The Journal of History     Fall 2003     TABLE OF CONTENTS

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Cointelpro Continues: The Plot Thickens
is the exposé of events that happened that nearly caused The Journal of History (La verdad sobre la democracia) formerly True Democracy not to be published AT ALL!

This small book is documented extensively and has many pictures as well which will fascinate you, document the truth, and enlighten you as to the reality of today's American government.

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Price: $12.95 US, $15.95 Canadian, £7.95, 10.95 Euros
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NSI Publishing, Inc.
P. O. Box 25046
Saint John, NB E2L 5B4

ISBN# 0-9725798-1-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2002095592

Thank you for your support.

This book was stolen by US Customs when numerous copies were shipped to a distributor in Ohio; fortunately, single copies mail successfully into the US. Find out why Customs stole this book and my first book, Soul Mate, by reading them both regardless where you live. If you're an activist, you need this book and you need Soul Mate. They contain what the US government does not want you to know!

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2002095592
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P. O. Box 25046
Saint John, NB E2L 5B4

Do you work at an occupation in which you do tasks repeatedly, especially typing but other tasks as well?

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Wendy Ghannam was born and raised in So. Tier New York State. She left the US Civil Service community with over 18 years of credible service, and is willing and available to speak about the subject matters written in this book.

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Wendy Ghannam has experienced severe censorship recently. Find out why by purchasing this book.

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The Journal of History - Fall 2003 Copyright © 2003 by News Source, Inc.