ConcernsSolidarity with Mordechai Vanunu
If you go to the link, you can add your comments on the case:,7340,3059798,00.html
Cancel the restrictions, Withdraw the Charges, Let Vanunu Go!
Today, March 17, Mordechai Vanunu was informed, that he will face trial for interviews that he gave to the international media, through violating the restrictions that were imposed on him upon his release from prison, based on the British Mandate State of Emergency Regulations.
A government, some of whose members, not to speak of the Prime Minister, are or were under criminal investigation on suspicions of corruption; a government which is incapable of handling violent settlers; a government which continues to pursue a secret nuclear program that it conceals from us, the citizens, and from the world - is the government that dares to indict Mordechai Vanunu for speaking with reporters! The Attorney General and the judicial system, who are afraid to bring to trial the Prime Minister and his partners to corruption, who ignored hundreds of illegal outposts (not to speak of all the settlements) - suddenly get brave only when dealing with Tali Pahima or Mordechai Vanunu.
You are invited to write to the following ministers, who are responsible for Vanunu's restrictions and for the shameful charges that were brought against him, and tell them what you think:
Ophir Paz-Pines
Minister of the Interior
P.O.B. 6158
Kiryat Ben-Gurion
Jerusalem 91061
Tel: 972-2-6701411
Fax: 972-2-6701628
Ms. Tsippi Livni
Minister of Justice
29 Salah al-Din St.
Jerusalem 91010
Fax: +972 2 628 5438
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Gideon Ezra
Minister of Internal Security
P.O. Box 18182
Jerusalem 91181Fax: +972 2 581 1832
Email: [email protected]
In April, marking one year after Vanunu's release from prison and the imposition of the Mandatory restrictions, an international delegation of peace activists, public figures and human rights advocates will come to Israel to call on the government: Let Vanunu go free! Israeli and international activists will hold actions to protest the continued holding of Mordechai Vanunu as a hostage in Israel and for nuclear abolition in Israel and the Middle East. People interested in joining this activity can contact: [email protected]
Rayna Moss
Editor's note: See also the demand to free Mordechai Vanunu on the last page of this edition directed to the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon.