The Journal of History     Summer 2005    TABLE OF CONTENTS

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2004 Council on Foreign Relations Membership Roster

Updated on June 21, 2005
Source: Council on Foreign Relations 2004 Annual Report
Including Corporate membership

Individual Membership
Aaron, David L. - former ambassador to OECD
Abbot C. Spencer
Abbot, Charles S. (Admiral) - former Deputy Commander of U.S. European Command (EUCOM)
Abbott, Wilder K.
Abboud, A. Robert
Abboud, Labeeb M.
Abdelal, Rawi
Abell, Keith W.
Abercrombie-Winstanley, Gina Kay
Abernethy, Robert John
Abizaid, John P. (Gen.) - current commander of Central Command (CENTCOM) in Iraq
Aboelnaga Kanaan, Mona
Abramowitz, Morton I.- former ambassador to Thailand and Turkey
Abrams, Elliott - former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under Reagan; major Iran-Contra figure
Abshire, David M. - former ambassador to NATO
Aburdene, Odeh F.
Ackerman, Peter
Adams, Gordon M.
Adams, Michael F.
Adams, Robert McCormick
Adelman, Carol C.
Adelman, Kenneth L. - former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Adler, Allen R.
Aggarwal, Vinod K. - political science professor at Berkeley
Agnew, Harold M. - former director of Los Alamos Labratory (1970-1979)
Agostinelli, Robert F.
Ahearn, William Edward
Aidinoff, M. Bernard - attorney for Sullivan & Cromwell; also serves on the board of directors for AIG
Ajami,Fouad - professor at John Hopkins University
Albright, Madeleine K. - former secretary of State and ambassador to UN; professor at Georgetown
Alderman, Michael H.
Alderman, Peter Belmont
Aldrich, George H.
Alexander, Margo N.
Alexander, Robert J.
Alford, William P.
Ali, Mustafa Javed
Allaire, Paul A. - former CEO of Xerox
Allan, Scott Hazzard Jr.
Allbritton, Joe L. - former CEO of Riggs Bank
Allen, J. Michael III
Allen, Jodie T.
Allen, Lew Jr. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff
Allen, Richard V. - National security advisor under Reagan
Allen, William L. - former editor-in-chief of National Geographic
Allison, Graham T.
Allison, Richard C.
Almond, Michael A.
Alonzo, Anne L.
Alpern, Alan N.
Alter, Jonathan H.
Alter, Karen J.
Alterman, Jon B.
Altman, Roger C. - Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton (1993-1994)
Altman, William C.
Altshuler, David
Alvarado, Donna Maria
Alvarez, Jose E.
Alving, Amy E.
Amador, Angelo I.
Amanat, Omar S.
Amerine, Jason L.
Amos, Deborah Susan
Amr, Hady A.
Andelman, David A.
Andersen, Harold W.
Anderson, Craig B.
Anderson, Desaix
Anderson, Edward G. III
Anderson, Gloria B.
Anderson, John B. - former Congressman; ran as independent in 1980 presidential election
Anderson, Lisa
Anderson, Mark A.
Anderson, Paul F.
Anderson, Robert Orville
Andreas, Dwayne Orville
Andreas, Terry Lynn
Andrews, David R. - State Dept. Legal Adviser under Clinton
Andrews, Michael A. - former Congressman from Texas
Angelson, Mark A.
Ansour, M. Michael
Anthoine, Robert
Anthony, John Duke - founding President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
Aossey, Nancy A.
Apgar, David Puschel
Aponte, Mari Carmen
Appenteng, Kofi - attorney for Thacher Proffitt & Woodd, LLP
Appiah, Kwame Anthony
Applebaum, Anne E. - columnist for Washington Post
Apter, David E.
Arciniega, Tomas A.
Arcos, Cresencio S. - former ambassador to Honduras
Arkin, Stanley S.
Armacost, Michael H. - former ambassador to Japan and Philippines
Armstrong, Anne L. - former ambassador to Great Britain
Armstrong, C. Michael - former CEO of Comcast, AT&T, and Hughes Electronic (Hint: Chinagate)
Armstrong, John Alexander, Jr.
Armstrong, Lloyd, Jr.
Arnhold, Henry H.
Arnold, Millard W.
Aron, Adam M.
Aronson, Bernard W.
Aronson, Jonathan David
Arsht, Adrienne
Art, Robert J.
Arthurs, Alberta
Artigiani, Carole
Asencio, Diego C. - former ambassador to Brazil and Colombia
Asmus, Ronald D.
Assousa, George E.
Atkins, Benjamin A.
Atkins, Betsy S.
Atwood, J. Brian
Auer, James E.
Auerbach, Stuart C.
Aufhauser, David D.
Augustine, Norman R. - former CEO of Lockheed Martin; Under Secretary of the Army under Gerald Ford
Auslin, Michael R.
Auspitz, Josiah Lee
Ausubel, Jesse H.
Avedon, John F.
Avery, John E.
Awuah, Patrick G. Jr.
Axelrod, Robert M.
Ayers, H. Brandt
Ayres, Alyssa C.
Azim, Khalid
Babbitt, Bruce - former Secretary of Interior; former governor of Arizona
Babbitt, Eileen F.
Babbitt, Harriet C. - former ambassador to OAS
Bacchus, James L.
Bacon, Kenneth H. - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs ("spokesman") under Clinton (1993-2001)
Bacot, John Carter
Bader, William B.
Baer, Donald A.
Baeza, Mario L.
Bagley, Elizabeth Frawley - former ambassador to Portugal
Bains, Leslie E.
Baird, Peter W.
Baird, Zoe - picked by Clinton to be attorney general; she withdrew her nomination during the "Nannygate" scandal
Baker, Howard H. Jr. - former ambassador to Japan; former Senate Majority Leader
Baker, James A. III - former secretary of State (1989-1992); former Secretary of the Treasury (1985-1988)
Baker, John R. (Lt. Gen.) - active-duty USAF Lt. General
Baker, Nancy Kassebaum - former Senator from Kansas; married to Howard H. Baker Jr.
Baker, Pauline H.
Baker, Stewart A.
Baker, Thurbert E.
Bakhash, Shaul - professor at George Mason University
Bakstansky, Peter
Balaran, Paul
Baldwin Moody, Carol
Baldwin, David A.
Baldwin, Robert Edward
Baldwin, Sherman
Bales, Carter F
Balick, Kenneth
Baliles, Gerald L.
Ballou-Aares, Daniella
Band, Laurence M.
Bandler, Donald K. - former ambassador to Cyprus
Barber, Benjamin R.
Barber, Charles F.
Barber, James Alden
Bardel, William G.
Barger, Teresa C.
Barkan, Joel D.
Barkey, Henri J.
Barks-Ruggles, Erica Jean
Barnes, Harry G. Jr. - former ambassador to Chile, Romania, and India
Barnes, Michael D. - former Congressman from Maryland
Barnet, Richard J .
Barnett, F. WIlliam
Barrett, Barbara McConnell
Barrett, John Adams
Barry, Grace
Barry, John L.
Barry, Lisa B.
Barry, Nancy M. - President of Women�s World Banking
Barry, Thomas Corcoran - founder and CEO of Zephyr Management
Barshefsky, Charlene - an attorney for Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale, & Dorr; former U.S. Trade Representative
Bartholomew, Reginald - former ambassador to NATO, Spain, Italy, and Lebanon
Bartlett, Joseph W.
Bartlett, Timothy J.
Bartok, Kristen Leigh
Bartsch, David A.
Basek, John T.
Bash, Jeremy B.
Basora, Adrian A. - former ambassador to Czechoslovakia (1992) and Czech Republic (1993-1995)
Bass, Peter E.
Bass, Warren
Bassolino, Francis Keith
Bates, Pamela M.
Batkin, Alan R.
Bator, Francis M.
Battaglia, Charles C.
Baumann, Carol Edler
Baxter, Randolph
Bayh, Birch Evans III (D-IN) - current Senator from Indiana
Bean, Frank D.
Beattie, Richard I.
Becherer, Hans W.
Becker, Elizabeth H.
Beckler, David Z.
Bedrosian, Gregory R.
Beeman, Richard E.
Begel, Andrea D.
Behringer, Michael P.
Beierle, Thomas C.
Beim, David O.
Beim, Nicholas F.
Belfer, Robert A.
Bell, Burwell B.
Bell, Gordon P.
Bell, Jonathan N.
Bell, Joseph C.
Bell, Mack
Bell, Peter Dexter - President and CEO of CAREUSA
Bell, Robert G.
Bell, Ruth Greenspan
Bell, Steve (Stephen Scott)
Bell, Thomas D., Jr.
Bell-Rose, Stephanie K.
Bellamy, Carol - Executive Director of UNICEF; former director of Peace Corps
Bellinger, John B. III
Bello, Judith H.
Bencke, Matthew J.
Bender, Gerald J.
Benedict, Kennette M.
Benjamin, Esther T.
Benmosche, Robert H. "Bob" - CEO of MetLife
Bennet, Douglas J. - President of Wesleyan University
Bennett, Andrew Owen
Bennett, Christina Anne
Bennett, Susan J.
Bensahel, Nora J.
Benshoof, Janet
Benson, Lucy Wilson - former under Secretary of State under Carter
Bereuter, Douglas K. - former Congressman from Nebraska
Bergen, Margaret
Bergen, Peter Lampert - reporter for CNN
Berger, Joshua A.
Berger, Marilyn
Berger, Samuel R. "Sandy"- former National Security Advisor
Berger, Suzanne
Bergman, Lowell A.
Bergsten, C. Fred - Director of Institute for International Economics
Berkley, Seth F.
Berkowitz, Bruce D.
Berman, Howard L. - current Congressman from California(D-CA)
Berman, John S.
Berman, Jonathan E.
Berman, Todd R.
Bernard, Kenneth W.
Berndt, John E.
Bernstein, David Scott
Bernstein, Peter W.
Bernstein, Robert L.
Bernstein, Tom A.
Berresford, Susan Vail - President of Ford Foundation
Berris, Jan
Berry, Elizabeth Clay
Bersin, Alan D.
Bertini, Catherine Ann
Bertsch, Gary K.
Beshar, Peter J. -senior vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary of Marsh & McLennan Companies
Bessie, Simon Michael
Bestani, Robert M.
Bestor, Theodore C.
Betts, Richard K.
Beutner, Austin M.
Bewkes, Jeffrey
Beyzavi, Kian
Bhala, Raj
Bhatia, Karan K.
Bialkin, Kenneth J.
Bialos, Jeffrey P.
Bibbins Sedaca, Nicole M.
Bickford, Jewelle
Biddle, George C.
Biegun, Stephen Edward
Biel, Eric R.
Biemann, Betsy
Bienen, Henry S. - President of Northwestern University
Bierley, John C.
Biersteker, Thomas J.
Biggs, John H. - former Chairman and CEO of TIAA-CREF
Billig, Michelle
Bindenagel, James D.
Binger, James Henry
Binkley, Nicholas Burns
Binnendijk, Hans
Birdsall, Nancy - president of Center for Global Development
Birenbaum, David E.
Birkelund, John P.
Birnbaum, Eugene A.
Bishop, Sanford D. Jr. - current Congressman from Georgia
Bishop, William B.
Bissell, Richard E.
Black, Cathleen P.
Black, Joseph E.
Black, Leon D.
Black, Shirley Temple - former ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia
Black, Stanley Warren
Blacker, Coit D.
Blackwell, J. Kenneth
Blackwill, Robert D. - former ambassador to India
Blake, Robert O. - former ambassador to Mali
Blank, Stephen
Blechman, Barry M.
Bleier, Edward
Blendon, Robert Jay
Blinder, Alan S. - former Vice-Chairman of Federal Reserve; chairman of Saber Partners LLC
Blinken, Alan John - former ambassador to Belgium
Blinken, Antony J.
Blinken, Donald - former ambassador to Hungary
Bliss, Katherine E.
Bloch, Julia Chang - former ambassador to Nepal
Bloom, Alyse Nelson
Bloom, David A.
Bloom, Evan T.
Bloom, Mia M.
Bloomberg, Michael R. - current mayor of New York City
Bloomfield, Lincoln P.
Bloomfield, Richard J. - former ambassador to Portugal and Ecuador
Bloomgarden, Kathy Finn
Blum, Richard C.
Blumenthal, Sidney S.
Blumenthal, W. Michael - former Secretary of Treasury
Blumrosen, Alexander Bernet
Bob, Daniel E.
Bobbitt, Philip Chase
Bodansky, Daniel M. - professor atUniversityofWashington
Bode, Ken A.
Bodea, Andy S.
Boelhouwer, Pieter James Alexander
Bogert, Carroll R.
Bohen, Frederick M.
Bohlen, Avis T. - former ambassador to Bulgaria
Bohn, John A. - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank
Bolling, Landrum R.
Bollinger, Lee C. - President of Columbia University
Bond, George Clement
Bond, Robert D.
Bondurant, Amy L. - former ambassador to OECD
Bonime-Blanc, Andrea
Bonney, J. Dennis
Boot, Max - columnist for Wall Street Journal
Booth, Bruce L. Jr.
Booth, Carter
Boren, David L. - President of Univ. of Oklahoma; former Senator and Rhodes Scholar; also a Bonesman
Borgen, Christopher J.
Borio, Luciana L.
Bork, Ellen
Boschwitz, Rudy - former Senator from Minnesota
Bosco, David Lyndon
Bosworth, Stephen W. - former ambassador to Philippines and South Korea
Botts, John C.
Bouckaert, Peter N.
Boufford, Jo Ivey
Bouis, Antonina W.
Boulware-Miller, Kay
Bouton, Marshall M.
Bovin, Denis A.
Bowen, William G. - President of PrincetonUniversity
Bower, Joseph Lyon
Bower, Whitney A.
Bowie, Robert R. - "Dillon Professor of International Affair Harvard Emeritus"
Bowker, David William
Bowles, Erskine B. - former head of Small Business Administration (1993-1995)
Boyd, Charles Graham (Gen.) - former Air Force general
Boyer, Spencer Phipps
Boylan, Delia M..
Bracken, Paul
Brademas, John - former Congressman fromIndiana; President Emeritus of New York University
Bradford, Zeb B. Jr.
Bradley, Bill - former Senator and a Rhodes Scholar
Bradley, William L.
Brady, Jacqueline V.
Brady, Linda Parrish
Brady, Nicholas F. - former Secretary of Treasury
Brady, Rose
Brainard, S. Lael
Bramwell, Elizabeth R.
Branch, Daniel H.
Branscomb, Lewis M.
Branson, Louise
Brauchli, Marcus W.
Braunschvig, David
Brazeal, Aurelia E. - current ambassador to Ethiopia; formerly ambassador to Kenya and Micronesia
Breck, Henry R.
Breed, Henry Eltinge
Bremer, L. Paul III - former "pro-consul" to Iraq; former ambassador to Netherlands
Breslauer, George William
Bresnan, John J.
Brewer, John D.
Breyer, Chloe A.
Breyer, Stephen G. - current Supreme Court Justice
Bridgett, Sundaa Ayo
Briger, Peter L. Jr.
Brigety, Reuben E. II
Brimmer, Andrew F.
Brimmer, Esther Diane
Brinkley, Douglas G.
Britt, David V.B.
Britt, Glenn A. - chairman and CEO of Time Warner Cable
Britton, Dennis A.
Broad, Robin - professor of School of International Service at American University
Broadman, Harry G.
Brock, Steven V.
Broda, Frederick C.
Brodsky, William J.
Brody, Christopher W.
Brody, Kenneth D. - former President and Chairman of Export-Import Bank
Brokaw, Tom - lapdog journalist for NBC
Bromley, D. Allan
Bronfman, Edgar M.
Bronner, Ethan S.
Brookins, Carole L. - member of the Board of Governors for World Bank
Brooks, Karen B.
Brooks, Risa A.
Brooks, Rosa Ehrenreich
Brower, Charles N.
Brown, Alice L.
Brown, Bartram S.
Brown, C. Michael
Brown, Carroll
Brown, Frederic J.
Brown, Gwendolyn A.
Brown, Harold - former secretary ofDefense (1977-1981)
Brown, Katherine A.
Brown, Kathleen
Brown, L. Carl
Brown, Lester R.
Brown, Michael E.
Brown, Phoebe W.
Brown, Richard P. Jr.
Brown, Seyom
Browne, Robert S.
Browning, David S.
Bruce, Judith
Bruemmer, Russell J.
Brun, Leslie A.
Bryan, Greyson L.
Bryant, Michael E.
Bryant, Ralph C.
Bryson, John E. - Chairman and CEO of Edison International and Chairman of Southern California Edison Company
Brzezinski, Mark F.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew - former National Security advisor under Jimmy Carter and Trilateral Commission member
Buchman, Mark E.
Buckberg, Elaine
Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce
Buergenthal, Thomas - current World Court judge
Bugliarello, George
Bullock, Mary Brown
Bumpas, Stuart Maryman
Bunzel, Jeffrey H.
Burand, Deborah K.
Burgess, John A.
Burke, James E.
Burkhalter, Holly J.
Burnett, Christina Duffy
Burnley, James H. IV
Burns, Patrick Owen
Burns, R. Nicholas - former ambassador to NATO and Greece
Burns, William F. (Maj. Gen., Army)
Burns, William J.
Burrows, Mathew
Burt, Richard R. - State Department assistant under Reagan
Burton, Daniel F. Jr.
Bush, Jonathan S.
Bush, Mary K.
Bushner, Rolland H.
Bussey, John C.
Butler, Samuel C.
Butler, William J. (Joseph)
Buultjens, Ralph
Buxbaum, Richard M.
Buyske, Gail
Byman, Daniel L. - professor at Georgetown
Byrd, Kahlil J.
Byrne, Patrick M.

