From: <[email protected]>
What Will Processing Involve at Detention Centers (Usually Barbed Wire-Inward
Facilities near or on railroad tracks near Target, Wal-Mart and McDonald's), privatized prisons, concentration camps and the Oregon underground gas chambers?
Two senior I.B.M. officials told their corporate colleagues around the world in a recorded conference call that I.B.M. needed to accelerate its efforts to move white-collar, often high-paying, jobs overseas.
See IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST By Edwin Black then know today's IBM is part of "Homeland Security" - i.e. military government - and World Government!
Hitler needed 2,000 IBM machines to run his concentration camps, detention centers, railroad movement, etc. Iron Mountain and IBM are very much a part of the fascist NWO Homeland Security! IBM - already employing thousands of Canadian immigrants in Canada including Edmonton - is also betraying the American public not only by sending jobs overseas, but profiting by rapidly stealing American liberties through Homeland Security!
IRON MOUNTAIN with client IBM is alive and well and plans are going ahead full force! I have IRON MOUNTAIN photos taken in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, across the street from a main inward-barbed wire railroad facility storing COSCO cars!
In 1961, the Kennedy administration ordered a "Top Secret" study to determine what problems the United States would face if the world moved from an era of war to a golden age of peace. In other words, how to bring America into the New World Order.
By 1963 the selection of the specialist had been made. This study group consisted of 15 experts in various academic disciplines who were selected for their expertise in their various fields. The first and last meetings were in an underground nuclear survival retreat called "Iron Mountain."
In the same year that this "Top Secret" study was called, 1961, The Department of State put out a publication (#7277) called "Freedom From War, The United States Program for a General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World."
This publication describes a three step program to disarm the American military, shut down bases and have one military under the United Nations. This "military" would be the world wide police force to be used as "peace keepers" throughout the world. The plan would include that "all weapons of mass destruction" be eliminated with the exception of "those required for a United Nations Peace Force" (page 12 paragraph one).
In order to "keep the peace, all states will reaffirm their obligations under the UN Charter to refrain from the threat of use of any type armed force" (page 16, Paragraph eight) To support the UN Charter, the average citizen will need to be disarmed; so they cannot defend themselves against these "peace keepers." You don't have to watch much news to see that today, the UN forces are used as "peace keepers" throughout the world, disarming people so they can't defend themselves against oppressive governments.
To quote Sarah Brady, Chair of Hand gun control, Inc. "Our Task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
In 1963, the same year as the selection of specialists for this "Top Secret" study, President John F. Kennedy made an astounding statement. On November 13, while speaking at Columbus University, President Kennedy stated, "The high office of the President of the United States of America has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight! Ten days later, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed.
Iron Mountain has a history dating back to 1951, when a depleted iron ore mine in upstate New York was converted to the United States' first secure underground records storage center designed to protect corporate vital records in the event of a nuclear holocaust. This is where the Iron Mountain meeting was held! Since that time, while the motivation for records storage and management services has changed, Iron Mountain's world-government commitment and focus to store, manage, and protect records, documents, and electronic data has not wavered. In the past 50 years, it has been been in the vanguard of this industry.
Iron Mountain has forged strong partnerships with some of the world's leading solution, technology, and service organizations. (Partnership, by the way, is a key word among globalists.)
Iron Mountain works with business partners to provide customers with a complete solution for disaster recovery and business continuity.
Final Solution Partners
Iron Mountain Solution Partners include industry leading manufacturers and service providers who have partnered with Iron Mountain to extend skills capturing the latest technology and products to deliver to customers.
See IBM AND THE HOLOCAUST By Edwin Black then know today's IBM is part of "Homeland Security" - i.e. military government - and World Government! Hitler needed 2,000 IBM machines to run his concentration camps, detention centers, railroad movement, etc. Iron Mountain and IBM are very much a part of the fascist NWO Homeland Security! With North America's natural mountains taken prisoner by world government UNESCO, Iron Mountain facilities - with IBM as their client are ready and waiting to process NWO prisoners!
American fishers and hunters in Canada will be put on the new IBM registry! When fishing or hunting in Canada, this is now unavoidable as registrations and licensing give critical personal and family data to the Canadian IBM networked registry which fisher and hunter money pays for! This hunter registration in Canada is one more way to put Americans into IBM's New World Order gun/hunter registration!
Read more in FINAL WARNINGS TO AMERICA! Vol. 2 Click Here: