABLE OF CONTENTS
America's Concerns


Dear Caring friends,

For the sake of peace and humanity, please let's write an urgent letter to demand UN (and others) to Disarm the U.S. too.

Enclosed a SAMPLE LETTER and important CONTACT information below the "@@@@@@" line. Every Contact is important to reach. You are urged to write your own letter.
Thanks so much for your efforts for world peace.

(Note: You are welcome to write your own letters and express your own opinions. thanks.)

SAMPLE LETTER : (Please place your Name, City, State and Country at the BEGINNING and END of your letter: :
Subject: We demand U.N. to Disarm the U.S. too.

From: Your Name,
Your City, Your State,
Your Country,

Subject: UN must Disarm the U.S. too !!

Dear United Nations,

We are demanding the U.N. to Disarm the United States too. The disarmament of the Iraq will not ensure the Peace in the world. The key for Peace is in the U.S.

The current dispute is between the U.S. and Iraq. The U.N. should work as an un-biased mediator between the two countries.

However, the United Nation has completely lost its function to maintain the World Order in a "Fair" and "Just" manner.

Instead of working as the biggest Peace promoter in the world, the U.N. works like a slave or the biggest puppet dog for the U.S. and Israel ! As if the US and Israel both own the United Nations!!

The result of this indulgence had dangerously encouraged the Zionists' plot to destroy many more sovereign countries. On February 18, Israeli Haaretz Daily published: "Sharon says U.S. should also disarm Iran, Libya and Syria!"

The U.S. conspiracy is to drag Iraq into becoming an "International" issue so that the IAEA can use U.N.'s authority to "Disarm" Iraq or any country the US hates!! This has been always the U.S. tactic to get rid of any country who dares to stand in the US and Israel's hegemony path.

While the UN's IAEA is forcing Iraq to destroy its 93 mile conventional missiles, the US is considering using the Conventional Warheads on Nuclear Missiles!! " Such weapons would give the US the ability to attack targets thousands of miles away with precision-guided, conventional high explosives in minutes," according to a US military official said recently.

The U.S. and Israel are also considering to drop "Nuclear Bombs" in Iraq as the US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, a ferocious hawk, stated several times recently !!

Ironically, while the U.S., U.N. and Israel relentlessly force Iraq to disarm, the U.N. never wanted to DISARM the most deadly U.S. weapons ! The U.N. pretends to be blind and deaf on U.S. astronomical, frightening military build up in the Gulf with the world's most sophisticated, most deadly killing machines!

The U.N. "Weapons inspection" Team (IAEA) has become an excellent Tool for the U.S. to use to destroy other country's Defense, Sovereignty and Independence to please the U.S. and Israel! The U.N. Weapons inspection team acts as the mouthpiece for the US and Israel ! Such UN 's bad behavior is totally Un-fair and Un-Just !!

What we are witnessing now is the the Strongest country on earth against one of the weakest countries which has suffered more than a decade of the most repressing and inhumane U.N. sanctions which heavily manipulated by the U.S. with its sadistic Zionists teams embedded in every level of the US government.

In October 2002, The New York Times published a leak about Wolfowitz and his coterie. According to the article, Paul Wolfowitz, the world's # 2 Zionist hawk and the Deputy of US Defense Secretary, and his coterie want an immediate War with Iraq!

Iraq, however, is just another stepping stone in turning the "war on terrorism" into a full-blown "Clash of Civilizations," where the Islamic religion could become the "enemy image" in a new Cold War.

"The "Wolfowitz Cabal" is now determined to push the US in the same direction as Israel's most dangerous right-wing policy and take on as an enemy every Islamic nation Israel perceives as a threat." Please read this very alarming article :

"..... Wolfowitz does what he is told by Richard Perle ..... In spending most of his waking hours plotting on how to arrange a nice little War with Iraq, with or without coalition partners, Perle is the primary manipulator."
(note: Richard Perle, another Zionist and the world's biggest Hawk and Chairman of the US Pentagon Advisory Board)

War means slaughter. War destroys Economy, Lives! The world is so dangerously controlled by a handful of Zionists hawks in U.S. and Israel. The U.N. needs a complete, deep Reform so urgently! Or the world will have War after War.


Your Name,
Your City, Your State,
Your Country.



CONTACT # 1 : United Nations

a: Email to the U.N. :
Please address to : Dear United Nations,

Please Copy the following short list of email addresses and
Paste in the 'TO' field of your email :

[email protected] ,
[email protected],
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[email protected],
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Then Please COPY the following list and PASTE into BCC field in your email . NOTE : It must have a comma between addresses.