Cabot, Louis W.
Cabranes, Jose A.
Caceres, Diane Alleva
Caesar, Camille M.
Cagle, Martha
Cahill, Kevin M.
Cahn, Anne Hessing
Calabia, Dawn T.
Calabia, F. Christopher
Calabresi, Massimo
Calder, Kent Eyring - "Director of Reischauer Center Asian Studies, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies"
Caldera, Louis E. - former secretary of the Army
Caldwell, Dan
Caldwell, Philip
Califano, Joseph A. Jr. - former secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under Jimmy Carter
Calkins, Samuel L.
Callaghy, Thomas M.
Callander, Robert J.
Callen, Michael A.
Calleo, David Patrick
Camner, Danielle D.
Campbell, Carolyn Margaret
Campbell, Colin G.
Campbell, David Arthur
Campbell, F. Gregory
Campbell, Kurt M. -Aspen Institute policy expert
Campbell, Thomas J. - former Congressman from California
Campbell, William
Cannella, Margaret
Capehart, Jonathan
Caperton, Gaston
Cappello, Juan Carlos
Caputo, David A.
Caputo, Lisa M.
Carbonell, Nestor T.
Carey, John
Carey, Sarah C. - attorney for Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
Carey, William Polk
Carl, Maria L.
Carlos, Manuel Luis
Carlson, Scott Alexander
Carlucci, Frank C. - former Chairman of Carlyle Group; Secretary of Defense under Reagan
Carmel, David A.
Carmichael, William D.
Carnesale, Albert - chancellor at UCLA
Carothers, Thomas
Carpenter, Ted Galen - vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute
Carr, John W.
Carrington, Walter C. - former ambassador to Senegal and Nigeria
Carroll, J. Speed
Carroll, Katherine Mooney - attorney for Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Carruth, Reba Anne
Carson, Charles William Jr.
Carswell, Robert - attorney for Shearman & Sterling LLP; former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Carter
Carter, Ashton B. - professor at Harvard; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1993-1997)
Carter, Barry E.
Carter, Hodding III - former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under Jimmy Carter
Carter, James Earl "Jimmy" - former President; former governor of Georgia; awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Carter, James H.
Carter, Mark Andrew
Carter, Marshall Nichols- Chairman of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
Casebeer, William David
Casper, Gerhard
Cassel, Douglass W. Jr.
Cattarulla, Elliot R.
Catto, Henry E. - former ambassador to Great Britain and El Salvador; chairman of the Atlantic Council
Caufield, Frank J.
Caulfield, Matthew P.
Cavanagh, Richard Edward - President and CEO of The Conference Board
Cavanaugh, Carey
Cave, Ray Charles
Cebrowski, Arthur Karl
Celeste, Richard F. - former ambassador to India; a Rhodes Scholar
Cerjan, Paul G.
Cha, Victor D.
Chace, James C.
Chacho, Tania Marie
Chadda, Maya
Challenor, Herschelle S.
Chambers, Anne Cox - former ambassador to Belgium
Chamoun, Walid Georges
Chan, Gerald L.
Chan, Ronnie C.
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv A.
Chang, David C.
Chang, Gareth C. C.
Chang, Joyce
Chang, Juju
Chanin, Clifford
Chanis, Jonathan A.
Chao, Amy L.
Chao, Elaine L. - current Secretary of Labor
Charles, Cory
Charles, Robert Bruce
Charnovitz, Steve
Charpie, Robert A.
Chartener, Robert
Chase, Anthony R.
Chatterjee, Purnendu
Chaves, Robert J.
Chavez, Linda - newspaper columnist; declined position for secretary of Labor in December 2000
Chavira, Ricardo
Chayes, Antonia Handler
Checki, Terrence J .
Chen, John S.
Chen, Kimball C.
Chenault, Kenneth I. - CEO of American Express
Cheney, Richard B. "Dick" - current Vice-President; former Secretary of Defense; former Chairman of Halliburton
Cheney, Stephen A.
Cherian, Saj
Cherry, Pedro P.
Cheston, Sheila C.
Chichester, Mark H.
Chickering, A. Lawrence
Choi, Audrey
Choi, Stephen J.
Chollet, Derek H.
Cholmondeley, Paula H. J.
Chomiak, Theodora Bohachevsky
Choucri, Nazli
Christensen, Aimee R.
Christensen, Guillermo Santiago
Christensen, Thomas J.
Christianson, Geryld B.
Christie, Ronald Irvin
Christman, Daniel William (Lt. Gen.) - former superintendent of West Point
Christopher, Warren - former Secretary of State
Churchill, Buntzie Ellis
Cirincione, Joseph
Clapp, Priscilla A.
Clarida, Richard H.
Clark, Dick - former Senator
Clark, J.H.. Cullum
Clark, Mark Edmond
Clark, Noreen M.
Clark, Vernon E. (Adm.) - current Chief of Naval Operations
Clark, Wesley K. (Gen.) - former NATO commander
Clark, William Jr. - former ambassador to India
Clarke, Donald C.
Clarke, Jack G.
Clarke, Teresa Hillary
Clarkson, Lawrence W.
Claussen, Eileen B.
Clement, Peter A.
Clemetson, Lynette
Cleveland, Harlan - former ambassador to NATO
Ceveland, Peter Matthews
Clifford, Donald K. Jr.
Cline, William R.
Clinger, William F. Jr. - former Congressman from Pennsylvania
Clinton, William Jefferson "Bill" - former President and governor
Cloherty, Patricia M.
Cloonan, Edward T.
Clough, Michael
Coatsworth, John H.
Cobb, Charles E. Jr. - former ambassador to Iceland
Cobb, Sue M. - current ambassador to Jamaica
Cobb, Tyrus W.
Cochran, Barbara S.
Coffey, C. Shelby III
Coffey, Joseph I.
Coffman, Vance - businessman; serves on board of directors for Lockheed Martin, Bristol Myers Squibb, and 3M
Cogan, Charles G.
Cogan, Jacob Katz
Cohen, Abby Joseph
Cohen, Ariel
Cohen, Benjamin J.
Cohen, Betsy
Cohen, Eliot A.
Cohen, Herman J. - former ambassador to Gambia
Cohen, Jerome Alan - attorney for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Cohen, Joel E.
Cohen, Paul H. - attorney for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Cohen, Richard M.
Cohen, Roberta Jane
Cohen, Shelley H.
Cohen, Stephen Bruce
Cohen, Stephen Frand
Cohen, Stephen S.
Cohen, Warren I.
Cohen, William S. "Bill" - Chairman and CEO of The Cohen Group; former Secretary of Defense; former Senator (R-ME)
Colagiuri, Elizabeth L.
Colby, Jonathan E.
Cole, Johnnetta B.
Cole, Jonathan R.
Cole, Thomas Winston Jr.
Coleman, Isobel
Coleman, Lewis W.
Coleman, William T. Jr. - attorney (Senior Partner) for O�Melveny and Myers; former secretary of Transportation
Coles, Julius E.
Coll, Alberto R.
Collins, Joseph J.
Collins, Mark M. Jr. - Senior Advisor for Brown Advisory and Trust Company
Collins, Timothy C. - Senior managing director and CEO of Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
Comstock, Philip E. Jr.
Conaton, Erin C.
Concepcion, Gina Celcis
Conde, Cesar R.
Condit, Philip M.
Cone, Sydney M. III
Conley, Dalton
Connelly, Matthew James
Conners Petersen, Leila Anne
Connolly, Gerald E.
Connor, John T. Jr.
Considine, Jill M.
Constable, Pamela
Conway, Jill
Cook, Frances D. - former ambassador to Oman, Burundi, and Cameroon
Cook, Gary M.
Cooke, Goodwin
Cooke, John F.
Cooley, Alexander Anthony
Coombe, George William Jr.
Coombs, Philip H
Coon, Jane Abell - former ambassador to Bangladesh
Cooney, Joan Ganz
Cooper, Charles A.
Cooper, James H. S.
Cooper, John Milton Jr.
Cooper, Kathleen B.
Cooper, Kerry
Cooper, Laura K.
Cooper, Richard N.
Cooper, Scott A.
Corbet, Kathleen A.
Corcoran, Carole A.
Cornelius, Wayne A.
Cornell, Henry
Cortez, Christopher
Cott, Suzanne
Cotter, William R.
Couric, Katherine A. "Katie" - lapdog journalist on NBC�s Today show
Courtney, William - former ambassador to Khazakhstan and Georgia
Cousens, Elizabeth M.
Covey, Jock
Cowal, Sally Grooms
Cowan, Geoffrey
Cowan, L. Gray
Cowhey, Peter F.
Cox, Edward F.
Cox, Howard E. Jr.
Crahan, Margaret E.
Craner, Lorne W.
Crawford, John F.
Crawford, Timothy W.
Crebo-Rediker, Heidi E.
Creekmore, Marion V. Jr. - former ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Crile, George III
Crippen, Dan L.
Crittenden, Ann
Crocker, Chester A.
Cromwell, Adelaide McGuinn
Cross, Devon G.
Cross, June V.
Cross, Mary S.
Cross, Sam Y. - professor at Georgetown
Cross. Theodore
Crossette, Barbara
Crowe, William J. (Adm.) - former ambassador to Great Britain; former chairman of JCS
Crowley, Monica Elizabeth
Crown, Lester
Crystal, Lester M.
Cullum, Lee
Cumming, Alfred
Cumming, ChristineM.
Cummings, Alexander B. Jr. - President of Coca-Cola Africa; serves on the board of directors of Africare
Cuneo, Donald
Cunningham, James B.
Cunningham, Nelson W.
Curley, Walter J. P. Jr. - former ambassador to France and Ireland
Curran, R. T.
Currie, Kelley E.
Curtis, Charles B. - former Deputy Secretary of Energy (1994-1997)
Curtis, Gerald L.
Cutler, Lloyd N. (died in May 2005) - attorney for Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale, & Dorr
Cutler, Walter L. - former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Zaire
Cutshaw, Kenneth A. - attorney for Holland & Knight, LLP
Cutter, Ana Grier
Cutter, W. Bowman
Cyr, Arthur I.

D' Amato, Alfonse M. - former Senator from New York
Daalder, Ivo H.
Dabelko, Geoffrey D.
Dady, Teresa Gail
Dahm, Evelyn Pignatari
Dailey, Brian D.
Dal Bello, Michael A.
Dale, Helle
Dale, William B.
Daley, William M. - former secretary of Commerce
Dallara, Charles H.
Dalley, George Albert - current chairman of Africare
Dallmeyer, Dorinda G.
Dalton, James E.
Dam, Kenneth W. - a law professor at University of Chicago and a Brookings Scholar
Dam, Marcia Wachs
Damrosch, Lori Fisler
Dancy, John A. G.
Danforth, William H.
Daniel, D. Ronald
Daniel, Donald C. F.
Danin, Robert M.
Danner, Mark D.
DaSilva, Russell J.
David, Jack
Davidson, Ralph K.
Davidson, Ralph Parsons
Davis, Christina L.
Davis, Florence A.
Davis, Jacquelyn K.
Davis, Jerome
Davis, Kathryn W.
Davis, Kim Gordon
Davis, Lynn E. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Davis, Nathaniel - former ambassador to Switzerland, Chile and Guatemala
Davis, Stephen B.
Davison, Kristina Perkin
Davison, W. Phillips
Dawisha, Karen Lea
Dawkins, Peter M. (Brig. Gen.) - Army officer who won Heisman Trophy in 1958
Dawson Carr, Marion M.
Dawson, Christine L.
Dawson, Horace G. Jr. - former ambassador to Botswana
Day, Arthur R.
Days, Drew Saunders III - Solicitor General under Clinton (1993-1996)
de Borchgrave, Arnaud
de Janosi, Peter E.
de la Garza, Rodolfo O.
de Menil, George
de Menil, Lois Pattison
de Rothschild, Lynn Forester - married to Evelyn de Rothschild (former chairman of N.M. Rothschild and Sons)
de Swaan, Jean-Christophe
de Vries, Rimmer
De, Rajesh
Deagle, Edwin A. Jr.
Dean, Jonathan
Dean, Robert W. - former ambassador to Peru
Dear, Alice M. - serves on the board of directors of Africare
Debevoise, Eli Whitney II - attorney (Senior Partner) for Arnold & Porter
Debs, Barbara Knowles
Debs, Richard A.
DeBusk, F. Amanda - former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement under Clinton (1998-2001)
DeCrane, Alfred C. Jr.
Decyk, Roxanne J.
Dedrick, Fred T.
Deffenbaugh, Ralston H. Jr.
DeGioia, John J. - President of Georgetown University
Deibel, Terry L.
Del Rosso, Stephen J
Deming, Rust Macpherson - former ambassador to Tunisia
Dempsey, Jason K.
Deng, Francis M.
Denham, Robert E. - an attorney for Munger, Tolles, & Olson, LLP
Denison, Robert J.
Dennis, Everette E.
Denny, Brewster C.
Denoon, David B. H.
Denton, Hazel
Denton, James S.
DePoy, Phil E.
Dergham, Raghida
Deri, Christopher Alan
Derian, Patricia Murphy
Derr, Kenneth T. - former Chairman and CEO of Chevron
Derrick, James V. Jr.
Derryck, Vivian Lowery
Desai, Padma
Desai, Rohit M.
DeShazer, MacArthur
DeSouza, Patrick J.
Despres, Gina H.
Destler, I.. M.
Deutch, John - former CIA director; pardoned by Clinton
Deutch, Shelley
DeVecchi, Robert P.
Devine, C. Maury
Devine, John J.
Devine, Thomas J.
DeYoung, Karen J.
Diamond, Michael W.
Diaz, Charley L.
Dickey, Christopher - Newsweek
Dickinson, Laura A.
Dicks, Norman D. - current Congressman from Washington state
Dickson-Horton, Valerie L.
Didion, Joan
Diebold, John
Diehl, Jackson K.
Dilenschneider, Robert L.
DiMartino, Rita
Dimon, James - President and Chief Operating Officer of JP Morgan Chase
Dine, Thomas A.
Dinerstein, Robert C.
Dinkins, David N. - former mayor of New York City
DiPerna, Paula
Distlerath, Linda M.
Diuk, Nadia
Djerejian, Edward P. - former ambassador to Syria and Israel
Djerejian, Gregory
Dobbins, James F.
Dobriansky, Paula J. - State Department assistant under George W. Bush
Doctoroff, Daniel L.
Dodd, Christopher J. - Senator from Connecticut
Doebele, Justin W.
Doerge, David J.
Doi, Ayako
Doley, Harold E. Jr. - serves on board of directors of Africare; former U.S. representative to the African Development Bank
Dominguez, Jorge I.
Donahue, Thomas R. - former president of AFL-CIO
Donaldson, Robert H.
Donaldson, William H. - current Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman
Donatich, John E.
Donehoo, Stphen C.
Donfried, Karen Erika
Donilon, Thomas E. - partner of O�Melveny & Myers
Donnellan, April Kanne
Donohue, Douglas S.
Donohue, Laura K.
Donohue, Thomas J. Sr. - President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Doran, Charles F.
Dormandy, Xenia B.M.
Dorsen, Norman
Dory, Amanda Jean
Doty, Paul M. Jr.
Dougan, Diana Lady
Dougherty, James P.
Douglass, Loren
Douglass, Robert R.
Dowling, John Nicholas
Doyle, Michael W.
Draper, William H. III - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank
Drayton, William - President and CEO of Ashoka
Dreier, David - current Congressman from California
Drell, Sidney D.
Drew, Elizabeth
Dreyfuss, Joel
Drezner, Daniel W.
Drimmer, Jonathan
Drobnick, Richard Lee
Drozdiak, William M.
Drucker, Joy E.
Drucker, Richard A.
Druyan, Ann
Dryden, Ray N. Jr.
Duberstein, Kenneth M. - CEO of The Duberstein Group; former White House Chief of Staff
Dubin, Seth H.
DuBrul, Stephen M. Jr. - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank
Duckenfield, David Adams
Duelfer, Charles A.
Duersten, Althea L.
Duffey, Joseph D. - director of U.S. Information Agency (USAID) under Clinton (1993-1997)
Duffie, David A.
Duffy, Gloria Charmian
Duffy, James H.
Duke, Robin Chandler - former ambassador to Norway
Dulany, Peggy - David Rockefeller�s daughter
Dunbar, Charles F. - former ambassador to Yemen
Duncan, Charles William Jr. - former secretary of Energy
Duncan, Graham A.
Duncan, John C.
Duncan, Miranda Margaret
Dunigan, Patrick Andrew
Dunkerley, Craig G.
Dunlop, Joan B.
Dunn, Kempton
Dunn, Lewis A.
Dunn, Michael M. - president of National Defense University
Dur, Philip A.
Durkin, Patrick J.
Dutton, Frederick G.
Dworkin, Douglas A. - Defense Dept. general counsel under Clinton (1997-2001)
Dyson, Esther

Eagleburger, Lawrence S. - former Secretary of State and former ambassador to Yugoslavia
Earle, Ralph II
East, Maurice A.
Easterly, Jennie M.
Eastman, John Linder
Eastman, Michael R.
Easum, Donald B.
Eberhart, Ralph E. (Gen.) - former Air Force general
Eberle, William D. - Chairman of Manchester Associates, Inc.
Eberstadt, Nicholas
Echols, Marsha A.
Economy, Elizabeth C.
Ecton, Donna R.
Eddleman, Linda Hiniker
Eddy, Randolph P. III
Edelman, Gerald M.
Edelman, Marian Wright
Edelman, Richard Winston
Edelstein, Julius C. C.
Edington, Mark D. W.
Edley, Christopher Jr.
Edwards, George C. III
Edwards, Howard
Edwards, Mickey - former Congressman from Oklahoma; Aspen Insitute policy expert
Edwards, Robert H.
Edwards, Robert H. Jr.
Edwards, Tamala
Effron, Blair
Efros, Laura L.
Eggers, Thomas E.
Eichengreen, Barry J.
Eikenberry, Karl
Eilts, Hermann Frederick - former ambassador to Egypt (1974-1979)
Einaudi, Luigi R.
Einhorn, Jessica P. - Dean of Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins Univ.
Einhorn, Robert J.
Eisenbeis, Keri
Eisendrath, Charles R.
Eizenstat, Stuart E. - former ambassador to European Union; former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton
Elden, Richard
Elder, Christine A.
Elliott, Dorinda
Elliott, Inger McCabe
Elliott, Osborn
Ellis, James Reed
Ellis, Mark S.
Ellis, Patricia
Ellis, Rodney
Ellison, Keith Paty
Ellsberg, Daniel - Pentagon Paper leaker
Ellsworth, Robert F. - former ambassador to NATO; former Congressman
Elson, Edward E. - former ambassador to Denmark
Ely-Raphel, Nancy Halliday
Embree, Ainslie T.
Emerson, John B.
Enders, Barbara Pillsbury
Ensor, David B.
Epstein, Barbara
Epstein, Jason
Epstein, Jeffrey
Epstein, Joshua M.
Erb, Guy F.
Erb, Richard D. - professor at The University of Montana
Erbsen, Claude E.
Erburu, Robert F.
Ercklentz, Alexander T. - a partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Erdmann, Andrew P.N.
Erskine, Matthew Scott
Esfandiari, Haleh
Eskin, Blake D.
Esserman, Susan G.
Estabrook, Robert H.
Esty, Daniel C.
Etzioni, Amitai
Evans, Gail H.
Evans, Harold M.

