Chad Ray Bennett, Medical Neglect in Texas
by Brenda Pitts Bennett
[email protected]Please ask everyone if they will please consider calling or faxing these 3's below to help me to get help for my son who is very ill and in jail? I know I have asked before and I am so sorry to ask again but the abuse from the system is still so strong here in Texas.
My son is incarcerated in Dallas County Texas Jail awaiting trial and I have repeatedly written and asked the jail and their doctors to treat my son for his brain and testicle masses, Lyme Disease, Bipolar, etc. Chad will most likely be there until he is cleared because my entire family have a serious disease called Lyme Disease that is acquired by ticks and blood sucking insects. Therefore this causes us to be indigent now. Chad has been in jail there for about two weeks and still no medical treatment even though I have repeatedly faxed his medical records to the Jail Doctors and Staff at fax number: (214) 653-2610 and fax (214) 653-2610 (same fax for both doctors and staff) and Dallas Commissioners at fax (214)653-2903 with letters asking for proper medical care for my son! Still no replies or no medical care for Chad.
I have learned that UTMB is the medical provider for inmates in Dallas County Jail and I have learned that the medical care has diminished since UTMB has taken control of Dallas County Jail for nearly a year and a half now. I have e-mailed all UTMB also asking for them to find out " why" my son is not getting proper treatment, but have received no replies from them either. I understand from a friend who is a reporter that many have died there due to medical negliance.
I am writing this letter to prove he has these serious health conditions, and to make you and the media aware that I have requested in writing many times for my son to have proper medical care for these serious illnesses.
Please understand I lost my 21 year old son last year due to corrupt officials and I will fight diligently to prevent the loss of another child.
Please provide my son the medical treatment he deserves? Chad has had to suffer immensely from medical negliance for these past months as it is, and I ask you to please help me get my son the medical care he needs.
Other UTMB contacts are: UTMB Board Members: [email protected] UTMB
Director: [email protected] Dr. Yudof at: [email protected] National at: [email protected] Dr. Adams at: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]*************************
Below are a few comments from the doctor immediately before Chad was arrested on these bogus charges:
"You have to act forcefully! It is not a crime to have prescription drugs in the house with a legitimate disease! Due to irritation of the reticular activation system, responding to increased pressure in the skull.The testicular "mass;" this is no time for modesty--- that promises to be more serious to deal with, especially if it is a malignant growth. He requires investigation pronto. If Chad is getting some rest, it is due to fatigue after much brain activity due to irritation of the reticular activating system of the brain. The irritation CAN be due to pressure caused by what is in his skull. DO not accept a half-assed treatment; the more he seizes, the greater the risk of permanent damage through aspiration or other secondary effects. Push hard to get a proper treatment. Do not let anyone procrastinate."
Thank you all very much
Brenda Pitts Bennett
[email protected] or
(Texas contributed to my 21 year old baby son's death)