The Journal of History     Spring 2005    TABLE OF CONTENTS


By Carl Klang

Jewish writer Anka Muhlstein wrote a book Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds. I prefer to paraphrase and take short quotes from her book, because I am trying to document for the reader the mindset and history of thc Rothschilds. Anka Muhlstein has nothing against the Rothschilds, so it will be easier for the reader to accept what she says about them than from me. I can't require the reader to read her book, but I can try to summarize some of the appropriate thoughts. Other books also relate many of the things Anka does, but again if I write a footnoted article, it will not carry the weight as my paraphrase will. The reader is recommended to read the book first hand if he has the time and is interested in the details of James' life. The Jews in the 18th century were restricted to living in Ghettos. Mayer Amschel Rothschild lived in the Frankfurt ghetto. (p.22) The Jews were repressed by outsiders. (p.23) They lived in geographically isolated and self-contained communities (p. 24). The Jewish communities in Europe used a secret relay system between all the Ghettoes. Hebrew characters were one effective code. (p.24) Because of the persecution and repression, the Jewish communities were very tight- knit and highly organized. (p.23) They were deeply hostile to the Christian people. Christians had restricted their own people from money-lending with interest, so lending money on interest had become a Jewish enterprise. The German princes of Thurn and Taxis in the 16th century initiated a postal service.

Mayer Amschel loaned them money. (p.21) "Certainly they [the Rothschilds] discovered the latitude that the Thurn and Taxis allowed themselves in unsealing letters, possibly divulging their contents, and according to their own interests, delaying or accelerating delivery. "(p.22) When it profited Mayer Amschel, he would hire Christians, but in general his business and banking were conducted by his close knit family. For instance Mayer Amschel hired a young Christian woman to write his letters for him. (p. 25) Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his family were wholeheartedly Jewish. (p.27) Mayer Amschel Rothschild picked his sons' wifes for the business gains the wives would bring the family. The oldest son was not happy with this (actually he was bitter because he was denied marriage to the woman he loved), but he complied with his father's choice. (p.26) Amschel's daughters all married bankers--in Worms, Sichel, and Beyfus. (p.26) Mayer had ten children and they were all employed in the family business. (p.25) The Jews were taught from childhood up, that the Christians were to blame for all their woes, and that the Christians were to be feared and detested. (p.24) Mayer Amschel had secret, underground passages. (p.22) His carriage was honey-combed with secret drawers. (p.27) The Napoleonic War greatly helped the Rothschild business. (p. 27) Rothschild even outsmarted Napoleon--because the Rothschilds had such good connections. (p.38) The Rothschilds smuggled during the English blockade of Napoleon's Europe, and made millions. (p.33) "The Rothschilds changed course constantly during this period, always manuevering to avoid any kind of political commitment. "(p.34) One of the things Mayer Amschel set up, was to disperse his 5 sons to the major capitals of Europe. Anka attributes the respectibility of Jewish money lending to the help it gave merchants and entrepreneurs. [See chap. 3.2 -this Author's view is that merchants had been borrowing for centuries prior to interest taking becoming acceptable by society in the 19th century.

It was greatly in part due to who owned and controlled the major newspapers in the 19th century--Jews and Masons--that led the public to change.] "The obligation to reimburse a loan and to pay interest became less onerous to men whose affairs had flourished as a result of the borrowed money. The Jewish lender ceased to be a bloodsucker; often, indeed, he became an associate of the borrower." (p.31) [The Bible says a borrower is a slave to the lender, hardly an association to be desired.] The business of financing Monarchs was lucrative. The Rothschilds had developed several traits in the ghetto that made their family hard to stop. "The great gift the Frankfurt ghetto bestowed upon him [James Rothschild] was adaptibility, a quality matched by the driving force of his ambition, his prodigious energy, tremendous powers of concentration, and determination to get even [with Christians]. James set out to make his place in the world." (p.40) The five Rothschild brothers, each in the five major European capitals set up their own private courier system which was faster than the regular mail. (p.47) The Rothschilds had news whether political or economic faster than anyone else including the monarchs. "Thus the Rothschilds had news before anyone else, including ministers [government.]; they also understood how to make use of it." (p.47) [Somewhat akin to how money could be made off of knowing the future.] The Rothschilds nomal correspondence to each other was in code.(p.46) Their world was one of finance, politics, and secrecy. In the anti-Napoleonic time period, the Rothschilds increased their wealth ten-fold. (p.47) " ... James. He enjoyed, moreover, a rock-solid strength and stability, built up by his family, that family simultaneously closed tight like a fist, united by mutual confidence and an invisible wall of secrecy, yet wide open to the outside world. Such was the cohesion of the Rothschilds that the removal of one or more of them left no gap in their common defenses."

