Three World War
Statistics Compared, Part 5
While it hasn't been an easy task, we have summarized the significant
facts of all Three World Wars in one table. It's impossible to have
100% accurate figures since many sources have slightly differing details
of significant facts, and some facts are just simply not known. Where
there has been discrepancy, we have made best estimates and assumptions,
in the interests of comparative studies. Any omissions are
unintentional, and you are encouraged to contact us with relevant links where
information should be updated or corrected.
We've listed Start Dates, End Dates, Durations, Number of Casualties,
Countries Involved and Names of Leaders Involved for World War 1, World
War 2 and World War 3.
We have also tabled the commonly believed Cause of World War 1 and
World War 2, as well as our carefully researched Planned Cause of each war,
assuming that each war has been planned. (See our discussion of the
difference between Accidental and Conspiratorial History).
Seeing all relevant statistics on one page will really open your eyes
to how much destruction and human lives have been lost in the quest for
the New World Order. A staggering 70 million people have officially
lost their lives as a result of World Wars, although I believe this
figure is in fact significantly higher. How many more are planned to be
destroyed in the coming World War 3?
Table Comparing Statistics for World War 1, 2 and 3
World War 1
World War 2
World War 3
WW1 Started
July 28, 1914
WW2 Started
September 1, 1939. 20 years, 9 months and 21 days after the end of
WW3 Started
March 20, 2003, exactly 555 days after September 11, 2001 attacks on
the WTC. 57 years, 6 months and 18 days after the end of WWII.
Commonly Believed Cause of WW1
Strong feelings of nationalism throughout Europe prior to The Great War
created an atmosphere in Europe which made war a likelihood. The spark
which ignited the flame and transformed these underlying problems into
a frenzy of hostilities happened on June 28, 1914, when Archduke
Francis Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian student, Gavrilo
Princip, while visiting Serbia.
Austro-Hungary presented an ultimatum of thirty demands to Serbia and
48 hours were allotted for their answering. Serbia agreed to all but
one: Austrian investigation of the assassination plot.
As a result, Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Germany declared
war on Russia (who had allied with Serbia). Two days later, Germany
declared war on France and swept its armies through Belgium, violating its
neutrality. Because of this, England declared war on Germany.
Austro-Hungary declared war on England. And thus started WWI.
Commonly Believed Cause of WW2
Three years of mounting international tension - encompassing the
Spanish Civil War, the Anschluss (union) of Germany and Austria, Hitler's
occupation of the Sudetenland and the invasion of Czechoslovakia -
provided the setting for a likely world war.
In March, 1939, Hitler demanded that Poland allow Germany to annex the
Nazi-dominated free city of Danzig, and that Germany be given control
over a 25-mile wide strip of land between Germany and East Germany,
created by the Versailles Treaty to give Poland access to the Baltic Sea.
Attempts by the Allies to persuade Hitler to negotiate with the Poles
were unsuccessful. After signing the Nazi-Soviet Pact, which safeguarded
his eastern border, Hitler sent his air and land forces into Poland on
September 1, 1939. Warsaw and other Polish cities were bombed.
Britain and France declared war on Germany (September 3) when Germany
ignored their demands to cease its attack and withdraw.
Commonly Believed Cause of WW3
In his State of the Union address and other speeches, President Bush
attempted to articulate the reasons for going to war with Iraq and
ousting Saddam Hussein. Essentially the three main objectives: (1) to
eliminate Saddam's weapons of mass destruction (WMD); (2) to diminish the
threat of international terrorism; and (3) to promote democracy in Iraq and
surrounding areas.
However, many believed the war was the administration's goal of
preventing OPEC's use of the Euro as an oil transaction currency standard. In
order to pre-empt OPEC, the U.S. needed to gain geo-strategic control
of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves.
Many claimed the war was illegal (didn't obtain UN sanction) and still
others state the war was about gaining control of valuable Iraqi oil
The Real Cause of WW1
According to Albert Pike, the First World War was designed to enable
the Czarist Government in Russia to be finally and completely overthrown
and replaced with a new atheist, Communist government.
History records that this First World War did indeed occur as
predicted. The Western powers in Europe, in conjunction with the United States,
financed Lenin's expedition into Russia, and financed his government
consistently. The US has financed Russian Communism at least once per
decade since then.
A little closer to home:
In 1909, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was tasked to
answer the following question posed by the U.S. government: "If it is
desirable to alter the lives of an entire nation, is there any means more
efficient than war?" After a year of research, the answer came back:
"There are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the
objective is altering the life of an entire nation."
And for what reason would anyone want to alter the lives of an entire
Historian Walter Mills wrote the following about the purpose of the war
and about Colonel House's basic intent: "The Colonel's sole
justification for preparing such a batch of blood for his countrymen was his hope
of establishing a new world order, [a world government] of peace and
The Real Cause of WW2
The Second World War was foreseen to originate between Great Britain
and Germany. However, one of the planned results of this war was to
strengthen the new Communist Russian government, so that it could weaken and
destroy other governments and religions.
