The Pentagon Crash
By Paul Andrew Mitchell
[email protected]
May 31, 2005
Our current surviving hypothesis is that an A-3 was launched from a U.S. aircraft carrier stationed off the Atlantic coast: the Russians reportedly have a satellite photo of its launch from that carrier.
The A-3 was remotely controlled, and we are quite confident in the evidence which defines the precise trajectory of its final approach:
(1) its engines singed the tree-top leaves right near the highway cloverleaf adjacent to the Pentagon;
(2) its starboard engine did very discernible damage to a large diesel generator, just before hitting the Pentagon's exterior wall; there is a large gouge, and a smaller furrow, which must have been caused by the A-3, most probably the starboard engine and/or pylons under the starboard wing;
(3) an air-to-ground missile appears to have been launched from the port wing, and it hit the Pentagon a fraction of a second before the plane itself hit;
Editor's note: This would be the military jet, not American Airlines Flight 77.
(4) the plane was banked slightly to the port side, causing the starboard wing tip to impact the Pentagon at an altitude slightly higher than the port wing tip;
(5) the starboard engine crashed into specific bearing columns, which absorbed a great deal of the kinetic energy of that plane: E = 1/2 mv2 (energy equals one-half mass times velocity squared); certain photos show those damaged columns BEFORE fire-suppressant foam was injected there, concealing that evidence from plain view after the fire department crews extinguished the flames;
(6) the nose encountered less obstruction, because the missile had already blown a large hole for the nose and fuselage to enter the building; however, there is other evidence that the missile exploded, causing significant damage to the plane's fuselage;
(7) we also estimate that the energy imparted to the bearing columns by the starboard engine, also resulted in a total LOSS of kinetic energy on the port side;
(8) the port engine, now significantly deccelerated, hit the exterior wall and other bearing columns at a slower velocity, which sheared it off at its pylon, and then a major piece of that engine appears to have bounced off the Pentagon and landed outside the exterior wall;
(9) the debris of the port engine has now been positively identified;
(10) Bush and Rumsfeld were photographed supervising the preparation and loading of a cargo container that was covered with blue tarps;
(11) Pentagon military personnel were then photographed removing that same cargo container -- by carrying it over their heads, by hand;
(12) other photos of that vicinity also show what appears to be A-3 stabilizer debris, surrounded by a security tape.
All of this photographic evidence is now under the jurisdiction of an ongoing criminal investigation, under authority of 18 U.S.C. 1510 and 1964, and our pro bono verbal agreement to keep the U.S. Coast Guard currently updated of our progress with this ongoing homicide investigation.
The plane and missile that hit the Pentagon are now being treated as murder weapons, and the investigation has now progressed to an inquiry into the events that explain how that plane came to be modified and deployed as described above.