The Rothschilds carried out espionage with their own intelligence service, and other questionable subversive activities but none of these could be tracked. "Whenever Mayer Amschel and his sons were on the verge of being caught out, some highly placed person stepped in and stopped the investigation." (p.36)

They made their money doing technically illegal activity. The original large sum of money made was to take the Elector of Hesse's large sum and instead of investing it into government bonds as directed--to put it to use at investments of higher returns, and giving the elector the return from the government bonds. Anka writes, "The Elector was never the wiser, but even if he had been, he could hardly have complained of disobedience." (p.34) In summary, the Mafia-like closeness of the Rothschild family, along with their tactic to situate themselves in all the major capitals, along with their own quick secret personal news/intelligence/mail service gave them the contacts and the power to manipulate all kinds of business opportunities.

1. Lord Rothschild. The Shadow of a Great Man. London: 1982, p.6.

2. Wilson, Derek. Rothschild The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty. NY: Charles Schribner's Sons, p. 101. Source of quote given in the book.

3. Armstrong, George. Rothschild Money Trust. CPA reprint of 1940 ed., pp.66-88. Also in this vein read Mullins, Eustice. The World Order. pp. 31-33 and other sources too.

4. Darms, Anton. The Delusion of British-Israelism. N.Y.: Loizeaux Brothers, pp. 186-187.

5. Darms, op. cit., plus there are numerous other accounts of how Israel was started with British help, and one has to simply see who did it and their Rothschild connections.

6. As quoted in Sampson, Anthony. The Money Lenders. Middlesex, Eng.: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1985, p.37.

7. Encyclopaedia Judaica, p. 696.

8. Mohr, Gordon. The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry. Burnsville, MN: Weisman Pub., 1990, p. 154.

8a. Various high-ranking Satanists that the power of God has pulled out of Satanism have said they were eyewitnesses to Satan appearing at the Rothschilds. What they witnessed when Satan showed up at the Rothschilds was that Satan appeared as an extremely beautiful man, except his hoofs would be cloven. He would wear a black tuxedo to gamble and play cards (winnings were sexual victims) and a white tuxedo when coming only to socialize.

9. An excellently researched book by a Christian journalist of Jewish ancestry is The Six-Pointed Star by O.J. Graham. New Puritan Library, 1984. This book covers the satanic/magic history of the Seal of Solomon before its modern Jewish use. The book shows how the symbol was not a Jewish symbol until recent times.

10. Goldberg, M. Hirsch. The Jewish Connection. NY: Stein & Day, 1976, p.197.

11. Koestler, Arthur. The Thirteenth Tribe. NY: Random House, 1976, pp. 136-137.

12. The Satanic star is refered to in Acts 7:43, in Amos 5:25-26. "The shield carried by King David...was traditionally believed to be engraved either with the name of God or the Menorah, or Psalm 67." Siegel, Richard and Carl Rheins. "Metamophoses of a Tree; 10 Jewish Symbols and Their Meanings," Jewish 44 Almanac. New York: Bantam Books, 1980, p. 515.

13. Hall, Manly P., 33
'a1. Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. l7ed., L.A.,CA: The Philosophical Research Soc., 1971, p. CXLV.

14. WT Dec. 1891, pp.170-71 See also WTR p.1342. C.T. Russell's letter was sent by him from Palestine in August, 1891 to Rothschild.

15. Taylor, Samuel W. Rocky Mountain Empire The Later-Day Saints Today. NY: Macmillan Pub. Co., Inc., 1978, p.66.

16. Read Wilson, Derek. Rothschild, The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988.

17. Mullins, The World Order, p. 11.

18. Wilson, op. cit., pp. 338-339.

19. ibid., p.338

20. The Reign of the House of Rothschild, p. 405.

21. Muhlstein, Anka. Baron James, The Rise of the French Rothschilds. NY: The Vendome Press, (n.d.-c.1980) .

22. Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. pp. 190-199.

23. Various references. For instance, Armstrong, The Rothschild Trust, p. 196, "That is the present objective of Jeroboam Rothschild and his secret Elders of Zion."

24. Wilson, Derek. op. cit., p. 45.

25. William Still writes, "In 1782, the headquarters of illuminized Freemasonry was moved to Frankfurt, the stronghold of German finance, and controlled by the Rothschilds." Still, The New World Order, p. 82.