History again records that the Second World War did indeed accomplish
this objective. The war started when Germany invaded Poland, causing
Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Very soon, the troika (3's) of
powers were set up to wage this war. Germany, Italy and Japan vs. Great
Britain, United States and Russia.
The Pike vision of the Second World War building Russian Communism into
a super power was fulfilled to a startling degree. Historians have
always been mystified as to how Churchill and Roosevelt could have given
away all of Eastern Europe to the Soviets, when the preponderance of
power was clearly against the Soviets. Clearly, when Roosevelt and
Churchill ceded all of Eastern Europe to Russia, the Communist Government of
Russia, completed its transition to a super power, exactly as Pike's
vision had foretold.
The Real Cause of WW3
The Third World War was foreseen to be between Judaism and Islam. This
prediction is incredible in many ways, beginning with the understanding
that this prediction of a third world war occurred in 1870, a time when
Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one believed it would
ever exist again.
The vision predicted that out of the smoke and destruction of this
World War, a new leader will stride triumphantly, to put an end to the War,
and to finally give the embattled world "Peace and Safety."
Interestingly, to back up this prediction, a report was released in
December 1996 by The U.S. House of Representatives' Task Force On
Terrorism And Unconventional Warfare. It was entitled, 'Approaching the New
Cycle of Arab-Israeli Fighting.' In brief, the report tells us that such
nations as Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Egypt are planning and
building for a final, devastating war of annihilation against Israel. This
includes acquiring nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NBC) in a
mix with conventional weapons, e.g. tanks, aircraft, and soldiers, all
in massive, overwhelming numbers." [P. 43]
WW1 Ended
11:00 November 11, 1918
WW2 Ended
September 2, 1945
WW3 Ended
Only time will tell...
Duration of WW1
4 years, 3 months and 14 days
Duration of WW2
6 years and 1 day
Duration of WW3
Only time will tell...
Casualties in WW1 |
Germany | 1,800,000 |
Soviet Union | 1,700,000 |
France | 1,385,000 |
Austria | 1,200,000 |
Great Britain | 947,000 |
Japan | 800,000 |
Romania | 750,000 |
Serbia | 708,000 |
Italy | 460,000 |
Turkey | 325,000 |
Belgium | 267,000 |
Greece | 230,000 |
USA | 137,000 |
Portugal | 100,000 |
Bulgaria | 88,000 |
Montenegro | 50,000 |
TOTAL | 10,947,000 |
Casualties in WW2 |
Soviet Union | 25,568,000 |
China | 11,324,000 |
Germany | 7,060,000 |
Poland | 6,850,000 |
Japan | 1,806,000 |
Yugoslavia | 1,700,000 |
Rumania | 985,000 |
France | 810,000 |
USA | 495,000 |
Austria | 480,000 |
Italy | 410,000 |
Great Britain | 388,000 |
Holland | 250,000 |
Belgium | 85,000 |
Finland | 79,000 |
Canada | 42,000 |
India | 36,000 |
Australia | 29,000 |
Albania | 28,000 |
Spain | 22,000 |
Bulgaria | 21,000 |
New Zealand | 12,000 |
Norway | 10,000 |
South Africa | 9,000 |
Luxembourg | 5,000 |
Denmark | 4,000 |
TOTAL | 58,508,000 |
Casualties in WW3
If the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001 is considered
the trigger required to start World War 3, a total of 3,000 should be
added to the figures below.
The death count (of mainly Iraqi civilians) so far, updated daily.
Get the latest allied fatality count since the invasion of Baghdad here
(845 as of April 30, 2004).
Financial Cost of WW1
$196.5 billion (adjusted for 1990 dollar values)
Financial Cost of WW2
$2,091.3 billion (adjusted for 1990 dollar values)
Financial Cost of WW3
Some sources estimate it at $100 billion.
Countries Involved in WW1
Great Britain
New Zealand
South Africa
United States
Countries Involved in WW2
Great Britain
Gilbert Islands
Hong Kong
Marshall Islands
New Guinea
New Zealand
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Soviet Union
United States
Countries Involved in WW3
So far, including suggested benefit:
Albania: hopes to join NATO.
Australia: reinforcing ties with U.S.
Bahrain: cementing security ties with U.S.
Bulgaria: pending NATO membership.
Croatia: hopes to join NATO.
Editor's note: Croatia joined NATO.
Czech Republic: reinforcing ties with US.
Denmark: reinforcing ties with U.S. and NATO.
Egypt: extra U.S. aid.
Estonia: pending NATO membership.
Great Britain: No immediate benefit, but part of a long running
doctrine that the interests of the UK are best served by maintaining a
'special relationship' with the U.S.
