The Journal of History     Summer 2006    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Mauritius: Paradise for some...


Mauritius: A Snapshot from Hell

Every year many thousands of tourists holiday on the island of Mauritius. One thing you will never see in the holiday brochures is the fact that Mauritius is one of the largest exporters of primates to animal testing labs.

Many thousands of primates are flown off the island to Europe, Japan, and the U.S. involving journeys of many days. Some of the animals suffocate in the cargo hold and the animals that do make it are then shipped off to the testing labs where they will suffer and die in painful experiments.

As if the cruelty wasn't bad enough, many of these animals are wild-caught, harbouring goodness knows what diseases. These very same animals are then shipped on passenger airlines with the air from the cargo hold circulated up into the passenger flight deck. The risk of tropical airborne viruses is massive.

The biggest trade in Mauritius is the tourism trade and this is where you come in. YOU as a potential tourist are very important to Mauritius and you should let them know that whilst they are involved the grisly trade of primates to labs, you will be boycotting Mauritius.

Who to complain to:

Please write and phone the Mauritian Embassy and tell them whilst Mauritius is involved in the primate trade, you will not be visiting their island. Mauritian Embassy, 32/33 Elvaston Place, London SW7 5NW. Telephone: (020) 7581 0294.

OR, in the U.S.:

4301 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 441
Washington DC 20008, USA
Tel.: (202) 244 1491/1492 Fax: (202) 966-0983
EMAIL: [email protected] Air France is the main airline that flies primates from Mauritius to their deaths all over the world. Again, let them know that whilst they fly primates to testing labs, you will be boycotting them.

Air France, 10 Warwick Street, London W1B 5LZ
Telephone: 0845 0845 111 & 0845 0845 010

In the U.S.:

Air France
142 W. 57th Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10019 �I would like a free information pack on how I can help

�I would like to make a donation towards your work.
Please make all cheques/P.O.'s payable to Gateway to Hell.

Include your name and address and send to

Gateway to Hell Campaign, BCM Box 8231, London WC1N 3XX
Telephone: 0845 458 3528
Email: [email protected] Web site:


The Journal of History - Summer 2006 Copyright © 2006 by News Source, Inc.