(*** ATTENTION: You may divide the following list into smaller list contains for no more than 50 email addresses each time in your BCC field due to some ISP limitations in BCC or CC field.)

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
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b: PLEASE CALL, FAX U.N. frequently to ask them to Disarm the U.S. : BE POLITE , PLEASE !!!

1: CALL & FAX to UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission :
Telephone: 212-963-3017 (in New York, US )
917-592-2364. (in U.S. )

FAX : 212-963-3922 (in New York)
or 212-963-9192 (in New York)

For more info, click:

2: International Atomic Energy Agency :
P.O. Box 100
Wagramer Strasse 5
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Phone: (+43-1) 2600 - 0 (in Vienna, Austria)
Fax : (+43-1) 2600 - 7 (in Vienna , Austria)


It is also very important to CONTACT EU :
Please address to : Dear EU,

a: Please send an Email to EU :
Ask them to demand UN to Disarm the U.S. too !!!

BE POLITE, PLEASE !!! Please COPY the following list and PASTE into BCC field in your email.
Note : It must have a comma between the addresses.

[email protected],
[email protected] ,
[email protected],
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b: You may contact the EU Commission by phone :
Tel : (32-2) 299 11 11 (in Brussels , Belgium )
or Click here for more contact info :


Please simply, politely ask him :

a: to Disarm the U.S. too.
b: to Stop the War at all cost !!!

His Address:
Honorable Secretary of State Powell,
Secretary of State Colin Powell,
U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520 USA

a: Tel: 202-647-6575, X 3, X1, then leave your Name & message.
b: Tel: 202-647-4000, Please politely ask Switchboard Operator to transfer you to the Comment line.
c: Tel: 202-647-5302 ,
d: Tel: 202-647-5150
e: FAX : 202-261-8577
f: EMAIL Addresses :

[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],

Please find out your own US Senators, Your two US House Represenatives and Your Governor, PLEASE TELL THEM THAT YOU ARE THE CONSTITUENT!!!

Address to : Dear Senator, Dear Congressman,
Dear Governor etc. correspondingly .

a : Please Click:

(then please click left side: "Zip Code Lookup", to get your 4 digit codes for your zip code first. Enter your required physical address and zip code, then click "process". )

b : After get your Zip+4 Code, then enter your Zip + 4 codes to the left side , then click "GO".

c : Then go to "Elected Officials", then you will find Contact information for your Governor, Lt. Governor, your two U.S. Senators, one U.S. House Rep, your State Senators and State House Reps.

Please click everyone of them to find their "CONTACT information" especially their Email Address, Fax and Phone numbers.

Note: Please save their email addresses and phone numbers for later use. However, if the election changes results, you do need to click the above site to get new contact information.

You may use the above Sample Letter or write your own letter.
Please simply address to : Dear Editor,

There are two ways to approach media in U.S. :

a: Please send "Letter to Editors." Please address to: Dear Editor,
Click :

Then click your State. Then click :
" Letter Submission (via e-mail) " under each newspaper.
Please send the same letter to ALL of your local newspapers editors.
(*** this is the most important contact to your local media).
(* you may also try to use mass-mail a letter to local newspapers)

b: How to find US major media and local media contact info : ,
then click on Media Guide
OR click:

Then enter your local Zip Code , then click right side "Go," then click on each Media Name itself(do not place a check), it will show all of the "National Media Organizations." Click on each name , you will see all of the contact info. Please ask CNN, ABC, CBS to report Un-Biased news honestly.

You will also find many important Editor's names and then click on each name, you will find their corresponding email address and contact info. Please try to send to as many KEY Editors as you could TO All of the National Media Organizations.

NOTE: Please COPY editor's email address and then go to your Outlook Express to send email. The main reason for this is that there is a limited space available if you send through their site.

Thanks so much for your urgent efforts for the Peace and Humanity.

Editor's note: This plea came from a woman who is sincere. She doesn't know of The Journal of History, however, so she is unaware of the insincerity of the media and the U.N. though she indicated that the U.N. is less than forthcoming. If we contact the U.N. let's see how many fatal errors we receive since their Email addresses are jammed with Email from people all over the world, which would eliminate ours from being received.


The Journal of History - Spring 2003 Copyright © 2003 by News Source, Inc.