Hungary: strengthening ties with U.S.
Italy: strengthening ties with U.S.
Jordan: military and economic aid.
Kuwait: strengthening security ties with U.S.
Latvia: pending NATO membership.
Lithuania: pending NATO membership.
Macedonia: hopes to join NATO.
Oman: regional security.
Poland: Will Poland's president be NATO's next Secretary-General?
Portugal: strengthening ties with U.S.
Qatar: strengthening ties with U.S.
Romania: strengthening ties with US.
Saudi Arabia: strengthening ties between Saudi security forces and the
Slovenia: pending NATO membership.
Slovakia: pending NATO membership.
Spain: strengthening ties with U.S.
Editor's note: Spain has since removed its troups from Iraq due to
tragedy perpetuated upon it.
Turkey: position has never been clear, and �9.4bn in aid now in doubt.
United Arab Emirates: regional security
United States: leading the fight against 'axis of evil'
Source: Guardian Unlimited
Countries critical of Iraq War:
Canada, France, Germany, Russia (were all banned from bidding for
reconstruction programs in Iraq), Chile, New Zealand, Syria.
Leaders Involved in WW1
Alexandre Millerand, Andrew Bonar Law, Antonio Salandra, Aristide
Briand, Arthur Balfour, Arthur Henderson, Arthur Ponsonby, Benito Mussolini,
Charles Trevelyan, David Lloyd George, Dragutin Dimitrijevic, E. D.
Morel, Edouard Daladier, Edouard Herriot, Edouard Vaillant, Eduard Benes,
Edward House, Eleftherios Venizelos, Frederick Smith, Gaston Doumergue,
George Barnes, George Lansbury, Georges Clemenceau, Giacomo Matteotti,
Giovanni Giolitti, Henry Cabot Lodge, Herbert Asquith, Herbert Samuel,
James Keir Hardie, James Thomas, Jan Smuts, Jean Jaurs, John Burns,
John Morley, Joseph Caillaux, Joseph Clynes, Jules Guesde, King Albert I,
King Carol, King Ferdinand, King Peter, Leon Blum, Leon Trotsky, Louis
Botha, Louis Malvy, Newton Baker, Nikola Pasic, Paul Painleve, Philip
Snowden, Pierre Laval, Radomir Putnik, Ramsay MacDonald, Raymond
Poincare, Rene Viviani, Richard Haldane, Robert Borden, Robert Lansing, Sir
Edward Grey, Theodore Roosevelt, Tomas Masaryk, Tsar Nicholas II, Victor
Emmanuel III, Vittorio Orlando, Vladimir Lenin, W. M. Hughes, Walter
Lippmann, Weetman Pearson, Wilfred Laurier, Will Crooks, William
Joynson-Hicks, William Massey, William Taft, William Wedgwood Benn, Winston
Churchill, Woodrow Wilson.
Leaders Involved in WW2
Adolf Hitler, Albert Lebrun, Andrei Vyshinsky, Antonio Gramsci, Antonio
Salazar, Archibald MacLeish, Benito Mussolini, Carl Mannerheim, Chaim
Weizmann, Chaing Kai-Shek, Charles De Gaulle, Clement Attlee, Constantin
von Neurath, Drazha Mihailovic, Edouard Daladier, Emperor Hirohito,
Engelbert Dollfuss, Farouk I, Francesco Nitti, Francisco Franco, Francois
Mitterrand, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franz Epp, Franz von Papen, Fumimaro
Kondoye, Galaezzo Ciano, George II of Greece, George Mandel, Georgy
Malenkov, Harold Macmillan, Harry Hopkins, Harry S. Truman, Heinrich
Himmler, Henri Giraud, Herman Ehrhardt, Hermann Goering, Hideki Tojo,
Invanoe Bonomi, John Anderson, John Foster Dulles, John J. McCloy, Joseph
Goebbels, Joseph Stalin, Josip Tito, Kantaro Suzuki, Karl Doenitz,
Kiichiro Hiranuma, Kimmochi Saionju, Lord Halifax, Lord Woolton, Matyas Rakos,
Maurice Thorez, Menachem Begin, Moshe Dayan, Naruhiko Higashikuni,
Neville Chamberlain, Nikita Khrushchev, Nikolai Bulganin, Pius XI, Pius
XII, Queen Wilhelmina, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hess, Samuel Hoare, Sepp
Dietrich, Shigenori Togo, Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, Victor Emmanuel III,
Vittorio Orlando, Vyacheslav Molotov, Winston Churchill, Wladyslaw
Raczkiewicz, Wladyslaw Sikorski, Yosuke Matsuoka.
Leaders Involved in WW3
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard
Perle, Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair
�2004 - three world
(Reproduced with permission)
Editor's note: My immense appreciation to the publisher of the Web site
from which these five parts came. To see more, log onto