26. Muhlstein, Anka. Baron James, The Rise of the French Rothschilds.
'd4p.47. She describes how their private courier system was faster than the regular mail.

27. Corti, Count Egon Caesar. (trans. from German by B.& B. Lunn). The Rise Of The House Of Rothschild. Boston: Western Is., 1972, p.278 cf. pp. 386-389.

28. Miller, Edith Star. Occult Theocracy. chap on Carbonarism, pp. 427-438 is a start in learning its importance.

29. Mullins, op. cit., p.2.

30. di Gargano, Michael. Irish and English Freemasons and their Foreign Brothers, 1878, p. 62.

31. Bruell, Geschichte, p. 24 as quoted by Katz, Jacob. Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723- 1939. (trans. by L. Oschry) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1970, pp.61, 248

32. Mullins, op. cit. p. 3.

33. Muhlstein, op. cit. p. 125

34. Carroll Quigley's book was very enlightening on the New World Order except that it leaves out the Catholic Church and the Jesuits' participation, at a time that their participation was increasing dramatically. In other words, Quigley's book must be taken with a grain of salt, it would be a mistake to believe it to be infallible or unbiased.

35. Le Sueur, Gorden (Rhode's confidential secretary). Cecil Rhodes The Man and His Work. London: John Murray, 1913, p. 10.

36. Aydelotte, Frank (co-fndr CFR and Amer. Sec. to Rhodes Trustees). American Rhodes Scholarships. "The model for this proposed secret society was the Society of Jesus, though he mentions also the Masons."

37. Allen, Gary. Nixon's Palace Guard. Boston: Western Islands, 1971, p. 9. cf. Quigley. Tragedy and Hope.

38. Martin, Rose. Fabian Freeway. Boston: Western Islands, 1966.

39. Wilson, Derek. Rothschild The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty, p. 101. The source of the quote is given in the book.

40. Mullins, Eustice. The Curse of Canaan, p.125.

41. Mullins, Eustice. The World Order, p.5.

42. Friesel, Evyatar. Atlas of Modern Jewish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.

43. ibid.

44. Mohr, op. cit. p. 118.

45. Read Mullins, The World Order.

46. Still, op. cit. p. 136 quoting Griffin, op. cit. p. 37. See also Mullins, op. cit., p. 11.

47. Wilson, op. cit., p. 92.

48. Pamphlet published by The American Defense Society Inc., 154 Nassau St., NY.

49. Peace Militant. NY: The New History Foundation.

50. Griffin, Des. Descent into Slavery. S. Pasadena, CA: Emissary Publications, 1980, p. 52.

51. England Under the Heel of the Jew. London, 1918, pp 60-2.

52. Confidential interview with those who were recently in the illuminati hierarchy.

53. Smith, Gary. Land of the ZOG. Portland, OR: VuePoint, 1989, p.58.

54. Katz, Jacob. Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 1970, p.60.

55. ibid, p.92


Let me briefly recap what some of the plan was. And while you read these plans that I am relaying to you from my intensive research on high level Satanism, see if you don't see the irony in the Satanic plans. How very ironic it is that in all the twisted thinking and reasoning of the leading Satanists for why they must do things, it is surprising they do not catch on that this plan of Satan's is going to achieve God's revealed plan. How pride does blind us! (For the sake of brevity I will dispense with my normal method of documenting everything; I suggest that my book Be Wise As Serpents be read for documentation, and further questions be written to me. Otherwise this article would be way to bulky for the newsletter.) The "brilliant" plan given in detail to the Illuminati was to create a thesis and its opposite called the antithesis. The process would repeat itself until the desired outcome. Out of the battle between the two would emerge the synthesis. Out of the battle of chaos would come a new order reminding us of the Masonic slogan "Order out of Chaos." If the thesis were like a hammer and the antithesis like an anvil, what was caught in between would be broken or reshaped. Three world wars would enable the plan to work. The hammer would be constructed and then given a homeland, a secure base in Russia . It is what we call communism. The first anvil would be created out of economic chaos in Germany. It would be called National Socialism. That anvil would be destroyed in a Second World War, but another anvil would replace it called democracy. The first two world wars accomplished exactly what they were intended to accomplish. Out of the first world war came:

(1) A secure Satanic dictatorship in Russia, a secure base to carry out further world subversion.

(2) The Satanic family of Rothschilds gained partial control over Palestine, preparing the way for Satan to rule from Jerusalem some day.

