RUC try to turn West Belfast man into informer
Author unknown
Originally published between December 29, 2000 and January 1, 2001
A West Belfast father of four is living in fear for his life after being put under pressure to act as an informant for the RUC.
John Hyland was called to the Grosvenor Road RUC station two days before Christmas after being earlier charged with dangerous driving and having no insurance.
The alleged offences had occurred six weeks previously and Mr Hyland, who already has 11 penalty points on his licence, had asked the RUC, at the time, if penalty points were the only option. However on being asked to attend for interview on December 23, John Hyland was told by RUC detectives at Grosvenor that the charges "could be pushed to one side" if he could help them "in some other way."
"I was totally shocked and left the station immediately. I have not heard anything about the charges since then but have received a number of sinister and threatening phone calls, which I believe have come from the RUC," he said.
He was also informed that he would be recruited to work for the RUC in a series of stages, which he would be free to opt out of at any time.
While Mr Hyland has not heard anything in relation to the driving charges since being called for the interview to the Grosvenor Road he has received a number of anonymous and threatening phone calls, which he believes to be connected to the incident.
"At first I did not realise what the RUC were actually saying as I was so shocked, but when the reality did sink in I became very worried.
"I am just an ordinary family man and would never dream of placing the life of anyone at risk to work for the RUC.
"While my driving licence is important to me for work, I would hand it over in the morning rather than tout on the people in West Belfast."
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