Did You Know?
Blair says he'll take Britain into the euro by 2007 in an article published by the Independent newspaper. This is what the NWO advocates desire. The British people will regret it if this occurs.
In the 1970's a very courageous gentleman named Edward Durrell claimed that substantially all of the US Gold Reserve being stored at Ft. Knox was gone. Only 1,000 tonnes or so of the 8,500 tonnes supposedly being stored there remained. The rest had been secretly taken from Ft. Knox and shipped to London in 1967 and early 1968 for sale by President Johnson in an ill-fated attempt to keep the price of Gold at $35 per ounce.
Mr. Durrell provided eyewitness accounts of hundreds of Army trucks leaving Ft. Knox in the middle of the night over a period of many weeks, supposedly loaded with the Gold bounty. Other interesting but circumstantial evidence was the sudden and unexpected dismissal of Gordon Tether, business editor for London's Financial Times, who published Mr. Durrell's claims.
More circumstantial evidence emerged in the late 1970's when the US Treasury auctioned some Gold in an attempt to keep the Gold price from rising rapidly. The bullion banks bidding in the auction received 'coin-melt' bars instead of good delivery bars. Coin-melt bars were fabricated in the 1930's after Gold was confiscated at that time. Coins are only 90 per cent pure Gold, with 10% other metals added to provide durability to the Gold so that it can be used as coin without excessive wear or damage. In contrast, good delivery bars are 99 per cent pure.
Mr. Durrell alleged that the coin-melt bars were not taken to London because their source could easily have been identified since the US is the only country that has seized their citizens' Gold. Had the coin-melt bars been sold, the secret nature of the operation would have been compromised, so the coin-melt bars remained at Ft. Knox while the good delivery bars were sold in London in President Johnson's diabolical, unsuccessful scheme.
See also, http://www.fgmr.com/unthinkable.htm
Provided by the Freemarket Gold & Money Report�1999 Letter #256
Permission given to reprint these paragraphs provided by the author James Turk.
Mr. Turk is writing a book about gold. Please support that book.
Immediately when the British colonialists began to lose their colonies to the different pro-independence nationalist movements, they founded or refocused their propaganda organ the BBC to serve as a vehicle for influencing and perhaps controlling the destinies of the newly independent nations. A fact that seems to reinforce this belief is that the reports they transmit to the audiences of their interests are rarely heard in their home countries. They tailor-make news reports to achieve the socio-political purposes they had a priori designed for these countries.
The BBC seems to have invented all the prejudicial systems of news reporting. During the Nigerian civil war for instance, the BBC decidedly threw objectivity and journalistic ethics to the wind. To pre-design and determine the outcome of the civil war, the British media outfit decided to present only the overly skewed side of the war story in favor of its allies in Nigeria. It refused to represent the two sides of the conflict preferring instead to inflate the successes of the Nigerian army while adamantly refusing to report their strategic losses and setbacks.
When it hired the veteran journalist, Frederick Forsyth, an Irish Catholic and a very objective man, it had to fire him because the award-winning Forsyth wanted to help the posturing propaganda organ strike some balance in its stories of the civil war. BBC's main interest was to call the war in advance in favor of its eventual winners, the British and the Nigerian governments.
In Biafra the BBC was seen as the propaganda arm of the Nigerian and British governments. The organization was despised in the Biafran enclave as a vehicle of rumors, propaganda, and untruths because people found exactly the opposite of what it was reporting as facts on the ground.
It is known that over the years the BBC has hardly changed its method of reporting events in Africa. The recent uprisings in Nigeria have not been an exception. The company has always managed to sensationalize crises in Nigeria to the extent that they have contributed immensely in instigating reprisal attacks in many parts of the country.
Provided by David Asonye Ihenacho
Both the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph are of exactly the same political colours. If there is freedom of press why don't they print about the torture instruments Britain makes and sells to dictators worldwide? Why don't they print about Human Rights abuses in Britain? etc etc.
Provided by Alberto
In a 2001 poll, the following results were obtained:
British people are suspicious of globalisation - and sympathetic towards the anti-globalisation protesters of Seattle and Genoa - according to surprise new research findings.
- 60% of Conservative voters reject the accusation that anti-globalisation protesters are simply thugs and anarchists.
- 13% accepted the official view that globalisation enhances everyone's quality
- 92% feel that multinational companies should meet the highest human health, animal welfare and environment standards wherever they are operating.
- 58% of the public think that what's good for business is not good for most people in developing, poorer countries' - and as many as 71% of broadsheet readers reject the idea that global business is good for most people in developing, poorer countries
- 38% feel globalisation actually damages the environment
- Between 87% and 92% of people think that the government should protect the environment, employment conditions and health - even when it conflicts with the interests of multinationals
- 41% feel that the protestors were raising genuine concerns and issues shared by many people around the world.
- 38% feel that the media focus on a small number of troublemakers, ignoring the peaceful majority of protestors.
This survey was commissioned by Anita Roddick, alongside Thorsons Publishers and communications agency The Forster Company between September 20-25th, 2001; 2,013 people participated in it in Britain. Anita Roddick's book Take It Personally: How Globalization affects you and powerful ways to challenge it is available in bookstores now.
�40m is transferred every day from poor to rich countries according to John Pilger who also states that, "In Blair's plutocracy, the criminalising of protest is a clear aim, limiting political opposition to the ineffectual activity of parliament and other establishment bodies and to a specious "debate" generated by an obedient media."
Also, Pilger said, "Blair runs a violent government. He knowingly attacked civilians with cluster bombs in Yugoslavia, killing children caught in the open. His devotion to 'free trade' involves selling lethal weapons, including hand guns, to countries with repressive regimes and internal conflict. Supported by only 25 per cent of the British public, his government barely has legitimacy." Published in ZNET commentaries July 14, 2001 See http://www.zmag.org