The Journal of History     Fall 2004    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Traditional Political Prisoner
Faces Medical Neglect

by Arlene Johnson
April 14, 2004

Robert "Seth" Hayes, one of the former members of the Black Panther Party, which caused the U.S. government to trump up charges which caused his unjust incarceration in New York, is the victim of medical neglect.

Mr. Hayes told me in a letter that Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York near the Canadian border, does not provide any medical treatment whatsoever, and as a result, he is trying to be transferred to a correctional facility, "or to the streets!" where he would be able to receive "responsible medical treatment" as he is not receiving it at Clinton despite the fact that he is a diabetic and suffers from Hepatitus C as well.

As a result of his illnesses, he had to end a visit with a lady who came all the way from New York City to see him after two and one half hours that they were together causing her to have to shoulder one more burden because of the prison's negligence in providing him the proper treatment for these illnesses.

Mr. Hayes grows so weak and experiences extreme tiredness preventing his being able to achieve very much.

This carelessness on the part of the prison is forcing Mr. Hayes to compile a Fact Sheet that outlines his healthcare treatment since first notification to prison authorities.

He told me that once this is completed and distributed, "we will again evaluate where we are and what needs to be done." He told me that they are contemplating legal representation in a Medical Neglect/Deliberate Indifference suit, and asked me if I have any suggestions, advice, or know of an Attorney who would be willing to aid in this effort.

In the meantime, he is still focused on a transfer from Clinton to a location of his choosing "where responsible medical treatment is not only available, but consistently rendered." He stated that I could e-mail m[email protected] as well as [email protected] "for additional information" on him, and he thanked me for past support and "contributions as I look forward to your support in the future."

Editor's note: Robert Seth Hayes is still incarcerated at Clinton CF as far as I know.


The Journal of History - Fall 2004 Copyright © 2004 by News Source, Inc.