Countdown to Clemency for LEONARD PELTIER: MAKE THE CALLS!
* Comments Line: 202-456-1111
"The only thing I'm guilty of is struggling for my people."
- Leonard Peltier
Dear Friends and Allies:
For over 24 years [25 years now] American Indian Movement (AIM) leader
Leonard Peltier, has languished in various prisons for two counts of murder
he did not commit. The FBI themselves have released documents showing that
the evidence against Peltier was fabricated, and Amnesty International
considers him a political prisoner.
The time to stand up for Leonard Peltier is NOW. With the strong
likelihood of a Bush presidency, the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee is
putting all of its resources into gaining an executive pardon from Clinton.
If you are not familiar with Peltier's case, please take the time to find
out (see resource list below).
For those of us who already know and support Leonard, there are two
simple things we should be doing: Calling the White House Comments Line
OFTEN from now until 12/10/00[Ed. note: the National Security Agency reads
every Email worldwide so knew that Mr. Peltier's support organization told
people to make unlimited calls. See for
documentation on that fact; this is why when I called up the 800 number to
voice my support for Mr. Peltier's executive clemency, I was asked what my
name was and voter registration information.]
Attending the Walk for Freedom and Rally on Sunday, 10th of December, 2000
in NYC (details listed below)
Time is running out for Leonard. Besides the "pending Bush", 24 years of
imprisonment have taken their toll on Leonard's health. Behind bars he has
developed diabetes, a heart condition and high blood pressure.
Let's each do our part during this crucial time. MAKE THE CALLS!
In solidarity, for Leonard...
* To Find Out More About Leonard's Case
* What's Going On Right Now
* Tips on Calling/What to Say
* Can't Afford to Make the Calls? Read This...
* Program and Details for 12/10 Walk and Rally in NYC
Read "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse" by Peter Matthiessen
See "Incident at Oglala" directed by Michael Apted, produced by Robert Redford
Contact the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee:
(In New York call: 212-539-6027)
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044
785-842-5774 [email protected]
Just prior to Thanksgiving weekend, President Clinton publicly confirmed
that Leonard Peltier's clemency petition had reached his office, and that
it would be decided one way or the other in the very near future. It looks
like critical decisions are being made in the White House RIGHT NOW.
Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard the last many years
for Leonard. You have brought this case right up to Clinton's desk. But now
we must work harder than ever for the next few weeks. We are down to the
wire and this is literally a matter of life and death. It looks like Bush
will be the new President, and you know what that means for clemency for
When you call the White House comments line you will get a recording, but
you can skip it by dialing "0" for the live people. What counts is that
hundreds of calls come in every single day. Clinton needs to know he has our
full support for Leonard's release.
You may get an operator who seems very interested in talking, or someone who
does not want to talk at all and doesn't care. This doesn't matter at all
either. Whoever answers your call, they must tally the total at the end of
the day and send the numbers upstairs to Mr. Clinton.
Keep the message courteous and straightforward. Here is a sample :
1. Identify yourself and your state and any nation you belong to..any job
title if you wish.
2. Explain that you want Clinton to immediately and unconditionally release
Mr. Peltier.
3. Explain that Mr.Peltier never got a fair trial because the FBI coerced
witnesses and concealed the ballistics test reflecting his innocence.
4. Mr.Peltier especially deserves clemency because of his incredible
record of good deeds behind bars like sponsoring a Native scholarship
program, adopting children in Central America, supporting battered women's
centers and substance abuse programs, and sponsoring an annual Christmas
clothing and toys drive for the children of Pine Ridge.
5. Time is running out to resolve this national tragedy, because Peltier
now suffers from diabetes, a heart condition and high blood pressure.
6. Releasing Mr.Peltier will be an important first step in national
reconciliation between the United States government and the Native
American people of this country.
The LPDC has purchased a toll free number for Leonard Peltier supporters,
who are unable to afford the long distance calls.
That number is: 1-877-561-1364. [I called that number even though I knew it
would do no good at all because I wanted to support Mr. Peltier's
organization's effort.]
The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee will be paying by the minute for all
toll free calls, a cost that will be extremely exorbitant. Calling the
regular White House number (202-456-1111) on a daily basis averages about
$2.00 -$5.00 a week per person. If you cannot afford this amount, or if you
or people you know do not have access to long distance calling, please
utilize our toll free number. If you can afford the $2.00-$5.00 a week,
please DO NOT use the toll free number.
Sunday December 10 in New York City 7:00am Sunrise Ceremony led by David
Chief at Battery Park, near Brooklyn/Battery Tunnel, near the Museum of the
American Indian (by the ferry) 11:00am Gather in Union Square, walk begins
at 12:00 noon 2pm-4pm program of speakers and cultural activities at Dag
Hammarskjold Plaza at the United Nations. Speakers include survivors of the
Pine Ridge reign of terror, Peltier family, Peter Matthiessen, Alice Walker,
Jennifer Harbury, Ramsey Clark, Amnesty International and many more.
*You can help get the word out about this event by encouraging your local
radio stations to download and play the PSA from our web site: (features excerpts from Democracy Now's
interviews with Leonard Peltier and President Clinton)
*If you are in the New York City area and you want to help, please call the
NYC hotline at: 212-539-6027
Freedom March for Mumia Abu Jamal Saturday, December 9, 2000 12 Noon - March
beginning at 96th & Broadway (Harlem)[this is really the Washington Heights
section of Manhattan]
3 PM - Rally at Mother AME Zion Church, 140 West 137th Street
(The International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia moved their event
from Philadelphia to New York in solidarity with the Walk for Leonard
Editors note: If we were living in normal conditions, Leonard Peltier would
not be in prison but we are not living in normal conditions. That the
government says we are living in democracy is the biggest deceit of all
deceits. We are living in fascism; that's the reason why we have to use
economic boycott to achieve our goals. Right now, our goal is to free
political prisoners we have in the United States. Clearly, Leonard Peltier
is such a person. Who would doubt Amnesty International so we must boycott
Kansas for vacation and products until they release Mr. Peltier and allow
him to sue for false arrest.
Please contact Governor Bill Graves at [email protected] or go into the
Kansas state Web site which is and click on the
Governor's Icon in the right upper corner where you will be able to see all
contact information. For your convenience the contact information is as
Governor Bill Graves
Office of the Governor
State Capitol
Second Floor
Topeka, KS 66612
1-800 748-4408 (Kansas only)
Fax (785) 296-7973
Main line: (785) 296-3232
For Kansas citizens: There seems not to be any term limit for running again
for Governor so you can tell Governor Graves that you won't vote for him
next time unless he frees Mr. Peltier if you so choose. For him to have to
clothe and feed him and tend to his medical needs costs money; additionally,
he should never have been incarcerated in the first place so if it were me,
I would say that to my governor. The choice is yours to make.