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This first item was one which I advertised initially in my seventh edition at Here it is once more, however, because of the immense benefit to you, the reader in any country, who wants to support the truth and learn as well. Jüri Lina leaves no stone unturned to feret out the facts.
"UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION: the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire"
This 447 page book presents shocking new facts about the bloody upheavals in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons and Illuminati, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Illuminati movement was founded on 1 May 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The book describes the role of the Illuminati in the French "Revolution." It then goes on to examine the so-called Russian Revolutions in 1917. Jüri Lina shows how the events in Russia between 1917 and 1991 still affect the fate of the world. The author tries to answer questions like: Where did the communist idea originate and how was it developed? Why did powerful international financial circles finance the "Russian revolutionaries" in March and November 1917? What was the purpose of the social destruction that followed and in which way did this serve the forces behind the communists?
"Under the Sign of the Scorpion" will change the reader's perception of reality. After the fall of Soviet power on 24 August 1991, the official archives have begun to reveal their secrets to amazed Russian historians. There is a constant flow of new shocking information, but only a trickle has as yet reached us in Western Europe and America. Above all, we lack an overall picture. It is this picture that Jüri Lina attempts to give us in his book, which is largely based on released Russian material. The author also explains why the Soviet Union was abolished and is currently being recreated under another name - the European Union. The book is illustrated.
Send a check for $30.00 to my American agent in his name:
Mr. Heino Tuisk
612 Dover Rd.
Pasadena, Maryland 21122Phone (410) 255-8260 **************************************************************************************************
The Emissaries of Jahbulon
A Jüri Lina film
Written, produced and directed by Jüri Lina
All over the world there are people, who call themselves freemasons and believe they are spreading the light, but they are actually very much afraid of the light. This film tells about what kind of light and how the Emissaries of Jahbulon spread it around themselves and how it affects us.
The film is an exciting excursion into some of the most powerful masonic lodges in the United States and in Europe.
The film is in English.
Send a check for $25.00 to my American agent :
Mr. Heino Tuisk
612 Dover Rd.
Pasadena, Maryland 21122Phone (410) 255-8260 Referent Film
BY TOIVO KURMET (16 February 1949 - 13 July 2003)
Most composers lack the ability to create beautiful melodies, but the Estonian composer Toivo Kurmet was a master of the art.
This album contains Toivo Kurmet's best work, which will enthral you and find its way into your heart. These wonderful compositions convey an important message: it is of utmost importance to show compassion to all living beings.
This collection is a celebration of Toivo Kurmet and his great work. A serious illness stopped him from finishing the recording, which was completed by the Swedish keyboardist Attila Publik. The composer's last musical piece called "Requiem," is the final composition in this collection.
J�ri Lina, publisher
The British music connaisseur George Steven has stated: "Listening to the music of Toivo Kurmet seemed like a breath of fresh air. I am sure Estonians will be proud of it, and I think they will enjoy performing it. It is modern but not dissonant. It is immediately attractive, because it has a depth to it as well, so the attraction will not wear off. Having failed to meet him while I was in Estonia, I will now have to be content with meeting him by listening to his works."
This CD costs $20.00.
Send a check to Mr. Heino Tuisk in his name:
Mr. Heino Tuisk
612 Dover Rd
Pasadena, MD 21122