The Journal of History     Summer 2005    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Book Review

The United Nations' Global Straightjacket

By Joan Veon
Copyright ©1999, 2000
Hearthstone Publishing, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
ISBN 1-57558-038-1
461 pp including index and bibliography

Review by Arlene Johnson, Publisher

Details, details, and more details. This is what this book provides. Joan Veon has become an expert on the United Nation's complicity in the New World Order=One World Government plan by the powers who want it.

While she neglected to mention the goals which President John F. Kennedy espoused which garnered his assassination at the hands of these same powers, she more than compensates with gems on page 77 and 78 as follows:

"What I have found is that many times the United Nations and its related agencies use words with hidden meanings. In other words, you and I would assume that they use a word in the normal way we use it. That, however, is not the case. Most of the U.N. terms have their own peculiar meaning and, therefore, frequently used words such as 'democracy,' decentralization,' 'capacity building,' and 'public-private partnerships' could very well mean or describe 'reinventing government' and indeed do."

"I found that he [Prince Charles] is a very powerful and central player in the U.N. fora and behind the world scenes. [sic] As such, he has been instrumental in the passage of the Programme of Action Agenda 21, which perverts God's design for man having dominance over the earth by putting the earth over man."

Then, again, on pages 82 and 83, these gems which address the Agenda 21, Ms. Veon provides the reader with knowledge:

"No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can-- in a global partnership for sustainable development [please refer to chapter four for an in-depth discussion of sustainable development."

"The battle for people-centered sustainable development will be won or lost not in the corridors of Governments, but in every hamlet and home, in every village and town, in the daily enterprise of every member of the global community and every institution of civil society."

"You see this is where the real philosophical battle will be waged--the constitutionalists against the communitarians (one-worlders) in your community."

Ms. Veon is so informed that she can make the following pronouncement on page 89:

"... the balance of power has shifted, destroying the checks and balances in the Constitution at the local level, and therefore destroying representative government."

It's this statement by Ms. Veon which causes me to feel that this book should be read by people who have not been able to understand the truths that I publish in my editions because they are too advanced for people around the world who have not have been privileged to learn the secrets that the powers-that-be don't want them to know firsthand.

This book begins to open up the the reader who has been deliberately left uninformed by the mainstream press in not only the United States, but in all other countries around the world including western Europe.

Additionally, Ms. Veon demonstrates her expertise in the term communitarianism when she states on page 96 that

"It's 'reinvented communism' at its finest!"

Ms. Veon is so knowledgeable that she was able to state the following on page 182:

"Every single country in the world has a central bank which controls their monetary system. Therefore, if a country is not doing the will of the international bankers--the owners of these private corporations, all they have to do is sell that country's currency at the same time in order to bring the renegade country to its knees!!! The real reason for the problems in Asia, particularly with Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea is that they wanted to keep their own economic sovereignty."

Immediately thereafter, Ms. Veon adds to our knowledge with this statement:

"The bank which oversees all of the world's central banks is the Bank for International Settlements."

One of the features which particularly impressed me is Appendix D. Ms. Veon lists the year by year actions beginning with 1864 which are leading to the New World Order, i.e. One World Government. This alone, is worth the price of this book for people are not aware of how slowly the powers-that-be are cleverly easing them into the One World Government. In this listing, which begins slowly in 1864, once President Kennedy was dead, every year shows something new in the goal to reach the New World Order, a scheme which neither people in western Europe nor America have any idea is coming.

This appendix, which is entitled "Chronology of Actions & Law Which Reduce U.S. Sovereignty & Strengthen U.N. Power & Authority" should be read by people all over the world, not just the United States who have not read my editions, for it will lead them to the ability to believe that which I have published.


For anyone who knows people who don't want to accept the fact that we are facing a serious situation, order this book from Joan Veon. Give it to your friends and family for a present now that the Holidays are upon us. I highly recommend it.

To contact Joan Veon for ordering, write:
The Women's International Media Group, Inc.
P. O. Box 77
Middletown, MD 21769-0077
Telephone: (301) 371-0541 Fax (301) 371-0543

Ms. Veon's book is $20.00 U.S. plus postage -- if it is in the states, it is $3.00 postage, however if it is overseas, please contact for postage rate to her at [email protected]


The Journal of History - Summer 2005 Copyright © 2005 by News Source, Inc.