(3) Weapons of mass destruction and terror.

(4) The League of Nations.

Out of the second world war came

(1) The enlargement of their secure base in Russia into a world power.

(2) complete control over Palestine by the Rothschilds.

(3) airpower, including long range missiles, jets, secret flying saucers, and powerful submarines, all items that individuals could not produce. Those in control of production would therefore control all air and sea ways of the earth.

(4) The cold war and an era of terror to convince the people of the need for Satan's One World Order.

(5) the United Nations .

Out of the third world war would emerge a new religious system. The third world war would have to be tailored to be like the Bible's Armaggeddon, Satan told his highest slaves, because if it resembled Armaggeddon, then the people would believe he was the Messiah when he came after its end. It would have to be terrible, so that he could step in and bring miraculous order out of a world beaten into chaos by the worst war in history. Again it would be "Order out of chaos," as the Masonic documents repeatedly proclaim. The third world war would come during a period of seven years of tribulation starting in 1992 and running until 1999. Just like the Second World War emerged out of the great world-wide depression. Satan told his followers this 1992-99 tribulation would repeat on a larger scale the plagues of Egypt, for he would wreck revenge for what was done to Egypt by God (and Moses) by giving back in a bigger way to the world what happened to ancient Egypt. To a demonic controlled mind it makes sense to wreck such revenge, especially when the end result is held out to be the salvation of the world by the Lightbearer, the Morning Star, also known as Lucifer. For most of us, the idea of such pain and destruction seems like demonic madness- - which it is.

At the core of the One-World-System is Satanism. It hides itself behind fronts such as Jewish Finance, Socialism, Aryanism, British Israelism, Zionism, and Freemasonry which are tools to get the broad masses to serve the Plan. The "conspiracy" to create the One-World-System has enlisted the help of almost everyone. That is because most of the religious systems at the top are controlled by Satanists who know what they are doing and direct the people's religious efforts. (Read the research in Be Wise As Serpents for the documentation on this.) Nazism was a Pagan Gnostic religious system whose High Priest Hitler knew what he was doing in relation to Satan's mission. (More about this further down.) The Jewish people (1 use the term in its broadest sense) are being used. Actually the allegiance of the Satanic hierarchy is not in the least concerned with Judaism, although it appears that at first the plans are to create a religious leader that will have the apparent credentials of the Jewish messiah. How sad, because the actions of the Rothschilds and other Satanic "jewish" bloodlines during World War II show that their first allegiance is not to the Old Testament and not to even Orthodox Judaism, but is purely to Satan. At some point in the future the Orthodox Jews and the Conservative Jews will find that this Messiah, who is already alive waiting to play his role, will only give them temporary relief. They are being taken for a ride and then they will be dumped by the New World Order's dictatorship.

Constance Cumbey correctly notices that the New Age movement resembles Nazism exactly to a T . For those students wanting to get a detail by detail parallel go to pages 114 to 120 in The Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow.

In 1952, James Larratt Battersby in England published The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler for the German World Church in Europe. Except for some of his pro-German ideas, obviously thrown in to make the book enlist the intended audience's favor, the book is an exact description of what would happen in the next 50 years to bring in the New World Order. The reason some of the prognostications of pro-German ideas are not valid is that the Satanic hierarchy is not really concerned for the German people either, except to harness their help in their plans. Batterby's Holy Book of Adolf Hitler was given to him "in the spirit." According to Battersby the book was written in order that "May God open the eyes of the Gentiles to Truth, and carry his Holy Gospel to the ends of the earth." The book is an excellent synopsis of what Satan had planned in 1952 and has carried out since to a large degree. The Rothschilds (and other top Satanic families in a lesser way) financed a Jewish Mason and devoted Satanist named Karl Marx to write his Das Kapital. The Satanists controlling key Masonic groups (along with some other groups they controlled) got Communism started. The original idea came from Satan, and was given at a Feast of the Beast in meticulous detail to those highest in the Satanic Hierarchy. Albert Pike, and Guiseppe Mazzini were two men in strategic positions of control that were let in on the plans.