Fabian, Larry L.
Factor, Elizabeth
Factor, Mallory
Fairbanks, Richard (M. III) - counselor for CSIS
Fairman, David M.
Falco, Mathea
Falcoff, Mark
Falk, Pamela S.
Falk, Richard A.
Fallon, Robert E.
Fallows, James
Fanton, Jonathan Foster - former chairman of Human Rights Watch
Faraon, J. Rodney
Farer, Tom J.
Farkas, Evelyn N.
Farley, Maggie M.
Farman-Farmaian, Elizabeth Worley
Farmer, Thomas L. - senior advisor of international finance for American Bankers Association
Farnsworth, Eric P.
Farrar, Jay C. - retired Marine colonel
Farrar, Stephen Prescott
Faskianos, Irina A.
Fawaz, Leila
Fazal, Tanisha M.
Feigenbaum, Evan A.
Feinberg, Richard E.
Feiner, Ava S.
Feingold, Catherine Lynne
Feinstein, Dianne - Senator from California
Feinstein, Lee
Feissel, Gustave
Feist, Samuel H.
Feith, Douglas J. - current Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Feldman, Daniel F.
Feldman, Mark B.
Feldman, Noah R.
Feldman, Sandra - former president of American Federation of Teachers
Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO of National Bureau of Economic Research; former economics professor at Harvard
Fenzel, Michael R.
Ferguson, Charles H.
Ferguson, James L.
Ferguson, Roger W. Jr. - current Vice-Chairman of Federal Reserve
Ferguson, Tim W.
Fernandes, Anthony C.
Fernandez, Jose W.
Ferrari, Frank E.
Ferraro, Geraldine A. - former Congresswoman from New York; Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984
Ferrazzi, Keith Edward
Ferre, Antonio Luis
Ferre, Helen Aguirre
Ferre, Maurice A.
Fesharaki, Fereidun
Fessenden, Helen
Fiedler, Jeffrey L.
Fields, Bertram H.
Fields, Craig I.
Fife, Eugene V.
Figueroa Kupcu, Maria C.
Filippone, Desiree Geneva
Filippone, Robert J.
Finberg, Barbara D.
Findakly, Hani K.
Finel, Bernard I.
Finelli, Francis A.
Finger, Seymour Maxwell
Finkelstein, Lawrence S.
Finley, Sonya L.
Finn, Edwin A. Jr.
Finnemore, Martha
Finney, Paul B.
Firestone, Charles M.
Firmage, Edwin B.
Fischbach, Gerald D.
Fischer, Betsy
Fischer, Stanley - current Governor of the Bank of Israel; former President of Citigroup International; former Vice Chairman of Citigroup
Fisher, Julie Ann
Fisher, Peter R.
Fisher, Richard W. - current President of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Fisher, Roger
Fishlow, Albert
Fisk, Daniel W.
Fitchett, Mercedes Carmela
Fitts, Sarah A. W.
Fitz-Pegado, Lauri J.
FitzGerald, Frances
Fitzgibbons, Harold E.
Fitzgibbons, John B.
Flaherty, Pamela
Flaherty, Peter
Flake, L. Gordon
Flanagan, Stephen J.
Flanders, Stephanie H.
Flanigan, Peter M.
Fleischmann, Alan H.
Flom, Joseph H. - attorney for Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom
Flournoy, Michele A.
Flynn, George J.
Flynn, Stephen E.
Fn�Piere, Parick John
Fogleman, Ronald R. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff
Foglesong, Robert H.
Foley, S. Robert Jr.
Foley, Thomas S. - former ambassador to Japan; former Speaker of the House of Representatives, member TC
Folsom, George A.
Fontaine, Richard H. Jr.
Fonts, Carlos E.
Foote, Edward T. II
Foote, William Fulbright
Forbes, Kristin J.
Ford, Gerald R. - former President and Congressman
Ford, Paul B. Jr.
Fore, Henrietta Holsman
Forman, Shepard L.
Forrest, Michelle R.
Forrester, Jason William
Forstmann, Theodore J.
Forsythe, Rosemarie
Fortna, V. Page
Fosler, Gail D.
Foss, Michelle Michot
Foster, Brenda Lei
Foster, Charles C.
Foster, Richard N.
Fourquet, Jose A.
Fowler, Jeffrey L.
Fowler, Wyche Jr. - former ambassador to Saudi Arabia
Fox, Daniel M.
Fox, Donald T.
Fox, Eleanor M.
Fox, Joseph Carrere
Fox, Merritt Baker
Fraga Neto, Arminio
Franck, Thomas M.
Francke, Albert
Frank, Andrew D.
Frank, Brian L.
Frank, Charles R. Jr.
Frank, Isaiah
Frank, Richard A.
Frankel, Francine R
Frankel, Jeffrey A
Franklin, Barbara Hackman - former Secretary of Commerce
Franklin, William Emery
Fravel, M. Taylor
Frazier, Kenneth C.
Frazier, Myra M.
Fredericks, Wayne
Fredman, Jonathan M.
Freedman, Alix M.
Freeman, Bennett
Freeman, Constance J.
Freeman, Harry L.
Freidheim, Cyrus F. - CEO of Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (i.e. Chiquita bananas)
Freidheim, Stephen C.
Freimuth, Ladeene A.
Frelinghuysen, Peter H. B. - former Congressman from New Jersey
Frey, Donald N.
Frey, Howard A.
Freyer, Dana H. - attorney for Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom
Freytag, Richard A.
Fribourg, Paul J.
Fried, Edward R.
Friedberg, Aaron Louis
Friedman, Alexander Stephen
Friedman, Bart - lawyer (Senior Partner) of Cahill Gordon & Reindel
Friedman, Benjamin M.
Friedman, Elisabeth J.
Friedman, Fredrica S.
Friedman, Jordana D.
Friedman, Stephen
Friedman, Stephen James - former director of National Economic Council
Friedman, Thomas L. - lapdog journalist for New York Times
Frieman, Wendy
Friend, Theodore W.
Frist, William H. "Bill" - current Senate majority leader (R-Tennessee)
Froman, Michael B.G.
Fromkin, David
Fromm, Joseph
Frost, Ellen L.
Fry, Earl H.
Frye, Alton
Fudge, Ann M. - member of the board of directors for General Electric
Fuerth, Leon S.
Fukushima, Glen S.
Fukuyama, Francis
Fuld, Richard S. Jr. - CEO of Lehman Brothers
Fuller, Jacquelline Cobb
Fuller, Kathryn S. - President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund
Fuller, William P.
Fung, Mark T.
Fung, Victor K.
Furlaud, Richard M.
Furman, Gail
Futter, Ellen V. - President of American Museum of Natural History

Gaddis, John Lewis
Gadiesh, Orit B.
Gadsden, Amy Epstein
Gaer, Felice D.
Gaines, James R.
Galbraith, Evan G. - former ambassador to France
Galbraith, Peter W.
Gallagher, Lacey Wingham
Gallucci, Robert L. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Galper, Joshua P.
Galvis, Sandra
Galvis, Sergio J.
Ganguly, Sumit
Gann, Pamela B.
Gannon, John C.
Ganoe, Charles S.
Gantcher, Nathan
Garcia, Marlen
Garcia-Passalacqua, Juan M.
Gard, Robert G. Jr.
Gardels, Nathan P.
Gardner, Anthony Laurence
Gardner, James A.
Gardner, Nina Luzzatto
Gardner, Richard N. - former ambassador to Spain and Italy; Rhodes scholar
Garment, Leonard
Garment, Suzanne R.
Garnett, Sherman
Garrett, Johnson
Garten, Jeffrey E. - professor at Yale
Garthoff, Raymond L. - former ambassador to Bulgaria
Garwin, Richard L.
Gaston, Patricia E.
Gates, Henry Louis Jr. - professor at Harvard
Gates, Philomene A.
Gates, Robert M. - President of Texas A&M University, former CIA Director
Gati, Charles
Gati, Toby Trister - State Department assistant under Clinton
Gaudiani, Claire L.
Gause, F. Gregory III
Gavin, Michelle D.
Gay, Catherine
Gayle, Helene D.
Gedmin, Jeffrey
Geertz, Clifford
Geier, Philip O.
Geithner, Peter F.
Geithner, Timothy F. - President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Gelb, Bruce S. - former ambassador to Belgium
Gelb, Leslie H. - President emeritus of CFR; former President of CFR
Gell-Mann, Murray
Gellert, Michael E.
Gellman, Barton
Gelpern Anna
George, Robert P.
Georgescu, Peter Andrew
Gephardt, Richard A. "Dick" - former Congressman from Missouri
Gerber, Burton L.
Gerber, Louis
Gergen, David R. - professor at Harvard; former Clinton adviser; this is the man who told Alex Jones "It's none of your damn business" when asked about the Bohemian Grove rituals
Gerhart, Gail M.
Germain, Adrienne
Gerschel, Patrick A.
Gershman, Carl Samuel
Gerson, Allan
Gerson, Elliot F. - American Secretary of the Rhodes (Scholarship) Trust
Gerson, Ralph J.
Gerstner, Louis V. Jr. - Chairman of the Carlyle Group; former CEO of IBM
Getler, Michael
Gewirtz, Paul David
Geyer, Georgie Anne
Gfoeller, Joachim Jr.
Gfoeller, Michael
Gfoeller, Tatiana C.
Ghiglione, Loren
Gholz, Charles Eugene
Giacomo, Carol Ann
Gibbons, John Howard
Gibney, Frank B.
Giffen, James Henry
Giffin, Gordon D. - former ambassador to Canada (1993-1997)
Gilbert, Jackson B.
Gilbert, Steven J.
Gill, Bates
Gillette, Michael James
Gilmore, James S. III
Gilmore, Richard
Gilpin, Robert G. Jr.
Gingrich, Newton L "Newt" - former Speaker of the House of Representatives
Ginsberg, Gary L.
Ginsberg, Marc Charles - former ambassador to Morocco
Ginsburg, David
Ginsburg, Jane C.
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader - current Supreme Court Justice
Ginsburg, Thomas B.
Givhan, Walter D.
Glaser, Bonnie S.
Glauber, Robert R.
Glennon, Michael J.
Gleysteen, Peter
Globerman, Norma
Glover Weiss, Juleanna Ruth
Gluck, Carol
Gluck, Frederick W.
Godchaux, Frank A. III
Goeltz, Richard K.
Goheen, Robert F. - former ambassador to India
Goins, Charlynn
Goldberg, Michael E.
Goldberg, Ronnie L.
Goldberger, Bruce N.
Goldberger, Marvin L.
Golden, James R.
Golden, William T.
Golden-Vazquez, Abigail
Goldfield, Harold P.
Goldgeier, James M.
Goldin, Harrison J.
Goldin, Matthew N.
Goldman, Charles N.
Goldman, Guido
Goldman, Marshall I.
Goldman, Merle D.
Goldman, Neal D.
Goldmark, Peter C. Jr.
Goldschmidt, Neil - former governor of Oregon; former secretary of Transportation
Goldsmith, Barbara
Goldsmith, Jack Landman III
Goldsmith, Robert S.
Goldsmith, Russell D.
Goldstein, Gordon
Goldstein, Jeffrey A.
Goldstein, Morris
Goldwyn, David L. - President of Goldwyn International Strategies, Inc.
Golob, Paul D.
Golob, Stephanie Ruth
Gomory, Ralph E.
Gompert, David C.
Gonzalez, Nelson Ricardo
Goodman, Allan E.
Goodman, Andrea Pierce
Goodman, George J.W.
Goodman, Herbert I.
Goodman, John B.
Goodman, Roy M.
Goodman, Sherri W.
Goodpaster, Andrew J. (Gen.) - former NATO Commander
Gordon, Albert H.
Gordon, John A. (Gen.) - former Air Force general
Gordon, Lincoln - former ambassador to Brazil
Gordon, Michael R.
Gordon, Philip H.
Gordon-Reed, Annette
Gorelick, Jamie S. - Deputy Attorney General under Clinton (1994-1997); Defense Dept. general counsel (1993-1994)
Gorman, Joseph T.
Gorsuch, Neil M.
Goss, Porter J. - current CIA director; former Congressman from Florida
Gotbaum, Victor
Gottemoeller, Rose E. - Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nonproliferation and National Security under Clinton (2000-2001)
Gottfried, Kurt
Gottlieb, Gidon A.G.
Gottlieb, Stuart
Gottsegen, Peter M.
Gould, Peter G.
Gourevitch, Peter A.
Gourevitch, Philip
Grace, Lola Nashashibi
Graff, Henry Franklin
Graff, Robert D.
Graham, Bob - former Senator from Florida
Graham, Carol Lee
Graham, Thomas Jr.
Graham, Thomas Wallace
Granoff, Michael D.
Grant, Stephen A.
Graubard, Stephen Richards
Gray, Hanna Holborn
Greathead, R. Scott
Greco, Richard Jr.
Green, Carl J .
Green, Ernest G. - former Lehman Brothers employee and a major Chinagate convict; a friend of Clinton
Green, Jerrold D.
Green, Michael Jonathan
Greenawalt, Alexander Kent Anton
Greenberg, Arthur N.
Greenberg, Evan G. - President and CEO of ACE Limited
Greenberg, Glenn H.
Greenberg, Jeffrey W.
Greenberg, Karen J.
Greenberg, Lawrence Scott
Greenberg, Lisa
Greenberg, Maurice R. - former CEO of American Insurance Group (AIG)
Greenberg, Sanford D.
Greenberger, Robert Stephen
Greene, Joseph N. Jr. - former principal officer of the U.S. Interests Section in Egypt (1972-1973)
Greene, Margaret L.
Greene, Michelle D.
Greene, Raymond F. III
Greene, Wade
Greenspan, Alan - current Chairman of Federal Reserve
Greenwald, G. Jonathan
Greenway, Hugh D.S.
Gregg, Donald P. - former ambassador to South Korea
Gregg, Heather S.
Gregorian, Vartan - President of Carnegie Corporation
Gregson, Wallace C. Jr.
Griego, Linda
Griffiths, Phillip A.
Grikscheit, Alyssa A.
Grimes, Joseph Anthony Jr.
Grissom, Janet Mullins
Grondine, Robert F.
Grose, Peter
Gross, Martin J.
Gross, Patrick W.
Grove, Brandon H. Jr. - former ambassador to Zaire
Grove, Paul C.
Grover, Katherine Sye
Groves, Ray J.
Grunwald, Henry A. - former ambassador to Austria
Guerra-Mondragon, Gabriel - former ambassador to Chile
Guilmartin, Eugenia Katherine
Gund, Agnes
Gundlach, Andrew S.
Gupta, Sanjay K.
Gupte, Pranay
Gustavson, Celine Stephanie
Gutfreund, John H.
Guth, John H. J.
Guthman, Edwin O.
Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
Gwertzman, Bernard M.
Gwin, Catherine
Ha, Joseph M.
Haaland, Lynn Elisa
Haas, Mimi L.
Haas, Peter E, Sr.
Haas, Robert D. - Chairman of Levi�s (blue jeans)
Haass, Richard N. - President of the Council on Foreign Relations; also a Rhodes Scholar
Habsburg, Inmaculada
Hachigian, Nina L.
Hackett, Craig D.
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck
Hadley, Stephen J.
Hafner, Joseph A. Jr
Hagel, Chuck
Hagen, Katherine A
Haggard, Stephan
Hahn, Keith D.
Haider, D. Blake
Haig, Alexander M. Jr. - former Secretary of State; former NATO commander
Hailston, Earl B.
Hajari, Nisid J.
Hakakian, Roya
Hakim, Peter
Hale, David D. - Chairman of Hale Advisors LLC
Hale, Lyric Hughes
Hall, C. Barrows
Hall, John P.
Hall, Kathryn Walt - former ambassador to Austria
Hall-Martinez, Katherine C.
Halle, Claus M.
Hallingby, Paul Jr.
Halper, James D.
Halperin, David R.
Halperin, Morton H. - State Dept. Policy Planning Director under Clinton
Halsted, Thomas A.
Haltzel, Michael H.
Hamburg, David A.
Hamburg, Margaret Ann - Assistant Sec. of HHS for Planning and Evaluation under Clinton (1997-2001)
Hamel, Michael A.
Hamilton, Ann O.
Hamilton, Charles V.
Hamilton, Daniel
Hamilton, Edward K.
Hamilton, Hugh Gerard Jr.
Hamilton, John Maxwell
Hamilton, Lee H. - former Congressman from Indiana; served as Vice-Chairman on 9-11 Commission, TC member
Hamilton, Ruth Simms
Hammond-Chambers, Rupert J.
Hammonds, D. Holly
Hamre, John J. - President of CSIS
Hanauer, Larry
Hancock, Ellen
Hand, Lloyd N.
Hand, Scott M.
Handelman, Stephen
Hansell, Herbert J. - State Department Legal Adviser under Carter
Hansen, Carol Rae
Hanson, Carl Thor
Hantz, Giselle P.
Hantzopoulos, Evie
Harari, Maurice
Hardin, Edward J.
Hardin, Katherine Anderson
Harding, Deborah A.
Harding, Harry
Hardt, John P.
Hargrove, John Lawrence
Harman, Jane - current Congresswoman from California
Harman, Sidney
Harmon, James A. - former Pres. and Chairman of Export-Import Bank
Harms, Blaire M.
Harpel, James W.
Harper, Conrad K. - State Department Legal Adviser under Clinton
Harrington, Maureen Ann
Harris, David A. - executive director of American Jewish Committee
Harris, Jay T.
Harris, Joseph E.
Harris, Katherine - current Congresswoman from Florida; the woman who rigged the elections in 2000
Harris, Martha Caldwell
Harrison, Hope M.
Harrison, Selig S.
Harrison, William B. Jr. - current Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase
Hart, Gary - former Senator who had an affair with Donna Rice
Hart, Robert C.
Hart, Todd Christopher
Hartley, Jane D.
Hartman, Arthur A. - former ambassador to Soviet Union and France
Hartogensis, Gordon A.
Hartzell, Jon K.
Haseltine, William Alan
Haskell, John H. F. Jr.
Hathaway, Robert M.
Hatheway, Gina Marie L.
Hauge, John Resor - Perot System Corporation
Hauser, Rita E.
Hauser, William Locke
Havell, Theresa A.
Hawkins, Ashton
Hawley, F. William
Hawthorne, Amy W.
Hayden, Michael V.
Hayek, Alexandre P.
Hayes, Margaret Daly
Hayes, Rita Derrick
Haynes, Fred
Haynes, Lukas Harrison
Haynes, Ulric - former ambassador to Algeria
Hayward, Thomas B. (Adm.) - former Chief of Naval Operations (1978-1982)
Heald, Lisa W.
Healey, Kerry Murphy
Healy, Harold H. Jr.
Heck, Charles B.
Hecker, Siegfried S.
Hedges, Christopher Lynn
Hedstrom, Mitchell W.
Heep- Richter, Barbara D.
Heer, Paul
Heginbotham, Stanley J.
Hehir, J. Bryan
Heimann, John G.
Heimbold, Charles A. Jr. - current ambassador to Sweden
Heimowitz, James B. Jr.
Heineman, Benjamin W. Jr.
Heineman, Melvin L.
Heintz, Stephen B. - President of Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Heintzen, Harry Leonard
Heinz, Teresa - Chairman of Heinz Family Philanthropies; John Kerry�s wife (a.k.a. "Teresa Heinz Kerry")
Hejlik, Dennis J.
Helander, Robert C.
Heldring, Frederick
Heleniak, David W.
Helfer, Ricki Tigert
Helgerson, John L.
Heller, Jane J.
Heller, Richard M.
Hellman, F. Warren
Hellmann, Donald Charles
Helm, Robert W.
Helman, Robert A.
Helprin, Mark
Hendricks, Darryll E.
Hendrickson, David C.
Henkin, Alice H.
Henkin, Louis
Hennessy, John M.
Henninger, Daniel P.
Henrikson, Alan K.
Henry, Nancy L.
Hentges, Harriet
Herberger, Roy A. Jr.
Hermann, Charles F.
Hernandez Colon, Rafael
Hernandez, Antonia - President of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Hernandez, Ernesto P. III
Herrnstadt, Owen Edward
Herskovits, Jean
Herspring, Dale R.
Herter, Christian A. Jr.
Herter, Frederic P.
Hertog, Roger - The New Republic
Hertzberg, Arthur
Hertzberg, Hendrik
Hertzberg, Robert M.
Herz, Barbara
Herzfeld, Charles M.
Herzstein, Robert E. - lawyer (Partner) of Miller & Chevalier
Hesburgh, Theodore M.
Hess, John B. - CEO of Amerada-Hess
Hess, Marlene
Hessler, Curtis A.
Hewlett, Sylvia Ann
Heyman, William H.
Hiatt, Fred
Hicks, Irvin - former ambassador to Ethiopia
Hicks, John F. Sr. - former ambassador to Eritrea
Hicks, Peggy L.
Hidary, Jack D.
Higginbotham, F. Michael
Higgins, Heather Richardson
Higgins, Neal L.
Higgins, Robert F.
Hight, B. Boyd
Hightower, Edward T.
Hill, Fiona
Hill, J. Tomilson
Hill, James T. (Gen.) - former Army general and commander of Southern Command (SOCOM)
Hill, Janine W.
Hill, Joseph C.
Hill, Pamela
Hill, Raymond D.
Hillen, John
Hillenbrand, Martin J. - former ambassador to West Germany
Hillgren, Sonja
Hills, Carla A. - Chairman & CEO of Hills & Company International Consultants; former secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Hinerfeld, Ruth
Hines, Rachel
Hinton, Deane R. - former ambassador to Pakistan, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Zaire
Hirsch, John L. - former ambassador to Sierra Leone
Hirsch, Michael P.
Hitz, Frederick P.
Hoagland, Jim
Hoar, Joseph Paul - Marine Corps general
Hobart, Matthew Todd
Hobbs Miracky, Tammany D.
Hobson, H. Lee
Hobson, Mellody - serves on board of directors of Starbucks Coffee
Hoch, Frank W.
Hodin, Michael W.
Hoeber, Amoretta M.
Hoehn, Andrew R.
Hoehn, William E. Jr.
Hoenlein, Malcolm I. -executive vice chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Hoffman, A. Michael
Hoffman, Auren
Hoffman, Bruce
Hoffmann, Stanley
Hofman, Steven I.
Hogan, Jeffrey N.
Hoge, James F. Jr. - Vice-Chairman of Human Rights Watch
Hoge, Warren M.
Hoguet, George Roberts
Hoinkes, Mary Elizabeth
Holbrooke, Richard C. - former ambassador to United Nations and Germany
Holden, John L. - President of National Committee on United States-China Relations
Holdren, John P.
Holgate, Laura S.H.
Hollick, Ann Lorraine
Holliday, Stuart W.
Hollifield, James Frank
Hollis, Duncan Baker
Holloway, Dwight F. Jr.
Holmer, Alan F.
Holmes, Henry Allen - former ambassador to Portugal under Reagan; former assistant secretary of Defense under Clinton
Holmes, Kim R. - current Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
Holmes, Stephen T.
Holst, Eric Allan
Holt, Pat M.
Holum, John D. - former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Hooker, Richard D. Jr.
Hoopes, Townsend W. - former Under Secretary of the Air Force under LBJ; also a Bonesman
Hope, Judith Richards
Hope, Richard O.
Horelick, Arnold L.
Horlick, Gary N.
Hormats, Robert D. - Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs (International)
Horn,Karen N.
Horn, Sally K.
Homer, Matina Souretis
Hornik, Richard H.
Hornthal, James J.
Horowitz, Irving Louis
Horton, Alan W.
Horton, Robert Scott
Hosmer, Bradley C.
Hoston, Germaine A.
Hottelet, Richard C.
Houghton, Amory Jr. - former Congressman from New York
Houghton, James R. - CEO of Corning, Inc.
Houlihan, Kathleen
House, Karen Elliott - publisher of Wall Street Journal
Howard, A. E. Dick
Howard, Christopher Bernard
Howard, John R.
Howard, Lyndsay C.
Howard, M. William Jr.
Howell, Ernest M.
Howson, Nicholas C.
Hoyt, Kendall L.
Hoyt, Mont P.
Hrynkow, Sharon H.
Hsu, Ta-Lin
Htun, Mala N.
Huber, Richard L.
Huberman, Benjamin
Hudson, Manley O. Jr.
Hudson, Michael C.
Huebner, Lee W.
Huey, John W. Jr.
Hufbauer, Gary C.
Huffington, Roy M. - former ambassador to Austria
Hughes, Lynn N.
Hughes, R. John
Hughes, Thomas Lowe - President Emeritus of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Huizenga, John W.
Hull, Edmund J. - current ambassador to Yemen
Hulsman, John C.
Hultman, Tamela
Hultquist, Timothy A.
Hume, Cameron R. - current ambassador to South Africa; former ambassador to Algeria
Hume, Ellen H.
Hunker, Jeffrey A.
Hunt, Swanee - former ambassador to Austria
Hunter, Robert E. - former ambassador to NATO
Hunter, Shireen T.
Hunter, William Curt
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne - journalist on PBS
Huntington, Patricia Skinner
Huntington, Samuel Phillips
Hurd, Joseph Kindall III
Hurewitz, J.C.
Hurlock, James B.
Hurst, Robert J.
Hurwitz, Sol
Hutchings, Robert L.
Hutchins, Glenn H.
Huyck, Philip M.
Hyatt, Joel Z.
Hyland, William G.
Hyman, Allen I.

