Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves
- strong Earth Emissions are part of Quakes and Volcanics
See And Hear the Earth Zap Seismograph Electronics by these waves Will scientists figure out how and why?By Larry A. Park
January 10,2005'Ka-Pow'
It's being at the right place at the wrong time. A rare, focused, longitudinal scalar EM wave moves up a volcanic root system and overwhelms the seismograph sensory electronics. The metal shielding of the sensor proves powerless to stop the incoming wave penetration. The energy moves into the windings of the geophone and proceeds to excite strong conductive ionization within the windings of the geophone sensor coil. A superconducting phenomenon results from the penetration, where the energy can wreak havoc on the seismograph's micro-electronics - "Ka-Pow."In our last newsletter, the hunt, discovery, and awe of these earth emissions were detailed in a book chapter, Earth: Killer of Micro-Electronics, where the tracking down of these mysterious electronics failures in massively parallel supercomputer disk subsystems led to findings that defied the currently taught engineering physics on conduction in wires and electronics (semiconductors). The energy bursts causing the destruction were very powerful and caused conductors to behave as room temperature superconductors. These energy bursts are from Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves, or 'scalar waves.'
See and Hear electronics being zapped
Above is a real plot from a seismograph being zapped by a strong scalar wave burst from the earth. These waves are not mechanical in nature but are pure energy, similar to how a radio wave is pure energy that couples to a radio antenna. This burst lasted for 150 seconds (thick band in middle of plot). The energy burst damaged the electronics as is illustrated by the noisy lines to the right of the thick band. An undamaged signal would look as is to the left of the thick band.An audio file has been created from the output of the seismograph that can be heard. Click on the ZapSeismo.wav file. Recording is 2 minutes in length (speeded up from original recording rate to create audible sound).
From start of recording is heard a wailing tone, this is the energy emission, at low levels, coupling to the seismograph sensor windings. At 1 minute 9 seconds starts the powerful energy emission and continues to 1 minute 15 seconds. This is the sound or the resulting tonal equivalent of electronics reacting to the energy - note: warning, very noisy. After 1 minute 15 seconds can be heard sounds like bubbles gurgling under water and some scratchy sounds. This is due to loss of purity of the seismograph amplifier and electronics. It has been permanently damaged.
Will Scientists figure out How and Why?
Current seismological theory does not account for any such emissions from the earth. Current theory is based completely on mechanical physics only. So, when scientists find that seismographs have been damaged, they just replace the broken electronics. Never are they suspecting that there is a lurking cause. Just another case of damaged equipment. The irony of this is that these emissions are precursors to earthquakes! (and are integral to volcanics too).Scientists use software to eliminate 'waves'
Building upon this irony is that some seismograph sensors, at times, have unexplained slow waves being observed from the seismograms (plots). The waves are caused by parasitic coupling of Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves into the seismograph equipment. These waves are not of mechanical origin and at times can cause false triggering on the automatic computer trigger detection software. Due to this, in some seismic networks, seismologists add more software to filter out the slow waves leaving only the higher frequency waves of the earthquake. Problem solved, no more waves (some scientists suspect 'aliasing' is the cause of unusual slow period waves - thus again, reason for filtering).But these waves ARE precursors to earthquakes! Instead of diving deeper into the mystery and discovering the cause, the seismograms are changed to eliminate the waves. In essence, data is being indirectly made to match theory.
Below are examples of these parasitic coupled waves shown on a seismogram (plot data courtesy of USGS)
Editor's note: To see pictures, log onto
http://www.terraresearch.net/articles/ZapSeismo1_article.htm You may also choose to read this article there as well.Scalar sensors - see pure waves Only when Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves are very strong do they couple parasitically to some types of geophone seismograph sensors. To see these waves properly at lower levels requires a scalar sensor designed to observe the pure wave. Below is a plot from equipment designed to detect the pure waves.
How does energy get into the geophone sensor?
To understand this requires understanding how some seismograph sensors work. One type of affected seismic sensor uses a permanent magnet surrounded by a movable cylinder. The cylinder is suspended by levers or springs. Wrapped around the cylinder is a large amount of wire, forming a coil. When the cylinder moves up or down, the windings of the wire move in the magnetic field of the fixed magnet. This creates an electrical signal in the wire proportional to the amount of movement.The design of this sensor depends on the magnetic field of the magnet to remain stable. Any variation of this magnetic field would create a false signal similar to moving the cylinder & coil.
Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves have the ability to change the strength of the magnetic field in and around the permanent magnet. Thus, the sensor generates an electrical signal output without any physical movement. It does not matter if the geophone housing is metal for shielding, the scalar waves penetrate easily (i.e. do not respond to Faraday Cage Shielding).
Magnets slipping down refrigerator before earthquakes Have you ever heard of magnets that moved down a refrigerator before a strong earthquake? It is a true phenomenon. The cause are strong bursts of Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves, usually as impulses. The impulse will momentarily affect the magnetic strength of the magnet. Gravity will then take over. When the impulse decays, the magnet returns to its full strength. Over time, the magnets can be found further down the face of the refrigerator from multiple episodes of impulses and slippage.
Not all magnets are affected equally. The magnetic field strength to mass is a mass to field ratio and is a very critical ratio that forms a 'tuning' of the frequency characteristic of the Longitudinal Scalar EM Wave. Thus, from geophone to geophone the affects of these waves can vary on the response.
In time, scientists may find a curiosity and discover what the earth is revealing to them in a rich mystery of physics, scalar physics. When this door is opened, then new theory will replace old and many mysteries will be understood - the Ear Tone Sensation, Earthquake 'lights,' fault resonance characteristics, Earthquake 'booms,' the 'silent quake,' the standard 'earthquake,' biological affects, animal responses, and the ultimate goal - knowing in advance of an earthquake, the size, and location.
Nothing is impossible if you truly listen to the earth.
Article �2005 Terra Research LLC All photos & plots by Terra Research Unauthorized reproduction or storage in any form, or distribution is strictly prohibited without prior express written consent from Terra Research.