The Journal of History     Winter 2004    TABLE OF CONTENTS



To: Chairman, Third Committee, General Assembly United Nations FAX
Inspector General United States Postal Service FAX
Prime Minister, Ottawa, Ontario IMM-7484-93 and IMM-2531-97 Email
America Arbitration Association FAX
PublishAmerica Email
From: Judith M. Hansel 501 W. First Street Reno, Nv. 89503 [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2004
Re: Continuing persecution for my political opinion

I have been reporting persecution for my political opinion to the United Nations since 1994. At that time, I was seeking Convention Refugee status in Canada after fleeing persecution in the United States. I had discovered fraud in a US federal government housing program and when I attempted to make the fraud public, I was repeatedly falsely arrested and jailed. I never had a trial and when I was threatened with involuntary commitment to a mental hospital, I fled to Canada. Over a period of five years, Canada denied me refugee status twice, arrested, jailed, and deported me four times in violation of Canadian and international law. Since my last forced return to the US on November 25, 1998, I have been subject to continuing persecution for my political opinion. These events have been reported to you.

I have written a book documenting my flight to Canada, the Convention Refugee cases, and my illegal deportations back to the US titled, "Escape From America: An Exposé of International Treachery." I obtained a book contract with PublishAmerica in Frederick, Md. to publish the book on or before September 3, 2003. On September 4, PublishAmerica suspended publication without good cause On December 17, 2003, under conditions agreed to in the book contract, I submitted a Demand for Arbitration to the American Arbitration Association. This organization responded to my Demand with a letter dated December 31, 2003. The letter stated that I needed to respond to it before January 7, 2004. The letter was postmarked January 5, 2004. I received the letter on January 9. An employee of the AAA states that she has never encountered a similar mail delay.

I have previously reported to you the delay and loss of Social Security retirement checks by the United States Postal Service; the non-delivery of my copyright registration from Washington, DC by the USPS; and the non-delivery of birth certificates from Madison, Wisconsin, by the USPS. Now a letter to me from the American Arbitration Association is delayed in delivery. This delayed mail and non-delivered mail shows a pattern of persecution of me for my political opinion by the United States Postal Service. I have submitted complaint forms to the USPS, but have never received a response. This persecution is deliberate and malicious and violates my human rights as delineated in the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

Since I will need to continue to respond to mail from the AAA within specified time periods, it is imperative that the United States Postal Service stops deliberately delaying and losing my mail. This document serves as a formal request for investigation by the Inspector General of the United States Postal Service to determine the identity of the perpetrators of these crimes and to prosecute the persons responsible. However, since I believe it is employees or officials of the government of the United States itself that is committing these crimes, I do not expect that the persecution will end. I will have to make other arrangements to receive correspondence promptly.

This document also gives the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the UN Human Rights Committee, and the Third Committee of the General Assembly another chance to rectify the violations of my human, political and civil rights perpetrated by the United States government and the violations of my legal rights by the Canadian government under the 1951 UN Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees and the Immigration Act of Canada.

I am being terrorized by an out of control, rogue government while the international community stands by and does nothing.

(See "Search Poor Magazine" and Click on "Article Title:" "The US Government Caused Me to Become Homeless" for documentation)


The Journal of History - Winter 2004 Copyright © 2004 by News Source, Inc.