Ibarguen, Alberto
Ignatius, David R.
Ijaz, Mansoor
Ikenberry, G. John
Ikle, Fred C. - former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Ilchman, Alice Stone
Immergut, Mel M.
Inderfurth, Karl F. "Rick" - Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs under Clinton
Indyk, Martin S. - former ambassador to Israel
Ingersoll, Robert S. - former ambassador to Japan
Inman, Bobby R. - retired Admiral
Intriligator, Michael D.
Irish, Leon E.
Irvin, Patricia L.
Irwin, David Wallace
Isaacs, Maxine
Isaacson, Walter S. - President and CEO of Aspen Institute
Isaza-Tuzman, Kaleil D.
Iselin, John Jay
Isenberg, Steven L.
Isham, Christopher
Isles, Adam R.
Ispahani, Mahnaz
Isser, Deborah H.
Istel, Yves-Andre
Itoh, WIlliam H. - former ambassador to Thailand
Ivester, M. Douglas
Izlar, WIlliam H. Jr.

Jabber, Paul
Jackelen, Henry
Jacklin, Nancy P. - current director of IMF
Jackson, Bruce P.
Jackson, Jesse L. Sr. - an infamous hustler and an adulterous "reverend," member of CFR since at least 1995
Jackson, John Howard
Jackson, Lois M.
Jackson, Sarah
Jackson, Shirley Ann - former Chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1995-1999)
Jacob, John E.
Jacobs, Eli S.
Jacobs, Jack H.
Jacobs, Nehama
Jacobson, Jerome
Jacobson, Mark R.
Jacoby, Tamar
Jaffe, Amy Myers
Jamal, Amaney A.
James, Francis John
Janes, David P.
Janes, Jackson
Janis, Mark Weston
Janklow, Morton L.
Janow, Merit E.
Jaquette, Jane S.
Jarvis, Nancy A.
Jastrow, Robert
Jebb, Cindy R.
Jenkins, Bonnie D.
Jenkins, Jennifer Cecelia
Jervis, Robert
Jessup, Alpheus W.
Jessup, Philip C. Jr. - son of Philip Jessup Sr.
Jeter, Howard F. - former ambassador to Nigeria
Jett, Dennis C. - former ambassador to Peru and Mozambique
Jillson, Calvin C.
Joffe, Robert D.
Johns, Lionel Skipwith
Johnson Ward, L. Celeste
Johnson, Howard W.
Johnson, James A. - vice chairman of Perseus LLP
Johnson, James E.
Johnson, Jay L. - retired Navy admiral; former Chief of Naval Operations
Johnson, Jeh Charles
Johnson, Karen H.
Johnson, L. Oakley - Senior Vice President of American International Group (AIG)
Johnson, Larry D.
Johnson, Nancie S.
Johnson, Robbin S.
Johnson, Robert H.
Johnson, Robert W. IV
Johnson, Scott S.
Johnson, Thomas S.
Johnson, Willene A.
Johnson, Wyatt Thomas
Jones, Alan Kent
Jones, Anita K.
Jones, David C. (Gen.) - former Chairman of JCS
Jones, David L.
Jones, James L. (Gen.) - current NATO commander; former Marine Commandant
Jones, James R. - former ambassador to Mexico; former Congressman from Oklahoma
Jones, Jeffrey B.
Jones, Kali Chantelle
Jones, Kerri-Ann
Jones, Nigel W.
Jones, Sidney R.
Jones, Thomas Victor
Jones, Thomas W.
Joost, Peter Martin
Jordan, Amos A. - President Emeritus and Senior Adviser of Pacific Forum, CSIS
Jordan, Eason T. - former CNN chief news executive (resigned in February 2005)
Jordan, Robert W. - former ambassador to Saudi Arabia
Jordan, Vernon E. Jr. - Clinton�s friend and advisor; works for Lazard Freres LLC; sits on many board of directors, TC member
Joseph, Geri M. - former ambassador to Netherlands
Joseph, James A. - former ambassador to South Africa (1995-1999)
Joseph, Jofi John
Joseph, Richard A.
Josephson, William
Joyce, John T.
Juhasz, Christina S.
Jumper, John P. (Gen.) - current Air Force Chief of Staff
Junz, Helen B.
Juster, Kenneth I.
Jutkowitz, Alexander

Kadel, Eric John Jr.
Kaden, Lewis B.
Kadlec, Robert P.
Kagan, Donald
Kagan, Robert W. - lapdog journalist and columnist for Washington Post
Kahan, Jerome H.
Kahler, Miles
Kahn, Thomas S.
Kaiser, Philip M. - former ambassador to Austria, Hungary, Senegal, and Mauritania
Kaiser, Robert G. - Washington Post
Kalathil, Shanthi A.
Kalb , Bernard - retired journalist
Kalb, Marvin - retired journalist
Kalicki, Jan H.
Kamarck, Andrew Martin - former President and Chairman of Export-Import Bank
Kamarck, Elaine C.
Kaminsky, Howard
Kampelman, Max M.
Kamsky, Virginia Ann
Kanak, Donald P.
Kanet, Roger E.
Kang, C. S. Eliot
Kang, Richard S.
Kann, Peter R. - CEO of Dow Jones & Co.
Kansteiner, Walter H. III
Kanter, Arnold
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Kantor, Mickey - former secretary of Commerce
Kaplan, Eloise D.
Kaplan, Gilbert
Kaplan, Helene L. - Chairman of Carnegie Corporation
Kaplan, Jeffrey A. - attorney for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Kaplan, Joel - current Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Kaplan, Mark N.
Kaplan, Stephen S.
Kapnick, Scott Bancroft
Kapp, Robert A.
Kapstein, Ethan B.
Karabell, Zachary
Karalekas, Anne
Karamanian, Susan L.
Karatnycky, Adrian
Karatz, Bruce E.
Karis, Thomas G.
Karl, Terry Lynn
Karnow, Stanley
Karns, Margaret P.
Karp, Jonathan D.
Kartman, Charles
Kasdin, Robert
Kass, Stephen L.
Kassalow, Jordan S.
Kassof, Allen H.
Kassoy, Andrew R.
Kathwari, Farooq
Katulis, Brian M.
Katz, Abraham - former ambassador to OECD
Katz, Daniel Roger
Katz, Robert J.
Katz, Sherman E. - "William M. Scholl Chair of CSIS"
Katz, Stanley N.
Katzenstein, Peter J.
Kaufman, Daniel J.
Kaufman, Henry
Kaufman, Robert R.
Kaufmann, William W.
Kavoukjian, Michael E.
Kay, Kira
Kaye, Charles R. (Robert)
Kaysen, Carl
Kayyem, Juliette N.
Kazemi, Farhad
Kea, Charlotte G.
Kean, Thomas H. - President of Drew University; served as chairman of 9-11 Commission; former governor of New Jersey
Keel, Alton G. Jr. - former ambassador to NATO
Keene, Lonnie S.
Keene, Molly M.
Keeny, Spurgeon M. Jr.
Kelleher, Catherine M.
Keller, Edmond J.
Keller, Kenneth H.
Kellerman, Barbara L.
Kelley, Paul X. (Gen.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps (1983-1987)
Kellner, Peter Bicknell
Kellogg, David
Kelly, Alfred F. Jr.
Kelly, Arthur L.
Kelly, James P. - former CEO of United Parcel Service (UPS)
Kelly, John Hubert - former ambassador to Finland
Kelman, Herbert C.
Kemble, Eugenia
Kemp, Geoffrey
Kempe, Frederick S.
Kempner, Maximilian W.
Kendall, Donald M.
Kenen, Peter B. - economics professor at Princeton
Keniston, Kenneth
Kennan, Christopher J.
Kennan, Elizabeth T.
Kennan, George F. (died in March 2005) - former ambassador to USSR and Yugoslavia
Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier - JFK�s daughter
Kennedy, Craig
Kennedy, David W.
Keohane, Nannerl O.
Keohane, Robert O. - professor at Duke University
Kern, Paul J. - senior counselor of The Cohen Group
Kerr, Ann Zwicker
Kerrey, Bob - former Senator and governor of Nebraska
Kerry, John F. - Senator from Massachusetts; member of Skull and Bones (1966)
Kerry, Peggy
Kessler, Glenn Andrew
Kessler, Martha Neff
Kester, W. Carl
Khalidi, Rashid I.
Khalilzad, Zalmay M. - current ambassador to Afghanistan
Khan, Moushumi M.
Khemlani, Neeraj L.
Khosrowshani, Cameron Kamran
Khuri, Nicola N.
Kiermaier, John W.
Kiley, Robert R.
Kim, Andrew B.
Kim, Hanya Marie
Kim, Sukhan
Kimmitt, Robert M. - former ambassador to West Germany and Germany (1991-1993)
Kimsey, James V. - founding CEO of American Online (AOL)
Kinane, William Patrick
King, Henry L.
King, Kay
King, Robert R.
King, Susan Robinson
Kipper, Judith
Kiriakou, Heather K. Armentrout
Kirkland, Richard I.
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. - former ambassador to UN
Kirkpatrick, Melanie M.
Kiser, Stephen D.
Kishkovsky, Leonid
Kissinger, Henry A. - Viet Cong collaborator; former Secretary of State, former National Security Advisor
Kittrie, Orde F.
Kizer, Karin L.
Kladakis, Monica Vegas
Klein, David
Klein, Edward
Klein, George
Klein, Jacques Paul
Klein, Joseph A.
Klimp, Jack Wilbur
Kline, Roger C.
Klotz, Frank G.
Klurfeld, James M.
Knell, Gary E.
Knight, Edward S. - Treasury Dept. General Counsel under Clinton (1997-2001)
Knight, Jessie J. Jr.
Knight, Robert Huntington
Knowlton, William Allen (Maj. Gen.) - former superintendent of West Point
Knudsen, Christine M.
Kogan, Richard Jay
Kohut, Andrew
Kojac, Jeff
Kolb, Charles E. M.
Kolbe, Jim - current Congressman from Arizona
Kolodziej, Edward A.
Kolt, George
Koltai, Steven R.
Komisar, Lucy - feminist
Kondracke, Morton - commentator on Fox News; Roll Call
Koonin, Steven E.
Korb, Lawrence J.
Korbonski, Andrzej
Kormos, Cyril Frederick
Kornblum, John C. - former ambassador to Germany (1997-2001)
Kostiw, Michael Vincent
Kotecha, Mahesh K.
Kotler, Steven
Kraar, Louis
Kraemer, Lillian E.
Kramek, Robert E. (Adm.) - former Commandant of the Coast Guard
Kramer, Helen M.
Kramer, Jane
Kramer, Michael
Kramer, Orin S.
Kramer, Reed
Kramer, Steven Philip
Kranwinkle, C. Douglas
Kranz, Thomas F.
Krasner, Stephen D.
Krasno, Richard M.
Krause, Lawrence B.
Krauss, Clifford
Krauthammer, Charles - columnist for Time and Washington Post
Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Krawchuk, Fred T. Jr.
Kreek, Mary Jeanne
Krens, Thomas
Krepinevich, Andrew F.
Krepon, Michael
Kriegel, Jay L.
Krikorian,Victoria Reznik
Krisher, Bernard
Kristoff, Nicholas D.
Kristoff, Sandra J.
Kristol, Irving - godfather of neo-conservatism
Kroeger, Kate M.J.
Kronman, Anthony Townsend
Krueger, Anne O. - director of IMF
Krueger, Harvey
Krulak, Charles Chandler (Gen.) - former Commandant of Marine Corps
Ku, Charlotte
Kubarych, Roger M.
Kubisch, Jack B. - former ambassador to Greece
Kuenstner, Nancy Jo
Kull, Steven G.
Kumar, Nisha
Kumar, Raj U.
Kumar-Sinha, Punita
Kuniholm, Bruce Robellet
Kunstadter, Geraldine S.
Kupchan, Charles A.
Kupchan, Clifford A.
Kupperman, Robert H.
Kurth, James R.
Kushen, Robert A.
Kux, Dennis - former ambassador to Cote d�Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Kwoh, Stewart