After creating International Socialism (communism) a temporary antithesis was created called National Socialism (nazism). The process to create National Socialism was to turn again to the Masonic Lodges and other esoteric secret Societies. Therefore, the secret esoteric gnostic and satanic societies along with the Illuminati helped create "the Thule Gesellshaft" (in English the Thule Society). Adolf Hitler was some type of member of this occult Thule Society, along with many other men who later began leading Nazi leaders such as Rudolf Hess. The Thule Society used the Masonic/Hindu symbol the Swastika, which the Nazi party then also used as its symbol. In other words the grandmother of the Nazi Party was the Masonic Lodges in Germany. The Vril was another secret occult group to which many of the Nazi leadership belonged. Hitler also was a member of the Theosophical Society, which has strong Satanic and Masonic ties. Both Bailey and Hitler studied from Tibetians, Hindus, occultists, and black magicians. They also both studied the Gnostics, and every major Pagan/Occult religious system. An example of how valued the Swastika was for Freemasons before Hitler ruined its image, is a quote from Joseph Fort Newton, a Baptist Minister and high ranking Mason, "The second of these volumes also contains an essay ... by Thomas Carr, with a list of Lodges, and a study of their history, customs, and emblems- -especially the Swastika .

Speculative Masons are now said to be joining.., seeking more light on what are called the Lost Symbols of Masonry." After promoting and using the Swastika for years the Freemasons quit using it after Hitler. The Holy Book of Hitler provides the answer as to why the Theosophical Society worked so hard to destroy the British Empire. It had always at first mystified me why the Theosophical Society Presidents who connected to the Satanic hierarchy would want to ruin the British Empire. The reason it seemed strange is that the mother country of Satanism and Witchcraft is Great Britian. The center of secret political power is geographically in England. And further, one of the largest and most powerful secret fronts for Satanism is Britism-Israelism. The reason why the British Empire was destroyed was that Satan had already determined even before 1870 that the steps to world government would include setting up around 9 or 10 Continental blocs. The Union of Europe into one country (or bloc) could not be accomplished while Great Britian had most of her focus on her empire. Great Britian as long as she had an empire would never want to join up with Europe. In fact all the European nations would have to be convinced to give up their colonies, that is why the World Power got everyone they could get to help fight Portugal in Angola in recent history, everyone including the large masonic-controlled Christian denominations who donated millions of dollars to the NCC and WCC which moneys were then passed on to the guerillas to buy weapons and ammunition.

The Theosophical Society is mostly to blame for India's independence from Britian . First, the Theosophical Society managed to change British policy so that the British became unpopular. Then Theosophical President Besant, who published the largest English paper strongly criticized British rule in her newspapers and eventually was arrested. Gandhi and other Indian leaders were involved in Besant being made the President of the Indian Congress Party. And that political party still rules Indian politics. The Theosophist Mahatma Gandhi, foilowing in the steps of Theosophical President Annie Besant, led the Indian people against British rule.

But the final blow to the British Empire was done by another Theosophist--Adolf Hitler. It is common knowledge that the powerful blows of Axis attacks in WW II struck the death blow to the British Empire, or so we are told. The truth is that the elite wanted the Empire to die, and pulled every string to convince the British public and indigenous natives that the Empire was too weak after W W II to save the empire and prevent her colonies from independence. It is hard for people to grasp that the Illuminati controlled Russia, Great Britian, Germany and France during World War II, but they did. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin were all Masons. DeGaulle of France was closely linked with several esoteric groups, and the Priere de Sion and Grand Orient Masons helped him to power in the 1950s. Churchill was a Zionist and pro-Fabian Socialist. Stalin was a closet satanist. Roosevelt was a Zionist, pro-communist and socialist. Both Churchill and Roosevelt came from important elite blood lines. Apparently, Stalin was somewhat independent, but basically did what was expected of him. As the previous paragraph indicates the people of the world weren't ready for a world government, and most not even a united Europe. WW II was carried out to adjust people's thinking toward wanting European unity. Satan already ruled the world through his secret chain of command, but he wanted to openly rule the world's hearts and to be publicly hailed as ruler and savior.

