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A Two Hour Video Compilation by Frank Dorrel CIA COVERT OPERATIONS AND U.S. lNTERVENTIONS SINCE WORLD WAR II What You Didn't Learn in School and Don't Hear on the Mainstream Media 1. Martin Luther King Jr. - Speaking against the American war in Vietnam. 2. John Stockwell - Former CIA agent who was Chief of Station in Angola in 1975. 3. "The Secret Government" History of the CIA and U.S. interventions since WWII. 4. "Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair" about U. S. war in Nicaragua. 5. "School of Assassins" with Father Roy Bourgeois on the School of the Americas. 6. "Genocide by Sanctions" Ramsey Clark on death and suffering in Iraq. 7. "The Panama Deception" Won academy award for best documentary. 8. Ramsey Clark - Former Attorney General on U. S. militarism and foreign policy. 9. Amy Goodman - Host of Democracy Now, on the CIA, Indonesia and East Timor. 10. S. Brian Willson - Vietnam veteran who wages Unconditional Peace against U.S. imperialism. This video is an excellent educational tool. It reveals the true nature of U.S. foreign policy, which has been responsible for the deaths and oppression of tens of millions of people in the Third World. To order this tape, call 310-838-8131 or email [email protected] or write to Frank Dorrel at 3967 Shedd Terrace Culver City, Calif. 90232 Price is $6, which includes postage. Please include your mailing address. |
of the Pennacook - Abenaki People PEOPLE OF THE WHITE PINES COWASS North America, Inc. P.O. Box 554 Franklin, MA 02038-0554 Telephone: (508) 528-7629 FAX: (508) 528-7874 EMAIL: [email protected] Website: www.cowasuck.org NEDOBAK Help Line (800) 566-1301 |
The Cowasuck Band provides: - Educational & Cultural Programs - Social Services & Food Assistance NEDOBAK Network Help Line - Information & Referrals (I&R) (AIRS & MAIRS members) - Library & Information Recources - Language & Music Programs Ceremonies & Marriages - Traditional Drum & Singing - Aln8bak News© - Environmental Programs (Adopt - A - Highway Cleaning) |
Michael Levine's book Deep Cover is re-released Read the real story of how illegal drugs continue to be brought into the United States and other countries around the world: "Operation Snowcap (the first combined DEA/Military operation in Colombia and Bolivia, in 1987 -- now known as Plan Colombia) will cut the production of cocaine by 60 percent in three years" -- ATTORNEY GENERAL ED MEECE, 1986 Results: (from Deep Cover) Operation Trifecta: Perhaps the farthest reaching undercover drug sting in history was intentionally destroyed by CIA and Department of Justice to (among other reasons) prevent the military drug was the option being exposed as a fraud..Cocaine production tripled. "We know (Operation Snowcap and basically the whole theory of using the military to fight the drug war) doesn't work, but we (DEA) sold it up and down the Potomac..." -- Associate DEA Director, (in charge of Operation Showcap & named in the book) to undercover DEA agent Michael Levine, 1987 Results: (from Deep Cover)...The only place you can find the truth as spoken behind the closed doors of our drug war generals. http://www.expertwitnessradio.com Thanks to the many requests of citizens concerned with the conduct of our war-on-drugs and the failure of our Congress to act in a responsible manner, along with the lack of honest and intelligent media coverage, the book Bill Moyers' Project Censored called one of America's Ten Most Censored Stories, DEEP COVER, is now back in print and more pertinent than ever, through special arrangement with the Authors Guild and iuniverse.com. TO ORDER: http://www.iuniverse.com and query by name and title search. Or call them at 1-877-823-9235. ABOUT THE NEW COVER: Pictured is a Mexican Police officer peering into a car with a flashlight. This was created in memory of the "arrest" and torture murder of DEA undercover agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena at the hands of corrupt Mexican police working for drug traffickers whose connections reached top political figures in both the US and Mexican governments. "Deep Cover" called "the best fly on the wall look at how international deep cover investigations are carried out" by the Washington Post and a "first rate thriller," by the New York Times, takes the reader on a sometimes tragic, sometimes comic and always frightening undercover journey with a DEA Sting Team from California to Bolivia, Mexico, Panama and back. Most of the conversations come from hidden mikes and video cameras. The names are all real and you'll recognize them. The story, written in first person by DEA, deep cover specialist Michael Levine, the man 60 Minutes called "America's top undercover cop for 25 years", and the man who lived it, was called "the most read and least talked about book in Congress." It details: - How American DEA agents and soldiers were sent into the jungles of Bolvia and Colombia on a "drug war" mission that our leaders already knew was doomed to failure. - How a DEA/Customs sting operation -- posing as an American "Mafia" family in Operation Trifecta -- reached the top of the drug world in Bolivia, Panama and Mexico, negotiating for 15 tons of cocaine to be smuggled into the US with the aid of the Mexican Army and, unwittingly threatened CIA's top drug smuggling assets in South America, along with the very passage of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) as law. - How the sting team was promised, on hidden video, "a wide open Mexico" for drug dealers, once Carlos Salinas de Gortari (ex member of the Board of Directors of Dow Jones) was elected President of Mexico and NAFTA passed as law. - How Edwin Meece, the Attorney General of the US may have then blown the cover of Operation Trifecta with a call to the Attorney General of Mexico, to protect the passage of NAFTA. - How, months before CIA and DEA would turn on their long time asset and "man in Panama" Manuel Noriega, they acted to protect him from Operation Trifecta. - How DEA and Customs deep cover operatives unwittingly exposed frightening links between US covert operatives and the torture-murderers of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena...Links that our congress refuses to explore to this day.. - How this sting team proved intractable drug corruption at the highest levels of the Mexican government including that government's protection of the murderers of American DEA agents, yet our Congress voted (and continues to vote) Mexico a "cooperating nation" in the drug war, gifting them with billions of US taxpayer dollars. In the three decades of its existence our drug war has cost the American taxpayer more than a $1 trillion and shredded our Constitution, yet it can not claim a single American life saved from drugs, and by any measure the situation is now worse than it's ever been -- read DEEP COVER, a book so credible that it is used as a training guide for Undercover Survival tactics by police agencies -- and know why. Ed's note: This book is superb. I read it. It documents what I knew was true many years ago. |