Laber, Jeri L.
Ladd, Edward
Lader, Philip - former ambassador to Great Britain (1997-2001)
Ladner, Drew J.
Ladner, Joyce A.
LaFleur, Vinca
Lagomasino, Maria Elena
Lagon, Mark P.
Lake, David A.
Lal, Venkateshwar
Lall, Betty Goetz
Lamb, Denis - former ambassador to OECD
Lambeth, Benjamin S.
Lambright, James H.
Lamont, Lansing
Lampton, David M.
Lancaster, Carol J.
Landau, George W. - former ambassador to Chile, Venezuela, and Paraguay
Lande, Jim Alfred
Landers, James M.
Lane, Charles M.
Lane, David J.
Laney, James T. - former ambassador to South Korea
Langlois, John D.
Langlois, Robert J.
Lantz, Matthew P.
LaPalombara, Joseph
Lapenn, Jessica E.
Lapham, Lewis H.
Lapham, Nicholas Payne
Lapidus, Gail W.
Lardy, Nicholas R.
Larrabee, F. Stephen
Larsen, Randall J.
Larson, Charles R. (Adm.) - former Superintendent of U.S. Naval Academy under Reagan and Clinton
Lasensky, Scott B.
Lash, Jonathan
Lasser, Lawrence J.
Lateef, Noel V. - President and CEO of Foreign Policy Association
Lau, Edwin
Lauder, Leonard A. - Chairman of Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. (cosmetic, fragrance, etc.)
Lauder, Ronald S. - former ambassador to Austria; chairman of Clinique Labratories, Inc.
Laudicina, Paul A.
Lauinger, Philip C. Jr.
Laurenti, Jeffrey
Lautenbach, Ned C.
Laventhol, David A.
Lawrence, Richard D.
Lawrence, Robert Z.
Lawson, Chappell H.
Lawson, Eugene K.
Layne, Christopher
Lazarus, Shelly B.
Leach, James A. - current Congressman from Iowa
Leclerc, Paul
Lederberg, Joshua
Lederman, Gordon Nathaniel
Lee, Bryce
Lee, Chong-Moon
Lee, Ernest S.
Lee, Nancy
Lee, Thea Mei
Lee, William L.
Lee-Kung, Dinah
Leebron, David W. - President of Rice University
Leed, Maren
Leeds, Roger S.
Leet, Kenneth H.M.
Leet, Mildred Robbins - co-founder and Chair of Trickle Up Program
Lefever, Ernest W.
Leffall, LaSalle D. III
Leghorn, Richard S.
Legro, Jeffrey W.
Legvold, Robert
Lehman, John F. - former secretary of the Navy
Lehman, Orin
Lehman, Ronald Frank II
Lehrer, Jim - PBS anchorman
Leich, John Foster
Leklem, Erik James
Leland, Marc E.
Lelyveld, Joseph
LeMelle, Gerald A.
LeMelle, Tilden J.
Lemle, J. Stuart
Lempert, Robert J
Lennon, Alexander T. J.
Lennon, Sarah G. J.
Lennox, William J. Jr. (Lt. Gen.) - former superintendent of West Point
Lenti, Sarah M.
Lenzen, Louis C.
LeoGrande, William M.
Leonard, James F.
Leonard, Kenneth Lynch
Leone, Richard C.
Lesch, Ann Mosely
Leslie, John W. Jr.
Lesser, Ian O.
Lettre, Marcel J. II
Leverett, Flynt L.
Levin, Gerald M.
Levin, Herbert
Levin, John A.
Levin, Michael Stuart
Levine, Irving R.
Levine, Mel - former Congressman from California
Levine, Susan B.
Levinson, Marc
Levit, Kenneth Joel
Levitsky, Jonathan E. - attorney for Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Levitt, Arthur, Jr. - Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Group; former Chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission (1993-2001)
Levitt, Jeremy I.
Levy, Reynold
Lewis, Anthony
Lewis, Bernard
Lewis, Edward T.
Lewis, John P. - current Congressman from Georgia
Lewis, Stephen R. Jr.
Lewis, W. Walker
Lewy, Glen S.
Li, Lu
Libby, I. Lewis "Scooter" - Dick Cheney�s assistant
Lichtblau, John H.
Lichtenstein, Cynthia C.
Lieber, James E.
Lieber, Robert J.
Lieberman, Joseph I. - Senator from Connecticut; Gore�s running mate in 2000 elections
Lieberman, Nancy A.
Lieberthal, Keith L.
Lieberthal, Kenneth G. - professor at University of Michigan
Liebman, Benjamin Lesler
Liebowitz, Jessica K.
Lifton, Robert K.
Light, Timothy
Lighthizer, Robert E.
Lilienthal, Sally L.
Lincoln, Edward J.
Lindberg, Tod
Lindsay, Beverly
Lindsay, Franklin A.
Lindsay, James M.
Linen, Jonathan S.
Link, Troland S.
Linowes, David F.
Lipman, Ira A. - founder, President, Chairman, and CEO of Guardsmark LLC
Lippard, Joshua J.
Lipper, Kenneth
Lipper, Tamara
Lippert, Mark W.
Lippey, Brian C.
Lippman, Thomas W.
Lipset, Seymour Martin
Lipsitz, Rochelle J.
Lipsky, John P.
Lipsky, Seth
Lissakers, Karin M.
Litan, Robert E.
Little, David
Little, Milton J. Jr.
Littlefield, Elizabeth L.
Litwak, Robert S.
Liu, Betty Wen Ssu
Liu, Eric P.
Livingston, Robert (Gerald)
Llewellyn, J. Bruce
Lodal, Jan M. - treasurer of the Atlantic Council
Lodge, George Cabot
Loeb, Marshall
Logan, Francis D.
Lombardi, Clark B.
London, Herbert I.
Long, William J.
Longmuir, Shelley A.
Longstreth, Bevis
Longworth, Richard C.
Longworth, Susan A.
Loranger, Donald Eugene
Lord, Bette Bao
Lord, Winston - former ambassador to Red China
Lorentzen, Oivind III
Louis, William Roger
Lourie, Linda S.
Loury, Glenn Cartman
Lovejoy, Thomas E.
Lovelace, Jon B.
Low, Stephen - former ambassador to Nigeria and Zambia
Lowenfeld, Andreas F.
Lowenkron, Barry F.
Lowenstein, James G. - former ambassador to Luxembourg (1977-1981)
Lowenthal, Abraham F.
Lowry, Glenn D.
Lowrey, Richard A.
Loy, Frank E.
Loy, James Milton (Adm.) - former Commandant of Coast Guard; former deputy secretary of Homeland Security Dept.
Lozano, Ignacio E. - former ambassador to Venezuela
Lozano, Jose Ignacio
Lozano, Monica C.
Lu, Donald
Lu, Xiaobo
Lubin, Nancy
Lubman, Stanley B.
Lucas, C. Payne - former President Emeritus of Africare
Lucas, Sarah T.
Luck, Edward C.
Lucy, William
Luers, Wendy W.
Luers, William H. - former ambassador to Venezuela and Czechoslovakia
Luke, John A. Jr. - Chairman and CEO of MeadWestvaco Corporation
Lustick, Ian S.
Lute, Jane Holl
Luttwak, Edward N.
Luzzatto, Anne R
Lyall, Katharine C.
Lyman, Princeton N. - former ambassador to Nigeria and South Africa
Lyman, Richard W.
Lynch, Thomas F. III
Lynk, Myles V.
Lynn, James T. - former secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Lynn, Laurence E. Jr.
Lyon, David W.
Lyons, Gene M.
Lyons, James E.
Lyons, Richard Kent

Ma, Christopher
Mabry, Marcus
Mabus, Raymond E. - former ambassador to Saudi Arabia
MacCormack, Charles Frederick
MacDonald, Bruce Walter
MacDougal, Gary E.
Mack, Consuelo Cotter
Mack, J. Curtis II - professor atPepperdineUniversity
Mackay, Leo Sidney Jr.
Mackevich, Eileen R.
MacLaury, Bruce K.
Macomber, John Dewitt - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank
Macy, Robert M. Jr.
Madigan, John W.
Magras, Krista M.
Maguire, John David
Mahoney, Margaret E.
Mahoney, Paul G.
Mahoney, Thomas H. IV
Mai, Vincent A. - Chairman and CEO of AEA Investors LLC
Maier, Charles S.
Makin, John Holmes
Makins, Christopher J. - president of the Atlantic Council
Makinson, Carolyn
Mako, William P.
Maldonado, Wendy A.
Malek, Frederic V.
Malinowski, Tom
Mallery, Richard
Mallett, Robert L. - former Deputy Secretary of Commerce under Clinton (1997-2001)
Malmgren, Harald B.
Malmgren, K. Philippa
Malone, Kim
Malpass, David R.
Manatt, Charles T. - former ambassador to Dominican Republic
Manca, Marie Antoinette
Mandelbaum, Michael
Maniatis, Gregory A.
Manilow, Lewis
Manley, Audrey Forbes
Mann, James H.
Mann, Michael D.
Mann, Thomas E.
Manuel, Anja L.
Manzi, Jim
Marans, J. Eugene - lawyer (Senior Counsel) for Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, & Hamilton
Marcom, John E. Jr.
Marcum, John Arthur
Marder, Murrey
Margolis, David I.
Mariotti, Steven J.
Mark, David E.
Mark, Hans M. - fomer Secretary of the Air Force
Mark-Jusbasche, Rebecca P.
Markey, Dan S.
Marks, Leonard H.
Marks, Paul A.
Markusen, Ann R.
Marlin, Alice Tepper
Marr, Phebe A.
Marron, Donald B.
Marsh, Tom F.
Marshall, Andrew W.
Marshall, Anthony D. - former ambassador to Seychelles, Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, and Malagasy Rep. (Madagascar)
Marshall, Dale Rogers
Marshall, F. Ray
Marshall, Katherine
Marshall, Zachary Blake
Marten, Kimberly Joy
Martin, Daniel Richard
Martin, Lynn Morley - former Secretary of Labor; former Congresswoman from Illinois
Martin, Susan Forbes
Martin, William F.
Martinez, Roman IV
Marton, Kati I.
Masin, Michael T.
Massey, L. Camille
Massey, Walter E. - President of Morehouse College
Massimino, Elisa C.
Mastanduno, Michael
Masters, Carlton A.
Matheson, Michael J. - State Department Legal Adviser under Clinton
Mathews, Jessica T. - President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Mathews, Michael S.
Mathews, Sylvia M.
Mathias, Charles McC. Jr. - former Senator from Maryland
Mathias, Edward J.
Mathis, Brian Pierre
Matlock, Jack F. Jr. - former ambassador to Soviet Union
Matsui, Robert T. (died in January 2005) - Congressman from California (died in office)
Matteson, William B. - attorney for Debevoise & Plimpton LLP (retired)
Matthews, Eugene A.
Matthews, John Casley III
Mattox, Gale A.
Matuszewski, Daniel C.
Matzke, Richard H.
Maxwell, Kenneth Robert
May, Ernest R.
May, Michael M.
Mayer, Claudette
Mayer, Gerald M. Jr.
Mayhew, Alice E.
Maynes, Charles William
Mazur, Jay
McAfee, William Gage
McAllister, Jef Olivarius
McAllister, Singleton B.
McCaffrey, Barry R. (Gen.) - 24th Infantry Division Commander during Persian Gulf War; former "drug czar" under Clinton
McCaffrey, Cynthia Lillian
McCain, John S. III - Senator from Arizona; enemy collaborator
McCall, H. Carl
McCann, Edward
McCartan, Patrick F.
McCarter, John W. Jr.
McCarthy, James P.
McCarthy, Kathleen D.
McChrystal, Stanley A.
McClean, Lilyanne H.
McCloy, John J. II
McClure, Robert L.
McCormack, Elizabeth J.
McCouch, Donald G.
McCracken, Paul W.
McCurdy, Dave K. - former Congressman from Oklahoma
McDermott, Jim - current Congressman from Washington (D-WA)
McDevitt, Sean Daniel
McDonald, Alonzo L. - Chairman and CEO of Avenir Group, Inc.
McDonald, Tom - former ambassador to Zimbwabwe
McDonough, William J. - former President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
McDougall, Gay J.
McEntee, Joan M.
McFarlane, Jennifer A.
McFarlane, Robert C. - President of Energy and Communications Solutions; former National Security advisor
McFate, Patricia Ann
McFaul, Michael A.
McGarr, Cappy R.
McGiffert, Carola
McGiffert, David E.
McGovem, George S. - former Senator from South Dakota; presidential candidate in 1972
McGowan, Alan H.
McGrath, Eugene R.
McGurn, William
McHenry, Donald F.
McIntosh, Laura A.
McKeon, Robert B.
McLarty, Mark C.
McLarty, Thomas F. III "Mack" - senior advisor to the Carlyle Group; former White House Chief of Staff
McLaughlin, Andrew
McLaughlin, David T.
McLaughlin, John E.
McLean, Mora L. - President and CEO of Africa-America Institute
McLean, Sheila Avrin
McLin, Jon Blythe
McMahon, Darrin Michael
McManus, Doyle
McManus, Jason D.
McMaster, Herbert Raymond
McNally, Thomas A.
McNamara, Dennis L.
McNamara, Robert S. - former President of World Bank; former Secretary of Defense
McNamara, Thomas E. - former ambassador to Colombia
McNaugher, Thomas L.
McNerney, Patricia Ann
McPeak, Merrill A. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff
McPeek, Brian C.
McPherson, M. Peter - President of Michigan State University
McQuade, Lawrence C.
McWade, Jessica C.
Meacham, Carl E.
Meacham, Jon
Mead, Dana G.
Mead, E. Scott
Mead, Walter Russell
Meadows, Jeanne Terry
Meagher, Robert F.
Mearsheimer, John J.
Medawar, Adrienne
Medearis, Amy Houpt
Medeiros, Evan Sabino
Medina, David S.
Medina, Kathryn B.
Medish, Mark Christian - lawyer (Partner) for Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP
Medley, Richard - Founder and Chairman of Medley Global Advisors LLC
Meers, Sharon I.
Meertens, Michelle A.
Mehlman, Bruce Paul
Mehreteab, Ghebre Selassie
Mehta, Ved
Meiman, Kellie A.
Meissner, Doris M. - INS Commissioner under Clinton
Meister, Irene W.
Mejia, James E.
Melby, Eric D. K.
Melloan, George R.
Melville, Richard Allen
Mendelson, Sarah Elizabeth
Mendelson-Forman, Johanna
Mendlovitz, Saul H.
Mendoza, Roberto G.
Menges, Carl B.
Menke, John R.
Menon, Rajan
Merkel, Claire Sechler
Merkel, David Austin
Meron, Theodor - professor at New York University
Merow, John E.
Merrill, Philip - former President and Chairman of Export-Import Bank
Merritt, Jack Neil
Merszei, Zoltan
Mesdag, Willem
Meselson, Matthew S.
Messing, F. Andy Jr.
Mestres, Ricardo A. Jr.
Mettler, Ruben F.
Metzger, Barry
Metzl, Jamie Frederic
Meunier, Sophie
Meyer, Carl J.
Meyer, Edward C.
Meyer, John Robert
Meyer, Karl E.
Meyer, Michael Ryder
Meyerman, Harold J.
Meyerson, Martin
Michaels, Marguerite
Mickiewicz, Ellen
Midgley, Elizabeth
Mihaly, Eugene B.
Mikell, Gwendolyn - anthropology professor at Georgetown
Miles, Edward L.
Milestone, Judith B.
Millard, Robert
Miller, Benjamin R.
Miller, Charles R.
Miller, Christopher D.
Miller, David Charles Jr. - former ambassador to Tanzania and Zimbwabwe
Miller, Debra L.
Miller, Franklin C. - Vice-President of The Cohen Group; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy (1997)
Miller, J. Irwin
Miller, Judith - Defense Dept. general counsel under Clinton (1994-1997)
Miller, Ken
Miller, Linda B.
Miller, Marcia E.
Miller, Matthew L.
Miller, Michael T.
Miller, Roberta Balstad
Miller, Scott L.
Miller, William Green - former ambassador to Ukraine
Miller, William Scott II
Miller-Muro, Layli
Millett, Allan R.
Millington, John A.
Mills, Bradford
Mills, Karen Gordon
Mills, Susan Linda
Milner, Helen V.
Minow, Newton N. - attorney for Sidley, Austin, Brown, & Wood
Mintz, Daniel R.
Miranda, Lourdes R.
Mirkow, Frank J.
Miscik, Judith A.
Mishkin, Alexander V.
Mitchell, Andrea - NBC reporter; married to Alan Greenspan
Mitchell, Arthur M. III
Mitchell, George H. Jr.
Mitchell, George J. - former Senator from Maine
Mitchell, Patricia E. - President of PBS
Mitchell, Wandra G.
Mize, David M.
Mochizuki, Kiichi
Mochizuki, Mike M.
Moe, Sherwood G.
Moffett, George D.
Molano, Walter Thomas
Mondale, Walter F. - former ambassador to Japan; former Vice-President, Trilateral Commission member
Moniz, Ernest J.
Montgomery, George Cranwell
Montgomery, Harold H.
Montgomery, Parker G. - was Chairman and President of Cooper Development Company
Montgomery, Philip O'Bryan III
Moock, Joyce Lewinger
Moody, Jim - former Congressman fromWisconsin
Moody, William S.
Moore, Joanne C.
Moore, John J. Jr.
Moore, John M.
Moore, John Norton
Moore, Jonathan
Moore, Julia A.
Moorman, Thomas S. Jr. (Gen.) - former Vice Chief of Staff, HQ, U.S. Air Force
Moose, George E. - former ambassador to Benin
Moose, Richard M. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Mora, Alberto J.
Mora, Antonio G.
Moran, Theodore H. - professor at Georgetown
Moravcsik, Andrew - professor at Princeton
Morey, David Edward
Morgan, Charlotte M.
Morningstar, Richard L. - former ambassador to European Union
Morris, Charles R.
Morris, Frederic A.
Morris, Max King
Morris-Eck, Bailey
Morrisett, Lloyd N.
Morrison, J. Stephen
Morrissey, Arthur C.
Morse, Edward L.
Morse, Kenneth P.
Mortimer, David H.
Mosbacher, Robert A. - former secretary of Commerce
Moseley, Teed Michael
Moses, Alfred H. - former ambassador to Romania
Mosettig, Michael David
Moskow, Kenneth A.
Moskow, Michael H. - President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Moskowitz, James N.
Moss, Ambler H. Jr. - former ambassador to Panama
Mossman, James
Motley, Joel W.
Mottahedeh, Roy P.
Motulsky, Daniel T.
Mouat, Lucia
Moyer, Homer E. Jr.
Mroz, John Edwin
Mudd, Daniel H. - current interim CEO of Fannie Mae
Mudd, Margaret Farris
Mujal-Leon, Eusebio
Mulberger, Virginia A.
Mulcahy, Anne M. - Chairman and CEO of Xerox
Mulford, David C. - current Ambassador to India
Muller, Edward R.
Muller, Steven
Mulvaney, Sean
Mulvenon, James C.
Mundie, Craig James
Mundy, Carl E. Jr. (Gen.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps
Munger, Edwin S.
Munoz, George
Munroe, George B.
Munsch, Stuart B.
Munyan, Winthrop R.
Murase, Emily Moto
Muravchik, Joshua
Murdoch, Rupert - CEO of News Corporation and the Godfather of Fox News, Fox Studios, etc.
Murdock, Deroy
Murdy, WIlliam F.
Murillo, Maria Victoria
Murphy, Caryle Marie
Murphy, Ewell E. Jr.
Murphy, Richard McGill
Murphy, Richard W. - former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Philippines
Murphy, Sean Patrick
Murphy, Thomas S. - former CEO of Capital Cities/ABC
Murray, Douglas J.
Murray, Douglas P.
Murray, Ian P.
Murray, Janice L.
Murray, Lori Esposito - State Department assistant under Clinton
Murray, Robert J.
Muse, Martha Twitchell
Musham, Bettye Martin
Mustafa, Herro K.
Myers, Richard B.
Myerson, Toby S.
Myrow, Stephen A.

Nachmanoff, Arnold
Nacht, Michael L.
Nadiri, M. Ishaq
Nagorski, Andrew
Nagorski, Zygmunt
Nakhleh, Emile A.
Naplan, Steven J.
Nash, Jack
Nash, William L.
Nasher, Raymond Donald
Nathan, Andrew J.
Nathan, James A.
Nathan, Scott Andrew
Nathanson, Marc B.
Nathoo, Raffiq A.
Nau, Henry R.
Nauert, Heather Anne
Nazeri, Haleh
Neal, Jeffrey C.
Neal, Stephen L.
Nealer, Kevin G.
Nederlander, Robert Jr.
Negroponte, John D. - head of national intelligence office; former ambassador to Iraq, Mexico, Philippines, Honduras
Neier, Aryeh - President of Open Society Institute
Nelson, Anne
Nelson, Daniel N.
Nelson, Jodie Lee
Nelson, Merlin E.
Nelson, Richard D.
Nelson, Robert L. Jr.
Nemazee, Hassan
Nenneman, Richard A.
Nepomnyashchy, Catharine Theimer
Nesbit, Lynn
Neuger, Win J.
Neuman, Stephanie G.
Neureiter, Norman P.
Newberg, Esther R.
Newburg, Andre (W. G.)
Newcomb, Nancy S.
Newell, Barbara W.
Newhouse, John
Newman, Jay H.
Newman, Pauline
Newman, Priscilla A.
Newman, Richard T.
Newsom, David D. - former ambassador to Philippines, Libya, and Indonesia
Newstead, Jennifer G.
Newton, M. Diana Helweg
Ney, Edward N. - former ambassador to Canada (1989-1992)
Nicholas, N.J. Jr. "Nick"
Nichols, Rodney W.
Nicholson, Jan
Nides, Thomas R.
Niehuss, John M.
Niehuss, Rosemary Neaher
Nielsen, Nancy
Nilsson, A. Kenneth
Nilsson, Keith R.
Nimetz, Matthew - State Department Counselor under Carter
Nitze, Paul H. - former secretary of Navy and Deputy Secretary of Defense under LBJ
Nitze, William A.
Noam, Eli M.
Nogales, Luis G.
Nolan, Janne Emilie
Noland, Marcus
Nonacs, Eric S.
Nooter, Robert Harry
Norman, William S.
Norquist, Grover Glenn
Norton, Augustus Richard
Norton, Eleanor Holmes - current delegate for District of Columbia
Nossel, Suzanne
Noto, Lucio A. - former CEO and Chairman of Mobil; currently a director of IBM and Altria
Novack, Lynne Dominick
Novogratz, Jacqueline
Novy-Marx, Milena K.
Nuechterlein, Jeffrey D.
Nunn, Sam - former Senator from Georgia; serves on board of directors of Chevron-Texaco, GE, Coca-Cola, etc.
Nussbaum, Bruce
Nye, Joseph S. Jr.