Who was Hitler? Hitler's father was the offspring of the Rothschild's secret breeding program which impregnated his grandmother. It appears from the details available, Hitler was groomed for his role, without realizing his heritage at first. It appears that Hitler learned of his "jewish bloodline" after taking over Germany. Hitler had romances with many beautiful women. Although Hitler was very strict with his New Age religious practices such as being a vegetarian, that did not include being celebrate. He did have sex contrary to the deceptions of the Establishment. Hitler's seed (the Rothschild's powerful generational occult bloodline) was hidden in an Askenazim bloodline, at least part of which has come to the U.S. In fact, Hitler's generational occult power was passed on too. This was most likely done by thrusting a knife into his heart, and the person who received his occult power then gulped his last breath with the kiss of death to receive his occult power. What I am telling you is that Hitler's offspring are alive and well and that is terrifying. Anti-Christ spirit was passed to someone and is not dead. Let me remind you of some of Hitler's own prophecies about himself and his goals. "At the time of supreme peril I must die a martyr's death for the people. But after my death will come something really great, an overwhelming revelation to the world of my mission." The world was to witness his divinity. Further, "My spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will see that I was right." Von Ribbentrop on April 30, 1945 was told this same thing, "You will see that my spirit will rise from the grave." National Socialism "is even more than a religion; it is the will to make mankind anew." "All creative energy will pass to the new man." Hitler claimed to be the real fulfillment of Marx's socialism. "I am not only the conqueror, but also the executor of Marxism, of that part of it which is essential and justified, stripped of its Jewish-Talmudic dogma." In essense, he is saying whatever veneer of Jewishness that Marx's satanic plan had, he disagreed with it and would destroy that veneer. These type of statements reveal that the essence of the message of various elite men like Hitler is the same Satanic plan if stripped of their variously decorated veneers.

Hitler is viewed as the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, the martyred Savior of his people by his followers today. The blasphemous Holy Book of Adolf Hitler states, "All hail to God's Christ and Chosen, Adolf Hitler ... Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, the Eternal Adolf Hitler." Such blasphemy. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Hitler's Demonic Spirit and Hitler's descendents both live on today. (By the way, some Rothschild descendents such as Hitler's have come to Christ as their Lord and Savior!) Will this powerful occult branch of the Rothschild's be used again by the New World Order? Whatever the case it is clear that Hitler's Anti-Christ spirit will get plenty of demonic help. The demonic forces that have manifested themselves in National Socialism and International Socialism (aka Communism) demonized much of Europe. So much so that Europe officially portrays itself as a beast with Venus on it on a stamp commemorating the Second election of the European Parliament, and also as the same forces that tried to build the Tower of Babel on an official poster. Not only are the same demons that led communist leaders and Nazi leaders operating in Europe's leaders, but there are armies of demons trampling over anything of moral value in Europe. It can be said without a doubt that the "man" who rules the One-World-Government will derive his power from a demonic supernatural source. According to Revelations, God is going to have an angel open up a key to the abyss, and teeming hordes of demonic spirits shall be decending upon the earth. My conclusion is that Satan has so many Anti-Christs available that Hitler's personal occult power is not necessary for the New World Order's success.

I rarely like to comment on the end times from Scriptures because I feel like most people are thoroughly confused about the clear teachings that the Scriptures give. 2 Thes. 2:3 and other Scriptures make it clear that the Christians must witness a great apostasy and the Anti-Christ being revealed before Christ returns. We can live everyday as if it may be our last, but Scriptures are clear that the Apostles did not live each day as if Jesus could return that day. They knew that certain things had to happen first. The church has been going through tribulations since Pentecost. The church will go through the "great tribulation" according to the Word of God. We will if we are that faithful remnant we will be spared from the Wrath of God, but we will not be spared from the tribulation of Satan which shall include martyrdom. The New Age leaders are fully ready to cooperate with this "cleansing" from the earth of us bothersome disciples of Truth. In this respect, their thinking will resemble the Nazi's rationalizations that people must pay their Karmic debt, and shall benefit from being killed. How truth can be stood on its head! The Plans are already drawn up how to use rail lines to move large groups of civilians to labor camps. When we compare Nazi Germany with today's New World Order plans, Nazi Germany can be seen to be the basic model of what Satan's timetable includes for us these next few years.

To illustrate that the Pagan religion of Nazism is an example to the Satanists and New Agers, let us ponder Anton LaVey's (head of a visible Church of Satan) trip to the sacred initiation castle of Hitler's Black Order, the SS. The SS apparently brought the Holy Grail to Germany, and hid it before the end of the war. On May 2, 1945, a select group of SS officers, those initiated into the higher mysteries of the Nazi Pagan religion, hid the Grail in the Schleigeiss glacier at the foot of 3,000 meter high Hochfeiler mountain. Seekers in the area have been found decaptitated, and mutilated. The area is still guarded by the Black Order in anticipation of the day that the Grail can be revealed to the world. It has been speculated 1995 might be the date, but this is pure speculation. The important thing for us is to begin to experience the Kingdom of God right now. Let us prepare ourselves for Almighty God's New World Order as the Satanists launch their counterfeit New World Order.


The Journal of History - Spring 2005 Copyright © 2005 by News Source, Inc.