O�Brien, Dennis J.
O�Cleireacain, Carol
O�Connor, Walter
O�Flaherty, J. Daniel
O�Hanlon, Michael
O�Hare, Joseph A.
O�Leary, John - former ambassador to Chile
O�Malley, Cormac K.H.
O�Neal, E. Stanley - CEO of Merrill Lynch
O�Neil, Kathleen A.
O�Neil, Michael J.
O�Neill, Brian Deveraux
O�Neill, Mark E.
O�Neill, Michael J.
O�Prey, Kevin P.
O�Rourke, Patrick J.
O�Sullivan, Meghan L.
Oakley, Phyllis E.
Oakley, Robert B. - former ambassador toSomalia,Pakistan, andZaire
Oberdorfer, Don
Odeen, Philip A.
Odell, John S.
Odom, William E.
Oettinger, Anthony G.
Offenheiser, Raymond C. Jr.
Offit, Morris W.
Oh, Kongdan
Okawara, Merle Aiko
Olidge, Trina S.
Oliva, L. Jay
Oliver, April A.
Olmstead, Cecil J.
Olson, David Andrew
Olson, Jane T. - Chairman of Human Rights Watch
Olson, Lyndon L., Jr. - former ambassador to Sweden
Olson, Ronald L.
Olson, William Clinton
Olvey, Lee D.
Omestad, Thomas E.
Onek, Joseph N.
Oppenheimer, Andres M.
Oppenheimer, Franz Martin
Oppenheimer, Michael F.
Orentlicher, Diane
Orlins, Stephen A.
Ornstein, Norman J.
Orr, Robert C.
Osborn, John E.
Osborne, Richard de J.
Osius, Margaret Elizabeth
Osmer-McQuade, Margaret
Osnos, Peter L. W.
Osnos, Susan Sherer
Ostrander, F. Taylor
Ostrowski, Stephen T.
Otero, Maria - Vice-Chair of United States Institute of Peace
Ovitz, Michael S.
Owen, Henry David - former co-Chairman of The Bretton Woods Committee
Owen, Roberts Bishop
Owens, James W.
Owens, William A. (Adm.) - CEO of Nortel Networks; retired Navy admiral
Oxman, Bernard H.
Oxman, Stephen Alan - State Department assistant under Clinton
Oxnam, Robert B.
Oye, Kenneth A.

Paal, Douglas Haines
Pachios, Harold C.
Pachon, Harry P.
Packard, George R.
Page, Carter W.
Paine, George C. II
Paisner, Bruce Lawrence
Pakula, Hannah C.
Pallesen, Edward S.
Palmer, Mark
Palmer, Matthew A.
Palmer, Ronald D. - former ambassador to Malaysia, Mauritius, and Togo
Palmieri, Victor H.
Pam, Jeremiah S.
Pan, Eric J.
Pan, Michael
Pan, Philip P.
Pandith, Farah Anwar
Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H.
Paperin, Stewart J. - Executive Vice President of Open Society Institute
Pardee, Scott E.
Pardes, Herbert
Pardew, James W. Jr.
Parekh, Sanjay
Parent, Louise M.
Paris, Jonatha
Parker, Elizabeth Rindskopf
Parker, Jason H.
Parker, Jay M.
Parker, Penny
Parker, Richard B. - former ambassador to Morocco and Algeria
Parker Feld, Karen Elizabeth
Parkinson, Roger P.
Parks, Michael Christopher
Parsky, Gerald L.
Parsons, Richard D. - Chairman and CEO of Time Warner; former CEO of America Online (AOL)
Pascual, Carlos E. - current State Dept. assistant; former ambassador to Ukraine
Passer-Muslin, Juliette M.
Paster, Howard G.
Pastor, Ed - current Congressman from Arizona
Pastor, Robert A.
Patel, Parag
Patrick, Hugh T.
Patrick, Stewart M.
Patrick, Thomas Harold
Patricof, Alan Joel
Patrikis, Ernest T.
Patterson, Michael D.
Patterson, Patricia M.
Pattiz, Norman I.
Paul, Douglas L.
Paul, Roland A.
Paulson, Henry M. Jr. - CEO of Goldman Sachs
Paulus, Judith K.
Paumgarten, Nicholas Biddle
Pavel, Barry
Pavilonis, Brigid Myers
Payne, Donald M. - current Congressman from New Jersey
Pearl, Frank H. - Chairman and CEO of Perseus LLC
Pearlstine, Norman - current editor-in-chief of Time magazine
Peckham, Gardner G.
Pedersen, Richard Foote
Pederson, Rena M.
Pell, Claiborne - former Senator from Rhode Island
Pelletreau, Robert H. Jr. - ambassador to Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain
Pelofsky, Eric J.
Pena, Federico F. - former secretary of Transportation and Energy
Penn, Lawrence Edward III
Penn, Mark Jeffrey
Perella, Joseph R.
Perera, Richard D.
Peretz, Don
Perez, David
Perkin, Linda J.
Perkins, Edward J. - former ambassador to UN, Australia, and South Africa
Perkins, Roswell B.
Perkovich, George R.
Perlman, Janice Elaine
Perlmutter, Barbara S.
Perlmutter, Louis
Perritt, Henry H. Jr.
Perry, Elizabeth Jean
Perry, Robert C. - former ambassador to Central African Republic (1999-2001)
Perry, William J. - former Secretary of Defense
Persico, Joseph E.
Peters, Mary Ann - former ambassador to Bangladesh
Peters, Michael P.
Peterson, Holly
Peterson, Michael A.
Peterson, Peter G. - Chairman of CFR; Senior Chairman of The Blackstone Group; former Secretary of Commerce
Petraeus, David H.
Petree, Richard W.
Petree, Richard W. Jr.
Petri, Thomas E. - current Congressman from Wisconsin (R-WI)
Petschek, Stephen R.
Pettibone, Peter J.
Petty, John R.
Peyronnin, Joseph F.
PezzuIlo, Lawrence A. - former ambassador to Uruguay
Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Jr.
Pfeiffer, Jane Cahill
Pfeiffer, Leon K.
Pfeiffer, Steven B.
Phan, Dang Tan
Pharr, Susan J.
Phelan, John J. Jr.
Phillips, Cecil M.
Phillips, Christopher H.
Phillips, David L.
Phillips, Jeanne L. - former ambassador to OECD
Picker, Harvey
Pickering, Thomas R. - former ambassador to United Nations, Russia, India, Israel, Jordan, Nigeria, and El Salvador
Pieczenik, Steve R.
Piedra, Alberto M. Jr. - former ambassador to Guatemala
Pierce, John vanden Heuvel
Pierce, Lawrence W.
Pierce, Ponchitta
Piercy, Jan
Pierre, Andrew J.
Pigott, Charles M.
Pike, John E.
Pilgrim, Kathryn
Pillar, Paul R.
Pilling, Donald L.
Pilliod, Charles J. Jr.- former ambassador to Mexico
Pillsbury, Marnie S.
Pillsbury, Michael
Pilon, Juliana Geran
Pincus, Lionel I. - Founder and Chairman of Warburg Pincus LLC
Pincus, Walter H.
Pinkerton, W. Stewart Jr.
Pino, John Anthony
Pipes, Daniel - Middle East "expert"
Pipes, Richard
Pitts, Joe W. III
Pivik, George A.
Pizer, William A.
Pizzarello, Louis D.
Plaks, Livia B.
Platt, Alan A.
Platt, Alexander H.
Platt, Nicholas - former ambassador to Zambia and Philippines
Platt, Sheila Maynard
Plattner, Marc F.
Plepler, Richard L.
Plimpton, Calvin H.
Plurneri, Joseph J. II
Plutzik, Jonathan
Poats, Rutherford M.
Pocalyko, Michael N.
Podhoretz, Norman
Pogue, Richard W.
Polk, William R.
Pollack, Gerald A.
Pollack, Jonathan D.
Pollack, Kenneth Michael
Pollack, Lester
Pollock, Robert Lansing
Polsby, Nelson W.
Pond, Elizabeth
Poneman, Daniel Bruce
Pool-Eckert, Marquita J.
Popkin, Anne B.
Popoff, Frank
Porter, John Edward
Portes, Richard D.
Porzecanski, Arturo C.
Posen, Adam S.
Posen, Barry R.
Posner, Michael
Poste, George H.
Postol, Theodore A.
Potter, WIlliam C.
Pottinger, Matthew F.
Powell, Catherine
Powell, Colin L. (Gen.) - former Secretary of State and Chairman of JCS
Powell, Jerome H.
Power, Philip H.
Powers, Averill L.
Powers, Thomas
Powers, Timothy E.
Pozen, Robert C.
Pranger, Robert J.
Prasso, Sheridan T.
Precht, Henry
Pregenzer, Arian L.
Prescott, Elizabeth M.
Press, Daryl G.
Press, William H.
Pressler, Larry - former Senator from South Dakota
Pressman, Jeremy
Preston, Stephen W.
Prewitt, Kenneth - Director of Census Bureau under Clinton (1997-2001)
Price, Daniel M.
Price, Hugh - former President and CEO of National Urban League
Price, John R. Jr.
Price, Raymond K. Jr.
Price, Robert
Prickett, Glenn T.
Priest, William W. Jr.
Prieto, Daniel B. III
Prillaman, William C.
Prince, Charles O. III - CEO of Citigroup
Pritzker, Penny
Pritzker, Thomas J.
Proenza, Luis M.
Prueher, Joseph W. (Adm.) - former ambassador to Red China; former commander of U.S. Pacific Command
Pryce, Jeffrey F.
Pryce, William T. - former ambassador to Honduras (1993-1996)
Puchala, Donald James
Puckett, Allen E.
Puckett, Robert H.
Pulling, Edward L.
Pulling, Thomas L.
Purcell, Susan Kaufman
Pursley, Robert E.
Purvis, Nigel
Putnam, Robert D.
Pye, Lucian W.
Pyle, Kenneth B.

Quainton, Anthony C. E. - former ambassador to Nicaragua, Peru, Kuwait, and Central African Rep.
Quandt, William B. - professor at Universty of Virginia
Quester, George H.
Quigley, Kevin F. F.
Quigley, Leonard V.
Quinn, Jane Bryant
Quinn, John M.

Rabb, Bruce
Rabinowitch, Alexander
Rabinowitch, Victor
Radtke, Robert W.
Raine, Fernande Scheid
Raines, Franklin D. - former director of OMB; former CEO of Fannie Mae; Rhodes scholar
Raiser, Mary van Schuyler
Raisian, John
Ramakrishna, Kilaparti
Ramer, Bruce M.
Ramirez, Lilia L.
Ramo, Simon
Randolph, R. Sean
Randt, Clark T. Jr. - current ambassador to Red China
Ranis, Gustav
Rankin, Clyde E. III
Raphel, Robin Lynn - former ambassador to Tunisia
Rappaport, Alan H.
Ratchford, J. Thomas
Rather, Dan - the lapdog journalist on CBS News who just retired
Ratnesar, Romesh M.
Rattner, Steven L.
Rattray, Gregory John
Rauch, Rudolph S.
Raul, Alan Charles
Raustiala, Kal
Ravenal, Earl C.
Ravenholt, Albert V.
Ravich, Samantha F.
Ravitch, Richard
Raymond, David A.
Raymond, Jack
Raymond, Lee R. - Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil
Read, Benjamin L.
Reade, Claire E. - Attorney for Arnold & Porter
Realuyo, Celina B.
Rechberger, Kristin Denise
Redman, Charles E. - former ambassador to Sweden and Germany
Reed, Charles B.
Reed, Jack - Senator from Rhode Island
Reed, Joseph Verner - former ambassador to Morocco
Reed, Lucy Ferguson
Rees, Matthew R.
Reese, William Sears
Regan, Ned
Reichert, William M.
Reid, Ogden - former ambassador to Israel; former Congressman from New York
Reiling, Peter A. - executive vice president of The Aspen Institute
Reilly, Saskia S.
Reilly, William K.
Reimer, Dennis Joe (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff
Reinhardt, John E. - State Department assistant under Ford
Reinhart, Carmen M.
Reinharz, Jehuda
Reinke, Jeffrey A.
Reisman, William Michael
Reiss, Mitchell B.
Remick, Elizabeth J.
Remington, Thomas F.
Renfrew, Charles Byron
Rennie, Milbrey
Rennie, Renate
Reppert, John C.
Reppy, Judith V.
Resnicoff, Arnold E.
Resor, Stanley R. - former Secretary of the Army during the Vietnam War (1965-1971)
Rey, Nicholas A. - former ambassador to Poland
Rhind, Eric Scott
Rhinelander, John B.
Rhodes, William R.
Ricardel, Mira R.
Rice, Condoleezza - current Secretary of State; former national security advisor
Rice, Donald S.
Rice, Joseph A.
Rice, Susan E. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Rich, John H. Jr.
Rich, Michael D.
Richard, Anne C.
Richard, James J.
Richards, Ann W. - former governor of Texas who lost to Dubya in 1994
Richards, Paul G.
Richards, Stephen H.
Richardson, Benjamin F.
Richardson, David B.
Richardson, Frank E.
Richardson, Henry J. III
Richardson, John - State Department assistant under Ford
Richardson, Richard W.
Richardson, William B. "Bill" - Governor of New Mexico; former UN ambassador and Sec. of Energy
Richardson, William R. (Gen.)
Richardson, Yolonda C.
Richter, Anthony H.
Riddell, Malcolm C.
Ridgway, Rozanne L. - former ambassador to Finland and East Germany
Rieff, David
Rielly, John E.
Riffat, Imran
Rifkind, Robert S.
Ringold, Dena
Riordan, Michael L.
Ritch, John B. III
Rivers, Richard R.
Rivkin, David B. Jr.
Rivlin, Alice M. - former director of Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Rizk, Nayla M.
Rizopoulos, Nicholas X.
Robb, Charles S. - former Senator
Robbins, Carla Anne
Robert, Joseph E. Jr.
Robert, Stephen
Roberts, Bradley H.
Roberts, John J. - Senior Adviser of American International Group
Roberts, Walter R.
Robertson, Cara W.
Robinson, Barbara Paul
Robinson, David Z.
Robinson, Davis R. - retired lawyer (Partner) of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene, & MacRae, LLP
Robinson, James D. III
Robinson, Leonard H. Jr.
Robinson, Linda
Robinson, Pearl T.
Robinson, Torrance W.
Robison, Olin C.
Rocca, Christina B. - State Dept. assistant under Dubya
Rocha, V. Manuel - former ambassador to Bolivia
Roche, James G. - former Secretary of Air Force
Rockefeller, David - "honorary" chairman of CFR; founder of Trilateral Commission; former chairman of Chase Manhattan
Rockefeller, David Jr. - David Rockefeller�s son
Rockefeller, John D. IV "Jay" - Senator from West Virginia
Rockefeller, Nicholas
Rockwell, Hays H.
Rockwell, Keith McElroy
Rodman, Peter W. - current Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
Rodriguez, Alex
Rodriguez, Rita M.
Rodriguez, Vincent A.
Rodrik, Dani
Roett, Riordan
Roff, J. Hugh Jr.
Rogers, John M.
Rogers, William D. - State Department assistant under Ford
Roggero, Frederick F.
Rogoff, Kenneth S. - professor at Harvard
Rohan, Karen M.
Rohatyn, Felix G. - former ambassador to France
Rohlen, Thomas P.
Rokke, Ervin J.
Roman, Nancy Ellen
Romano, Christina M.
Romanowski, Alina L.
Romberg, Alan D.
Romero, Philip Joseph
Romero-Barcelo, Carlos A. - former governor of Puerto Rico; former Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives
Rondeau, Ann E.
Roosevelt, Theodore IV
Rosand, Eric Alexander
Rose, Charlie Peete Jr. - founder of the "Charlie Rose Show"
Rose, Daniel
Rose, Elihu
Rose, Gideon
Rose, Marshall
Rosecrance, Richard
Rosen, Arthur H.
Rosen, Daniel H.
Rosen, Gary
Rosen, Jack
Rosen, Jane K.
Rosen, Jeffrey Allen
Rosen, Robert L.
Rosen, Stephen Peter
Rosenberg, Mark B.
Rosenblatt, Lionel A.
Rosenblatt, Peter R.
Rosenblum, Mort L.
Rosenfeld, Stephen S.
Rosenfield, Allan
Rosenfield, Patricia L.
Rosenkranz, Robert
Rosenstock, Robert
Rosensweig, Jeffrey A.
Rosenthal, A.M. (Abraham Michael) - former columnist for New York Times
Rosenthal, Douglas Eurico
Rosenthal, Jack
Rosenthal, Mitchell S.
Rosenwald, E. John Jr.
Rosenwald, Nina
Rosenwasser, Jon J.
Rosenzweig, Robert M.
Rosett, Claudia
Roskens, Ronald W.
Rosner, Jeremy D.
Rosovsky, Henry
Ross, Arthur
Ross, Christopher W. S. - former ambassador to Syria and Algeria
Ross, Dennis B. - former State Department assistant and envoy under Clinton
Ross, Gary N.
Ross, Robert S. (Jr. "Robin")
Rossabi, Morris
Rosso, David J.
Rossotti, Charles O. - senior advisor to the Carlyle Group; former IRS Commissioner
Rostow, Elspeth Davies
Rostow, Nicholas
Rotberg, Robert I.
Roth, Kenneth - executive director of Human Rights Watch
Roth, Stanley Owen - State Department assistant under Clinton
Roth, William M. - former Trade Representative
Rothenberg, David M.
Rothkopf, David Jochanan
Rottenberg, Linda D.
Route, Ronald A.
Rovine, Arthur W.
Rowen, Henry S.
Rowny, Edward L.
Roy, J. Stapleton - former ambassador to Red China, Indonesia, and Singapore
Rubenstein, David M. - founder of the Carlyle Group
Rubin, Arthur Mark
Rubin, Barnett R.
Rubin, James P. "Jamie" - Clinton spokesperson
Rubin, James S.
Rubin, Nancy H.
Rubin, Nilmini Gunaratne
Rubin, Robert E. - Vice-Chairman of CFR; former secretary of Treasury
Rubin, Trudy S. - columnist and editorial board member for Philadelphia Inquirer
Rudder, Philip C.
Rudenstine, Neil L.
Rudesill, Dakota S.
Rudin, William C.
Rudman, Warren B. - former Senator
Ruebhausen, Oscar M.
Ruenitz, Robert M.
Ruggie, John G.
Rugh, William A. - former ambassador to Yemen
Runge, Carlisle Ford - Rhodes scholar
Rupp, George E. - President and CEO of International Rescue Committee
Ruttan, Vernon W.
Ruxin, Josh
Ryan, Arthur F. - CEO of Prudential Financial
Ryan, John T. III
Ryan, Michael E. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff
Ryan, Patrick G. Jr.

Sacerdote, Peter M.
Sachs, Jeffrey D. - Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Sacks, Paul M. - President of Multinational Strategies, Inc.
Saeed, Ahmed M.
Sagan, Scott D.
Sakoian, Carol Knuth
Salacuse, Jeswald William
Salazar, Ana Maria
Salem, George R.
Salomon, Richard E.
Salomon, William R.
Salzhauer, Amy Lynn
Salzman, Anthony David
Samore, Gary
Sample, Steven B.
Samuels, Barbara Christie II
Samuels, Michael A.
Samuels, Richard J.
Samway, Michael A.
Sanchez, Miguel Antonio
Sanchez, Orlando
Sandalow, David
Sandel, Michael J.
Sander, Alison B.
Sanders, Barry A.
Sanders, Marlene
Sands, Amy
Sanger, David E.
Sapiro, Miriam
Sapolsky, Harvey M.
Sargeant, Stephen Thomas
Sarotte, Mary Elise
Sassen, Saskia
Sasser, James R. - former Senator and former ambassador to Red China
Satcher, David - former surgeon general (1998-2002)
Satloff, Robert B.
Saul, Ralph Southey - former Chairman of the Board of CIGNA Corporation
Saunders, Harold H. - State Department assistant under Carter and Ford
Savage, Frank
Sawoski, Mark
Sawyer, Diane - commentator on ABC
Sawyer, Reid L.
Scalapino, Robert A.
Schacht, Henry B.
Schaefer, Matthew P.
Schaffer, Howard Bruner - former ambassador to Bangladesh
Schaffer, Matthew
Schaffer, Teresita C. - former ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Schake, Kori
Schearer, S. Bruce
Schecter, Jerrold
Scheffer, David J.
Schein, Jacqui Selbst
Scheinman, Lawrence
Schell, Orville Hickok
Schell, Theodore H.
Schenker, David K.
Schick, Thomas
Schiff, Frank W.
Schiff, Karenna Gore - Al Gore�s daughter
Schifter, Richard
Schijman, E. Alixandre
Schiller, Vivian L.
Schlefer, Mark P.
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr.
Schlesinger, James R. - former CIA director, Secretary of Defense, and Sec. of Energy
Schlesinger, Stephen C.
Schlosser, Herbert S.
Schmemann, Serge
Schmertz, Herbert
Schmidt, Benno Jr.
Schmoke, Kurt L. - former mayor of Baltimore; Rhodes scholar
Schneider, Jan
Schneider, William - State Department assistant under Reagan
Schneider, William Jr.
Schneier, Arthur
Schoen, Douglas E.
Schoettle, Enid C.B.
Schoff, James L.
Schorr, Daniel L.
Schrage, Elliot J.
Schreiber, Brian T.
Schroeder, Christopher Matthew
Schubert, Richard F.
Schuenbach, Martin A.
Schuh, G. Edward
Schuker, Jill A. - former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Public Affairs under Clinton (1994-1997)
Schulhof, Michael Peter
Schulz, WIlliam F. - Executive Director of Amnesty International USA
Schumacher Matos, Edward
Schumer, Charles E. - Senator from New York
Schwab, George D.
Schwab, Susan Carroll
Schwartz, Bernard L. - Chairman and CEO of Loral Space and Communications (Hint: Chinagate - satellite crash)
Schwartz, Eric Paul
Schwartz, Norton A.
Schwartz, Peter
Schwarz, Adam
Schwarzer, William W.
Schwarzman, Stephen A. - Chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group; also a Bonesman
Schwebel, Stephen M.
Sciolino, Elaine F.
Sciutto, James E.
Scowcroft, Brent (Gen.) - President of The Scowcroft Group; former National Security Advisor
Scranton, William W. - former ambassador to United Nations
Scully, Timothy R.
Seagrave, Norman P.
Seamans, Robert C. Jr. - former Secretary of the Air Force
Sears, Jonathan E.
Seasholes, Mark S.
Seaton, James B. III
Segal, Sheldon J.
Segal, Susan Louise
Seibold, Frederick C. Jr.
Seigenthaler, John L.
Seiple, Chris
Sekulow, Eugene A.
Selin, Ivan - former chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Comission (1993-1995)
Sender, Henny
Sesno, Frank W.
Sestanovich, Stephen R.
Sevilla, Christina R.
Sewall, John O.B.
Sewall, Sarah
Sewell, John W.
Sexton, John Edward - President of New York University; Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Seymour, Frances J.
Shafer, D. Michael
Shafer, Jeffrey R.
Shaheen, Mark A.
Shailor, Barbara
Shalala, Donna E. - President of Univ. of Miami (Florida); former HHS secretary
Shalikashvili, John M. (Gen.) - former Chairman of JCS
Shambaugh, David - professor at George Washington University
Shanker, Thomas Daniel
Shapiro, Andrew J.
Shapiro, Andrew L.
Shapiro, Daniel B.
Shapiro, Hal Scott
Shapiro, Harold T. - professor at Princeton
Shapiro, Isaac
Shapiro, Judith R. - professor of School of International Service at American University
Shaplen, Jason T.
Sharma, Anita
Sharp, Daniel A.
Shattuck, John H.F. - former ambassador to Czech Republic
Shea, Dorothy C.
Shearer, Brooke L.
Sheehan, Kevin P.
Sheehan Michael A.
Sheffield, Jill W.
Shehabi, Soroush Richard
Sheinbaum, Stanley K.
Sheldon, Eleanor B.
Shelley, Sally Swing
Shelp, Ronald K.
Shelton, Joanna Reed
Shelton-Colby, Sally A. - former ambassador to Barbados, Grenada, Dominica, and St. Lucia [as Minister] (1979-1981)
Shenk, George H.
Shepard, Stephen B.
Shepardson, Robert Thomas
Shepherd, J. Michael
Shepherd, Karen F.
Sheriff, Alan R.
Sherman, Michael
Sherman, Wendy R. - principal of The Albright Group; State Department assistant under Clinton
Sherry, George L.
Sherwood, Benjamin B.
Sherwood-Randall, Elizabeth D.
Shestack, Jerome J.
Shields, Geoffrey B.
Shields, Lisa Katherine
Shiffman, Gary M.
Shifter, Michael
Shiner, Josette S.
Shinn, James J.
Shinseki, Eric (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff
Shipley, Walter V. - former chairman of Chase Manhattan
Shirk, Susan L. - senior advisor to The Albright Group
Shirzad, Faryar
Shlaes, Amity Ruth
Shoemaker, Christopher C.
Shonholtz, Raymond
Shribman, David M. - syndicated columnist
Shriver, Donald W.
Shu, John
Shulman, Colette
Shulman, Marshall D.
Shultz, George P. - former secretary of State (Reagan), secretary of Treasury (Nixon), and secretary of Labor (Nixon), TC member
Shultz, Susan Kent Fried
Shuman, David L.
Shuman, Stanley S.
Sick, Gary G.
Siebert, Muriel F.
Siegal, Bippy M.
Siegel, William D.
Siegman, Henry
Sievers, Sara F.
Sifton, Elisabeth N.
Sigal, Leon V.
Sigmund, Paul E.
Sikkink, Kathryn A.
Silas, C.J. - former CEO of Phillips Petroleum
Silber, Laura J.
Silberman, Laurence H. - former ambassador to Yugoslavia
Silberman, Robert S.
Silberstein, Alan M.
Silkenat, James R.
Silver, Allison
Silver, Daniel B.
Silver, Ron
Silvers, Robert B.
Simes, Dimitri K.
Simmons, Adele
Simmons, Jamal N.
Simmons, Matthew R.
Simmons, P. J.
Simmons, Ruth J. - President of Brown University
Simon, Francoise L.
Simon, Hugh V. Jr.
Sims, Calvin G.
Sims, Robert B.
Sinclair, Paula J.
Sinding, Steven W.
Singer, Peter Warren
Singham, Shanker A.
Singleton, Lincoln Cameron
Sinkin, Richard N.
Sisco, Joseph John - State Department assistant under Ford, Nixon, and LBJ
Sitrick, James Baker
Skidmore, Thomas E.
Skinner, Elliott P.
Skinner, Kiron Kanina
Sklarew, Jennifer Friedman
Skol, Michael M. - former ambassador to Venezuela
Skolnikoff, Eugene B.
Slade, David R.
Slaughter, Anne-Marie - Dean of Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton
Slaughter, Matthew J.
Slaughter, Richard A.
Slavin, Barbara
Slawson, Paul S.
Sloane, Ann Brownell
Sloane, Margaret
Slocombe, Walter B. - Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under Clinton (1994-2001); also a Rhodes scholar
Small, Lawrence M.
Smalley, Kathleen
Smalley, Patricia T.
Smart, Christopher W.
Smart, S. Bruce Jr.
Smeall, Christopher
Smith, Andrew F.
Smith, Clint E.
Smith, Dane F. Jr. - former ambassador to Senegal
Smith, David Shiverick - former ambassador to Sweden
Smith, DeWitt C. Jr.
Smith, Edwin M.
Smith, Fern M.
Smith, Gayle E.
Smith, Hedrick L.
Smith, Jean Kennedy - former ambassador to Ireland
Smith, Jeffrey H.
Smith, John T. II
Smith, Malcolm B.
Smith, Michael B.
Smith, Michelle A. - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs
Smith, Perry M. - major general in the Air Force
Smith, Peter Hopkinson
Smith, R. Jeffrey
Smith, Richard M.
Smith, Stephen G.
Smith, Theodore M.
Smith, Tony
Smith, W. Y.
Smith, Winthrop H. Jr.
Smoots, Samuel D.
Snider, Don M.
Snider, L. Britt
Snow, Robert Anthony "Tony" - lapdog journalist for Fox News
Snowe, Olympia J. - Senator from Maine
Snyder, Jed C.
Snyder, Richard E.
Snyder, Timothy D.
Sobol, Dorothy Meadow
Soderberg, Nancy E.
Sofaer, Abraham David -- State Department assistant under Reagan
Sohn, Louis B.
Solarz, Stephen J. - former Congressman from New York
Solnick, Steven L.
Solomon, Andrew Wallace
Solomon, Anne G. K.
Solomon, Anthony M. - former President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Solomon, Joshua N.
Solomon, Peter J.
Solomon, Richard H. - former ambassador to Philippines
Solomon, Robert
Sonenshine, H. Marshall
Sonenshine, Tara Diane
Song, Diana M.H.
Sonnenberg, Maurice
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut - guest fellow of Brookings Institution; State Department assistant under Ford
Sonnenfeldt, Richard W.
Sorensen, Gillian Martin
Sorensen, Juliet Suzanne
Sorensen, Theodore C.
Soros, George - Chairman of Soros Fund Management
Soros, Jonathan Tivadar Allan
Soros, Paul
Soudriette, Richard W.
Sovern, Michael I.
Spagnuolo, Stphen A.
Spahn, Blake A.
Spain, James W. - former ambassador to Turkey, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and Maldive Islands
Spalter, Jonathan
Spaner, Jonathan S.
Spangler, Scott M.
Spears, Suzanne Alexandra
Spector, Leonard S.
Speedie, David C.
Spencer, Edson W.
Sperling, Gene B. - former director of National Economic Council under Clinton
Spero, Joan E. - President of Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; State Department assistant under Clinton
Spero, Joshua B.
Speth, James Gustave
Speyer, Jerry I.
Speyer, Robert J.
Spiegel, Daniel L.
Spiegel, John W.
Spielvogel, Carl
Spiers, Ronald I. - former ambassador to Turkey, Pakistan, and Bahamas
Spindler, J. Andrew
Spinelli-Noseda, Carlos Javier
Spiro, Herbert John - former ambassador to Equitorial Guinea and Cameroon
Spratt, John M. Jr. - current Congressman from South Carolina
Stack-O'Connor, Alisa
Stacks, John
Stahl, Lesley R. - "60 Minutes" on CBS
Stalson, Helena
Stam, Allan C.
Stamas, Stephen
Stanford, Nina Zinterhofer
Stanger, Allison
Stanley, Peter W.
Stanley-Mitchell, Elizabeth A.
Stanton, Frank
Staples Durkin, Kristen
Staples, Eugene S.
Starr, Kenneth I. - NOT the independent counsel ("Kenneth W. Starr" was the independent counsel)
Starr, S. Frederick
Steadman, Richard C.
Steel, Ronald.
Steiger, Paul E. - Wall Street Journal
Stein, David F.
Stein, Elliot
Stein, Eric
Steinberg, David J. - President of Long Island University
Steinberg, James B. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Steinberg, Mark R.
Steinberg, Richard H.
Steinbruner, John D.
Steiner, Daniel
Steiner, Joshua L.
Steiner, Steven E.
Stempel, John D.
Stent, Angela Evelyn
Stepan, Alfred C.
Stern, David J. - Commissioner of National Basketball Association (NBA)
Stern, Fritz
Stern, H. Peter
Stern, Jeffrey
Stern, Jessica E.
Stern, Paula - Chairwoman of The Stern Group Inc.
Stern, Todd D.
Stern, Walter P.
Sternberg, Marc S.
Sternberg, Seymour
Sterner, Michael E.
Stetson, Anne
Stevens, Charles R.
Stevens, James W.
Stevens, Paul Schott
Stevens, Robert J. - CEO of Lockheed Martin
Stevenson, Adlai E. III - former Congressman
Stevenson, Charles A.
Stewart, Donald M.
Stewart, Evan
Stewart, Gordon C.
Stewart, Jamie B. Jr.
Stewart, Ruth Ann
Stiehm, Judith Hicks
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Stiles, Deborah F.
Stith, Kate
Stobaugh, Robert B.
Stockman, David A.
Stoessinger, John G.
Stoga, Alan J.
Stokes, Bruce
Stoll, Ira E.
Stone, Christopher B.
Stone, Jeremy J.
Stonesifer, Patricia Q.
Straus, Donald B.
Straus, Oscar S. II
Strauss, Robert S. - lawyer (Senior Partner) for Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP; former ambassador to Soviet Union
Streeb, Gordon L.
Stremlau, John J.
Stringer, Howard
Strmecki, Marin J.
Strock, James M.
Stromseth, Jane E.
Stroock, Thomas F. - former ambassador to Guatemala
Strossen, Nadine - President of American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Studeman, William O. - former CIA Director under Clinton (for several months)
Styron, Rose
Sudarkasa, Niara
Sufi, Awais
Sughrue, Karen M.
Suh, Ryung
Suleiman, Ezra
Sullivan, Gina E.
Sullivan, Gordon R. (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff
Sullivan, John D.
Sullivan, Louis W. - former secretary of HHS
Summers, Lawrence H. - president of Harvard; former secretary of Treasury
Sunderland, Jack B.
Sundiata, Ibrahim K.
Supanc, Patrick Moore
Suro, Roberto A.
Suslow, Leo A.
Sutphen, Mona K.
Sutterlin, James S.
Sutton, Francis X.
Suzman, Cedric
Swank, Emory C. - former ambassador to Cambodia
Swanson, Carl Axel
Sweeney, John J. - President of AFL-CIO
Sweitzer, Brandon W.
Swid, Scott L.
Swid, Stephen Claar
Swiers, Peter Bird
Swing, John Temple
Szporluk, Roman

Taft, Julia Vadala
Taft, William H. IV - former ambassador to NATO; State Department assistant under Dubya
Tagliabue, Paul - Commissioner of National Football League (NFL)
Tahir-Kheli, Shirin R.
Talbot, Phillips - former ambassador to Greece
Talbott, Strobe - President of Brookings Institution; State Dept. assistant under Clinton
Talwar, Puneet
Tan Bhala, Kara W.Y.
Tang, David K. Y.
Tanner, Harold - chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Tanter, Raymond
Tapia, Raul R.
Tarnoff, Peter - State Department assistant under Clinton
Tarter, C. Bruce
Tarullo, Daniel K. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Tatlock, Anne M.
Tauber, Charles E.
Taubman, William
Taylor, Arthur R.
Taylor, Cathy L.
Taylor, James S
Taylor, Kathryn Pelgrift
Teece, David J.
Teichner, Martha A.
Teitel, Ruti G.
Teitelbaum, Michael S.
Telhami, Shibley - professor at University of Maryland
Tellis, Ashley Joachim
Tempelsman, Maurice
Temple-Raston, Dina Simone
Tenet, George J. - former CIA director
Terracciano, Anthony P.
Terry, Sarah M.
Theobald, Thomas C.
Theros, Patrick N. - former ambassador to Qatar
Thiessen, Marc Alexander
Thiessen, Pamela Beth
Thoman, G. Richard
Thomas, Barbara S.
Thomas, Brooks
Thomas, Evan W. III - co-author of "Wise Men"
Thomas, Franklin A.
Thomas, James P.
Thomas, Lee B. Jr.
Thomas, Lydia Waters
Thomas, Troy S.
Thomas-Graham, Pamela A.
Thompson, Fred D. - former Senator fromTennessee; author of the Chinagate "Thompson Report"
Thompson, Robert L.
Thompson, W. Scott
Thomson, James A.
Thornburgh, Dick - former attorney general and governor of Pennsylvania
Thornell, Richard P.
Thornton, John L. - former President of Goldman Sachs; currently a professor at Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing
Thoron, Louisa
Tien, John K. Jr.
Tierney, Paul E. Jr.
Tierney, Trish E.
Tiersky, Ronald
Till, Kimberly
Tillman, Seth P.
Tillou, Susan Lynne
Timbers, William H. - President and CEO of USEC Inc.
Timothy, Kristen
Timpson, Sarah Livingston
Tindell, Cynthia A.
Tipson, Frederick S.
Tirana, Amina
Tisch, Andrew Herbert
Tisch, James S. - President and CEO of Loews Corporation
Tisch, Preston Robert - Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation; Co-owner of New York Giants (NFL)
Todman, Terence A. - former ambassador to Spain, Denmark, Guinea, Chad, Argentina, and Costa Rica
Toft, Monica Duffy
Toll, Maynard J. Jr.
Toloui, Ramin
Tomlinson, Alexander C.
Toomey, Kathleen Elizabeth
Topping, Audrey Ronning
Topping, Seymour
Torano, Maria Elena
Torop, Jonathan P.
Torres, Art
Torres, Gerald - former assistant attorney general under Clinton (1993-1994)
Torricelli, Robert G. - former Senator from New Jersey
Toth, Robert C.
Toungara, Jeanne Maddox
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy
Trachtenberg, Stephen Joel - President of George Washington University
Train, Harry D. II
Train, John
Train, Russell E.
Trainor, Bernard E. (Gen.) - Marine general
Tran, Ly K.
Trani, Eugene P.
Traub, James
Travis, Martin B. Jr.
Treadway, Stephen J.
Treanor, Adam J.
Treanor, Mark C.
Treat, John Elting
Trebat, Thomas J.
Treverton, Gregory Frye
Trice, Robert H. Jr.
Trimble, Charles R.
Trojan, Vera M.
Trooboff, Peter D.
Trowbridge, Alexander B. - former Secretary of Commerce
Truitt, Nancy Sherwood
Truman, Edwin M.
Tsalik, Svetlana
Tsehai, Elizabeth G.
Tsingos, Basilios E.
Tsipis, Kosta
Tucher, H. Anton
Tucker, Cynthia A. - Atlantic Journal Constitution
Tucker, Jonathan B.
Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf
Tucker, Richard Frank
Tucker, Robert W.
Tuggle, Clyde C.
Tuminez, Astrid S.
Tung, Ko-Yung
Tunnell, David Randolph
Turck, Nancy B.
Turner, J. Michael
Turner, James M.
Turner, Robert F.
Turner, Stansfield (Adm.) - former CIA director
Tusiani, Michael D.
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr. - editor of American Spectator; author of Boy Clinton
Tyson, Carole Henderson
Tyson, Laura D' Andrea - Dean of London Business School; former director of National Economic Council under Clinton

Udovitch, Abraham L.
Uhlig, Mark
Ullman, Richard H.
Ulman, Cornelius M.
Ulrich, Marybeth Peterson
Ungar, Sanford J.
Unger, David C.
Upton, Maureen T.
Usher, William R. (Maj. Gen.)
Usher, William R. III
Utgoff, Victor A.
Utley, Garrick
Uzeta, Jamie Ernesto

Vaccaro, Jonathan Matthew
Vagliano, Sara
Vagts, Detlev F.
Vaitheeswaran, Vijay V.
Vaky, Viron P. - former ambassador to Colombia, Venezuela, and Costa Rica
Valenta, Jiri
Valenti, Jack
Valentine, Debra A.
Valenzuela, Arturo A.
van der Vink, Gregory E.
Van Dusen, Michael H.
Van Dyk, Ted
Van Evera, Stephen
Van Fleet, James Alward (Gen.) - army general (died in 1992, still listed on the 2004 roster)
Van Oudenaren, John
Van Zandt, David Edgar
Vande Berg, Marsha
vanden Heuvel, Katrina - Editor of The Nation
vanden Heuvel, WIlliam J.
Vandenberg, Martina E.
Varela, Marta B
Varmus, Harold E. - former Director of National Institutes of Health under Clinton (1996-2001)
Vasquez, Ian A.
Vecchi, Sesto E.
Veit, Carol Michele
Veit, Lawrence A.
Veliotes, Nicholas A. - former ambassador to Egypt and Jordan
Vendley, William F.
Verleger, Philip K. Jr.
Verma, Gagan
Verma, Richard R.
Vermilye, Peter H.
Verstandig, Toni G.
Verville, Elizabeth G.
Vessey, John W. (Gen.) - former Chairman of JCS
Vester, Linda J.
Viccellio, Henry Jr. (Gen.) - former Air Force general
Vicenzino, Marco S.
Vick, Edward H.
Victor, Alice S.
Vidal, David J.
Videt, Pote P.
Viebranz, Curtis G.
Viederman, Stephen
Viets, Richard Noyes - former ambassador to Tanzania and Jordan
Vila, Adis Maria
Vinjamuri, Leslie
Viorst, Milton
Viscusi, Enzo
Vitale, Alberto
Vitale, David J.
Voell, Richard Allen
Vogel, Ezra F. - former professor at Harvard
Vogelgesang, Sandy Louise - former ambassador to Nepal
Vogelson, Jay M.
Vojta, George J.
Volcker, Paul A. - former chairman of Federal Reserve
Volk, Stephen R.
von Eckartsberg, K. Gayle Rose
von Hagen, Mark Louis
von Lipsey, Roderick K.
von Mehren, Robert B.
Votaw, Carmen Delgado
Vradenburg, George III
Vuono, Carl E. (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff

Wachner, Linda J.
Wachtel, Andrew Baruch
Wadsworth-Darby, Mary
Waggoner, Robert C.
Wais, Marshall I. Jr.
Waldron, Arthur
Wales, Jane M.
Walker, Anna Rachael
Walker, Charls E.
Walker, George R.
Walker, Gregg Alexander
Walker, Jenonne - former ambassador to Czech Republic
Walker, John L.
Walker-Huntley, Mary L.
Wallace, Roger Windham
Wallander, Celeste Ann
Wallerstein, Mitchel B.
Wallich, Christine I.
Wallison, Peter J.
Walsh, Ian Kennard
Walsh, Michaela L.
Walt, Stephen M.
Walters, Barbara - ABC News lapdog journalist
Walton, Anthony John
Walton, R. Keith
Waltz, Kenneth N.
Wanger, Leah Zell
Ward, Jennifer C. - former ambassador to Niger
Ward, Katherine T.
Ware, Carl
Warner, Edward L. III - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction (1997-2001)
Warner, John William - Senator from Virginia; former Secretary of the Navy (1972-1974)
Warner, Margaret G.
Warner, Volney James
Warren, Gerald L.
Washburn, John L.
Wasserman, Debra L. - former executive director of Israel Policy Forum
Wasserstein, Bruce - Chairman and CEO of Lazard Freres
Waterbury, John
Waterston, Line Lillevik
Watson, Alexander F. - former ambassador to Peru
Watson, Peter S.
Watts, John H.
Watts, William
Waxman, Matthew C.
Weatherstone, Dennis - former Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase
Weaver, David R.
Webb, Hoyt K.
Weber, Doron
Weber, Vin - former Congressman from Minnesota (1981-1993)
Webster, William H. - former CIA director and FBI director
Wechsler, William Frederick
Weddle, Steven
Wedgwood, Ruth - professor at Yale
Wehrle, Leroy Snyder
Weidenbaum, Murray
Weigel, George
Weiksner, George B.
Weil, Frank A. - Chairman of Abacus & Associates, Inc.
Weinberg, John L.
Weinberg, Steven
Weinberger, Caspar W. - former secretary of Defense and secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Weinert, Richard S.
Weinrod, W. Bruce
Weinstein, David E. - professor atColumbiaUniv.
Weinstein, Jeremy M.- assistant professor at Stanford
Weinstein, Michael M.
Weinstock, Davis II
Weintraub, Sidney - W.E. Simon Chair in Political Economics of CSIS
Weisberg, Jacob M.
Weisman, Steven R.
Weiss, Andrew Scott
Weiss, Charles Jr.
Weiss, Cora
Weiss, Edith Brown
Weiss, Elizabeth Anne
Weiss, Stanley A.
Weiss, Thomas G.
Welch, C. David - current ambassador to Egypt
Welch, Jasper A. Jr.
Welch, Larry D. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff
Weld, Susan R.
Weld, William F.
Welker, David P.
Weller, David L.
Wells, Damon
Wells, Louis T.
Wells, Samuel F. Jr.
Wells, Walter N.
Wender, Ira T.
Wendt, Allan
Wertheim, Mitzi Mallina
Wesbrook, Stephen D.
Weschler, Joanna
Wesely, Edwin J.
Wessel, Michael R.
West, Francis J.
West, J. Robinson - Chair of United States Institute of Peace
West, Togo D. Jr. - former Army Secretary and Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Westfield, Elisa M.
Westin, David L.
Westly, Steven P.
Weston, Burns H.
Wethington, Olin L.
Wexler, Anne
Weymouth, Elizabeth G.
Whalen, Richard J.
Wharton, Clifton R. Jr. - State Department assistant under Clinton
Wheeler, John K.
Wheeler, John P. III
Whitaker, C. S.
Whitaker, Jennifer Seymour
Whitaker, Mark
White, John P.
White, Julia A.
White, Laura J.
White, Mary Jo - attorney for Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
White, Maureen
White, Peter C.
White, Robert J.
White, William H.
Whitehead, John C. - former Deputy Secretary of State (1985-1989)
Whitman, Christine Todd - former governor of New Jersey and former EPA administrator
Whitman, Marina v.N. - professor at Michigan State University
Whitney, Christopher B.
Whitney, Craig R.
Whittemore, Frederick B.
Wiarda, Howard J.
Wien, Anita Volz
Wiener, Carolyn Seely
Wiener, Malcolm H.
Wiesel, Elie
Wiesel, Elisha
Wilby, Peter
Wilcox, Elizabeth Roberts
Wildenthal, C. Kern
Wiley, Richard A
Wilhelm, Robert E.
Wilkerson, Thomas Lloyd
Wilkie, Edith B.
Wilkins, Roger W.
Wilkinson, Sharon P. - former ambassador to Burkina Faso and Mozambique
Wille, Serena B.
Williams, Aaron S.
Williams, Brian D. - lapdog journalist for NBC
Williams, Christine
Williams, Cindy
Williams, Dave H.
Williams, Eddie Nathan - President of Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies
Williams, Harold M. - former chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission (1977-1981)
Williams, Haydn
Williams, Howard Roy
Williams, Joseph W.
Williams, Lawrence H.
Williams, Margaret Douglas
Williams, Michael J. (Gen.) - former Marine Corps general
Williams, Reba White
Williams, Thomas R. II
Williams, William J. Jr.
Williamson, Edwin D. - attorney for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Williamson, Irving A.
Williamson, Richard Salisbury - attorney for Mayer, Brown, Rowe, & Maw
Williamson, Samuel Gates
Willrich, Mason
Wilmers, Robert G.
Wilson, Don M. III
Wilson, Donald M.
Wilson, Ernest James III
Wilson, Margaret S. - Chairman and CEO of Scarbroughs
Winch, Steven D.
Winden, Andrew William
Winfield, W. Montague
Wing, Adrien Katherine
Winik, Jay
Winkler, Matthew A.
Winokur, Herbert S. Jr.
Winston, Michael R.
Winterer, Philip S.
Winters, Francis X.
Winters, Laura
Wirth, David A.
Wirth, Timothy E. - former Senator; UN envoy under Clinton
Wise, Carol
Wisner, Frank G. (II)- former ambassador to Egypt and Philippines
Wisner, Graham G.
Witkowsky, Anne A.
Wittes, Tamara Cofman
Woerner, Fred F.
Wofford, Harris L. - former Senator from Pennsylvania
Wohlforth, William Curtl
Wohlstetter, Roberta
Wolf, Charles Jr.
Wolf, Ira
Wolf, Milton A. - former ambassador to Austria (1977-1980)
Wolfensohn, James D. - former President of World Bank
Wolff, Alan William
Wolff, I. Peter.
Wolff, Jason R.
Wolfowitz, Paul D. - current President of World Bank; former ambassador to Indonesia; former Deputy Sec. of Defense
Wolfsthal, Jon B.
Wolin, Neal S. - Treasury Dept. General Counsel under Clinton (1993-1997)
Wolosky, Lee S.
Wolpe, Howard - former Congressman from Michigan (1979-1993)
Wolstencroft, Tracy R.
Woo-Cumings, Meredith
Woodruff, Judy C.
Woods, Ward W.
Woodward, Susan L.
Woolsey, R. James - former CIA director; Rhodes scholar
Woolsey, Suzanne H.
Woon, Eden Y.
Worenklein, Jacob J.
Wortzel, Larry M.
Wosepka, Kent
Wray, Cecil - attorney for Debevoise & Plimpton LLP (retired)
Wriggins, W. Howard - former ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Wright, Joseph R. Jr. - current CEO of PanAmSat Corporation
Wright, L. Patrick
Wright, Lawrence G.
Wright, Matice J.
Wright, Robin
Wright, William H. II
Wu, Timothy
Wulf, Norman A.
Wyser-Pratte, Guy Patrick

Yacoubian, Mona - State Department assistant under Clinton
Yalman, Nur O.
Yan, Adele
Yang, Linda Tsao
Yang, Phoebe L.
Yankelovich, Daniel - chairman and co-founder of Public Agenda; board of directors for Loral Space & Communications
Yanney, Michael B.
Yao, Nancy
Yates, Stephen Jerome
Yergin, Daniel H. - Chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates
Yochelson, John N.
Yoffie, David B. - business professor at Harvard
Yoran, Catherine Lotrionte
Yordan, Jaime Ernesto
Yost, Casimir A.
Young, Alice
Young, Andrew - former ambassador to UN, member of Trilateral Commission
Young, Edgar B.
Young, George H. III
Young, Gwen Kathleen
Young, Jay T.
Young, M. Crawford
Young, Michael K.
Young, Nancy
Youngblood, Kneeland C. - chairman of the board of American Beacon Funds
Youngwood, Alfred D.
Yu, Frederick T .C.
Yudkin, Richard A. (Gen.) - Air Force general (died on December 13, 2004)
Yun, Philip W.
Yzaguirre, Raul H.

Zabel, William D. - attorney for Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP
Zagoria, Donald S.
Zahn, Paula A. - commentator on CNN, former CBS and FOX "journalist"
Zakaria, Arshad R.
Zakaria, Fareed - columnist for Newsweek (international edition)
Zake, Florence S.N.
Zakheim, Dov S. - current Comptroller in the Defense Department
Zaleski, Michel
Zangrillo, Robert Lawrence
Zanoyan, Vahan B.
Zarb, Frank G.
Zartman, I. William
Zbar, Brett I.W.
Zegart, Amy B.
Zeikel, Arthur
Zelikow, Philip D. - Condoleezza Rice�s personal advisor in the State Department; former Commission Staff on 9-11 Commission
Zelnick, C. Robert
Zemmol, Jonathan I.
Zilkha, Erza K.
Zimmerman, Edwin M.
Zimmerman, Peter D.
Zinberg, Dorothy Shore
Zinder, Norton D.
Zinni, Anthony Charles (Gen.) - Marine Corps general and former envoy
Zipp, Brian R.
Zirin, James D.
Zittrain, Jonathan L.
Zlot, Andrew E.
Zoellick, Robert B. - current Deputy Secretary of State (2005-present); former U.S. Trade Representative
Zogby, James J.
Zolberg, Aristide R.
Zonis, Marvin
Zoric, Iva
Zorthian, Barry - a Bonesman
Zucker, Howard Alan
Zuckerman, Harriet
Zuckerman, Mortimer B. - editor-in-chief of U.S. News and World Report
Zwick, Charles J. - former director of OMB
Zysman, John A.

                                                                Corporate Membership

President�s Circle

American International Group, Inc.

BP p.l.c.

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation

Drake Management LLC

Exxon Mobil Corporation

Guardsmark LLC

Investcorp International, Inc.

Kingdon Capital

The McGraw-Hill Company, Inc.

Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Nike, Inc.

VNU, Inc.


ACE Limited
AEA Investors Inc.
Allen & Overy LLP
American Express Company
ARAMARK Corporation
Aramco Services Company
Archer Daniels Midland Company
AT&T Corp.
Atticus Capital, LLC

Baker, Nye Advisers, Inc.
Banco Mercantil
Banco Santander Central Hispano, S.A.
The Bank of New York
Barclays Capital
Booz, Allen & Hamilton Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

CALYON Corporate and Investment Bank
Caxton Corporation
CDC IXIS North America, Inc.
ChevronTexaco Corporation
The Coca-Cola Company
Continental Properties
Corning Incorporated
Credit Suisse First Boston LLC

DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Deutsche Bank AG

Eni S.p.A.

Federal Express Corporation
Freddie Mac

General Electric Company
Goldman Sachs & Co.


Interpipe Inc.

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Kometal GMBH Austria
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

Lazard LLC
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Loral Space & Communications Ltd.

Mannheim LLC
Masthead Management Partners
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Merck & Co., Inc.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Moody�s Investors Service
Moore Capital Management LLC
Morgan Stanley

New York Life International, Inc.
Northrop Grumman Corporation

Occidental Petroleum Corporation

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Pfizer Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Prudential Financial, Inc.

Sandalwood Securities, Inc.
Shell Oil Company
Sony Corporation ofAmerica
Standard & Poor�s
Standard Chartered Bank
Swiss Re America Holding Corporation

Time Warner Inc.
Toyota Motor North America, Inc.

UBS Investment Bank
U.S.Chamber of Commerce

Verizon Communications Inc.
Veronis Suhler Stevenson
Vornado Realty Trust

Wellington Management Company, LLP
Wyoming Investment Corporation

Xerox Corporation

Young & Rubicam Inc.


ABC, Inc.
Access Industries, Inc.
Alleghany Corporation
Amerada Hess Corporation
American Re Corporation
American Red Cross
Apax Partners, Inc.
Apple Core Hotels Inc. (Comfort Inn, Red Roof Inn, La Quinta, Super 8, Ramada Inn)
Arab Banking Corporation
Archipelago Holdings, LLC
Areva US
Armor Holdings, Inc.
Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings LLC
Arnold & Porter LLP
Arrow Electronics, Inc.
Artemis Advisors
Avaya Inc.

Baker & Hostetler LLP
Baker Capital Corp.
The Baldwin-Gottschalk Group
Banca di Roma
Banca d�Italia
Banca Intesa S.p.A.
Bank of America
Bank One Corporation
Barst & Mukamal LLP
BASF Corporation
BDO Seidman LLP
The Blackstone Group L.P.
Bloomberg L.P.
BNP Paribas
The Boeing Company
Bombardier, Inc.
Boston Properties, Inc.
Bramwell Capital Management, Inc.
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

The Chubb Corporation
CIBC World Markets Corp.
Cisneros Group of Companies
CIT Group Inc.
Claremont Capital Corporation
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
Clinton Group, Inc.
The CNA Corporation
ConocoPhillips Company
The Consulate General of Japan
Covington & Burling
Craig Drill Capital Corporation

De Beers
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Deere & Company (produces John Deere tractors, etc.)
Dendrite International, Inc.
The William H. Donner Foundation, Inc.
Dresdner Bank AG

Ehrenkranz & Ehrenkranz LLP
Eisner LLP
Equinox Management Partners, L.P.
Ernst & Young, LLP
Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

Ford Motor Company
Forest Investment Management LP
French-American Chamber of Commerce

Galt Industries Inc.
General Maritime Corporation
Genesis 10
Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher LLP
Gotham Holdings, LP
Granite Associates LP
Grey Global Group Inc.

Hitachi, Ltd.
H.J. Heinz Company
Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin

IBM Corporation
Idemitsu Apollo Corporation
Intellispace, Inc.
Interaudi Bank
Intracom S.A.
Invus Group Ltd.

Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JETRO New York
Johnson & Johnson
Jones Day
Joukowsky Family Foundation


Lehman Brothers
Lucent Technologies Inc.

The Map Network
Mark Partners
Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
Marubeni America Corporation
Marvin & Palmer Associates, Inc.
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
MBIA Insurance Corporation
Medley Global Advisors
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Mine Safety Appliances Company
Mitsubishi International Corporation
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

Nomura Research InstituteAmerica

The Olayan Group
OppenheimerFunds, Inc.
Oxford Analytica Inc.

PanAmSat Corporation
PepsiCo, Inc.
Peter Kimmelman Asset Management LLC
Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
Pillsbury Winthrop LLP
POSCO America Corporation

Raytheon Company
Rolls-Royce North America, Inc.
Rothschild North America, Inc.
The Royal Bank of Scotland
RWS Energy Services, Inc.

Saber Partners
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Schlumberger Limited
SG Cowen Securities Corporation
Shearman & Sterling LLP
Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Soros Fund Management
Southern California Edison Company
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Symbol Technologies, Inc.

Thales, Inc.
Tiedemann Investment Group
Tishman Speyer Properties, Inc.
Torys LLP
Tudor Investment Corporation
Turkish Industrialists� and Businessmen�s Association

United Technologies

Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
Volkswagen of America, Inc.

Warburg Pincus LLC
Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive
Watson Wyatt & Company
Weber Shandwick Worldwide
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Westhill Partners
Wilpon Investors LLC
W.P. Stewart & Co., Inc.

Zephyr Management, LP
Ziff Brothers Investments LLC

OECD = Organization for Economic Community and Development
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency
JCS = Joint Chiefs of Staff
Congressman/Congresswoman = member of the U.S. House of Representatives
(Gen.) = General
(Adm.) = Admiral
Produced by Mordechai Zember and Benito Ribbentrop
E-mail Mordechai Zember at [email protected] or Benito Ribbentrop at [email protected]
These gentlemen are asking if you have a copy of previous CFR membership rosters from the years 1921-1980, if you do, could please send them a copy by Email so they can post this valuable information on the Internet?


The Journal of History - Summer 2005 Copyright © 2005 by News Source, Inc.